Alchemist Cookie - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
I Doodled The Siblings :)
I Doodled The Siblings :)

I doodled the siblings :)

Tags :
2 years ago
My Friend Gave Me An Idea To Draw Alchemist With Vampiric Traits. Tbh I Might Explore The Idea More,

My friend gave me an idea to draw Alchemist with Vampiric traits. Tbh I might explore the idea more, I REALLY like it

Tags :
2 years ago
Exposing My Sketchbook For A Bit More. I Realized Its About 60% Full Of Cookie Run Shenadigans. Its Mostly
Exposing My Sketchbook For A Bit More. I Realized Its About 60% Full Of Cookie Run Shenadigans. Its Mostly
Exposing My Sketchbook For A Bit More. I Realized Its About 60% Full Of Cookie Run Shenadigans. Its Mostly
Exposing My Sketchbook For A Bit More. I Realized Its About 60% Full Of Cookie Run Shenadigans. Its Mostly
Exposing My Sketchbook For A Bit More. I Realized Its About 60% Full Of Cookie Run Shenadigans. Its Mostly
Exposing My Sketchbook For A Bit More. I Realized Its About 60% Full Of Cookie Run Shenadigans. Its Mostly

Exposing my sketchbook for a bit more. I realized its about 60% full of cookie run shenadigans. its mostly vamp and lilacream tho but i aint exposing those bc a lot of it are vent & ship art

Tags :
3 years ago
pebblesayshi - PebblesaysHi Art Blog

pebblesayshi - PebblesaysHi Art Blog

Royal sibling costumes?

pebblesayshi - PebblesaysHi Art Blog

He looks so grumpy...

pebblesayshi - PebblesaysHi Art Blog

Evil Cream Puff???

Tags :
1 year ago

Unpayable Bill (aka Pay your Tab); Bitter Roofie

Please be wary of the tags!!



Archive Warnings:

Graphic Depictions Of Violence

Major Character Death







Cookie Run (Video Game)


Cocoa Cookie/Mint Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)

Herb Cookie/Sparkling Cookie (Cookie Run)

Herb Cookie/Mint Choco Cookie/Sparkling Cookie/Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run)

Alchemist Cookie & Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run)

Cocoa Cookie & Herb Cookie (Cookie Run)

Cocoa Cookie & Sparkling Cookie (Cookie Run)

Cocoa Cookie & Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run)

Cocoa cookie & Tumeric cookie (Oc) (Cookie Run)


Cocoa Cookie (Cookie Run)

Mint Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)

Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run)

Herb Cookie (Cookie Run)

Alchemist Cookie (Cookie Run)

Tumeric Cookie (Oc) (Cookie Run)

Milk Cookie (Cookie Run)

Almond Cookie (Cookie Run)

Parfait Cookie (Cookie Run)

Dr. Bones Cookie (Cookie Run)

Cocktail the parakeet (Oc) (Cookie run)

Rockstar Cookie (Cookie Run)

Additional Tags:

Sparkling Cookie's Juice Bar (Cookie Run)

Game: Cookie Run: Kingdom

Cookie Run Characters Have Human Traits

Cookie Run Characters Have Jam Instead of Blood


Rape Recovery

Rape Aftermath

Rape/Non-con Elements

Non-Consensual Touching

Non-Consensual Kissing

Non-Consensual Oral Sex

Non-Consensual Blow Jobs

Non-Consensual Groping

Non-Consensual Violence

Attempted Murder

Brutal Murder



Blood and Gore

Blood and Violence


Emotional Hurt/Comfort

Angst and Hurt/Comfort


Emotional Hurt

Bad Advice

Gang Rape

Dead Dove: Do Not Eat


Milk Cookie never knew what was going on


Threats of Rape/Non-Con


Herb is a fucking sadist

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD

Eventual Fluff

Fluff and Angst

Fluff and Hurt/Comfort

Dubious Consent

that's only for Sparkling

Victim Blaming

lol no one is mentally healthy

Mental Health Issues

Mental Breakdown



Things get worse before they can get better.


Ughhhh this chapter was long but so much fun to write! I hope you enjoy And oh my Lord Alchemist will not be having a fun time

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mint Choco slowly started drifting off. Swan, he hated this so much. The violinist felt so weak and utterly broken but so safe in her arms. She always made everything better. 

Even when his mind and body were destroyed she somehow managed to make everything better. So why can't he heal? All he had to do was get over it. Why can't he be okay again? Why can't he forget what happened? Why can't he move on?

Why does he remember every detail? The feeling of the cold tile floor. The soft jazz music playing from the speaker. The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke that came from those disgusting men. How blurry his vision was from his tears. The taste of drugged vodka and sperm on his lips. It was horrible.

He wants the memory gone. He needs to erase it from his mind. The violinist could feel himself starting to cry but the sound of her voice broke him from his harsh thoughts. "Honey, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I am just really tired." He lied once more. Each time he would lie it hurts worse. Like someone added another tiny needle to his neck.

"Alright." Cocoa tried to sound like she believed him. She really wishes he would be honest with her. "You know I'm always here for you." But she guessed it wouldn't be today. 

"Thanks." He stayed quiet for a bit, thinking. He did want to tell her. He wanted to be honest and cry in her arms. But he was afraid. If his 'friends' had the willpower to gang-rape him because of jealousy they would do anything to keep him quiet. He knows that they aren't afraid to hurt someone to keep their disgusting desire safe.

So he decided to keep quiet. He just needed to learn to hide all these feelings. To get back to his old self. To forget it. He needed that disgusting memory gone. "Cocoa." He mumbled, wiping his tears. "I love you so much. Thank you."

She smiled, kissing his forehead. "I love you too hun."

He could do this. He can ignore it. He could act. Mint knew they wouldn't stop but maybe he could just pretend that it wasn't happening. Pretend everything was fine. Pretend like nothing ever happened. 

 Pretend that it was just some pity argument. He felt his eyes grow tired as his lover caressed his face. She kissed him softly and whispered something to him. But all Mint could hear was 'I love you.'

And before Cocoa knew it he was asleep. She smiled, he looked so peaceful like this. So sweet and cute. But sadly she would have to leave him. She got up from his bed, making sure not to wake him up.

The brunette walked to the kitchen, smiling to herself. Cocoa grabbed a half-used tube of garlic paste out of the fridge and put it in a bag. She picked up some pliers and one of the dullest knives she owned, before putting on a pair of thick white gloves. 

After she gathered everything, Cocoa hid her tools in the pockets of her dress. She double-checked the locks before leaving the comfort of her home and her beloved behind. 

The sun was setting, making the clouds look pink and the weather was warm and humid. It was perfect weather for ending a worthless man's life. And that is exactly what Cocoa planned to do. She spent the last few days figuring out how she would end each one of their pathetic lives. And it will go in her favor.

Each of them would suffer a terrible fate. An allergic reaction, burning alive, and drowning. All of them sounded sweet on her tongue.

She walked, smiling happily. It felt good knowing that in a few hours Vampire would be dead. She was so excited and could barely hide her bright smile as she saw the house in sight. 

Soon the street lights flickered on, as the darkness finally overtook the kingdom. Cocoa approached her destination, she noticed there were lights on. She could see through the barely open blinds that Alchemist was home. 

Her heart raced a little, she didn't think she would be here. The last time she checked she was busy with science club and her classes. Ok, just a small change in plans. She walked up towards the house, making sure she didn't step on anything.

She ran past the front before climbing the fence, landing softly on the damp grass. She looked around her surroundings, checking if anyone saw her. Thankfully the backdoor blinds were closed. Cocoa quickly searched before finding the breaker box. There should have been a lock but there wasn't.

That made it all the better! She opened the box, taking out her pliers. The brunette held her breath as she cut the wires. Just as she expected, all the lights instantly cut off. She heard a scream, making her jump.

"VAMPIRE!" Alchemist yelled, making Cocoa go stiff. "I TOLD YOU TO PAY THE LIGHT BILL BY THE 19TH!"

Relief washed over Cocoa's body, she didn't think anything of it. She sprinted through the darkness of night, jumping the fence again. She found the window and jumped inside. It was dark and the only thing that helped her was the light from the streets outside. But it was fine, she had been stalking the house for a while. It was just an old closet that Alchemist used for potions.

"Stop stressing sis." Vampire laughed walking past the room Cocoa was in. "Can ya not see?"

She groaned, "You know I can't." Oh, well that's fortunate but at the same time not. She thought that Vampire wouldn't be able to see too. Well, she came this far, might as well finish the job. Cocoa waited for the redhead to finish his teasing and after a bit, there were footsteps. Seemingly going different ways.

She opened the slightly opened door, praying to the Sugar Swan that it wouldn't make a sound. She peeked through to see no one in the halls. Good. She sneaked her way upstairs, trying to avoid the creaky floors. 

From past experience, she knew where Vampire's bedroom was. She could see him drinking from a wine glass. The door was slightly cracked open and everything was silent except for her heart beating furiously against her chest. 

She didn't know if it was because of her nervousness or her excitement to see that horrible man in pain. It felt like her chest was about to explode. Cocoa watched how he would gulp down wine before opening another bottle. Maybe alcohol poisoning would kill him before she got the chance.

The redhead got up, stumbling into another room. She held her breath waiting for a sound. Cocoa let herself breathe when she heard milk running. She was about to open the door but he came back before she had a chance. Damn it.

Before she could think of something else there was a loud sound downstairs. She physically jumped at the sound. It's probably just Alchemist tripping or something. "Sis? Are you still alive?" He called out.

She heard Alchemist grumble in response but it was barely audible. So she knew Vampire couldn't hear it. The redhead got up and walked towards his room door. Shit!

Cocoa froze. What to do? Should she run? Should she kill him now? She eventually hid behind the door and a second later he opened it. By the way it was opened she could easily hide behind it. She froze as Vampire walked into the hallway. "Sisssssss? Did you hear me?"

When he went down the stairs Cocoa slowly crept into his bedroom. She almost tripped over the piles of clothes but she managed to catch herself. She quickly looked around the room, before eyeing the open wine bottle.

Perfect, just what she needed. She quickly walked over it, almost falling once again. Cocoa caught herself before dropping to the ground. She took out the paste and poured it all into the wine bottle. 

She kept looking up while doing it, making sure he hadn't returned yet. He could have easily snuck up on her by all the milk running. While she looked around she couldn't help but notice a picture frame near the coffin. And Cocoa felt a sense of dread overcome her.

She put the empty tube in her dress pocket before looking closer. It was a picture of her and Mint sitting at a fountain. The only thing different was she was burnt out of it. Mint was smiling and hugging her from behind. The brunette picked up the picture, smiling softly to herself. Remembering the sweet memory.

How he used to be so cheerful and happy. But now look at him, sad and depressed. It pissed her off that he had the nerve to have this picture while hurting the innocent man in it.

She was going to put it back when she heard light but still audible footsteps. She froze. Shit, she couldn't keep freezing up like this! She went to the closet and slightly closed the doors shut, hiding.

Pulling her legs close to her body, she listened to the noise carefully. When she finally got the chance to breathe she realized the picture was still with her. Damn it.

It took Vampire a while to open his bedroom door again. Luckily he seemed too busy getting drunk to notice the missing picture frame. She heard the milk stop running before disappearing into the bathroom. She breathed out quietly, her heart pounding heavily in her chest. Cocoa heard a sigh escape his lips as he sat in the bath, naked. Disgusting!

She watched as he poured himself another cup of wine before sipping on the beverage. Perfect. Before he poured himself another cup Cocoa opened the closet doors. 

She only took one step before Vampire looked towards the sound, almost hitting his head on the rim of the bottle by how fast his neck turned.  If it wasn't for the angle of the room he would have seen her. 

"What the hell?!" Vampire sat up slightly looking out the door. "Sis, did you fall again?" He laughed, sitting back down. For a moment Cocoa thought it would take a bit for the garlic to kick in. But there was a cough. And then a choke.

She smiled, strolling towards him. Cocoa stepped into the bathroom, watching as his eyes winded comically and he couldn't stop coughing.

"Coc-cO-Coca?" He choked, dropping the glass.

"Vampire." She had a neutral expression on her face, sitting on the edge of the tub. "I would say it's nice to see you but that would be a lie." He coughed harder, jam dripping down his lips.

"Wha-wh-wh-what di-di-d-did yo-you-."  He struggled to speak but it was becoming increasingly harder.

"Garlic paste." She explained calmly. His eyes widened once more. Vampire tried to stand, but physically couldn't.

"AL-ALC-CHE-!" He couldn't get his words out. His throat felt like it was burning with fire. His heart felt like it had stopped and his lungs burned with every breath he tried to take. 

"No, don't call for your sister. Unless you want her to know how shitty you actually are." Cocoa chuckled coldly,  staring him in the eyes.

"Wha-what ar-are you-!"

"Oh, don't play dumb with me." She hissed, glaring at him." She spat, angry tears filling her eyes. 

"Oh-h, wel-well I sti-il-ill wou-would qui-te if-f I-." Before he could finish his taunting, there was another choking fit. The jam came streaming from his nose and mouth mixing with the milk below him. 

Cocoa wiped away her tears with her thumb and sighed. Vampire was struggling to breathe. His jam was starting to turn the milk pink. "If you're going to die, answer me this. Why did you do it? Why did you rape him? I mean honestly, you're such a piece of shit!" She spat, anger filling her voice.

"Hng." He winced as he tried to take a deep breath. Vampire weakly touched his stomach with his hand, feeling a bloody wound slowly start to grow. He was disintegrating into nothing.

"I mean... I understand you being jealous but it doesn't make sense. Why did you assault him? Why did you hurt him? Do you understand how much pain and suffering you put him through!? What, so you can just get off?!?

Vampire looked up at her with a neutral expression. His eyes were dull and lifeless. He gave her a weak smile, jam seeping through his lips and down his chin. He opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was jam.

And that's when Cocoa noticed it. The growing wound on his stomach spread towards his chest. She almost screamed at the sight of it. She knew he would have an allergic reaction but this was unexpected.

She stood up, backing away slowly. Cocoa could see his dough melt, to the point white bones were starting to peek through. "Te-tl-tell-l hi-hi-hng-him I-I'm so-sO-sorry." Vampire slurred as his cheeks slowly melted away.

Cocoa felt disgusted, yes the sight in front of her was traumatizing, but he decided to apologize?! Did he only do that because he was going to die? Trying to be some sort of saint in his last moments of life?! He was just so fucking awful! Such a low-life piece of shit. He was truly horrendous and disgusting!

His eyes went dull as the last of his life left him. It was almost comical. 


His cheeks melted away into bone. His jaw stretched as if it was gum being pulled down by gravity before joining the milk in a loud splash. She held over her stomach as the display happened.

She mostly was glad he was suffering but a small percentage of her felt she just should have stabbed him and got it over with. Cocoa fumbled backward before stepping out of the bathroom without mumbling another word. She left the house swiftly, leaving the bloody remains there to rot and be found.

As soon as she left the house, there was a scream. A blood-curdling scream that sent chills down the back of her spine. Oh, poor Alchemist. She didn't think he would be found so soon. Cocoa could hear the cries of agony from the teen. She felt sorry. Not for her brother but for Alchemist. 

She didn't know anything that he did. Being completely left in the dark. Cocoa sighed, walking away from the house. Maybe she should tell her who he actually was. Or would that just make everything so much worse? Truly unfortunate that the only cookie she cared about was such a bastard.

From previous encounters, he seemed to be an ok brother. But that will never outshine the things he has done to Mint.

When she returned home she was exhausted. All she wanted was to go back into her lover's embrace. "Wow, that was quick." She jumped, turning to face the noise.

"Turmeric?!!" She squealed.

"Guilty as charged." He grinned brightly, holding an ice cream in one hand. "And good job, you committed your first murder!" He picked up the knife that fell out of her pocket when she flinched earlier. "Though it's oddly clean." He noted. "Did you do it or chicken out?"

"Uh, yeah. I just took it if something goes wrong..." She trailed off. "How the hell did you even know I was even going to kill him tonight."

"I've been observing you." He shrugged. "You haven't left your house for a while. When I happened to see you I knew it was time." He chuckled, with a smile.

"Oh… I guess I have locked myself away recently."

"Hm, anyway are you gonna tell me how you did it, or are we just going to wait for Detective Almond to be called?" Turmeric asked casually, licking his ice cream. Before she could respond he cut him off. "I am more curious about who it was. Was it that creepy mailman or maybe that cutesy baker?" He mumbled to himself.

"I don't think we should talk about this. Especially outside."

"Smart." He hummed, finishing up his treat. "But answer this, how did it taste? You must have loved having your revenge didn't ya?"  He smirked, taking another bite of his sweet dessert.

"It was... bittersweet."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I feel bad for his sister. She didn't know what he did." Cocoa whispered, glancing to the side. 

The ginger stood there confused for a few seconds before getting it. "Holy… shit! You killed that alcoholic! Shit, now you have to tell me what he did something to make you upset, I bet-"

"Turmeric please, let's not talk about this outside." Cocoa interrupted him.

"Yeah, yeah but I still want to know what he did."

Cocoa sighed yawning. "Maybe tomorrow. I am so tired..." she groaned.

He nodded with a smile then turned and started walking in the opposite direction. "Good night!" He shouted at her. She waved bye before pulling out her keys and making her way into the house. 

When Cocoa closed the door behind her she felt exhausted. Exhausted from dealing with killing Vampire, exhausted from almost being caught, and also just overall tired. 

She stumbled towards her bedroom and fell face-first into the bed. But was stabbed by the wooden frame of the picture. She yanked it out and got a good look at this. Cocoa should have put it back, this would be suspicious if it was missing. But wouldn't something like this be so much better in her room?

She took out the image and carefully ripped the burnt edges away. Cocoa took a few minutes to look at his smiling face. Oh, the horrible things she will do to see that smile again.

She sighed before placing it on the counter. As she undressed her mind flashed through the past couple of hours. They were all things that could've happened. If she hadn't hidden in enough time she could have been caught.  She would have to burn these clothes later. 

With that said, Cocoa crawled under the covers, slowly going into Mint's arms, not trying to disturb him from sleep. The brunette slowly drifted off, thinking about what had happened. Truly she was lucky, so many things could have gone wrong. 

But in the end, she managed to avoid being caught. She would need to be a lot more careful. Especially if she was going after Herb now. And she knew that carrying all those bags of fertilizer would give anyone some strength. She yawned before finally letting sleep consume her.







Cocoa woke up to the smell of something cooking. Slowly opening her eyes, she noticed Mint was no longer beside her. She sat up, stretching her arms before heading towards the kitchen. "Morning love." Mint smiled, flipping pancakes. "You seemed tired so I took care of breakfast."

"Mmm.." Cocoa hummed, kissing his neck lightly. "Thanks."

"It's my pleasure dear. Also, don't worry about your clothes. I already put them in the washer."

"Oh, yes, thank you." It was fine, she could still easily get rid of them.

Breakfast is ready though, come sit." He said, setting a plate and a mug of hot cocoa down in front of her. "I know it's nowhere as good as yours but I still hope you will enjoy it." He said softly with a chuckle, sitting down across from her.

"Well, it smells amazing Mint. I am so lucky to have you!" She exclaimed, smiling widely.

He smiled warmly, nodding his head. "Same here, I love you so much." He kissed her softly. Her smile widened before she leaned forward, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"I love you too." She smiled standing up. She grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers together. 

The violist laughed, kissing it gently. For a second he just looked at her with a smile."Can we... dance? I know that seems out of the blue but I always loved dancing with you." Cocoa smiled, looking into his beautiful green eyes.

"Of course." She replied. He smiled, grabbing onto her waist. They began to sway to nothing but the warm air that surrounded them. As they danced she couldn't help but think about all those moments with Mint, dancing alone together, laughing together... It made her heart warm knowing how lucky she was to share this moment with her beloved lover.

Cocoa hopes this makes everything better. She knew he wouldn't be the same but she hoped he would be better. No one can be the same after such sick and twisted events.

She didn't understand how anyone could possibly handle the amount of pain his friends brought. How he must have felt so betrayed after being assaulted by them. She wanted him to know that he wasn't alone. That he wouldn't be again.

And eventually, he stopped the dance. The pair stopped moving around, instead, they stood facing each other. She could see Mint smile with adoration in his eyes.

But it turned sour. The corners of his mouth curved downward. He stared at her in silence.

"Cocoa..." He mumbled softly.


"I need to talk to you." He said, taking a deep breath. He let go of Cocoa's hands, placing both hands on either side of her face and leaning in closer. Mint rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. 

The violinist took one of her hands in his own and kissed it lovingly. Mint placed a tender kiss on top of her lips, cupping her cheek.

"What is it dear?" She asked softly.

"I've thought long and hard about this...and...I'm sorry I kept this from you." He sighed quietly. "For the past few months, I haven't been honest with you. And I am sorry." 

Was this it? Was he going to tell her? Cocoa grabbed a hold of the hand he used to cup her cheek. 

"You can tell me anything. I am here to listen. I'll always listen." She promised.

"Uhm..." He was looking for the right words.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay now. Well, kind of. Uhm..." He trailed off. "You will love me no matter what, right? No matter what happens. We'll stick together forever, right?" There were tears slightly burning in his eyes. 

"Forever." She whispered, giving him an encouraging squeeze. 

"I um... I've... you remember my 'friends', right?" Those disgusting bastards. 

"Yes, what about them?" 

"They... when I went to... they had...Cocoa they ra-." 

Before he could get his words out there was a loud knock at the door. He froze instantly, his mouth opening and closing without any words coming out. Cocoa was frozen as well. "I'll get it."

"Shouldn't you tell me first?" Cocoa still had her fingers intertwined in his hand.

 "I want to react to this news without having any company over." He answered, carefully peeling himself away from Cocoa. He opened the door revealing the detective with a frown. "Detective Almond? May I help you?" 

The man sighed, rubbing the nape of his neck. "You know, Vampire Wine Cookie, correct?" The hair on his neck stood up. 

"Y-yes." He gulped, slightly shaking. 

Almond stared at him, his expression full of pity. "He has been found dead last in his home." 

Mint didn't say anything, he just looked at him. "Pardon?" 

"He was found dead last night." He repeated. Mint didn't move. He just stared blankly at the man until he felt Cocoa grab hold of his arm, trying to check on him. A tear ran down his eyes as he continued staring blankly at Almond. 

He didn't know what to feel. He was dead. One of the cookies who hurt him the most is dead. He felt happy yet at the same time scared. Who killed him? Why did they kill him? Did they know? Or maybe they were just targeting random cookies. "Mint?" She whispered, wiping his tears away. 

"I uh.." The violinist sniffled, wrapping his arms around her. It felt nice, it felt so good knowing that one of them was gone. That he could never hurt him again. He could breathe a little easier. "I...just need to think..." Mint stuttered out. "Almond... Thank you for telling us..." He murmured.

Almond frowned. "I am sorry for your loss." He whispered sympathetically before turning to leave. "Oh, and take care of yourself alright? It is obvious you're hurting." 

 Cocoa glanced back at her boyfriend before turning back to the officer. "Thank you." She murmured. The detective nodded and left the house. Once he was out of sight she closed the door. 

She led him towards their bedroom and sat him down on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?" She questioned, kneeling in front of him. Mint looked off into space, looking at a picture of the two, 

"I... am not sure..." He replied, his voice wavering. "I don't know... how to feel. I mean... I guess you would think I am sad but I am truly not. I'm pretty happy actually... But it's hard to say that because... it's scary..." Cocoa didn't respond, letting him continue his monologue.

 "I mean did he feel guilty? Did he kill himself? Did he feel bad? I don't think he did, he didn't show it. He never seemed like he regretted raping me. In fact, he enjoyed himself. But I don't know. Maybe I really am overthinking it." 

She blinked a little when he mumbled that. It was a subconscious confession. Cocoa thought about responding to it but didn't. She would rather him tell her when he was ready. She hugged him as the feelings of rage rose in her soul. Oh, was she looking forward to kill Herb!

"I don't understand, why is all this stuff happening now? I just want to be able to live my life freely without worrying about being violated over and over and over and over and over-" He repeated his sentence as if he was a broken record.

"Honey HONEY!" She slightly shook him, trying to get him out of his head. "Look at me. Everything will be alright! You are safe here. I promise!" She placed her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. Mint blinked, his tears still running down his cheeks. 

"What... did I say?" Mint asked softly, his lip trembling a little. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. His body relaxed into her touch. "I... don't remember. What did I say? Was that all in my head? I can't remember."

"Honey. It's fine... everything's fine..." She hummed, rubbing circles in his back soothingly.

"What is happening to me, Cocoa? Why am I so confused?" He muttered, his voice sounding so small. She pulled him closer,  holding him close, her face pressed on the side of his head.

"It'll be okay sweetie... it'll be okay." She comforted him, stroking his messy hair. She rubbed his back slowly and gently.

"Why must things have to become so difficult?" He whimpered, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Her chest tightened. She didn't know how she should console him at that moment or what would make him feel better. All she wanted to do was to bring happiness back to him, but she couldn't, not after all this tragedy.

"I am so confused." He wiped the tears off his cheeks. Cocoa pulled away and cupped his face once again. "I don't understand what's happening. It doesn't make sense..."

"Everything will be fine, Mint. Please believe that." She reassured. "Please trust me." Her thumb caressed his cheekbone lightly. He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. "Everything will be fine." She murmured once again. They stayed like that for a while, neither of them saying a word. Just holding each other.

Eventually, he moved out of her embrace and took a seat next to her. He leaned back against the headboard, gazing up at the ceiling. After a few moments passed between the two of them, there was a knock on their door. 

They both looked at each other for a second. Neither of them wanted to get up, let alone open it. It wasn't like any good news came from it.

They knocked louder, hitting the wood harder. "Should we answer it?" Cocoa murmured.

"I don't want to..." He groaned, his voice barely audible. She laid back down before the knocking was louder.

"Cocoa please!" Alchemist's voice was muffled through the door, her words almost indiscernible. They looked at each other once more.

"I'll get it." Cocoa decided, walking out of the room. She opened the door only to find a sleep-deprived Alchemist. She had black bags under her eyes and her hair was completely messy. Her glasses weren't even on the correct way.

"May I stay here tonight? Please." She mumbled, looking at her shoes, hiding her tear-streaked face from Cocoa. Her voice sounded weak like she had been crying a lot lately.

"I... yeah sure." Cocoa smiled slightly before ushering Alchemist inside their room. Alchemist shuffled across the room and sat on the couch. Cocoa walked over and sat by her side. The two remained silent for a minute, Alchemist looking out of the window before speaking. "I saw him..."


"I found his body. I saw his eye fall out of his socket. There was jam everywhere. It was disgusting." Tears started falling down her cheeks. "I don't understand. Why would someone kill him? He wasn't the best cookie, but he meant a lot to me. I wish I didn't see his melting corpse." Cocoa pulled Alchemist into a comforting hug. She didn't say anything, just held her as she sobbed.

It wasn't like she could truly comfort her. Especially in situations where she knows what her brother did and knows why he died. What was she supposed to say? 

'Oh, he was such a good guy.'

'He didn't deserve to die.'

But both of those things were lies to comfort her. Mint walked into the living room. Seeing the two girls embracing. "Is everything alright?" His voice was soft, not wanting to startle either of them with his presence.

Alchemist only wiped her tears. "I am better than last night." She lied, her voice hoarse and scratchy. Mint opened his mouth, wanting to say something. But nothing came out. Cocoa doesn't blame him, how would he say positive things about the man who ruined his life?

Mint sighed before looking toward the morning teen. "I am truly sorry for your loss. I hope you will find happiness soon." He mumbled, walking to the kitchen. He poured a cup of tea before handing it to her. 

"Thanks." She uttered quietly as she sipped on her drink. Alchemist glanced at him briefly, her eyes slightly puffy and red.

"Did you get any sleep last night? You seem tired." Mint stated, staring into his cup, avoiding eye contact.

"No," She shrugged casually. "I was too scared to. I didn't know if they wanted to murder me too. It's just... terrifying."

Cocoa gave her a sympathetic look, placing a reassuring hand on her knee. "You can rest on the sofa if you want." She offered, making Alchemist smile slightly.

"Thank you. I'd appreciate it." She said softly, putting down her mug. "Geez, here I am saying how bad I feel. I can't imagine how much you have been hurting Mint Choco. My brother was your friend... you guys must've been so close right? At least closer than me and him..." Alchemist trailed off sadly, her eyes starting to water.

Mint looked away from her. He didn't know what to say. "Yeah. I guess we were." He said in a low tone. Silence fell over them once again until  Mint finally spoke up again. "I am sorry, I have to go." He said, leaving the two alone. Cocoa watched him leave, feeling pity.

"I will be right back ok? Feel free to relax." She assured Alchemist, watching as the purplenette nodded. She found Mint in their bedroom, looking at some books. He obviously stopped himself from crying before she entered the room.

"Oh Cocoa!" He mumbled, wiping snot off his face. "How are you? Are you alright?" He questioned, desperately trying to get the attention off himself. He was trying his hardest to seem ok.

"Yes, I am. But I came to ask you that question." She dryly chuckled, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Well I am fine, I just got overwhelmed." He laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, his voice still rough from crying.

She sighed before pulling him into a tight hug. "It's gonna be okay, honey," She whispered into his ear, giving him a warm reassuring squeeze. She cupped his cheek, pressing her lips against his temple. "In the end, everything will be fine."

They parted, both of their faces flushed dark blush. Both of them stared at one another silently before smiling. 

"I am so lucky to have you." He breathed, placing his palm on the side of her face, caressing her dough softly with his fingers.  Cocoa wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tighter.

"I could say the same about you." She smiled, pressing her lips against his forehead tenderly. He chuckled deeply, wrapping his arms around her tightly. They looked into each other's eyes. Lovingly, passionately.

Mint leaned forward, planning on planting his kiss on her lips, but suddenly, a loud banging startled them both. He pulled away quickly. "Do you think that was Alchemist?" He asked worriedly, glancing at the door anxiously.

"Probably." Cocoa replied, standing up to leave the room. Mint followed suit. They reached the hallway entering the living room. Alchemist was still there except there were two new cookies on the sofa.

"Sorry I didn't ask first. But I didn't think you would mind letting your friends join us." Alchemist sheepishly smiled while the four stared at each other.

The room was dead silent. Not one of them uttered a word.

"Hello... doll." Sparkling said slowly, looking at the ground. Slight tears building in his eyes threatening to spill.

Herb wasn't even looking at them, instead focusing on the floor, his face buried in his hands. He refused to look anywhere else except the carpet. His hair wasn't its usual floral color instead it was a dark and murky swamp green.

"Why are you here?" Cocoa demanded, her voice coming out harsher than she wanted.

"We... just heard the news about Vampire's death and we just wanted to comfort Mint." When the violinist heard his name he instinctively backed up. "And you... I... well...  um... we thought..." He stuttered, unable to form coherent sentences. 

Cocoa closed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair. The silence returned to the room once again.  Everyone was unsure of what to do or say. Even Alchemist was hesitant to speak. But it seemed everyone was stuck in their head until Alchemist cleared her throat loudly. 

 All of their heads turned toward her direction. "Um..." She bit her lip before looking between the four people. "Breakfast... anyone? I'm sort of starving."

"I-I-I only made enough for me and Cocoa but we have some cereal," Mint responded quickly, using it as an excuse to leave the room without another word. After all, it is hard to be in the same room with your rapists'.

Cocoa followed after Mint. He was taking out bowls but could barely hold them of how much he was shivering.

