You hadn't heard Kento arrive home, but moved from garden to living room like a moth to the flame, when you heard the telltale clink-clink of him removing his harness.
You sidled up behind him, a tease in your voice, dragging one languid finger down his spine.
"What's a guy like you, doing in a place like this, huh?"
A low chuckle. "I'm sure I'm meant to be here."
You bit your lip. "Me too. It must be fate. Does your wife know you're here, Mr...?"
"Nanami. And I certainly hope she does."
You weaved your way round to face him, now, sliding your hands from broad chest to shoulders, all peaks and valleys of stone.
"And what would she say," you whispered, circling one fingertip over his chest until he shivered, lifting one knee to brace against his hip, "if she knew there was someone like me, here?" Kento looked down at you, honey-rich eyes narrowing, the ghost of a smile on his lips.
"That's what you want, is it?" He whispered back, low voice barely audible in the moonlight-flood living room. "A little...roleplay?" Your eyes glimmered at him in confirmation, and he chuckled. "Alright, then." You felt yourself tremble with anticipation.
Abrupt and firm, his smile replaced by a scowl, Kento removed your leg from his hip.
"Get your hands off me."
You gawped at him. Kento stepped back, clearing his throat, and adjusting his tie, the wedding ring glinting on his finger.
"I'll excuse you, just once, but I'm a married man. Happily."
"Kento, I--"
"That's Mr.Nanami to you. I don't recall us ever meeting, and I don't enjoy such intimate familiarity with strangers."
"--you are just so--"
"I'm sorry for whatever has happened in your life, for you to have such little self-respect, or respect for others, that you have such ill-intent towards a married man--"
You withered onto the sofa under his cool tirade.
"--but I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, while I wait for my wife."
"You are a fucking nightmare--"
"And how did you get in my house? I'll give you ten seconds to leave, before I call the police--"
You screamed into a sofa cushion.
"--do you have somewhere safe to go? Are you hungry? Thirsty, certainly. I can pay for a taxi--"
You felt your soul leave your body.
"--I do hope we don't meet again--"
You laughed, humourless, face down in the pillow.
"-- good day to you."
Kento walked away to the bathroom, leaving you prone and mortified on the sofa. You heard the shower start to run. You lifted your head, shouting at him, furious in your laughter.
"Fuck you for being so fucking pure, Mr.Nanami! Your wife is a lucky woman!"
A deep laugh from the bathroom. "Yes, she is."
good for you || Jimin

Pairing: Jimin x reader
Summary: Jimin can’t help the way he drowns himself in you. Why should he anyway?
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: PWP / Porn With Feelings, Fwb!au
Tags & Warnings: smut, (sub!jimin kinda, soft dom!reader, oral (male receiving), vaginal sex, praise kink, sub space I think), explicit language.
Also available on Ao3
A/N: I really needed to write that one to get it out of my mind lol. It’s really just smut. It’s also technically a college AU but it’s not mentioned at all so yeah, do with that what you will. I might write some more for this AU after I’ve written more for if I can never give you peace but yeah, in the meantime I hope you’ll enjoy this!

It seems that Jimin just can’t stop drowning himself in you.
He doesn’t mean to, really, nor did he mean for it to happen. He didn’t realize the power your eyes could have on him, didn’t think he would end up only able to think about you and your lips, didn’t imagine that after getting a taste he would constantly long to be back in your arms. Even when he waits for you to text, checking his phone more than he’d like to admit, he tries not to think about what you do to him exactly.
And then you do text, and he’s already ready to go and meet you, because he misses your touch so badly. When he gets there, you open the door and you smile at him, and he knows, he just knows. He’s a goner.
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for @taegularities and her inability to accept biases <3
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j-hope’s photoshoots and making films as film noir (insp.) (cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls)
seventeen and plants
how good i think seventeen would be at looking after plants

the most plant dad to ever plant dad. owns like 5 succulents, 2 mini herbal bushes and several little flower pots. has a watering rota that he follows to the T n whenever he goes away he has one of the members swear on their svt ring that they'll remember his rota for his beloved plants. probably rants about everything the members have done to annoy him to his plants. they're his pride and joy.
could definitely grow a plant if he wanted to, provided he developed an emotional attachment to it so he wouldn't forget to keep it alive. prefers his pets to be inanimate and unalive like his rocks so he doesn't have to worry about them dying on him. once had to look after dokyeom's plant when he was away for a week, had to be reminded by seungcheol to water it
feels really bad for houseplants bc they're trapped in a pot and they're kept indoors :((( could probably grow a plant if he wanted to, but he's never really wanted to n never really tried so he doesn't know. plants aren't really His Thing. plus his hay fever is rlly erratic and could flare up at Anything. finds great amusement in seungcheol's watering rota, once messed it up to see how long it took for him to find out, was caught in less than ten seconds
wants to grow plants!!! just doesn't have the patience nor the time for it. likes talking to minghao's tree. and dokyeom's plant. doesn't talk to seungcheol's plants a lot tho bc apparently they're rlly snooty and keep talking back to him whenever he says something???? the members can't tell if he's actually a plant whisperer or if it's just all in his head
once owned 3 little cacti that he bought impulsively one time when they were in america. grew strangely attached to his weird fluffy spiky plants despite not rlly being much of a plant person. one of them ended up being killed by wonwoo, one other was sat on by hansol (accidentally) and the last one ended up being adopted by seungcheol bc the eldest was worried that something catastrophic would end up happening to it.
has the most un-green fingers in the world. everything he so much as glances at dies. which is really weird, bc he tries his best, following all the instructions n everything and yet somehow he still managed to kill one of hoshi's cacti, resulting in the other being inconsolable for several days. concludes that growing plants are Not For Him, but finds that he's okay at following seungcheol's plant rota for a couple of days
can't take care of plants. he's a Busy Man okay, and even though he'd really like to, he's kind of busy taking care of himself to think about another living thing. sometimes helps minghao trim his bonsai tree when he's upset, but wasn't allowed anywhere near seungkwan's plants (when they were alive) bc for some reason the younger member thought that they would die the second jihoon touched them
owns a bonsai tree that he bought from china a few years ago. very precious to him, whispers mysterious stuff in mandarin to it every evening after he's done his meditation routine. only lets a select few touch his tree, and definitely doesn't let hansol or wonwoo come within three metre radius of it. doesn't have a water rota like seungcheol, instead has Intuition that means he suddenly bolts upright and scurries away to water his tree bc it is Calling To Him
can't raise plants, doesn't want to raise plants. says that he once owned a lily plant back in high school whenever the members tell him that he can't keep anything alive and intact. is then always reminded that he ended up dropping it out the open window while he was trying to clean the window sill. but that's not his point!!! he managed to keep it alive up until his hand-eye coordination acted up again
used to refuse getting plant gifts from people n for his birthday bc he believed that every plant he ever had would only ever die tragically in his care. that is, until minghao suggested that he sings to the plants and suddenly!! every living green thing within his vicinity is flourishing!!! has one beloved chinese evergreen plant that is his everything. does his vocal exercises to the plant every single morning
went through a craze of owning like 10 potted ferns. you couldn't go into his room without feeling like you'd entered the fern jungle. ended up being so stressed over maintaining them that he overwatered three of them so they died. then accidentally knocked over another two while walking into his room with his vision blocked by his pile of laundry. the other five ended up dying within the year too bc he kept the heating too high (he always runs a little cold) and they couldn't withstand the temperature and died :((
isn't allowed anywhere near anyone else's plants after the incident with hoshi's cactus. but in his defence, it was partly hoshi's fault bc who leaves a cactus plant on the chair in the dining room where anyone could sit down on it??? had sore buttcheeks for over a week after that n couldn't sit down without wincing. doesn't really want to take care of plants. once helped seungkwan water his ferns, back when they were still alive, but that's about it
once owned a mini peace lily plant that managed to grow so beautifully despite the fact he did the bare minimum to look after it bc he was so busy. the hidden master when it comes to looking after plants. is one of the people that minghao trusts with his bonsai tree, sometimes is allowed to watch minghao perform his ceremony with the plant. doesn't have time to look after plants tho, n ended up giving away his lily to seungcheol, who promised vv solemnly to take good care of it

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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @jeonghanfr

nothing ever lasts forever; we will go softly into the night
I'm gripping you please please repost that comic about there being no more of the food Secondo wanted because Copia eats with rats
Ask and you shall receive XD

Originally posted Jun 17, 2024

Something about mentors learning from their students just as much as they teach them.
(pls reblog if you can? I put so much work into these lol)

hatsune mitsurugi pt. 2
wait cuz i had so much fun drawing him omg,, here please take a second drawing :]