Abusive Household - Tumblr Posts
What I have come to understand by suffering from mommy and daddy issues is that, I detest serious, strong-willed older women who are more likely to dominate me, because my mother is a controlling, emotionally/physically abusive, narcissistic, privacy stealing freak, who won't ever let me go from her clutches and that I prefer older men, because I never had a father figure who was constantly around, babied me, spoiled me or gave me a sense of security and safety.
I give you the main six reacting to an mc that comes from an abusive home? How would they comfort them? Your writing and art is awesome keep it up!!!
This shouldn’t have taken a month or so to answer because honestly, I understand. I apologize deeply for this blunder.
Asra understands the pain mc went through if they ever have memories of their past, He doesn’t bring it up first because sometimes it triggers mc and sends them into a panic attack.
He just hugs you and rubs your head and tells you that you aren’t there anymore
He lets you know how much you are okay with him. That you are safe with him because that’s what you need. That comfort and safety.
He tries to take you out every so often to experience more of the world with you and take you away from those depressing thoughts
.Asra lost his parents at an early age and can identify with being an orphan and living off the streets of Vesuvia surviving which could be similar to MC.
Pumpkin Bread and Faust nose boops!
Nadia has had her moments with her family which might not compare to yours but she can recognize the feelings of dread in you.
She wants to give you everything and anything to make you feel better but knows that cuddles, affection, and hugs with small kisses to the forehead.
If you need time to yourself she will give you that. But she will come to check on you herself.
She will let you know that you can trust her fully and that you are safe with her always.
Will get your favorite foods and she will play a song and sing for you. (that alone would make me swoon)
Not the best dancer, but doesn’t mind dancing at all with you and just getting lost in each other.
Tells you she loves you more than anything and always will.
Julian has a very interesting past, to say the least but not necessarily an abusive one.He talks so badly about himself but in a funny way like awwww i fell down the steps because I’m so tall and my legs are all the way down there.He can make you laugh though. Takes you out for drinks and lets you rant.Touches your face softly and kisses you Listens with intent.Then he will walk with you and hear you out more, give you some advice, and then moonlight beach swim.Telling you he loves you and you are the most beautiful person ever.
Muriel has a very traumatizing past so he knows full well what you went through
He will be affectionate but it’s subtle
Gives you small head rubs, cooks you food, makes you small charms with your name and hearts, mutters to himself a lot to think of something to say.
Holds your hand
listens to you.
Inanna gives you amazing cuddles and licks.
Talks to you in a calming voice and gives you small advice to breathe and think good thoughts.
Gives you a small kiss on the cheek. Let’s you know that nothing will harm you because he has charms everywhere.
Wants to physically track them down and fight them with her bare hands.
Gets angry because you shouldn’t have gone through that but like in a cute way. Like omg I wanna rip their throat out but she’s so small so it’s adorable even though she is serious.
Will carry you to show she can protect.
Cook your food personally!
Touch your face and kiss your cheek!
Pepi cuddles!!!!! will say things like “I’ll fight anyone for you” so adorable and cute
picks some flowers for you!makes you a crown
Hahahaha king of the thots everyone. He has a difficult past. His mother and he have a very strained relationship so he knows exactly what you are going through saying Oh I’ve been there!
“Got this for you? You like it?”
“Will some lovin’ make you feel good?”
“I’m fucking starving for you, how about you?”
“I’m about to give you the best hug ever”
“Hey babe, don’t cry…it’s okay. okay, cry. okay…want me to cry with you?”
“I’ll put their heads on a pike for you, pull hearts out for you.”
“You didn’t deserve that. You deserve gold and jewels and furs and expensive silk, let’s take you shopping.”
“I could kiss your mood better,”Tbh…he does care and love you. Believe that
hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak