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Chasing The Shadow || Part III || Ending

Chasing the Shadow || Part III || Ending

Chasing The Shadow || Part III || Ending

Summary: After all scary events your life may become calm. Words: 1973 Warnings: none Author: Cass


You could see this. Sun rising on the sky, slowly changing black night into a bright day. Through small window you could see how they were preparing everything, one sight at the gallows made your stomach hurt. Just the imagine of you
 hanging there made you sick. Your stomach hurt, your heart was beating faster, you had problems with catching a proper breath, your mind was one big mess.

“What will happen with me later?” “What my parents will say?” “This is the end..” “I don’t wanna die.” All those thoughts, they were loud like a war drum in your head.

You sat on the floor and pulled your legs to your chest, trying to calm yourself down.

“It’s okay
 He is gonna come. He would never leave me. He loves me
” You kept repeating those words to calm down your mind.

And you were right. He was gonna come, but he had to plan everything. Ezio didn’t plan to kill whole prison to get you out. He wanted show everyone, that you are assassin’s property that no one can touch or hurt. They had to know that you were under their protection.

He wanted to prove you that you don’t need to be scared. His plan was simple. Assassins kill guards and he kill your executioner and get you, than make sure you will be safe.

You felt cold shivers going through your body when door to your cell hes been opened. Two guards smiled rudely at you. They grabbed your arm and dragged you out of cell. You tried your best to release yourself from their strong grips, you tried to kick and jerk but nothing helped, they were too strong for you.

They took you to the same place from last time
 dark cell, few candles and the same old, wooden chair, stained with blood of others that had the “pleasure” to visit this place. You looked around when guards threw you onto this chair.

Then you saw him, he was a commandant of this place. He send you the same smile as guards before.

“Soo, I see you again
 Listen, I’m sure you know what fate waits on you outside, so better talk now and I will change my decision”

“No! I will never betray my assassins! NEVER!”

Man only shook his head and slowly put on leather glows. You good knew what this meant

Man smiled at you rising his hand. “Than suffer for your assassins, slut!” He said and hit you in the face.

The wave of pain moved through your body, even when range of pain was your cheek that become red and swollen from the force of impact. You felt tears in your eyes but you stayed as brave as you could, you saved assassin’s lifes not once. You were brave for them because you knew they will pay all their debts.

Hit, hit, hit another hit, hit after hit was aimed into your already aching face.

“Where are they! Where?! No one will come to safe you.”

Man growled and sighed heavily. He looked at you, all he saw was pathetic, beaten up woman.

“Take her, we will see each other later.” He said and looked away. Guards dragged you back to cell and closed door behind you.

You sighed and again looked outside, you saw how people started to gather up around the gallows. You felt like something squeeze your throat
 was it again an imagine of you hanging there.

You felt like with every minute you were closer to your end. What if this man was right, what if they left you, what if this was really your end.

One thing made your heart stop
 you saw them
 older woman and man
 You recognized them, your parents. Two the most important people in your life, people who gave you everything. You felt even worst.

You put your hand between bars and whimpered.

“Mamma! Papà!”

Somehow your mom looked into your direction, she quickly pulled her husband by hand and ran to your window.

“Dio mio! My child

She took your bruised hand and put it on her cheek.

“What have you done

“Is it true?! You really helped those assassins?!” Your father growled. “How could you? This is such a shame for us! For whole family!”

“Stop it! Looked at her.” Your mother yelled at him.

You looked at them both, with tears in eyes.

“I really
 I didn’t
 I wanted to
  I had to
 please forgive me.”

“There is no forgiveness for you.” Man said. “You deserve the same fate like every assassin.” He said and walked away.

Woman looked at you.

“Is it about him, about this man?” She asked looking at tears on your cheeks.

You only nodded feeling how words got stuck in your throat. “Yes
 He is one of them, I was helping them.  Sorry Madre, I love him.”

Woman smiled sadly and put hand between bars to stroke your cheek. “Mother always forgive, I love you my child.” She kissed your hand and slowly walked away.

You felt terrible, you just slide onto floor and started cry, you felt like you really changed.

They came for you, again two guards, they brought black cape for you. One of man put it around your shoulders and put hood on your head. They pushed you out of cell, but you didn’t break. You tried to keep some self pride. You walked, like a lady, listening to all screams, you didn’t pay attention to stuff that were threw into your direction.

You walked onto platform and listened how judge was reading your judgments. “Do you have anything to say before your die?” man asked.

You took deep breath.

“I did nothing wrong! I helped people that really needed this. People which we all need!” You yelled only to meet angry screams from people.

You looked at all of them, you saw your parents somewhere in the crowd. You mother was crying when your father stayed still.

Then you felt thick rope that executioner put onto your throat, he even didn't take off hood from your head.

Suddenly there were some moves in crowd, white hoods! Your heart started beating faster, not from fear but happiness, now you felt safe. You watched how few guards disappeared and were replaced with assassins in guard’s uniforms. One of them winked at you when small knife threw from crowd, weakened rope.

“[Y/N] [Y/L/N], I sentence you to death!” judge yelled.

Your executioner pulled the lever.

The hole under you opened up but you just fell down because rope wasn’t now strong enough to hold your weight. You looked out from the hole to see Ezio quickly killing judge and executioner.

People watched everything terrified.

“People of Rome!”

He yelled and helped you get out from hole. “This woman is under my protection. You touch her - you’re gonna have to fight with me!” He yelled. “I wanna you all to know that. No matter who you are, normal citizen or a soldier. You can’t touch her!”

After that Ezio got onto his horse and helped you got there too. “Let’s go home” He said quietly.  

Ezio jumped off of his horse and took you into his arms.

“What they have done to you?” He said and opened door to his hideout. There were few assassins, they all looked at you and with smile on their faces.

You could saw and feel how happy they were that they saw you again, you heard so many nice words from them. Your man only smiled at you.

“Let’s go take care of you.”

It took him few hours to fully wash your body and properly take care of you, every touch made you shiver.

Ezio gently touched your cheek “You are safe now. No one is gonna touch you ever again.” He said and kissed you softly. You only whimpered happily and kissed him back. Now you really felt safe like never before.

It took you two months to return to your condition. This two months some showed you how much you did for brotherhood, Sometimes you were walking next to Ezio but sometimes not. No matter of that you always could see ready breakfast, it wasn’t always perfect but you could see that assassins tried their best, they were always offering their help, they were bringing  you flowers, they were making shopping for you. Assassins were coming to you only to check if you feel okay and to make sure you aren’t sick or hungry. It was so sweet from their side. Now you knew what you were for them.

But still the most important from them was your man, Ezio tried be with you as often as possible. You loved to lie down to sleep next to him and in the same way to wake up. He always made sure you fell okay and that all your injuries healed properly, he made sure you feel safe.

After few days you walked to Ezio and nuzzled to him.

“What are you doing?” You asked quietly.

He smiled and pulled you onto his laps.

“Just planning
 I try to find something about Zaccheo [Y/L/N]” Ezio said and stroked your hair. “He is a Templar.”

You blinked and looked at him shocked. “Zaccheo [Y/L/N]

Ezio only nodded. “Something’s wrong?”

 He is my father..” You said “But
 But he can’t
 I mean
 God, it would explain his
 his behavior two months ago
 He was oddly happy that they will hang me

Ezio looked at you confused.

“What are you talking about..?”

“My parents found me right before execution. My father
 He said that they should hang me because I worked with assassins.” You said. “But he
 I would
 I never thought that he may be a templar.”

” Ezio started, “I’m sorry but
 I need to take care of him. He is dangerous
 For all of us
” He said and touched your cheek gently. “I’m really sorry

Ezio spend whole night, calming you down but finally you started undstood. That this really needed to happen. You agreed and you did this because you decided to stay with assassins.

You watched how Ezio was leaving hideout to do “his mission”, you knew he was going to get your father. You were scared even when he promised he won’t touch your mother. You trusted him.

You didn’t sleep that night, you waited only to see him and to hear that he did this. When he returned, he looked weird.

“What happened.” You asked.

Ezio looked at you.

“Hey, So
 It’s over, Just your father
 He Said ‘I’m not afraid of death. I could see why The Order is important. You, assassins pull good people onto bad way. My daughter is a good example of it.’ I never..” Ezio Shivered ” I
 i never thought about that in such way.”

You walked to him.

 you all did nothing. I joined because I wanted to, no one forced me to anything.” You said and looked at him.

He smiled sadly and hugged you tightly.

“I love you
 I will always protect you but
 now I want you to pack some stuff. We are leaving Rome tomorrow’s morning. Don’t ask where we are going
 you will see.” He said and kissed you.

You returned the kiss and nodded.

At morning you both were ready. Your horse followed Ezio’s horse. You had no idea where are you were going, but you honestly wanted to leave the city. Your direction was unknown but  you were with your man and everything bad stayed in Rome. You felt good with this.

Since this day your life got crazy as hell but finally after long time everything become normal. Ezio took off his hood on forever and you became his wife.

Life finally become calm.

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More Posts from Thepaperpanda

7 years ago

Believer || Part I

Believer || Part I

Words: 1910

Warnings: none at all

SUMMARY: MCU Crossover With Tomb Raider 2013

Request by: Anonymous

Author: Rouge


“Come here, boys! We have fresh meat over here!”

The man had appeared out of the foliage with barely a rustle of his announcement. His clothing was weather worn and threadbare, a suggestion of a harsh life. He could see stains of questionable and queasy origins spattered here and there, dark like ink but not with the same texture, not at all. His hair was dark and greasy, his scratchy beard thick. The leer in his eyes and the crooked smirk weren’t welcoming either. He had a gun. Bucky recognized it simply because he had grown accustomed to their sight over the many years.

He was alarmed when he began to pick out more bodies emerging into sight from the darkness of the forest, some up high on overhanging precipices; several were in trees, and the rest on the ground, flanking the first man. Some had rifles. Others, pistols. He even noticed, oddly enough, some were armed with bows and arrows.

All were aimed at him.

“If this is your welcoming committee, then I shudder to think about the reception of guests you fail to successfully entertain. This is rather poor in taste, if you ask me.”

The first man, the leader of the ragtag bunch, scowled and spat out a curse at him. It took Bucky a moment to realize he had spoken Russian, the dialect heavy as the syllables growled over one another. It took him another to realize what the man had said.

“Fucking smart ass. I’ve shot men for less insult.”

He jerked the gun in his hand, pointing a vague direction for Bucky to move. Bucky didn’t. Instead, he addressed the man in his apparent native tongue. “Where are you taking me?”

The Russian was unimpressed at being addressed in his mother tongue, even if he did give pause.


The weapon’s hammer was cocked back for emphasis, a loud and unsettling click that cleaved the very air with its sound. He startled when one of the men suddenly pitched forward with barely a grunt and hiss of air issuing from his mouth. He fell forward, his weapon—a rifle—clattering to the forest floor with a loud clatter, tangling in the undergrowth. An arrow protruded from the Bucky man’s backside.

The Russian barked at his men, stirring them into action and they scrambled into organized chaos. The Russian turned on him, the barrel of the gun reestablished on him. He hissed away, stalking forward to close the gap between him and Bucky.

“She’s come for you, boy,” he growled, a dark light sparking in his eyes. “I’ll kill you before she gets a chance to even see your face.”

The gut punch had the taller man doubling over, wheezing heavily at the strike. Bucky wasn’t aiming to kill or maim the man, simply disarm him and relocate. The Russian’s grip on his gun hadn’t broken, but he was too busy catching his breath to notice. He never got the chance to, either.

Another arrow whizzed out from the dark and struck the Russian’s neck, punching through from back to front, an arrowhead sprouting out of his throat. The gun fell from abruptly limp fingers, and then the Russian followed suite with a strangled gurgle. Bucky stumbled back, in horror and shock. The light in the Russian’s eyes went out and he wheezed his last breath, blood bubbling from the oozing wound as he collapsed on his face.

The forest fell silent and it was in that moment he realized all the men that had appeared from nowhere were dead.

All of them.

An unsettling silence had Bucky over the forest, and the shadows around him seemed to grow darker, longer, reaching for him. The hairs on the back of his neck rose up and stood at attention while an icy shudder snaked its way down his spine.

His metal arm reached his vest's pocket and pulled out a handy knife. The dark blade was gleaming in what little light the moon above provided. The familiar weight of a tactic vest settled around his shoulders, providing a comforting sense of security and protection as it did.

He felt eyes on him, but how many and from where, he wasn’t too sure. He just knew that whoever killed the men, they were still here. Bucky didn’t have long to wait. He whirled at the first sign of movement, but he stopped short of himself in surprise at what he faced.

It was a slip of a young woman, much smaller than he was. She was dressed sensibly enough to move fast and not allow herself to be caught up by snagged clothing. It was all form fitting without being too tight on her, she had grey tight cargo pants, a striped shirt which probably was white in the past, pair of a hiking boots. There was a bulk to her build and Bucky saw why. The silhouette of knives strapped at her sides, a rifle on a sling over her shoulder, a quiver of arrows belted at her hip, and a bow held casually in one hand, a pistol in the other. She cleared the area with the pistol, watching for any unwanted movement before holstering it at her back when she deemed it safe.

She had beautiful, big brown eyes and smooth skin. Bucky noticed a little bruise at her cheek. Her little nose was adding kind of a charm to her figure. She slowly rised her brow, glaring at him.

The woman ventured closer, her posture still tense but it had relaxed greatly in comparison to the few steps she had taken when she arrived. She was showing she wasn’t an enemy by holstering her weapons, but she would still ready at the drop of a hat to jump into action if things went south. He could sense all of that just by the way she held herself.

She slowly reached to sling the bow on a holster on her back, leaving her hands open and free. Her eyes never left him.

“These men would have killed you if I hadn’t intervened. The Solarii aren’t known for their kindness and mercy. Negotiating with them is impossible when they’ve been trained to kill without hesitation. Especially if it looks like you’re going to fight back.” She started in way of greeting. The woman tilted her head to the side. “Surprised they delayed so long in shooting you. Good thing they did. Gave me time to get here.”

He was still tongue-tied at the suddenness of the events that had transcended within the span of a few sparse minutes.

She turned, motioning for him to follow.

He trailed after her with uncertainty in his steps. “Wait... wait! Where am I? Who are these Solarii? And what’s your name?”

The woman craned her head to peer over her shoulder at him. Her gaze was steady and even, unfaltering as she studied him. They passed through the undergrowth for several minutes in silence before she answered him.

“You’re on an island called Yamatai. It’s in the Dragon’s Triangle, west of Japan. The Solarii are
shipwreck survivors. They’re a band of murderers that have laid claim to the island, killing or recruiting any men who wash up on shore. They burn any women they come across.”

A sour taste coated the back of his throat and his stomach turned uneasily at that. He didn’t remember how he’d gotten here, and he wondered if he was alone.

I think I am, but
no. Please don’t let the others be here.Steve. Sam. Natasha.

have there been any others
?” He couldn’t finish. The woman seemed to take that as a cue.

“Like you? No. You’re the only one I’ve come across, dressed as you are.”

There was little relief in her answer. It only meant he was the first, and that the others might very well be here.

The woman unclipped something from her belt and waggled the item. It was an oval-shaped device, black and ringed with perhaps a white or yellow stripe. A thin tube stuck out from its top.

“The Solarii get riled up when others are spotted on the island. No doubt they’ve already gotten on the horn and started bleating like the mindless sheep they are to others on their radios about you.” She continued as they began climbing up a small incline. The trees were thinning, and there was a path up ahead, and it looked like there was an old bridge they could cross. “You’re the only one right now. If there were others, I would have heard about them on this.”

He didn’t feel very reassured, even with that statement. A thought occurred to him.

“You never told me your name.”

They came across the bridge. It might have once been painted a pleasing, imperial crimson red, but time had taken its toll on it. Still, it was intact and spanned over the length of a small pond. The night critters had begun their hushed chorus and he had barely noticed until then.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“But then, what do I call you? My name’s James Barnes, but more often I'm called Bucky.”

When she walked, she was quiet. She moved with the purpose to be as quiet as possible. He sought to do the same, in case they ran into any more of those Solarii men. He didn’t fancy having another dozen guns pointed at his person, thank you very much.

“Lara. Lara Croft.”

He stopped halfway across the bridge, startled.

“There’s a way off?”

She paused at the end of the bridge and turned a little to view him more properly. “Yes. There’s a boat. I’ll have to fix it, but I need to take care of a few things first.”

“Anything I can help with?”

“No. I mean..” She hesitated. “Not by now at least.  have a safe place where you can stay” she offered, shrugging slightly.

She eyed him a little more critically, her mouth pulling into a shrewd, thin line. “Trained fighter or not, I’m not risking a stray bullet hitting you in the head.” Lara crossed her arms at her chest, rolling her eyes. “Besides.” She took a look at his metal hand. “It shoulkd be useful to defend yourself. But you were just standing there, like a child lost in the mist” a sad smile crawled at her rosy lips as she was speaking.

Lara gave a small nod and turned, motioning him to keep following.

“I can help” he pressed insistently. “Please. At least lemme help with something. You saved me.”

“No, you can’t by now.” She said it in such a matter-of-fact tone, it grated on his nerves. He started after her, silence be damned if it meant catching up.

“And how do you know? You don’t know me, or what I can or can’t do. I can do quite a lot. I killed a lot of people..” Bucky growled loudly, streatching his metal fingers.

She glanced at him as he dropped back, his steps faltering until he stopped. “If you could kill, then you would have done so back there. Those men would have been dead before I met up with you. That’s how I know you can’t do what I need to be done by now to get us out of here. It’s kill or be killed on this island. But for now,” she looked around, sighng, “let's get to the hideout. It's gonna rain.”

