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1 year ago

Okay, so I’ve seen some Ace Attorney Fans speculate that the screwdriver featured as a minor piece of evidence in ‘Rise from the Ashes’

Okay, So Ive Seen Some Ace Attorney Fans Speculate That The Screwdriver Featured As A Minor Piece Of

Is actually the same screwdriver as the one that was a major plot-point back in ‘Turnabout Sisters’. 

Okay, So Ive Seen Some Ace Attorney Fans Speculate That The Screwdriver Featured As A Minor Piece Of

Because, well, they look pretty much the same and also it is mentioned the screwdriver is from one of Miles’ previous cases… and Miles was the Prosecutor on ‘Turnabout Sisters’. Plus, it would explain why he’s so cagey about explaining it to Phoenix during RFTA. Obviously he wouldn’t want to bring this case up in front of Wright again.

Okay, So Ive Seen Some Ace Attorney Fans Speculate That The Screwdriver Featured As A Minor Piece Of

And, well, the thing is that all of these explanations do make sense and do make it sound like this was the authorial intent, but….. There is one thing that bothers me. 

The whole Thing with the RFTA Screwdriver is that Miles got it from the Evidence Room where the crime took place. And that Evidence Room is specifically mentioned to be a special one reserved for especially violent crimes involving members of law enforcement.

Okay, So Ive Seen Some Ace Attorney Fans Speculate That The Screwdriver Featured As A Minor Piece Of

And this doesn't apply to the 'Turnabout Sisters' case but.... feels like it’s meant to be the Turnabout Sisters Screwdriver, y’know? 

So, actually, you know what I think?

Well, after an Ace Attorney trial concludes and we find the real culprit and our defendant gets the ‘Not-Guilty’ verdict… it’s not like the Real Culprit gets Immediately Sent to Jail. They get their own off-screen trial to determine their guilt officially (as we saw briefly with Luke Atmey’s grand larceny trial in ‘The Stolen Turnabout’). 

So I think that after the story of ‘Turnabout Sisters’ ended for Phoenix and Maya and us the players, Miles Edgeworth also took it upon himself to be the one to prosecute in Redd White’s own trial. Either as a way to ‘double-check’ all that Phoenix has proven in his own trial, or as atonement for almost getting this guy off-the-hook in the first place, or because it’s pretty clear that Miles is one person that Redd doesn’t have specific dirt on, or probably because of some combination of the three. 

This case against Redd White is the AI-16 Incident that is labeled on the Screwdriver, and it covers all of the charges that have been put against White - not just Mia’s murder and the wiretapping of her law office but also his empire of blackmail. That we know have involved high-ranking members of the police, some of which have been driven to suicide by White.

Okay, So Ive Seen Some Ace Attorney Fans Speculate That The Screwdriver Featured As A Minor Piece Of

As such, this will qualify the Screwdriver to be placed in the Special Evidence Vault for Dead Cop Cases, while still maintaining the connection to ‘Turnabout Sisters’!

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1 year ago

HAPPY UNNECESSARY FEELINGS DAY! A day where a prosecutor broke records for its vague homosexuality, and also for “that scene™️”. It’s a staple in this ace attorney household.

For a little celebration, I thought why not share my silly reaction? So here we are.

HAPPY UNNECESSARY FEELINGS DAY! A Day Where A Prosecutor Broke Records For Its Vague Homosexuality, And
HAPPY UNNECESSARY FEELINGS DAY! A Day Where A Prosecutor Broke Records For Its Vague Homosexuality, And
HAPPY UNNECESSARY FEELINGS DAY! A Day Where A Prosecutor Broke Records For Its Vague Homosexuality, And
HAPPY UNNECESSARY FEELINGS DAY! A Day Where A Prosecutor Broke Records For Its Vague Homosexuality, And

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1 year ago

I just think it’s so silly and funny that in ace attorney, the defendant can go “I’m fucking guilty” and the judge can be like “nice, we’ll put in you in jail then. BUT if any DELUSIONAL, I mean, DETERMINED defense lawyer wants to give it a shot despite the defendant’s plea, I mean we’ll hear them out.” It makes no sense, it’s not supposed to, and I love it. AND it happened twice with Lana and Miles.

Literally like this:

Defendant: I’m guilty.

Phoenix: nuh uh

Defendant: stop

Judge: wait let him cook though

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1 year ago

One day, I saw a clip of Damon Gant and then listened to Rasputin by Boney M. afterwards. Now my brain can’t stop thinking of Gant’s voice being like the narration part of the song with the guy with the deep voice.

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2 years ago
Cartoonish digital art featuring characters from 'Ace Attorney'— Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth and Larry Butz— as children. The piece is based on their class trial as 9-year-olds. There's a gradient overlay, cool cel shading, and warm lighting. The background is divided into 3 uneven segments using white stripes, with 3 more stripes radiating from Miles' pointed finger comic-book style.

