Talos - Tumblr Posts
Please send naming suggestions
For the highest mountain in Akavir (in) Todd Howard’s garage which is like the Olympus where Gaming and in-game deities like the Nerevarine, Godd Howard, Lord Gaben and M’aiq the liar hang out (and gossip about sh*t like Sload mash).
Also Sheo and of course Sanguine.
Also, is Talos, or even the ldb invited?
Talos and Andraste <3
Andraste reached heaven by violence.

Andraste and Talos. Dragon age/Skyrim crossover. Credit: mossygator.tumblr.com
Humans can’t coexist with each other. We’ve been at war with each other since we could walk upright. - Nick Fury

Can't wait for the intersection of Captain Marvel and Elder Scrolls fans.....
listening to talos on repeat today. thank you eoin french, for everything you’ve done.
ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Secret Invasion Spoilers
Episode 1
Why does the President look like that??
And where have I seen him before?
Bro I love the subtle Natasha mention
I’m so glad Rhodey is in this, I can’t wait for Armor Wars and hopefully this leads to it
WHAT THE HELL?! How could they
I’m in complete denial
That didn’t happen
Secret Invasion Spoilers
Episode 3
SUPER SKRULLS?!?! Oh hell no
Not Gravik trying to start WWIII
What does Dreykov have to do with this?
Man retired to space
“I’m a good liar,” I see you
Yk Talos is right, humans are most formidable when they’re threatened by a common foe
Omg did Gravik inject himself with Extremist? Or whatever that serum from Iron Man 3 was called
Nick really is shameless tho
Love the Talos and Nick duo
I love Sonya
Everyone wants a apology from Nick
Nope nevermind, it’s not Rhodey, I hope he’s more involved in this
I agree with Talos on the dog things
Not the Skrulls carrying Nick on theirs back
This show is just Nick Fury getting roasted by everyone so far
Ain’t no way they just killed G’iah
Why did the person Priscilla was talking to sound a lot like Rhodey?
I’m surprised Carol hasn’t been mentioned
Secret Invasion Spoilers
Episode 5
Still not over Talos
What does he mean that Fury has the Avengers DNA?!
Why does he have it?!
My sister: Rhodey is right about the world hating Fury for “killing” Maria Hill
Bro I love Sonya
Who’s Flora Calossus?
Did he just adopt G’iah?
Sonya is so real
Bro collecting Avengers DNA is so fucking creepy
Okay but why is no one shocked that Fury is alive cuz for the world he kinda “died” 2014 during Winter Soldier
Also what was that whole thing in end, who did he call? And what did Sonya understand by “Skrulls like the cold”
This episode was way too confusing
Anywayssss Daisy Johnson when?

Hephaestus, please. Make up your mind. Do you want Talos to become your "perfect self" or not ?

Created by a Greek god, Talos was a metallic giant that guarded the island of Crete. Greek myths say that this beast broke huge chunks of rock off the cliffs to throw at approaching ships and burned men on his blazing bronze skin, which was nearly as hot as the sun. The giant's brute strength could wipe out an invading army.
Talos was said to be a metallic giant made entirely out of bronze, and stood about 30 feet tall. This beast was crafted atop Mt. Olympus by Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths, and sent by Zeus to guard the shores of the island of Crete.
This legendary giant was given life by a fluid called ichor, which was the blood of the gods. Ichor ran through a single vein that stretched from Talos' neck to his heel. A nail was used as a plug in the giant's foot to keep the fluid from running out.
His name comes from the Latin word "talus," which means "enduring".
Plus, fun fact, Hephaestus, the god that created Talos, also made metallic dancing women and fire-breathing bulls.
Okay, I’m sure that someone has already posted about this, but I wanted to ask it for myself.
So, does anyone else do this thing where you see a character you really like and you automatically assume they’re going to die?
Like, when it was revealed in Captain Marvel that the Skrulls weren’t the villains, and that General Talos had a family he’d been waiting to see again, my brother and I began to nudge each other in the theater like “Oh man, he’s gonna die.” “Yeah, he’s too likable. They’re going to kill him off.” (And later on when he was shot we both lost it and screamed “OH, I KNEW IT!!!”) Obviously, it was a huge relief when he didn’t die after all, but it was a heart attack for the both of us.
Can anyone else out there relate?
In all honesty, I really think the women in Secret Invasion must have severe back pain from carrying this otherwise mid series.
Heads up folks, rant incoming
In my opinion, the show has been rather underwhelming, especially with all the hype surrounding it before episode 1. Majority of it has just been Nick Fury has his intimidating conversation with the enemy (and Talos that one time) some political message about racism and immigration is shoehorned in (which isn’t necessarily a problem because sometimes you’ve gotta be forward about an issue to make people see it, but I feel as if they try to use those issues to make the story have a deeper meaning without really trying, but then again I’m white so my opinion on this probably means jackshit) someone dies, roll credits. It’s honestly kinda sad because I thought the newest episode was actually pretty good and it just makes me think that we could’ve gotten something similar in the previous episodes, but alas. Hopefully the last episode of the series will go out with an at least decent bang.
Part five of ...
Forgotten members (most of them can be my priceless piece of brocculi)