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7 years ago

Christmas gift || Stony smut




AUTHOR: Killer raccoon 


Tony and Steve are spending the holidays in New York - just the two of them. No Clint, no Logan - and especially no SHIELD interference. Tony's made sure Jarvis won't let anyone call in to the house. There's a Christmas tree three times too big for the house sitting in the dead center of their living room, and Tony's made sure there are far too many presents settled on top of the tree skirt underneath of it. And the billionaire's even made sure to put lights up on the house, wreathes wherever he can, and he's got sprigs of mistletoe hanging around in the most inopportune places.

  There's a reason for that, too. For the first time in Tony's life, he feels at home for Christmas. He's been through many holiday seasons, most of them spent drunk on the balcony of his Los Angeles house while Pepper yells at him. But this Christmas, he's with Steve and they spend every evening sipping hot chocolate in front of their fireplace, watching Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph until they're ready to stumble their tired asses into bed. 

However, this particular night, Tony goes out for the day with promises that he'll make it up to Steve for leaving him alone - and doesn't come back until late. Of course, Steve can't be mad at him though because the soldier knows it's just Tony being Tony and there was a high chance that he was buying gifts. So instead of getting irritated, he simply greets his lover at the door with a kiss and a cup of hot chocolate.

  "Good evening, my dear," Tony says as they walk side-by-side in to the kitchen. The whole house smells delicious and when they finally step onto tile, Tony can see why. "You made cookies? So basically when they injected that serum into you, you became perfect. Supersoldier, baker, master chef, artist - is there anything you can't do?"

Steve simply looks at him with a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and murmuring for Tony to shut the hell up. Tony just grins before spotting the apron falling halfway off of the table.

"Oh, you did not wear an apron," he says, eyes wide and round. When Steve blushes and looks away, his mouth falls open slightly as well.

"Well I wasn't going to get cookie dough all over my clothes, Tony," Steve says with a smile, moving his gaze back to his boyfriend. When he sees the expression on the other man's face however, he laughs incredulously. "That seriously turns you on?"

"Well, the fact that you were wearing clothes kind of takes away from the image I had in my mind," Tony starts, then grins. "But yes. If I'd come home earlier I would have delighted in pushing you against the counter and getting those clothes off of -"

"Tony!" Steve says loudly, and it's at that very moment that the man in question notices his partner's blush. And the pink is traveling fast down his neck where Tony knows it'll flush his whole body. "Try one, I added a little more sugar then the recipe called for."

"From scratch, really? Okay, Mr. Perfect," Tony mumbles, sitting his mug down and reaching for one of the chocolate chip cookies. And as soon as he bites into it, he's ready to pull Steve into the living room and fuck him senseless. Because he really is Mr. Perfect and his cookies are delicious.

"So," Steve says after Tony's moaned his approval. "How was your day?" "Typical," the other man chirps as they make their way into the living room, mugs of hot chocolate and plate of cookies in hand. "Braved the snow and did some Christmas shopping. Did I ever mention that I hate the snow? Because I really, really hate the snow."

There's a fire going in the fireplace however and as soon as they sit down, Steve's pulling Tony into his lap so he can place his hands on his back, rubbing and kneading.

  "I know you do, but I love it," he laughs while the playboy sitting in between his legs murmurs in appreciation. "So what did you get me today?" "That's for me to know and you to find out!"

  "Unfair," Steve sighs, but he's got a huge smile on his face. And Tony lets it go, because he's too happy to argue - good natured or not. "You remember what tomorrow is, right?"

And when Tony pretends to think about it, Steve stops rubbing his back and sighs.

"Of course I do, darling," Tony laughs, and that's when his boyfriend wraps his arms around him. "I couldn't forget the day my life changed."

The soft tone in Tony's voice makes Steve press a kiss to his neck, and the shorter of the two men tilts his head just enough so he can connect their lips in a slow kiss. At Tony's request, all the lights in the living room are dimmed except the tree and the television, and he turns around on Steve's lap so he's got one leg on either side of him.

  "I love you, Tony," the soldier sighs, smiling against his lover's lips while they kiss. Tony's sliding his hands under Steve's far-too-tight flannel when he pauses to speak.

"I love you too Steve," he murmurs, parting so he can give his lover a smile. Because a lot of the time, people don't believe Tony Stark when he admits any feeling other than self-righteousness. But Steve Rogers has gotten past that little wall - not without work - but he knows it was worth it.

And that's when Steve slowly pushes Tony down onto the thick fur rug, settling in between his legs as they continue to kiss. They only part when they're getting dizzy from lack of air, while Tony's got his fingers occupied by unbuttoning his boyfriend's shirt. And when it's finally off, Steve tugs at the other's tie, crooked smile on his lips. 

"I was never good at putting ties on," he murmurs. "And I'm equally as awful at taking them off."

"I got it," Tony says, fiddling with the fabric and leaving his neck exposed so that Steve can lean down and press little kisses all the way up and down the stubble-covered skin. "I see what you did! You just wanted to get at - ah..." And he stops because Steve's got a hand in his hair and teeth are gently nipping at the skin directly behind his ear. Because it's common knowledge between them both that that's how you shut Tony Stark up. Soon, the billionaire's tie and shirt are gone as well and there's something very hard and very hot pressing against Steve's thigh.

  "Why do we wear clothes around the house? I mean really," Tony starts, "There's only the two of us and Jarvis here and Jarvis is an artificial intelligence so we should really just not wear clothes until we actually need to do something."

"Tony," Steve says softly, pressing his leg down and getting a lovely groan of appreciation in response. "You need to learn when to shut up."

"And you need to wear that apron for me." Is the retort he gets, while his partner grinds up slowly against him. All Steve can do is chuckle low in his throat while he slides his hand down Tony's bare skin to his dress pants. "And to get these poor pants off."

But before Steve can do just that, Tony's flipped them and has Steve pinned to the rug underneath him. His hands are on the waistband of his lover's jeans, unbuttoning and pulling at them.

