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Es darf in #Deutschland keine Regierung mit einer von Faschisten durchtränkten Partei wie der #AfD geben. Weder in #Thüringen noch sonst wo. Das ist zuletzt mit Absatz 4 des 20. Artikels des Grundgesetzes zu verhindern.
die afd kann halt wirklich offen rechts und antidemokratisch und von Russland gekauft sein und ist alles egal
Okay. Die ersten Depressionen sind überstanden.
Hier sind ein paar thüringer Aktionsbündnisse gegen Rechts, die sich über Unterstützung freuen:
Auf die Plätze Bündnis Erfurt
Aktionsbündnis Gera gegen Rechts
Uni gegen Rechts Jena
BgR Weimar
Hier ist eine Liste von Vereinen und anderen Organisationen, die sich in Thüringen für Menschenrechte und gegen Rechtsextremismus einsetzen (curtesy of Thüringer Antidiskriminierungsnetzwerk), dabei möchte ich hervorheben:
Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen (Beratung und Unterstützung geflüchteter Menschen)
MOBIT (mobile Beratung für Menschen, die sich gegen Rechtsextremismus engagieren)
ezra (Beratung und Hilfe für Opfer rechtsextremistischer, rassistischer und sonstwie diskriminierender Gewalt)
Vielfalt Leben - QueerWeg Verein Thüringen (selbsterklärend)
Thüringer Landesverbände der vernünftigen Parteien:
Hier kann man an Mario Voigt schreiben, und ihm klarmachen, dass man kommt und ihn auffrisst sehr enttäuscht wäre, wenn er mit der AfD zusammenarbeitet.
Hier ist eine Petition, die Paypal dazu aufruft, die Konten der AfD zu sperren (an die thüringer AfD kann man schon nicht mehr über Paypal spenden).
Wer weitere Organisationen, Netzwerke, und ähnliches hinzufügen möchte, darf das gern tun.
Wir sind immer noch mehr.
I am scared.
Oh what a time to be alive, I think, as I look at the results of the EU election in my home coutry, Germany.
The second-strongest group in my home country (AfD) is far-right, supports Putin (even had Russian spies in their midst), wants to literally DESTROY the EU, wants to revoke women's and LGBTQ+ people's rights, -
and that's just the beginning. And I can tell you where it'll end. And we had that same situation about a hundred years ago. Back then, Germany lost its constitution and started a genocide. And yes I'm talking about the Nazis.
I am scared. Not just of this political climate. I am scared because a lot of the people I know and am lucky to call my friends and acquaintances don't have a German passport, and because this party will want to get rid of them, or do anything they can, at least.
I am scared, because I am a trans man undergoing hormone therapy. It is, regrettably, a very vulnerable situation to be in in this political climate, because all they need to do is ban one type of medicine and claim it to be harmful-
or perhaps they will just revoke my rights to exist peacefully completely.
I am scared, because all this literal danger to the German constitution needed to do was speak a few pretty words for the camera, post it on Tiktok, and the people believed them blindly. So many haven't read the election program, so many don't know what these people want to do-
but they hate the other parties. So why not elect the one party that actively threatens the freedom and equal rights of our country?
I am scared. Maybe I won't be first in line to be shot, but I am standing in the queue.
And what scares me even more is that I can't understand HOW this situation could even happen. Were our voices not loud enough? Didn't we cry out and warned them often enough? Why did so many people choose to ignore the riots, the pleas, the thousands and thousands of voices?
Just "to make a statement"? Is voting against peace and against freedom and against equality a protest now? Is humanity so easily influenceable that they tune out all the voices on the streets? Or was I just optimistic, am I really just living in a country where we want war and supression and censors and dictators-
because that's what this is going to boil down to. And I am scared.
Scared of this country. Scared of the people in it. Scared of the future. Scared of what this predicts for the next election in 2025. Scared of the visibly easy manipulation of the masses.
Scared, because I KNOW that history repeats again and again and again and again and we claim to learn from it;
and yet, we don't.
As a transitioner, you are more afraid of AfD than muslim migration? Seems to me a terribly short-sighted view...
Ummm, I'm genuinely confused by that. Why?? Why should I be more afraid of Muslim migration than of the AfD? Like??
OK either you have no idea who the AfD is and just want to be racist, or you do know and want to be racist or you are German and siding with the AfD here.
In the last case, I'm just gonna say: Was ist eigentlich dein beschissenes Problem?
Ok but generally, I'm just gonna assume you are referring to the idea/assumption that Muslim people "hate lgbtq+ people" and so on. Which is a huge piece of bullshit.
Here's the thing: Have you ever been to a German Pride? I have, and there were many Muslim people. All of my Muslim friends are fully supporting me, are queer themselves or are amazing allies. I have never met a homophobic Muslim. Never.
But I have met racist and homophobic and Islamophobic assholes. I have met people who told me I'd go to hell and they'd laugh about that. I have met people who have disrespected personal boundaries to humiliate me, to take away my dignity. All of these were white people, Germans, to be exact.
Because most of the countries that treat Lgbtq+ as a crime are majorly Muslim, you assume that the religion is the problem. That is not the case. It is the government that has a problem with queer people, and the people who support that government. And that includes Muslims and non-Muslims.
But the people who come here either run from these governments or try to find a better life here. They do not go here because they support this and now want to hate on people.
Sure, conservative Muslims believe homosexuality is a sin. But so does the catholic church. Yet you would never tell me "Why are you more afraid of the catholic church than of the AfD?"
You are telling me I should be more afraid of people who go or even flee here and simply want to live here, bringing a beautiful diversity to our country, than of people who want to kick those people out because "eww other cultures", "eww they must be terrorists", who want to take a way the freedom of speech, who are openly faschists, who support Russias invasion, who want to destroy German Democracy, who want to take away my human rights???
I'm sorry if I don't follow but to me this is obvious.
I think the Muslim faith is beautiful. Religious faith and devotion generally is very beautiful. Different cultures are beautiful. And homophobia and transphobia are learned/taught behaviors, that can be unlearned with enough patience and kindness.
Muslims do not strive to govern our country and tell us how to live our lives. I let them be, they let me be, all fine. ( I know there are extremists who fall out of that statement but they are a different case all along) The AfD wants to actively forbid medical treatment for people like me, wants to take our rights and make out lives unnecessarily harder.
Tell me now: of who should I be more afraid?