Abyss Lumine - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

[23:45] “aether! lumine! please you don’t have to be like this!” you shout out to your elder siblings as, thunder starts, why did they have to be the prince and princess to the abyss…

a nightmare…please no

you held back tear as aethers gaze met yours; his harsh glare softening into a look full of warmth and understanding. you, didn’t understand why after being separated for so long that this is reality.

don’t leave me please; I’m scared.

“my dear sister,” aether began as he comes closer to you, a hands gently cupping your face, making the sob you were trying to hold come out. “you won’t understand now but you are growing, you will realise why we’re doing this.”

don’t leave me or else I’ll be used until I’m worn out.

lumine grasps your hands, this causes you to look at them confused. the sound of your sobs increases as you apologise; they were obviously upset at how long it took you to find them.

how wrong you were.

“i’m sorry! if I only was good enough to find you quicker,” you gasped out not noticing how their gazes harden, arms bring you into their hold; comfort.

“we have more than enough time sister,” lumine began, gently kissing your head as she steps away. “for we will be reunited once again but for now, we must part ways.”

aether followed her lead as they step away and into the portal, sending you one last glance. they hold up a lucky charm up; the ones you made. it made you cry harder.

theses gods were no help so far and you met them like this…

“til the stars reunite us again my dear sister and brother.” you utter collapsed on your knees; numbed from the cold and the noise a high pitch sound.

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2 years ago

Teyvat's Deception: part 2

Part 1

Sagau Villain Au x Savathun inspired/based a bit reader

As your laughter towards the clown that is Teyvat's God. You went to further the plan you've made by flying away.

Later within a hideout of the Abyss order laid Lumine, the other traveler you didn't pick, who was going over orders and plans for the Abyss. Soon an Abyss mage burst through the doors alerting the blonde girl.

"Princess! Princess!" The mage yelled. "There's a intruder who wants to see you!" Questioning who it might be, she walked to where the mage came from and later came across you who was floating with your anemo moth wings in the center of a room with several Abyss enemies aiming their weapons at you. "Ah Lumine" you greeted. She replied back to you with silence. "Isn't rude to greet your guests in such a manner or is this the khaenri'ah welcome?" You questioned as Lumine finally gave you an actual response "What made you want to face me?" "Simple-" you landed infront of her as your wings retract and dissappear. "-to work together. We both want a little revenge now don't we?"

"Elaborate" was all Lumine said. You smiled as you began to tell some of your ideas to her. She listened to every detail, but of course you held a majority of your true desires.

Meanwhile in Snezhnaya. The Tsaritsa got word about the explosion of elements at Qingyun peak. "What caused this?" She thought to herself. The All creator striking down the "Impostor"? Perhaps they saw their attempts to end them and did the deed themself. It doesn't matter now, there's more important matters to attend to. But unbeknownst to her, you're plan was already set in motion the day you made your greatest discovery. She was just a mere pawn while you set the stage for these fools to preform on. Soon all will feel being strangled by the web of lies you're sewing.

But now back at the hideout of the Abyss. We see, with an over head view, you writing in a book on a desk. What you were writing were a series of unknown symbols that not even one who has the history and knowledge of Teyvat can't make heads or tails of the meanings behind what you've written. The only thing that we can somewhat understand was something that resembled an orb that's house within a spikey shell with parts seeming to be able to disconnect and reattach together thanks to the little drawing you have with the spikey pieces floating near the orb. Next to the odd drawing were the symbols of the elements. Just what the devil are you drawing?

You closed the book at look upwards almost watching our overhead view. But you closed your eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled as you look back at your book then closed it. As you took out a rolled up paper and placed it on your desk as it was reveal to be a map of all of Teyvat as you put your focus on it.

(That's all I have right now. Cherrio!)

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