Motion Sickness - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

šŸŽƒWhumptober Day 3: Motion Sickness (Phantom Thieves x Reader)šŸŽƒ

Note: From Persona 5 Scramble. Also vomiting is mention but not describe

Whumptober Day 3: Motion Sickness (Phantom Thieves X Reader)

You had never been on a boat before, so you were excited. Despite the unfortunate event of having to fight shadows again, you guys still have time to do all the stuff you all originally going to do. So here you are, on the boat...vomiting in the toilet. It was an unwanted surprise. The others decide to support you through your personal hell. Pats on your back, some easy to digest food, and occasionally playing video games, mostly with Ryuji and Futaba. It won't be long till you all get to the island...wait then you have to get on the boat again to get back.

Ah shit.

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A Dissection: Rafal Has Motion Sickness and It Has Symbolic Significance

A Dissection: Rafal Has Motion Sickness And It Has Symbolic Significance

Iā€™d call this a hot take, but probably no one has given thought to it? At least, I havenā€™t seen it anywhere else. So, this might not even be a hot take if there isnā€™t already a common consensus for its existence or nonexistence. The lines I will refer to could be weird, throwaway, minute-detail, trifling pieces of character trivia. But, Rafal has motion sickness, and I consider it to be close to canon, if not actual canon.

Also, you may be wondering why Iā€™ve glommed onto this particular trait. I projected onto Rafal probably since I also have motion sickness. Iā€™ve never ridden the taller sort of roller coasters, and although I grew out of it, I used to throw up on airplanes.

This character detail will definitely appear in one of my future fics, by the way. The dialogue portion is already written. Unfortunately, that fic is, like, the 7th or 8th in a little series, so no one will see it for a long time, if I ever get that far. I am trying to be as prolific as I can these final days before Fall comes out though. Hopefully, thatā€™ll extend to later fics in the far future.



ā€œAll the while, the Evil School Master bellowed and cursed into his gag, at once furious, incredulous, and motion sickā€ (201).

ā€œ[...] Rafal, who was still inside his bubble, slightly green and shaky from his tumble through the forestā€ (203).

Possible explanations:

Theory 1 - The motion sickness here could just be circumstantial/almost universal. A type that occurs under such extreme, severe conditions, perhaps. Considering the ordeal Rafalā€™s gone through, maybe anybody would be motion sick afterward. This would disprove his motion sickness however. And, I would think most people donā€™t have the stomach capacity to tolerate this type of motion. I wonder if most people would be knocked unconscious, or even be conscious enough to deal with being thrusted and rolled around in a giant prison ball? It could also be Rafalā€™s immortality as a factor sparing him further suffering.

Theory 2 - Rafal must be in control of his movements and be the ā€œdriver,ā€ as a general rule. This could explain why his own flying doesnā€™t cause him motion sickness, while everything else might. Ok, so he needs to be in control, and applying that on a literal and figurative level just works so well for his character. With the Storian, in his interactions with Rhian, with the prison workers/guards, Aladdin, the other students, and the Pirate Captain, heā€™s always grasping for control.

Another key to this: the motion would have to be predictable, like his own flight. If he knows the direction he would travel in, then it probably wouldnā€™t jar him as much, and heā€™d be able to adjust his body to be in line with that anticipated movement. If he had driven the ball, instead of the matter being out of his hands completely, maybe, the motion sickness wouldnā€™t have occurred.

As a character, I think he also hates to be directionless and ambitionless, and the motion of the prison ball could have been only radial. Or, directionless/from all directions at once, with lots of conflicting signals in the attempt of maintaining his balance (nonexistent at this point) and disorienting to his eyes and inner ears.

Theory 3 - The whole event could have been a one-time thing, played for comedy. Or, simply, a rare occurrence.


Final thoughts:

This post is highkey an appreciation post for the prison bubble scene! It was hilarious, and probably one of the best things Iā€™ve ever read. The height of comedy and one of the best scenes in the book, in fact. But, Rise is a masterpiece in my eyes anyway.

And, we get to see Rafal, the practically-all-powerful, dark sorcerer struggle, be trapped, be helpless, and be saved from his own moment of weakness and vulnerability, which is so rare. Because, usually, he has everything under control and locked down, saves Rhian, and is the custodial worker of the Balance. Heā€™s literally lost his balance here though. And, at least, that isnā€™t as bad as losing the Balance.

