Agent Hill - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Hill: We don’t play favorites

Coulson: *polishing a framed picture of Clint and Natasha*

Coulson: We don’t?

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4 years ago
"Kids, After Aunt Robin And Uncle Barney's Divorce Aunt Robin Decided Being Journalist Isn't Really Her
"Kids, After Aunt Robin And Uncle Barney's Divorce Aunt Robin Decided Being Journalist Isn't Really Her
"Kids, After Aunt Robin And Uncle Barney's Divorce Aunt Robin Decided Being Journalist Isn't Really Her

"Kids, after Aunt Robin and Uncle Barney's divorce Aunt Robin decided being journalist isn't really her thing, so like every normal human being she changed her name into "Maria Hill" and found herself in S.H.E.I.L.D working as agent and second-in-command of Nick Fury."

"Kids, After Aunt Robin And Uncle Barney's Divorce Aunt Robin Decided Being Journalist Isn't Really Her
"Kids, After Aunt Robin And Uncle Barney's Divorce Aunt Robin Decided Being Journalist Isn't Really Her
"Kids, After Aunt Robin And Uncle Barney's Divorce Aunt Robin Decided Being Journalist Isn't Really Her
"Kids, After Aunt Robin And Uncle Barney's Divorce Aunt Robin Decided Being Journalist Isn't Really Her
"Kids, After Aunt Robin And Uncle Barney's Divorce Aunt Robin Decided Being Journalist Isn't Really Her

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1 year ago

In all honesty, I really think the women in Secret Invasion must have severe back pain from carrying this otherwise mid series.

Heads up folks, rant incoming

In my opinion, the show has been rather underwhelming, especially with all the hype surrounding it before episode 1. Majority of it has just been Nick Fury has his intimidating conversation with the enemy (and Talos that one time) some political message about racism and immigration is shoehorned in (which isn’t necessarily a problem because sometimes you’ve gotta be forward about an issue to make people see it, but I feel as if they try to use those issues to make the story have a deeper meaning without really trying, but then again I’m white so my opinion on this probably means jackshit) someone dies, roll credits. It’s honestly kinda sad because I thought the newest episode was actually pretty good and it just makes me think that we could’ve gotten something similar in the previous episodes, but alas. Hopefully the last episode of the series will go out with an at least decent bang.

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