"Up," he murmurs, and Steve complies by lifting his hips so that Tony can pull the offending piece of clothing off. Tony's pants come off quickly after, leaving them with only two sets of boxers between them - which the man on top gets rid of quickly. And after he grabs a bottle of lube from the coffee table drawer, he looks down at Steve.

"Is it my turn?" the soldier teases, the crooked smile back - which makes Tony's heart flutter even if he won't admit it. Once he gets confirmation, Tony's on his back on the floor and Steve's hovering above him, fingers slicked and gently probing at his boyfriend.

  "Damn, Steve," Tony gasps as a finger is slipped inside of him, making his back arch slightly off of the rug and a gasp to leave his lips. "Could you go any slower?" 

Steve simply presses another of his fingers inside of his boyfriend to shut him up. Their lips connect once more after that, kissing languidly while Steve opens him up. And surprisingly, the only noise in the room is the teleivision playing How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and the crackling of the fire. That is, until Tony flips them over again. 

"My turn," he says with a smile that would make the devil blush, slicking Steve up and running his hand up and down his erection before slowly descending onto it. Which makes him moan and grasp at his lover's chest. Until Steve draws him into another kiss, of course. 

Their pace starts slow - gentle, so Tony's moaning softly against his mouth and muttering his name when the part for air. But soon, as always, that just not enough for the playboy and he starts moving faster, up and down, sitting straight up so that Steve has to sit up to bury his face against his lover's neck. And that, well. That just makes Tony go a little crazy.

While Steve nips and sucks and wraps his hand around Tony's erection, the shorter of the two men is busy fucking himself until he's moaning his partner's name over and over again. 

"I love you Tony," Steve says, words soft and breathless. His arms are tight around Tony's back, holding their bodies flush together as they writhe and pant. 

"I love you too, Steve. Fucking," Tony gasps, his eyes closed and teeth worrying his bottom lip. "Love you. Like you don't even - you don't even know." It's not long before they both climax, gasping for breath and leaning against one another for support. And once they're cleaned up, they crawl onto the couch.

"Goodnight, Tony," Steve murmurs into his lover's ear as he wraps an arm around him from behind. However he can already hear soft snoring. 

Tony's woken up with a cup of coffee - two sugars and one creamer - and a very naked Captain America wearing only an apron. 

"See, you look lovely in just the apron," he says sleepily, accepting the coffee and grinning at his boyfriend. He's rewarded with a blush, a crooked smile, and a kiss, and he can't help the bemused grin as he sips on his drink. "Alright, alright. I'm up."

Sitting up slowly, Tony continues to sip at his coffee. He knows he should get dressed soon, because he has things to do but he just loves the sight of Steve in that damn apron and it makes him want to screw his brains out but not this early in the morning.

Steve perches himself next to him, drinking from his own mug and making life generally amazing for Tony. The fire is already crackling in the woodstove, and there's snow falling gently past the windows and basically Tony just really feels content. For once in his life, there's no paperwork, no Iron Man and Captain America, no Pepper or Fury or anything that would take him away from his happiness.

And blandly he realizes that he is happy. The thought kind of sends him reeling, because he's not used to it and he doesn't really realize when exactly his life changed or why he didn't notice his lifting mood. He wonders if maybe anyone else noticed before he did. After sending his thought process into space however, he rests his head on Steve's shoulder and sighs. "Gotta get dressed," he mumbles. "I have something for you." 

"Oh?" Steve replies, looking down at him and raising his eyebrows. "Well then, let's get a move on."

"Only if you wear that apron again sometime in the near future. Maybe Christmas Day? That would be a fantastic present." "We'll see."

"Tease," Tony says finally, shooting a smile at his lover. However they both rise once he finishes off his coffee, and walk their way into the bedroom to dress. Two oral incidents and a wardrobe malfunction later, Tony's leading them down into the depths of his workshop, smiling like the cat that got the cream the whole way while Steve silently wonders what Tony was about to get them into. His thoughts are derailed when they walk into the Garage and Tony walks over to a new Audi sitting in the dead center of the room. The license plate reads STARK11 and that's basically what makes Steve realize that it's for him. And while his boyfriend walks right over to the vehicle and leans against the side, he kind of stops dead in his tracks and just stares.

"Happy Anniversary, Steve," Tony murmurs, that small smile reserved only for Steve on his face. 

"Tony, I... You didn't have to -"

"It's a nonissue, darling. Really. You want to take it for a drive?"

"This is way, way too much, Anthony," Steve starts, and he can see the pout already forming on Tony's lips. "Plus it's snowing, and I'm pretty sure that thing doesn't have four wheel drive. Sorry, sweetheart."

"Well... We can at least break it in? I think there's enough room for me to get on your lap in -"

But he's cut off by Steve, who's walked over and crushed their lips together. "Happy Anniversary, Tony."

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7 years ago
Captain Hydra By @eternal-life-awaits
Captain Hydra By @eternal-life-awaits

Captain Hydra by @eternal-life-awaits

eternal-life-awaits​: My little version of Hydra!Cap

Awww! I love it. cute and dangerous ^^ Thank you soooo much ♄♄♄♄ ~Cass

Captain Hydra By @eternal-life-awaits

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7 years ago
Bear By @tykorclint
Bear By @tykorclint

Bear by @tykorclint

tykorclint:  For you from me ;*

We love it soo much! it’s so cute! Thank you very much! 


Bear By @tykorclint

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7 years ago

When I Take Over Control || Bucky Barnes x reader smut drabble

When I Take Over Control || Bucky Barnes X Reader Smut Drabble

Words: 3959

Warnings: SMUT!