"Mint... are you ok?"

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be!?!?! I'm great!!!" Mint spat quickly before walking toward the fridge. His movements were stiff as he took out the milk.

"If you don't want them here I will gladly kick them out of here." Her words hung in the air for a moment before Mint signed, pouring the liquid into the bowl before turning back around to face her.

"No, no it's fine. It's fine... we are going to eat and nothing more." He mumbled, grabbing the cereal box out of the pantry and pouring it into the bowls.

He picked up one of them. "Can you carry the other two please?" He said softly, looking at Cocoa apologetically. She grabbed the other ones before leaving the room in silence. Mint was walking beside her but his feet dragged behind him. She glanced over at him, noticing him bite his lip and look everywhere but at her.

He gave the bowl to the purplenette. "Thank you." Her voice was soft, it was almost inaudible but Mint caught it. Cocoa placed the dish in front of the others, wishing she had poisoned it. But she supposed that it would cause a panic if they just dropped dead.

Everyone began eating, none of them knowing what to say. No one dared to say anything because of the awkward tension in the room. Cocoa could see how uncomfortable her boyfriend was, how he would look around constantly.

Every once in a while they would make eye contact and he would look away immediately.  She didn't like this. Abruptly, Sparkling stood up, grabbed his and Herb's empty bowls, and headed toward the kitchen. Cocoa followed behind him, suspicious of him.

Sparkling put down the bowl in the sink before washing it. "What are you doing?" She asked, in a harsh tone. 

Sparkling jumped slightly. "Cleaning for you. It's the most I can do after being provided a meal." He smiled weakly, avoiding eye contact.

"I see." Cocoa gritted her teeth. "I'll help you." She added nattily before picking up a rag.

While they cleaned the other three still sat at the table. Herb's glare never departed Mint's face, refusing to let his gaze soften. Even when the violinist was looking elsewhere he still had those dark tree-bark eyes on him. The atmosphere felt tense. 

Eventually, Mint got up and excused himself, claiming that he needed to use the bathroom. Once the violinist was out of sight, Herb stood up as well. "Where are you going?" Alchemist questioned him.

"I need to make a phone call." He lied, heading straight for the hallway.

"But you-" Alchemist attempted to object but Herb already took off. The gardener would have walked past Mint's bedroom if it wasn't for the door being slightly opening. Making it visible that someone was inside. He grabbed the knob and turned it open, finding a startled Mint inside.

"This is you using the bathroom, I am guessing!?" Herb asked, his voice leaking with sarcasm.

"I- uh." Mint paused, backing away from Herb. And he only moved closer to him. "Yeah... um... I-I-I jus-" He cut himself off and started stuttering again. 

"Don't bother trying to lie to me, Mint." Herb snapped, moving closer. "I know what you did."

Mint backed away further. "What...?

Herb pushed Mint into the wall. A soft thud was heard and he winced at how loud it was. Angry tears were falling down his eyes. His face was red with anger. His breathing became erratic and he clenched his fists tighter. 

"Herb, what are you-." Before Mint could finish his sentence the greenette pulled a knife from behind his ear and shoved it against his neck. 

Herb leaned in close to Mint and whispered. "You think we are stupid... don't you?" He laughed, still having tears flowing down his cheeks. His face twisted as he laughed more making him look even crazier than before. "Do you think we wouldn't notice? We know you killed him. I know you did it."

"Herb no! No, that is not-"

"Shut up!" Herb cut off the violinist's words harshly. "I... can't believe you. I didn't think you have the balls to do this... but I guess that's the way of a murderer... You are nothing else than a petty killer." The gardener grabbed him by his collar before pushing him onto the bed.

"Wait! Wait, wait hold on!" Mint cried as Herb pinned him by the wrists. He placed the knife next to him while he stared daggers at Mint.

"You are so lucky, you know? If it was anyone else I would have slit your throat. But it's you." He went towards Mint's zipper slowly taking it off. "So lucky... so fucking lucky..." Herb repeated his words and began to pull up Mint's shirt.

"Herb not again! Pleeasse!" Mint cried as he tried to get away only for Herb to shove the blade back onto his throat and pushed him harder.

"You will pay for this! Do you understand Mint?! For this..." His hands went around his neck causing Mint to yelp in pain. "This... This is all your fault! It's all because you're so fucking self-." He suddenly stopped and stared wide-eyed at the door.

"We were just mourning Vampire's death and you fell." Herb quickly stood up hiding the knife back in his hair. "Hurry the fuck up and fix yourself." He whispered screamed.


"If that cookie sees this, I'll have to kill them Mint. Do you want to be the reason for another death? Do you?" Herb asked, reaching for the knife.

Mint shakes his head frantically before getting off the bed and fixing his zipper. Just as he was pulling his shirt down, Alchemist busted into the room.

"What is going on here?" She asked as her gaze landed upon the scene.

"I just heard a noise and was making sure Mint was alright," Herb spoke in a soothing tone, not letting any sign of worry on his face. "Isn't that right, Minty?" He smiled, looking dead into his soul. 

Fear consumed Mint. His fear, fear that she was going to die. That his hands will be tainted with her jam. And it took all of his willpower to not let those feelings show on his face. "Ahh, yeah! Than-thanks again, Herb. I appreciate it..."

He smiled, patting his back. "Any time." His hands felt like sharp knives slicing through the violinist's dough every time Herb touched him. However, he couldn't care less. Not now at least. He is glad no one else is dead. By the time those thoughts left Mint's head, Sparkling and Cocoa came sprinting into the room.

"What happened?" Sparkling asked mainly towards Herb. "What was that noise?"

"Oh, nothing." Herb waved it off. "And for noise, it was probably Alchemist slamming open the door." He chuckled, with a nervous smile. "So no need for the knife Cocoa."

That's when everyone noticed the butcher knife in her hand. "Oh." Honestly, she forgot she was washing it. But she knew that Mint if was in trouble this object would be pretty helpful. Herb and Cocoa exchanged glances with each other before they both turned their attention towards Mint. 

Mint felt his stomach sink at the looks they were giving him. Their expression wasn't one he liked seeing. Pure anger and concern. Mint didn't like that at all. "I think... Herb, we should leave." Sparkling said quietly.

The gardener just sighed. "Fine." He looked over at Sparkling, annoyed. He grabbed the bartender's hand before dragging him out of the room. When they both were outside Mint released a breath he had been holding. Cocoa wrapped her arms around him and pressed his face into her chest, letting him cry.

Alchemist stood there awkwardly watching them. Then she made her way towards Mint and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, whispering. "It's ok to cry, Minty." Thinking that the name would bring comfort. Yet it did the opposite. The hairs on his neck stood up.

That nickname...


He broke from the hug, basically pushing both of them away. "Sorry." He apologized as soon as the realization dawned on him. Mint could feel it. He could feel their hands, their touches, their burning warmth against his body. He was back at the bar, naked and afraid of the figures around him.

Oh, Minty~

He hated it. He wanted it to stop. Why couldn't he just forget about it and move on?! Why is he still here? Why isn't he home? Why are their hands still on his hips, on his thighs? Why are they still touching him!? They're always touching him, always touching his body even after begging them not to. His skin crawls whenever he feels their touch. Every part of his body is rotten in their presence, and he hates it.

I missed you Minty~.

It was inside of him and it wouldn't leave. He wants it to end so badly. To escape from their grasp. He doesn't want to remember it. He doesn't want to be reminded of this feeling. He wants to forget it.

I want to see you, Minty~.

He felt his body convulse and then he was screaming. "STOP!" He pleaded, clutching his hair and sobbing into his knees.

  Why are you screaming~? 

Are you madddddd at us Minty~? 

Why would Minty be mad..?

He shook his head, gripping the sides of his head and trying to fight the memories. "Stop please." He mentally begged himself, hoping that his subconscious would listen. Mint couldn't hear anything. All he could focus on was how badly he wanted everything to go away. His ears were ringing. His vision was blurry. Everything was black and white.

Do you truly want an escape, Minty~?