Then, the contrast of sorcery vs. electricity. Incredible and ingenious in its own right. The bubble is magic-resistant, no matter what. Repels all magic. Canā€™t be popped or burst on its own. So, ha Rafal! Checkmate.

And, he canā€™t even be heard, talk, give others instructions, or lead. Heā€™s a powerful character, and incapacitated in this foreign, spherical-force-field-thing. It keeps him mute! And, he can only communicate through gestures and facial expressions. And, it blocks his usual acidic comments. Heā€™s lost his ability to be snarky and dry! The whole scene is so loud and chaotic!

Also, Iā€™m obsessed with the part where Rafal laughs at trading away the Storian while heā€™s still in the bubble. So assured, when he has no leverage! But honestly, at this point, the Storian deserves it for duping the brothers.

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6 months ago

Are u fond of rollercoasters??

No, I am cowardly (as far as physical feats and things of that ilk go) and I have motion sickness.

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1 year ago

i hate you for what you did, and i miss you like a little kid.

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1 year ago


Hawks: Want a once-in-a-lifetime lift on the Hawks Express?

Dabi: No.

Hawks: What whyyyyyy

Dabi: Because I donā€™t want to

Hawks: But Dabiiiiiii

Hawks: Dabs

Hawks: Hot stuff

Hawks: Hot topic

Hawks: Mr. Emo-

Dabi: FINE JUST SHUT UP OMG I have motion sickness alright?

Hawks: Awwww you didnā€™t have to be embarrassed about that, you couldā€™ve just told me

Hawks: That does mean weā€™re gonna have to walk the 5 miles though

Dabi: Why do you insist on flying everywhere even though youā€™re exhausted

Hawks: Because Iā€™m a cheapskate and transport is expensive ;D

Hawks: Also I have a fear of being inside moving vehicles, but thatā€™s irrelevant

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3 years ago

all too well 10 minute - taylor swift / the infamous leonardo dicaprio girlfriend ā€˜25 is the cut offā€™ age chart / bradley cooper (38) reading lolita to his girlfriend, suki waterhouse (21) in a park / motion sickness - phoebe bridgers / dear john - taylor swift / illicit affairs - taylor swift / jeff & annie on community / dj - ts / favorite crime - olivia rodrigo / atw10 - ts / happier than ever - billie eilish / ms - pb


and finally, john mayer (32) on how he felt the song taylor swift (then 19) wrote about their relationshipĀ portrayed him unfairly.Ā swift is still not the age he was when they dated.

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5 years ago
Inktober 2019: Day 16 - Gel Pens

Inktober 2019: day 16 - gel pens

Spider starts to feel a bit sick if Nettle spins him around too much.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve done this picture in gel pens before? Iā€™ve drawn it every Inktober so far, but I was at work and couldnā€™t check which inks I had and hadnā€™t used.

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3 years ago

phoebe bridgers really said "i hate you for what you did and i miss you like a little kid" and i DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY 100% felt that

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5 months ago

I just need to ask how tf do half of you survive driving obscenely long hours to get to places

Like honestly I've been in this car for half an hour and I'm already horribly motion sick. I'm currently burying the urge to violently throw up everywhere

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1 year ago

Iā€™m in the car rn and thinking and an idea came to mind:

Young Snape on the Hogwarts train for the first time and realizing he gets motion sick.

Im In The Car Rn And Thinking And An Idea Came To Mind:

Imagine a young Severus very excited up for his first year at Hogwarts, he has a little skip in his step as he finds a compartment for him and Lily to sit in.

The train begins to move, pulling out of the station. Severus is fine for about four minutes, until he realizes his head is spinning and he feels a weird feeling crawl up his throat. Severus grips his clothes rather tightly as he breathes heavily out of his mouth.

Severus begins to silently freak, thinking he got some sort of food poisoning by a hotdog that he got back at the Muggle Shops around Kings Cross Station.

By the time Lily looks at him and realizes something is up, the trolley lady opens their compartment door.

The sweet trolley woman spots the little black haired boy breathing heavily and pieces it together that he is motion sick.

The lady hands him a small bright blue taffy from her pocket and makes him eat it. The taffy tastes tangy and salty, yet Severus still chews it and swallows it, his motion sickness beginning to go away.

Severus quietly uttered a ā€˜thank youā€™ to the woman as Lily bought treats from the womanā€™s cart.

(Check out my other posts if you like this Severus headcannon, I plan to add more headcannons)

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2 years ago

Sometimes I forget I have motion sickness and then I get in a car and it feels like I got punched in the gut by Zeus himself

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