Author: Rouge

When I Take Over Control || Bucky Barnes X Reader Smut Drabble

I hated Bucky Barnes. He was ruining me. He sent absolutely filthy texts to me at work, making my face flush and the afternoons long and miserable. I had to painstakingly pick tops and accessories that covered the bruises and love marks scattered across my neck and shoulders. My muscles were nearly always in delightful agony from our rough sessions together. He took any opportunity that presented itself to strip off his shirt in front of me. The pleasure he derived from watching me blush and try to tear my eyes away far outweighed any reservations he still had about his metal arm. He owned me and he knew it. Although HYDRA had tried their best to snuff out James Buchanan Barnes, the charming, cocky little shit he had been in the 40s had gradually reemerged. Bucky and I made a habit of going to the Tower’s gym together just about every day. He would work his body and fight his demons. He never voiced it, but I knew he appreciated my presence. He spotted me lifting weights, pushed me on runs and had insisted on teaching me self defense. It gave him a little peace of mind knowing I was strong and could take care of myself. He was also greatly amused when I constantly told him “Fight me.” after we spent a week on hand to hand combat. Bucky was usually all business while working out, but he was in rare form today. He spent the entire elevator ride up standing behind me, sliding his palms up my sides and groping my ass. When we reached the gym floor I stepped out ahead of him, dodging a very sweaty and tired looking Clint. Bucky nodded to Clint and followed me out of the elevator, landing a resounding slap onto my ass as he passed me. An hour later I had collapsed to the gym floor in a puddle of sweat. Bucky was lying on a bench across the room, pressing a bar that weighed more than two of me. As I lay there trying to breathe normally again, I took the opportunity to admire him. His bare chest and abdomen glistened with sweat and heaved with exertion. His gym shorts had ridden up slightly, and the brawny muscles in his thighs bunched as he dug his feet into the floor. His metal arm shone in the fluorescent light. The quiet whirring sound it emitted and the delicious grunt he huffed out with every rep made catching my breath more difficult. I was enthralled with every move his tantalizing body made. I pushed myself up off the floor and sauntered toward him as his bar clattered back onto the rack. He sat up and I bit the inside of my cheek as I leaned against the machine next to him. The veins in his forearms were bulging as he pulled his arm across his face, swiping away sweat. A stray strand of dark brown hair had fallen from his loose bun and was plastered to his damp neck. The sweat that had pooled in the dip of his collarbone rolled slowly down his chest. My eyes followed as it trickled its way to the waistband of his sweats. I swallowed heavily at the almost overwhelming impulse to follow the wet trail with my tongue. “Enjoyin’ the view?” I ran my tongue over the indention my teeth had left in my lip, still ogling him shamelessly. “Its the only enjoyable thing about coming here.” Bucky huffed out a short laugh and unscrewed the cap off his water bottle. “Better quit lookin’ at me like that, doll,” he took a long gulp of water, letting a droplet escape the corner of his mouth and trickle down his chin. “That door doesn’t lock and I’d hate to accidentally give somebody a show.” He sat the bottle down, fixing me with his clear blue gaze. “You know, I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist” I purred, brazenly meeting his intense stare. His stubbled jaw tightened. “But I think you have one more set left,” I smirked as I bent to grab his water bottle, giving him a up close look at my sweat-sheened chest. I straightened, removed the lid and took several long sips, being sure to let a significant amount of water escape and rush down my neck and through the valley between my breasts. Bucky blinked. I made a show of deeply swallowing and let out a satisfied and slightly sensuous sigh. I noticed Bucky’s flesh hand twitch and I relished in giving the teasing bastard a taste of his own medicine. I winked cockily as I pivoted and strutted across the gym to retrieve my bag, feeling proud of myself for finally gaining one small victory in this game we played. As I reached the treadmill where I had haphazardly dropped my bag, I heard the weights rattle as Bucky began to press the bar again. Bucky was always a silent worker in the gym. Heavy huffs were the only noises he had ever made. But the bastard was now grunting with every press. Husky, lustful sounds that made my core flutter. They were sounds I had only heard in moments of fiery passion. Blurred images of hot skin, gripping hands, rolling hips and euphoric cries flashed through my mind. I slowly turned back to face him as he brought the bar down for his last rep. He pressed it from his chest. Bare, shining skin, every muscle straining, a pornographic sight
 and then he moaned. The fucker unabashedly moaned. Bucky deposited the bar back onto the rack and let his arms flail to his sides. As I stared, captivated with his immense, muscular form, his ribcage began to bounce as he chuckled. “What the hell are you laughing at?” I hitched my gym bag strap onto my shoulder and glared at him. Bucky just swung one powerful leg over the bench and stood. Pinning me with his lecherous gaze, he crossed the room in a few long strides. He stopped close enough for me to feel the heat radiating off his body, and the sweet musk of sweat, soap and leather surrounded me. The combination was potent. I fixed my eyes on his and tried to ignore the intoxicating effect he had on me. I inhaled shakily as his metal hand snuck its way to my skin. “You can try teasin' me doll,” his words dripped from his mouth like honey, smooth and decadent. He drew his cool metal finger down my side. “But it's a game you just won’t win.” The fog clouding my brain grew thicker the lower his hand drifted. The tip of his finger lightly curled just under the hem of my shorts just as his tongue dragged a short path from just below my ear to my lobe, which he delicately caught between his teeth. I involuntarily shuddered and he instantly stepped away. I blinked blankly into his face and exhaled sharply, my mind a muddled mess. Bucky winked. “See you upstairs.” He then spun on his heel and strutted out of the gym. I gaped at his broad back until he disappeared. The door slammed behind him, jolting me from my dazed state. Damn him. I knew what he wanted. He expected me to fly after him, a quivering mess of need and want, begging him to take me in every possible way. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with being taken every which way by Bucky Barnes, I was not going to do it this time. I was going to win a round once. I knew he would be in the shower, waiting for me to fling the glass door open and pull him under the water, throwing myself onto his wet skin, skimming my hands over every reachable inch of his chiseled form, tangling my fingers in his dripping hair