The only things that weren't were the figures in front of them. Red, green, and yellow.  They all wore bright grins on their faces. A smile that could hurt any innocent being on Earthbread. A smile that could destroy a person's mind. The smiles sent chills up Mint's spine.

You really are scared of us aren't you, Minty~?

They walked closer as Mint began shaking in fear. As they got closer their laughter seemed to fill the air around him. Mint wanted to scream but his voice wouldn't come out. He wanted to run away but his legs wouldn't work. They wouldn't even move. All he could do was stand and watch. He was helpless. 

You shouldn't be though, Minty~.

They reached him. They circled him as their laughs filled his head. He tried to push the voices away but failed miserably. Their grips tightened. The hands grabbed his shoulders. He tried to free himself, but their grip was too tight. Their smiles are too bright, blinding him. The laugh rings loud, deafening and piercing Mint's ear drums.

We will set you free~.

Their grip loosened as they pulled away, smiling widely with joy. Then he saw it... A glistening knife. They handed it to him, and Mint felt a rush of excitement course through his veins. Something he could use to escape this hell hole. That would help him free himself from this horrible place they locked him in. The knife glistened brightly as he held it between his fingers. He brought it right towards his wrist, preparing to cut it, but something changed. A different thought entered his mind as he froze. 

Why the hesitation~?

Cocoa... He dropped the knife, scooting away from it. What was he thinking? What made him think of doing such a thing? Mint could feel tears setting in his eyes. Was he going crazy? How could he leave the only cookie who loved him? Why the hell is he so selfish!?

Come onnnn are you not going to free yourself~?

Mint shook his head violently and wiped the tears off his cheeks. No, not like this! He will escape just not like this. Or at least not right now. Cocoa loved him. He never meant to hurt her.  It wasn't his intention. He loved her so much. 

They frowned, staring at him with disappointment. 

We can wait, Minty~. 

We'll wait until you are ready~. 

We'll wait until you are ready for the freedom that's waiting for you~~.











































































He awoke with a gasp. The first thing he realized when he regained consciousness was he was no longer in his bedroom. Hell, he doesn't even think he was in his house anymore.

Mint looked up at the buzzing lights. There was a smell of lemons mixed with what he thought was flowers. 

Oh... a hospital room? The bed sheets were soft against his skin, but also cold. Mint rubbed his hands together. The blankets were covering him almost to his knees.

He tried sitting up only to find that he was strapped down to the bed. Instantly, panic started to shoot through him, shooting his heart rate up. He thrashed around frantically in the bed,  trying to break free.

" no no no!" His breathing became more erratic. Mint screamed and yelled. Scared beyond any possible words to describe. He felt his fear get worse by the second. He couldn't take this! He needed to get out of here! Right now!

His eyes darted around, looking for an escape. Was he kidnapped?! Oh Swan they weren't going to rape him again were they? Please don't let it happen again! Not again not again! Never again! He couldn't let it happen again! 

Suddenly, the door flew open, terrifying Mint. "Oh good. You're awake." Dr. Bones said walking into the room with a clipboard in hand. The violinist stared wide-eyed at them, fear evident. "Sorry about holding you down and all. We had to prevent you from hurting anyone else." They explained calmly.

"I hurt... someone?" Mint asked with dread filling his system. He had the distinct memory of someone grabbing onto him. But he didn't remember who it was.

"Yes, I didn't think you would remember. You had slapped Cocoa pretty hard..."  They laughed slightly to try lighting the atmosphere. 

"I...hurt her...?" Mint questioned, unable to keep eye contact. The doctor nodded solemnly. 

"But don't worry, she is fine." They assured him. but that didn't make him feel better. No, it felt awful. He didn't mean to hurt her. "So Mr. Mint Choco, how are you feeling today?" Dr. Bones asked.

"Horrible." He replied bluntly causing Dr. Bones to chuckle.

"If you don't mind answering this, who is Sparkling to you?" Instantly the hairs on the violinist's neck stood up. Why must everyone talk about the cookies he hated so much? This question caused him to flinch in the bed before finally turning his gaze to meet the doctor's concerned eyes (eye sockets). 

"W-w-why do you ask?" He tried not to sound nervous but they both knew he failed.

"When you slapped Cocoa you called her Sparkling. Is there a particular reason why you call her that? Did you think she was him?" They interrogated him curiously. 

"I-" Mint stopped talking when their eyes narrowed in confusion. "Don't remember," he muttered quietly.

Dr. Bones nodded, taking notes on their clipboard. After a few moments of silence, they continued, asking different mental health questions. Some were simple;

How have you been lately?

Are you eating well?

How much did you sleep last night?

But most weren't;

Have you had any other anxiety attacks?

How has your anxiety been recently?

Do you feel safe?

Is there something you are afraid of?

Has anyone happened to hurt you?

He hated every question. Every single one of them hit a spot deep inside Mint that he had tried so hard to avoid. Each one dug into his chest like a thorn. Each question triggered his feelings. Pain, anger, betrayal.

"Ok Mint. I think that's enough for today." Dr. Bones declared after finishing their questions. Mint nodded silently as the doctor undid the straps.

Once the straps fell, Mint slowly sat up, rubbing his sore wrists while wincing at the pain. The doctor smiled at him reassuringly and gave him a small pat on the back.

"Let me know if you need anything okay? Just tell your nurse and they'll send me a message." Dr. Bones said, beginning to walk out of the room. Before they closed the door however they said over their shoulder, "You will be staying for a few days. But don't fret it will be over before you know it,"

Mint stayed silent throughout their exit. When they left, he was left alone once again. The silence was deafening. He was surrounded by silence. By darkness. He took a shaky breath. He closed his eyes for a moment, attempting to calm his breathing. Then he began to think.

Mint sighed, did he really hurt her? He felt his stomach turn at the thought, and guilt pooled deep within his stomach like acid. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole, hide away from his problems, from everything he couldn't control.

From reality itself. How could Mint hurt someone he cared about? Someone that truly meant the world to him? Who actually loves him as much as he loves her? How could he?

That made him think, was he really better than his friends? What was he thinking of course he was. He slapped her unconsciously and only because he thought she was his abuser. 

While they abused him, assaulted him, and raped him in his own home. They tortured him,  threatened him, humiliated him…and for what? Jealousy? Love? Lust? To be honest Mint didn't know. Perhaps that was the answer; maybe, just maybe they were lovesick obsessive monsters that wanted to simply possess his body.

He groaned loudly at the thought. Of course, that was all it was. Pure jealousy that he could never romantically love them.  It was pure desire and lust to possess him, to abuse him, to torture him. That's all he was to them. Just some sex toy, used to satisfy and feed their dark desires. He shivered at those thoughts, remembering everything that happened for the past month.

Truly did he deserve Cocoa? Her affection for him was pure unconditional love. She truly loved him. He knew that. A woman with a beautiful soul and a warm personality deserved the world. Someone so loving and would never hurt anyone, not unless pushed to her absolute limits. What kind of cookie would hurt such a wonderful creature like her?

And yet here he was. The violinist gripped his hair. His breathing grew faster. Tears started gathering in his eyes. He couldn't take it anymore. His head pounded relentlessly, making him wince and grit his teeth. 

The room was spinning and he was scared. Mint didn't want to be alone. He didn't want to face reality. But there was nothing he could do. Nothing he could say that could change the fact that they were right; he did hurt Cocoa.

Tears overflowed and ran down Mint's cheeks. With each one touching his dough there was a stabbing pain in his heart, which grew stronger each time he thought about it. Did he even deserve to live? If he hurt her then shouldn't he just end it already? Shouldn't he just die?

Before he could ponder on that thought there was a knock on the door. "Come in." He said barely above a whisper as he rubbed his tears away. Cocoa and Alchemist walked in. Cocoa was holding a small stuffed teddy bear and the teen was holding some sort of card. But not only that; there was a slightly red mark on his girlfriend's cheek.

"I am glad you're better." Cocoa walked up to him, handing him the stuffed bear. He looked at Alchemist, who smiled softly at him. She handed him the card and watched as he opened it carefully. It had a sad dog on it while crying into a beer.

