8 Bit Art - Tumblr Posts

Made this to celebrate beating a level of Celeste that I started in fall of 2019. Sad, I know, but it’s finally done :) . Feedback and criticism are appreciated as always. Thank you!

Yeah, the background is kinda boring. I got lazy. I just wanted to distract myself from that one impossible Shiveria moon. Feedback and Criticism are appreciated as always. Thank you :)

Happy Fourth Anniversary to Dead by Daylight! I may have only started playing about month ago but I’ve had a great time playing with my sister <3. Originally this project started as me try to figure out how to draw my little guy in a front view instead of a 3/4ths view, however it ended up evolving into this. Weird how that works. Also, Pyramid Head in Dbd, Interesting! Thanks for stopping by, sorry for rambling, feedback and criticism are appreciated. Thank you :)

This took me way too long. Hope y’all like it, feedback and criticism is appreciated. :)

Decided to draw Lea playing on a Switch to celebrate Crosscode being released onto consoles. I wonder what she’s playing? Feedback and criticism is appreciated. Thank you :)

I got that Ring Fit Adventure game. It was fun, but I’m certainly not in-shape enough to play for more than 20 minutes a day. Would recommend it though, I certainly got a workout today.
Still accepting pixel art requests if anyone is interested.

Drew some fanart for that Carrion game that just came out. Tried to do some more dynamic poses for my guy and I think I did okay, but please tell me what you think. Also, motorized mop bucket. I don’t know why I added that but it’s now officially the best thing I’ve drawn. Feedback and criticism is appreciated. Thank you :)

Alien planet because why not. Feedback and criticism appreciated. Thank you :)

“An acid elemental slithers forth.”
This one took me a while and almost wasn’t finished. Luckily I got some help from a friend. Feedback and criticism welcome. Thank you :)

Added some creatures to my alien planet, so I guess it’s an official thing now. I should probably give the planet a name, I got no ideas right now though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ However, I do have a lot decided about the creatures’ biology. I’ll probably make a follow up post with a few more illustrations. For now, I hope y'all enjoy this. Please feel free to comment, thank you for stopping by. :)

The creature seen above inhabits the grasslands of my alien world (seen here). I’ve been informally calling them “hoppers” but they don’t really have an official name. I’m probably going to keep up the trend of having nameless creatures in the future as I’m awful at naming things.
Anyways, back to the hoppers! They are a unique species that has several adaptations to allow them to survive and thrive in their expansive environment. Four of these adaptations are listed and explored in further detail below. I hope you enjoy reading about these creatures :)

1. Size- Excluding antennae, most adult hoppers are about the size of a large rabbit, however they are more upright. The length a hopper’s antennae average at about half the height of the hopper, however antennae length varies wildly among different members of the species.
When hoppers are born they only weigh a couple ounces, but they grow fast. Most hoppers become full fledged adults in about 15 months and they tend to live for about 9 years in the wild.

2. Locomotion- Another similarity hoppers have with rabbits their mode of movement. They take bounding leaps with their back pair of legs and use their front pair of legs to catch themselves. This allows them to achieve remarkable speeds to escape predators.

3. Diet- Hoppers almost exclusively feed on the near limitless grass of the plains. To eat it, they pull several blades of grass out of the ground with their strong front pair of legs. They then pass the grass into their arms and then their mouth. The mandibles on either side of a hopper’s mouth help move grass into the mouth while also tasting the grass to ensure it isn’t rotten or filthy. This will leave the mandibles dirty, so hoppers will frequently clean them with their arms.
4. Antennae- The two pairs of antennae found on a hopper’s head are very sensitive to movements in air flow, however each pair detects different things. The shorter pair on the side of the head are more sensitive to sound waves. This allows the hoppers to hear loud noises around them, however their hearing isn’t very refined as they don’t have an eardrum (or ears). The longer pair are more sensitive to wind and humidity. This allows the hoppers to detect coming storms. This ability to detect storms is so accurate (and storms on this planet so dangerous) that many other species have evolved to flee areas when they see hoppers doing so, making the hoppers an important warning system in many grassland ecosystems.
Thank you for taking the time to read all this! :D Please feel free to ask questions about the creatures or planet, I’d love to answer them! I’m probably going to take a break from creating creatures and get back to more traditional art, however I still have many ideas for my planet that I hope you’ll enjoy. Also, please tell me if the writing is hard to read or if there are any typos. Writing is not my strong suit.

Been listening to the Super Mario 3D World soundtrack lately, it’s gotta be one of my favorite soundtracks in any game. Something about it just makes me want to get up and dance! Please feel free to comment. Thank you for stopping by. :)
...I timed this well. Excited for the new game/expansion, hope we get some more great tracks!

Been listening to the Super Mario 3D World soundtrack lately, it’s gotta be one of my favorite soundtracks in any game. Something about it just makes me want to get up and dance! Please feel free to comment. Thank you for stopping by. :)

Decided to improve that Balloon World post i made like two months ago because I felt I didn’t have enough energy to make something new. Essentially had to start the background from scratch anyway. Why do I do this to myself? Comments encouraged and appreciated. Thank You :)
Just the background because I spent way too long on that moon.

Happy Halloween and Happy 1 Year Anniversary to Luigi’s Mansion 3! I really enjoyed this game, although it is the first and only Luigi’s Mansion game I’ve played, so i don’t really have anything to compare it to. Still, I thought it was fun. I hope you like the image; Comments are appreciated! Thank you! :D
An old piece I did of some nes characters

Here’s Toroko but as a ninja I guess.
I saw this one mod where everything was covered in spikes, and to avoid getting impaled every two seconds, Toroko just used convenient smoke-bomb teleportation.