 as I always did. But not this time. I stomped toward the gym shower, thankful that I had a tiny travel bottle of body wash and an extra t-shirt buried in my bag. I stripped and stepped under the near scalding spray. The water flowed through my hair and over my skin, the steam enveloping me for the next 10 minutes as I imagined all the indulgently dirty things I was going to do to Bucky Barnes. I knew I didn’t have long before Bucky would come back looking for me, so I hurriedly swept a towel over myself before shrugging on the oversized shirt. It stuck to my still damp skin and my hair left wet spots on my shoulders. I decided to forgo my sweaty underwear and shorts, making sure my shirt covered my ass and held the bag strategically placed over my front. I dashed for the elevator and prayed everyone else was otherwise engaged in the Tower. I breathed a small sigh of relief when I arrived at Bucky’s room without encountering any of the others. As I tapped the code to open the door, I bit my lip, shivering at the thrill of what was about to come. I let the door close with a bang behind me as I sauntered into the apartment, tossing my bag onto the couch. The bedroom door flew open and a very irritated looking Bucky stepped out. He had obviously just finished his shower. The ends of his hair were still shedding tiny droplets of water and several small strands stuck to his forehead. He glared at me, clearly disgruntled after being left to shower alone. He was also naked from the waist up, only wearing low-slung black sweatpants. Damn, if he wasn’t the most sinful looking piece of heaven I had ever seen. “Where did you go? Why do you look like you've already showe-
” He trailed off mid sentence, noting my appearance. His eyes roved over my figure, assessing my half dressed state. “What are you wearing?” he asked in a low voice. “A shirt,” I replied flippantly as I leaned over the couch, rummaging through my bag for my water. I exaggerated the stretch, making sure he got a glimpse of my bare ass. “Yours, actually.” I thought I heard him growl. “Tell me you did not come all the way up here in that.” His tone was menacingly calm. I straightened and faced him, tossing the cap from my bottle over my shoulder. “I came all the way up here in this.” Bucky’s eyes darkened. I took long swallows of water and stared back insolently. “What if someone had seen you? What if Tony had happened to step in with you?” I drained the bottle. “So what?” His jaw clenched and I grinned audaciously. “You’re mine.” I crossed my arms. “You don’t own me. I don't belong to anyone” Bucky took one slow step toward me. “You’re mine.” Then another. “You’re my girl.” Another step. “You’re my dirty little girl. It's my cock fillin’ your mouth and your tight cunt. It's my name you scream every night. No one else’s.” He was now so close that my breasts, bare under the thin shirt, grazed his massive chest. His soft breath in my ear contrasted with the rough stubble scraping my cheek. I wanted to give in. To fall into him, let him ravage me and indulge every lustful craving. But this time, even if it was just this once, he would fall apart under me. “You can’t resist me.” I tilted my chin, smiling defiantly up at him. My fingertips slithered up the inside of his right thigh and I squeezed his hardening erection. Raising up on my toes, I giggled airily, pressing against him until my lips brushed his as I spoke. “You’re so right.” Bucky’s breath hitched. I nibbled on his full bottom lip before sucking it between my teeth. And then I abruptly pulled away, pushing past him toward the bedroom door. “What the hell?” he rasped behind me. I bit back my smirk. Got him. “Is there something you need?” I inquired sweetly as I turned to blink innocently up at him. Bucky growled, his metal hand lashing out to grasp the back of my neck. I stopped its advance, clutching his forearm in front of my face. His eyes flashed beneath his dark brow. “I said, is there something you need?” I asked again forcefully, letting my gaze wander from his eyes, to his inviting mouth and back up. “You know what I need,” he whispered hoarsely. “Tell me. “I need you.” Say it,” I murmured. Bucky flexed his jaw. He loved being in control. “Say please, Bucky,” I breathed alluringly, releasing his arm and running my fingers over his stubble. “Say it and I can give you everything you want.” He sighed softly, his crystal eyes peering into mine. “Please
 I want it.” “Tell me you need me,” I whispered against his lips. “I need you.” With his throaty plea, the desire consumed me. “Well, since you asked so nicely,” I teased as I kneeled in front of him. I slid my palms up his powerful thighs and hooked my fingers in the waistband of his sweats. My tongue skimmed along the line where fabric met skin from one hip to the other. As I gently tugged them down, I placed feathery kisses on every inch of newly revealed skin. When the pants dropped to his ankles I let my eyes travel up his frame. He was a solid wall of taut muscle. His hungry eyes were smoldering at me behind wisps of dark hair. He was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen. I kept my eyes locked on his as I took the tip in my mouth and whimpered when the sweet taste of his precum coated my tongue. Bucky’s eyes dilated, dark pupils nearly blacking out sky blue. He brought up both hands to grasp my head, but I and snatched them away. “I didn’t say you could touch me.” Bucky arched a brow, bemused. I licked a long stripe from base to tip, still firmly squeezing his wrists. He sucked in a tight breath. “No touching” I ordered, dragging my lips along the underside of his cock. I released his hands and engulfed him in my mouth. Sliding my head up and down, slicking him and taking more and more of his length. Soon the head was hitting the back of my throat, producing a wet, choking sound. I took in a long gasp of air through my nose before pushing my head down, until he was fully sheathed in my throat and my nose had almost reached the short, black curls at his base. I swallowed around him, the walls of my throat massaging his girth. I gagged once and sat back. Bucky was clenching and unclenching his fists, his abs tightening with each gasping breath. I slipped a hand up the hard ridges and dragged my nails back down. His cock muffled my mewl. My other hand wrapped around his shaft and I began to jerk him as I sucked on the head. My tongue circled the tip with each pull of my hand and mouth. Bucky’s head fell back. His fingers flexed at his sides, battling the impulse to roughly grip my neck and fuck my throat as he so often did. Frenzied gagging sounds and guttural grunts filled the air. Saliva, forced out of the corners of my mouth with every plunge, rolled from my chin and slid down my throat. It was all so vulgar and everything I craved. Bucky tipped over the edge with a hoarse cry, swelling in my mouth. “Ah