"There's a tear in my beer?" Mint read quietly, chuckling humorlessly. 

"Yeah, I thought it was funny," Alchemist mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. Mint chuckled lightly to himself.

"It's adorable." He said with a  smile, trying to lighten the mood. But it ended up coming off awkward.

Cocoa gave a quick glance at Alchemist and she only nodded, before leaving the room. Leaving the couple in the room in silence once again. Mint looked at the floor, playing with the bear in his hands and biting his lip nervously, almost choking on his tears.  "Cocoa..." he began hesitantly. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Cocoa asked softly. 

"I hurt you. Even if it was subconscious, knowing I hurt you makes me feel awful. I'm so sorry," he repeated quietly, his voice cracking a little bit. 

"Mint..." Cocoa whispered, sitting on the bed beside him. He lifted his head and looked at her, meeting her soft brown eyes. She hugged him around his waist but he flinched, causing her to let go immediately.


"No it's fine I am just surprised." 

She smiled and kissed his cheek gently. "All I want to say is that I know that you would never hurt me on purpose. Plus you called me Sparkling, so I knew that wasn't meant for me." She added carefully.

"Oh, I guess I did," He whispered, looking away.

"Hey look at me." She grabbed his chin and compelled him to look at her. "I'm always going to love you no matter what. We will get through this together. Okay?"

Mint couldn't help but feel tears start to prick in his eyes. "Oh, Swan! I am crying again!" He tried wiping his tears but the only result was him crying even harder. Cocoa quickly embraced him and held him close. She kept running her fingers through his hair, humming to herself slightly.

"You know, I think one of the strongest things a cookie could do is open up and let themselves express their emotions freely. There are countless cookies out there that have bottled up their emotions until it becomes painful." She sighed and ran her hand through Mint's curls again.

"Sometimes you don't even realize how much you have bottled up until something makes the dam crack and water starts gushing. So trust me when I say; it takes strength to break down that dam." She kissed Mint's cheek again. "So stop worrying and trust me Mint. I am here for you."

Mint buried his face in her neck, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief wash over him. He finally felt at ease again. At peace. And although he wasn't happy, he finally felt as if maybe this might be a good place to finally start healing.

"Thank you, Cocoa." He whispered.

Cocoa hummed happily. "Of course."

"What about you? Are you okay?" Mint asked, glancing over at the bruise on her cheek.

"Of course." She replied without hesitation, brushing it off.

"Really..?" Mint questioned curiously.

"Really." She assured him again and squeezed his waist. Mint stared at her for a while before sighing and smiling.

After a few minutes of being in each other's embrace, there was a voice on the intercom. "Visiting hours will end in 15 minutes. Please start heading to the lobby." Cocoa pulled away from him and stood from the bed. Mint sighed and frowned at her departure. 

"I'll visit you tomorrow, alright? Just don't get too bored without me." She teased. Mint laughed softly before nodding. She leaned forward and pecked him on the lips before walking out of the room, leaving him alone once again.

Mint sat up a little straighter and glanced at the door, before letting out a sigh. He rested his chin against his hand. How did he get so lucky? To fall for a woman as amazing and wonderful as Cocoa. A woman who loved him unconditionally. Who didn't care that he cries sometimes or shows his emotions.

She really was something special. He held the stuffed animal tightly as he thought about her again. It felt nice and he actually felt safe in her arms, protected and surrounded by her love. It was the best feeling in Earthbread. It was like he had fallen for her all over again.

He was broken out of his thoughts when there was a knock on his door. Mint jumped slightly, startled at the unexpected sound. Was it Cocoa again? Maybe she decided to spend a little more time with him? "Cocoa, is that you?" He asked. 

The door opened revealing some nurse and some hooded figure. "You have ten minutes remaining. I will be outside the door." The nurse said before leaving the room.

The violinist stared at the figure, confused. He knew it wasn't Cocoa. They were way too tall and skinny for that. Was it Rockstar? How did he know he was in the hospital? "Rockstar?"

The figure took off his hood, having an awkward smile. Mint only knew one cookie who had fizzy blond hair and green eyes.

"Hey...Minty." Sparkling said softly awkwardly waving. Almost instantly Mint could feel his heart begin racing as his mind went into overdrive. 

His mind was screaming at him to do something but he was stuck in fear. He walked towards him and placed the bouquet of white and pink peonies next to him. "These are for you."


"Oh, Alchemist texted me. I would have brought Herb too but after that close call, I figured we shouldn't push out luck." He chuckled nervously.

How could she? How could she tell his rapists where he was? Why was she doing this? Why was Alchemist doing this? 

Mint stared at his eyes, starting to water with tears. His heart was beating rapidly and his mind was filled with panic. 

"Hey, don't cry." Sparkling cooed, stroking Mint's arm gently, trying to calm him down. But it didn't help, in fact, it made it worse. He was shaking uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face and staining his cheeks. 

"Breath," Sparkling said, moving closer and placing both arms around Mint's shoulders, drawing him in for a hug. 

"Please stop," Mint cried shakily, squeezing his eyes shut. "Don't touch me! Get away from me! You ruined everything! Stop touching me!"

 He screamed in fear and pain. The more he tried to pull away the tighter Sparkling held onto him. "Help me! Somebody-." Sparkling's hand went to Mint's mouth to prevent him from screaming anymore.

"Stop. Crying. Minty." Sparkling commanded, keeping Mint still as the male whimpered and struggled. "Just breathe. Calm down. Everything is going to be okay. I just need to talk to you, okay?"

Mint continued to struggle in Sparkling's arms, trying to scream for the nurse.

"Look at me," Sparkling said calmly, grabbing Mint's chin. He forced him to look into his green eyes. "Everything is going to be okay. It will be okay. Trust me." 

He wasn't stupid, he knew that whatever he wanted was something Mint didn't want to give. "I want you to answer my questions truthfully. Why did you kill Vampire, Mint?" His hand went towards his throat and his fingertips touched the collarbone.

The musician's eyes widened, unable to speak due to fear. "I am waiting. Why did you kill him?" His grip on Mint's chin tightened. "Why?"

Mint shook violently, desperately trying to free himself. "I didn't-"

"Yes, you did. Who else would? Who else would ever harm Vampire? Huh?"

Mint swallowed thickly and remained quiet.

"Did you tell someone? Was it Cocoa?"


"Tell me. Tell me who it was, Mint! He would have never killed himself, you know that." The words made Mint tremble more and tears flow from his eyes. "Tell me!"

"I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HURTING  ME?!" Mint sobbed, pushing away from Sparkling, causing him to fall off the bed. He landed painfully on the floor, making his shoulder throbbing. Mint kept screaming at him in distress.

A few seconds into his shrieking, multiple nurses ran into the area. One knelt beside Sparkling and helped him up. Dr. Bones came in a second later and looked down at him with a shocked expression. 

"What happened!? Where is the nurse who was supposed to be outside this room?"

"We don't know, Doctor." The nurse responded, trying to hold the wailing Mint down.

The doctor looked at Sparkling, glaring. "Get him out of here. He is scaring my patient." The nurses nodded, leading Sparkling out of the room.

"Give him the sedatives." He commanded,  turning towards the nurse who nodded frantically and hurriedly left the room. They returned with the syringe in less than ten seconds. Mint continued to scream and thrash as they injected it into his IV bag.

 When the drug started to take effect, he stopped struggling and fell limp, unconscious. Afterward, the nurse carefully removed the needle from Mint's IV bag and wrapped it back up with medical tape. They put him back into bed and covered him with another blanket.

"Tell the nurse who was supposed to be watching this room that they are fired. This is unacceptable." Dr. Bones told the nurse.

Mint lay motionless in the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He couldn't believe what just happened.

It was all because of his old friends…

His life was ruined.

It was funny; comical even, that even though Vampire was nothing but bare bones he still found his way to hurt him. To ruin him. He let out a sigh, closing his eyes tiredly. Healing would take longer than he originally thought. 

But there was simply no way around it.