In the middle stands Miles. He points confidently to his left. His right hand is planted on his school desk, which spans across the bottom of the piece. He's shouting, serious and determined. One of his front teeth is missing, and he's dressed in a red blazer with yellow cuffs and a blue bow tie. A name label is safety-pinned to his blazer, written in Hiragana, with Signal Samurai stickers on it. On the desk sits a pencil and the edge of a paper sheet. It has partially-visible crayon drawings: half a defence attorney badge, scales of justice, and a pair of legs. 

Above Miles' outstretched arm is a much smaller drawing of Phoenix, coloured in blues and yellows. It shows him from behind, stood crying at his desk. The background segment for this area has a blue overlay, with a very faint in-game screenshot where other students accuse Phoenix.

To the right, positioned under Miles' arm, is Phoenix, drawn to a larger scale and cut off around the chest. He's crying messily, face screwed-up. His left hand is raised in a fist to partially cover his left eye. He wears a blue t-shirt with red and yellow detailing. In the gaps between him and Miles are red coins, spilling from an empty bag for lunch money. This background segment has a yellow overlay, with more coin shapes barely visible.

To the left of Miles is a relatively smaller drawing of Larry. He grins lazily, brows raised and face freckled. He's missing a bottom tooth. His right arm is lifted as he holds his index finger under his nose; the other drapes over the back of his chair. He's swinging backwards with his knees lifted, a plaster on the left one. He wears a yellow vest, red sweatbands, and blue shorts. Suspended above his head are the trio's Signal Samurai keychains, as seen in the anime adaptation. From left to right is Miles' red charm, Larry's yellow, and Phoenix's blue. The background segment has a red overlay, with a faint anime screenshot of the Signal Samurai characters.

class trial, 2001

[2024 edit: just to clarify, the lines near edgeworth's pointed finger were supposed to mimic those specific, dramatic backgrounds in superhero comic panels. however, looking back now, I'm conscious that they could be seen as somewhat resembling the radiating rays of the rising sun flag. and I'm making this connection because I recently discovered that this symbolism has been used in some official capcom artwork (for dgs, not the main trilogy, but the point still stands, considering I've played both). I wanted to make it clear that it wasn't my aim to represent that imagery in this piece, even if it has been in some of the artwork I've seen. I'm always striving to be more critical of my past art choices, and as such, I want to be more careful in the future. I hope all is understandable and clear!]

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5 months ago

Currently losing my mind thinking about how badly Maya wanted to save Miles in Turnabout Goodbyes.

How she, despite (mostly) only knowing Miles as the asshole he is in AA1, recognized that he's important to Phoenix and did everything she could to help him without question or complaint.

How she tried as hard as she could to channel Mia and ask for her guidance, and beat herself up endlessly lamented neglecting her training when she struggled to reach her spirit.

How she interrupted the judge's verdict on the first trial day to call Lotta's testimony into question, and got thrown into contempt of court as a result, taking full responsibility for her outburst and insisting Phoenix not be punished for it.

How she enthusiastically pursued any and all leads during the investigation to find the clues that could help Miles be found innocent, even if they seemed meaningless (re: the Gourdy escapade).

How her first instinct upon threatened by a taser-wielding Manfred was not to run, but to JUMP ON HIM and snatch the evidence he was carrying.

How she was the one to make the connection between Phoenix's theory that the DL-6 murderer had been shot, and Grossberg's comment that Manfred had taken a vacation after DL-6, and immediately shared her realization with Phoenix.

How the bullet she stole ended up being the decisive evidence needed to declare Miles not guilty.

How Miles would have been declared guilty on several occasions if not for many of these actions.

How even despite all this she STILL claimed she was basically useless and resolved to return to her village for training so she doesn't have to feel like a burden to Phoenix.

All for a man who once tried to have both her AND her best friend found guilty of murder.

Maya Fey is the MVP of Turnabout Goodbyes and I WILL NOT STAND FOR ANYONE SAYING SHE ISN'T I love her so fucking much

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6 months ago

Here's a comic of a silly idea I had after playing AA1 for the first time ever

Here's A Comic Of A Silly Idea I Had After Playing AA1 For The First Time Ever

the quality kinda sucks with my camera so here's what's written :

"Miles!!" "It was YOUR turn washing the dishes!" "I washed them!!" "OBJECTION!! This is in contradiction with the fact that THEY'RE STILL NASTY!!" "HOLD IT!! Those are YOUR dishes!!" "OBJECTION!!! We agreed on doing EVERYONE'S dishes, I have screenshots!!" "EVIDENCES?? HOW CAN IT BE!?!?" (She's trying to study while they're arguing)

I love the idea of them going full court mode at every single argument it's so funny to me especially with one of their silly daughters just having to endure it it's so silly

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