[23:45] Aether! Lumine! Please You Dont Have To Be Like This! You Shout Out To Your Elder Siblings As,
[23:45] “aether! lumine! please you don’t have to be like this!” you shout out to your elder siblings as, thunder starts, why did they have to be the prince and princess to the abyss…
a nightmare…please no
you held back tear as aethers gaze met yours; his harsh glare softening into a look full of warmth and understanding. you, didn’t understand why after being separated for so long that this is reality.
don’t leave me please; I’m scared.
“my dear sister,” aether began as he comes closer to you, a hands gently cupping your face, making the sob you were trying to hold come out. “you won’t understand now but you are growing, you will realise why we’re doing this.”
don’t leave me or else I’ll be used until I’m worn out.
lumine grasps your hands, this causes you to look at them confused. the sound of your sobs increases as you apologise; they were obviously upset at how long it took you to find them.
how wrong you were.
“i’m sorry! if I only was good enough to find you quicker,” you gasped out not noticing how their gazes harden, arms bring you into their hold; comfort.
“we have more than enough time sister,” lumine began, gently kissing your head as she steps away. “for we will be reunited once again but for now, we must part ways.”
aether followed her lead as they step away and into the portal, sending you one last glance. they hold up a lucky charm up; the ones you made. it made you cry harder.
theses gods were no help so far and you met them like this…
“til the stars reunite us again my dear sister and brother.” you utter collapsed on your knees; numbed from the cold and the noise a high pitch sound.
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More Posts from Missfandom24
[14:09] it was a warm afternoon as you were strolling through where dilucs tavern laid, cheerfully waving at those who were working. it was a perfect day to go on a nice dip in the secret nook that you had found in a small cave; it looked like it had been set up beforehand but you thought nothing of it.
“i can’t wait to soak in the water,” you hum to yourself as you had reached the covered entrance (slightly thick leaves cover it). “these new candles will be great as well.”
you set your stuff to the side as the steam of the water had you sighing; reaching to remove any jewellery. you look back as you unlace your slightly lacy lavender spring dress bring your arms together as the dress drops.
your heart drops as you turn quickly to where the water was and there he was; diluc ragnvindr submerged in the water with his arms leaning against the wall. “well don’t stop on my account.”
suddenly it was hot so hot that your legs pressed together and the dress was suffocating. the man I front of you had been teasing you and flirting with you quite confidently which was out of character.
you had no clue that he had found out that you had returned his feelings as well therefore his confidence boost.
“diluc!” you squeaked slowly losing grip on the dress, your breath coming out short. he only tutted before gliding forward, the water nearly exposing him as he reaches where you were at. “how..how did you find out..”
“about this place? well I’ve known for ages,” he raised a brow before looking you up and down. it was then that your grasp on your dress slipped leaving you exposed. “sweet barbatos…”
he eyed you up hungrily causing you to flush but with a sudden braveness, you had approached him and lean down. “diluc…don’t stare at me like that”
“sorry beautiful but your hard to resist,” he said appreciating the view before grasping you and pulling down. it had caught you off guard that you squealed before being submerged and then rising to where your bare chest was touching him. his arms caging you in with no escape.
a hungry look in his eyes ready to devour you within a single second. you make eye-contact with him, his gaze so heavy causing a blush to erupt, his arms tightening, around you allowing now escape.
“diluc..!” you had whimpered bring your hands against his chest, nails scrapping against it leaving red marks.
“you’re going to make me lose my mind!” he grunted before swiftly meeting your lips with such passion that it made up for the clumsiness of it.
he was going to devour you; mentally, psychically and body.
i think I’m down with the flu since it’s been going around so kinda feeling emotional so some emotional scenarios may come up :))
[23:21] it’s a cold day in mondstadt as snow starts to pile indicating the season change. how wonderful, well with how cute bennett looks in his warm orange scarf; his eyes full of joy and nose pink.
both of you were currently heading to meet razor as he was always curious, of the markets around mondstadt, especially during the winter season. you look at the bundled up bennett beside you; you had to make him wear a coat and gloves at least! it was freezing!
wait…freezing!?! your heart sank quickly as you thought of razor. yes he might of gotten used to the temperatures but yet, it doesn’t matter. “bennett, hunny?”
“yeah?” he responded as he looked around in awe even if he’s seen mondstadt like this many times. “it’s currently low temperatures especially for mondstadt and, razor is out there with no protection…”
that makes him falter as he turns to you in horror; you had to get razor to stay with one of yous tonight since it was rumoured to be colder later on. first, you had to get razor something warm and so, with haste both of you managed to get; a light purple scarf and a nice warm coat that wasn’t stuffy as razor would be uncomfortable.
both of you waste no time hurrying to razor who was waiting outside of wolvendome; he was shaking slightly.
“RAZOR!” you called out catching his attention before you and bennett tackled him, wasting no time to get him into the warm garments. he blinked and tilted his head cutely, as he looks at his coat and scarf.
“for…me?” his voice is confused and hesitant, both yours and bennett’s heart breaks.
“razor, darling of course it’s for you,” you start softly bringing him into your embrace tearing up.
“yeah, moon it’s for you,” bennett spoke as he joined the embrace; he had called razor a moon because of how beautiful he looked, in the moons light. razor loved that named ever since.
“razor, we love you and care for you and you’re allowed to receive things…besides it’s cold and we don’t you to get cold, as well as stand outside in it with no protection.” you start slowly, caressing his cheek before laying a kiss on his forehead as bennett leaves a kiss on his shoulder.
“oh okay…i care for you too,” razor said as his chest burst into swirls of warmth. a giggle and smile escapes all of you before you’re grabbing on to one hand of their hands.
“come darlings, let’s go,” you smile as you pull them towards the village, in return your hands are squeezed by both of the boys.
“yes! oh razor just wait until…” you softly smile as bennett tells razor about everything there.
now, this was home and the feeling of being loved; just you and the boys.
[19:05] you don’t know how you didn’t notice it. the lingering gazes at each other and how your ‘friends’ gushed about them both despite knowing how you feel but yet the playful teasing he had given you lays in your memory vividly.
no, you were being unreasonable it’s your fault; you didn’t say anything so it’s too late now. it’s your fault and you aren’t surprised
it’s all ways your fault, your always late…
so why are you crying? you knew this was going to happen despite anything you were hopeful. hopeful for something unattainable. a dream; a hope and want