A Continuation As Suggested By A Mutual :P - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Hawks: Want a once-in-a-lifetime lift on the Hawks Express?

Dabi: No.

Hawks: What whyyyyyy

Dabi: Because I don’t want to

Hawks: But Dabiiiiiii

Hawks: Dabs

Hawks: Hot stuff

Hawks: Hot topic

Hawks: Mr. Emo-

Dabi: FINE JUST SHUT UP OMG I have motion sickness alright?

Hawks: Awwww you didn’t have to be embarrassed about that, you could’ve just told me

Hawks: That does mean we’re gonna have to walk the 5 miles though

Dabi: Why do you insist on flying everywhere even though you’re exhausted

Hawks: Because I’m a cheapskate and transport is expensive ;D

Hawks: Also I have a fear of being inside moving vehicles, but that’s irrelevant

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