” He convulsed above me as pleasure wracked his body. I pressed my palm against him, and his warm, calloused hand gripped my wrist for support as he panted. The other came to rest on the back of my head, thumb stroking through my hair as I eagerly drank his load. I moaned around him, shamelessly begging him for every last drop. He was looking down at me as I slowly released him from my mouth. Chest heaving, pupils blown, eyes glazed over from his high. “Now.. Lay down.” Bucky blinked. “What?” I almost felt bad for impeding on his post-orgasmic bliss. Almost. “On the couch. Lay down. Now.” He took two steps back and lowered himself onto the couch, still looking slightly disoriented. “Don’t move” I murmured. I stepped up next to him, so close my knees brushed his shoulder. I lifted the hem of his shirt over my head, revealing my naked form underneath. The cool air raised chill bumps on my newly exposed skin. I let the shirt drop to the floor beside me. Bucky’s eyes never left mine as I brought one knee to rest between his head and the back of the couch. I placed the other on the sofa’s edge and my hands on the arm rest behind him. I could have come solely from the sight beneath me. Bucky was gazing up at me from between my legs, his eyes blazing with desire. His cool breath caressed my slick folds. I shoved a hand through his soft hair and tugged his face up to my pussy. “Make me come, Bucky.” He didn’t have to be asked twice, immediately running his tongue from my entrance to my clit. His hands came up to clutch my ass, burying his face in my cunt. The harsh scraping of his stubbled jaw on my inner thighs would be well worth it. He enclosed my bundle of nerves in his lips and began to flick his tongue over it while sucking gently. “Buck
 Bucky, shhhit, oh god
” My high pitched whimpers and breathy curses filled the room. Both of my hands were twisted in his hair as I rode his pretty mouth. His fingers dug into the flesh of my ass and he matched my rhythm, tongue stroking from my dripping entrance to massage my clit with every roll of my hips. “Oh fuck
 don’t stop
 I’m so close, baby” I panted breathlessly. Bucky groaned against my sex and my legs trembled. His rough flesh hand stretched up and tangled in the hair at the nape of my neck. He wrenched my head down, arching my body back over him. His cybernetic arm wound around my waist, firmly holding my pussy to his lips, working my cunt for all he was worth. Alternating between delicately nibbling and sucking my clit, he landed a sharp slap to the back of my thigh that sent me spiraling into bliss. I trapped his head with my legs as I shuddered in pleasure. His unyielding hold on my hair kept me bent backward, broken and raspy screams falling from my throat. Eventually my muscles slackened and my cries faded to elated gasps. Bucky’s mouth lingered against my glistening folds, the tip of his tongue lazily lapped at my pulsing clit. His swollen lips kissed gingerly, and gentle tremors shook my body as I floated back to earth. I crawled down his body until I was straddling his waist, clasping the back of his neck with one hand and splaying the other through his long hair. He sighed at the sensation and I pressed my lips to his full mouth. His face was soaked with my orgasm. The taste of my arousal on his hot tongue drove me wild, and the moan that surged from my throat was swallowed by his fervid kisses. I was on fire, burning with the need to be surrounded by him, filled by him. I tugged his hair, yanking his head back and exposing his neck to my wandering lips. “Do you want me, baby?” I whispered, my tongue gliding out to taste his skin. “You want to fuck me into this couch?” A low moan rumbled in Bucky’s chest as he sat upright. He wrapped his cool metal arm around my hips, crushing my soft frame to his hard body. His other hand skimmed up my side and clamped onto the back of my neck. My palms grabbed at his shoulders as he stood from the couch, his massive strength sweeping me up as if I was weightless. He turned, delving his tongue into my mouth. I captured it between my lips and sucked lightly. “Put your mouth on me.” He obeyed instantly, dipping his head to slide his lips up the column of my throat. “Yes, baby
 so good,” I whimpered as Bucky ventured lower, sealing his mouth onto my nipple, biting softly. “So good for me.” “Take me, James,” I purred. “I want you inside me.” Bracing one hand against the arm of the couch, Bucky guided himself to my opening, swiping his length back and forth through my wetness. “Now, Bucky,” I pushed, digging my fingertips into his ribs and wrapping my legs around the back of his thighs. With a throaty groan, he plunged forward, burying himself fully in one thrust. With both hands grasping the armrest, he ground his hips against mine, driving as deep as he could. All the air flew from my lungs as slammed into me with all the power behind his hips and arms. With each punishing snap of his hips, he hit a spot that made my head spin and my walls seize around his thick cock. “Yes, god
 oh fuck, Bucky!” I screamed, clinging to him for dear life. Blinding ecstasy swept my body. His breaths came in irregular heaves and every muscle was trembling. I knew he was close to coming undone all over again. “No. Not yet.” “What?” he grated out. “You’re not done yet,” I gasped, reaching down to the firm flesh of his ass, jerking him flush against me. “I want more. Give me one more.” Bucky growled harshly and pulled himself from me. His hair was falling around his face, casting dark shadows across his glinting eyes. Sitting back on his knees, he towered above me, making a ferocious sight. Snatching my ankle, he hoist my right leg onto his metal shoulder. As he sank himself once more into my pulsating cunt, he tossed my left leg over the other. He planted his palms on either side of my head, his bulk forcing me into the cushions. Slipping completely from me before ramming his length deep into my center, he desperately drove me toward my undoing. My knees were pinned against my shoulders, and with every unforgiving thrust, Bucky reached a place within me he had never been. “Don’t forget to breathe, darlin’.” His voice was strained, betraying his struggle to keep his own end at bay. He held my gaze as our bodies, slick with sweat, fused together again and again. Hair wisped against my face and each breath he took fanned across my skin. I choked for air and clung to his immovable arms. His name was the only word I knew and it fell from my lips in broken gasps and moans, over and over with each euphoric surge that wrecked my body. As I writhed below him, Bucky lost control over his climax. “Shit baby, I can’t
 fuck, I’m gonna come. I’m gonna come..” His body went rigid and his cock throbbed inside me. I felt the rush of warmth spread through my core. Prayers, pleas and profanities spilled from his mouth. With one final rough cry, Bucky collapsed on top of me. His forehead rested on my breastbone as he struggled for breath. My eyes drifted closed and I tenderly carded my fingers through his hair as we basked in paradise together. “Look at me.” His cerulean eyes peered into mine, so trusting and vulnerable. “I’m yours, Mr Barnes. Always.”

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