Unpayable Bill (aka Pay your Tab); Bitter Roofie

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Archive Warning:







Cookie Run (Video Game)


Cocoa Cookie/Mint Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)

Herb Cookie/Sparkling Cookie (Cookie Run)

Herb Cookie/Mint Choco Cookie/Sparkling Cookie/Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run)


Herb Cookie (Cookie Run)

Sparkling Cookie (Cookie Run)

Mint Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)

Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run)

Additional Tags:

Sparkling Cookie's Juice Bar (Cookie Run)

Rape/Non-con Elements


Non-Consensual Touching

Drug Use

Non-Consensual Drug Use

Date Rape Drug/Roofies

Anal Sex

Non-Consensual Kissing

Non-Consensual Oral Sex

Non-Consensual Blow Jobs

Minor Violence

Sexual Violence


Emotional Hurt

All of them are drunk

use of alcohol

Cocoa cookie is mentioned

Mint Choco and Cocoa are dating

Mint Choco needs a hug

Hurt No Comfort

Forced Orgasm

Cookie Run Characters Have Human Traits

Cookie Run Characters Have Jam Instead of Blood

Gang Rape

Language: English


Mint Choco's life was good. He met the love of his life, he was living his dream, but most importantly his friends stayed with him. Even after all these years he never regretted befriending them. He didn't know that way of thinking could change in one night. He didn't know his life could have been destroyed in one night.


This plot had been in my mind for a while, I hope it's good!

"I think I really love her." Mint Choco smiled, looking into his glass. The others looked at him all with neutral faces. "Ha… I thought about buying a ring and everything." 

"Well, I think that's great." Sparkling smile at his customer, cleaning one of his glasses.

"I am happy for you man. Just sad to see you get tied down so quickly." Vampire mumbled, taking another shot.

"Cocoa would be overjoyed that you want to marry her." Herb puffed out smoke. "She is a really lucky lady."

"You know guys, I think she is the one." The composer sighed, putting his head on his hands. "I wonder what she's out doing now?" He hummed, eyeing down the liquid in his cup.

No one said anything, instead, they all looked at each other. Each one of them knew that it was tonight. It was too perfect of a time. "Well then." Sparkling finally broke the silence. "Since this will be our last time seeing you here's a drink. On the house." He pushed him a tall vodka, his favorite drink.

"Don't say that." Mint Choco frowned, still happily taking both of the shots. "I am not going anywhere. I'll visit you guys outside the bar alright?" He smiled, feeling a little more intoxicated from it.

"Yeah, yeah." Vampire hiccuped. "Still, won't be the same, we had all met in this bar." He was right, Mint Choco remembered years ago when he first came here.

He was only a dreamer back then. Now, look at him, going stage to stage. Living the life. "Well maybe on the weekends." Mint Choco smiled, his eyes starting to fluster. The drug was taking its effect already. "When did this stuff become stronger?" He smiled, as Sparkling went to lock the front door.

He closed all the curtains and put up his closed sign. "You're closing pretty early today." Mint Choco looked around. There were no customers left, it was only him and his friends. Everyone must have already gone home. It was quiet except for the soft jazz music playing.

"Oh, don't worry about that." He shook his head, turning to face him. "We are always the last ones here anyways." He smiled, standing close to him.

Mint Choco nodded before getting up, "I should probably go now." He went to walk towards the door but was stopped when hands grabbed his waist.

"What if you stay the night?" Vampire smiled, putting his chin on his shoulder.

 "Why the sudden interest?" He asked, trying to remove his hands, but to no avail. He was trapped between Vampire's arms.

"Because we want to make sure you don't try to run away or something like that." He smirked, pulling him closer by his hips. He slid out of Vampire's hands and walked up to the door.  "Hey, where do you think you're going?" Vampire yelled. Mint Choco ignored his questions and tried to open the door.

"Unlock the door."

"Why should he?" Herd asked. "All you're going to do is stay with that bitch and leave us behind."

"Shut it, Herb!" Mint Choco growled, "You will not talk about Cocoa like that." He said glaring at him.

"Why would you leave us for some random whore?!' Herb shouted, walking up to him.

"I am not leaving any of you guys. What is your fucking problem?!" His anger rose higher and faster than ever. He could feel it boiling inside of him.

Vampire had pushed him to the floor, his back hit it. The redhead held his wrists above his head. Before Mint could chew him out he felt his lips on his. He could taste red wine on his lips. Mint struggled, kicking his legs. But he couldn't break free. 

Mint Choco felt someone grab his leg and hold him down. What the hell were they doing? Vampire pulled back, panting.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Mint screamed and Vampire couldn't seem bothered at his outburst. "What is wrong with you!? You know I have a girlfriend!" 

Vampire laughed. "You don't have a fucking girlfriend! The only cookies you have are us." 

Mint broke his hand free and punched him hard.  "And you are not my boyfriend!" He kept hitting until his hands were held back. It was Sparkling. "What the fuck!? Let go of me!" 

He cried, trying to get away. Sparkling pushed him back to the floor but this time his hands were held by him. He struggled around, trying to hit someone else. Vampire kissed him again, but it was way more aggressive.

Vampire didn't stop and Sparkling watched with a frown. Mint felt sick. The kiss, the touches, and the way he kissed him, it was so different and he wanted nothing more than to stop.

"Shouldn't we move on?" Herb complained from behind Vampire. Mint tried to throw him off, but was only able to get him to stop kissing him.

"Get off me!" He shouted and kicked Vampire in his stomach, making him let go.

"Mint chill." Herd scolded, replacing him. But was now sitting right on his lap. Mint glared at him, bucking around.

"Leave me alone."

Herb smiled, looking down at him. "That is not how you treat your boyfriend."

Mint scoffed, "We aren't dating!" Vampire got back up from the ground slowly, holding his side.

"How much did you put in his drink?!" Vampire yelled at the bartender.

"Obviously not enough." Sparkling frowned. 

"You should have given him way more."

It took a bit to understand but when he did he yelled. "YOU TRIED DRUGGING ME!?" He raged.

"Yes, but it was a good drink was it not?" Sparkling winked at him.

"Can we move on now?" The alcoholic complained, putting his hand on his thighs. Mint Choco yelped.

"Fine, be my guest." Sparkling smiled as Vampire started to put his hand in Mint's boxers.

"Noo!" The composer's eyes widened. "Stop it!" He tried to pull his hand away but failed. They all chuckled.

Mint Choco kept screaming.

"Dude, just chill." Herb mocked.

"Stop it!" Mint Choco yelled louder. "Stop touching me!" Mint Choco yelled when he felt his dick be kissed by cold air. Mint gasped.

Everyone stared at the redhead.

Mint Choco continued to scream until tears began rolling down. His breathing became erratic. Vampire was kissing his neck. "I love you." His words slurred, starting to rub over his shaft.

Mint tried to fight him but Sparkling pulled him forward. Herb bent down to kiss him and whispered 'I love you' over and over again when Vampire went to catch his breath. Soon everyone was kissing Mint Choco on the cheeks.

He shut his eyes tight, hoping for it all to stop.

"This isn't funny!" Mint Choco begged.

"It is hilarious though." Sparkling smiled, leaning against him. "Give us a smile~."

"NO!" Mint Choco struggled.

"I can see you are enjoying this." Herb teased, getting off Mint. He put himself between his legs while licking his tip. Mint Choco kept trying to get himself away but he was stuck between all of them. 

The other two started kissing him all over his neck, leaving wet trails of saliva until their kisses traveled down to his chest. Sparkling and Vampire kissed him like it was their very last time.

Mint Choco sobbed. "STOP IT!" He shouted, pushing at them. He tried to break away but none of them would give up. Herb sucked on his length, licking it as if he was some tasty treat. 

It was all too overwhelming and Mint Choco hated it. He could feel his heart racing. His body shivered in fear. His tears wouldn't stop falling.

"STOP IT! STOP IT, GET OFF, PLEASE!" He pleaded, shaking them off. Their mouths stayed attached, giving him no chance to push them away.

He could feel his climax start to come but he didn't want to release, even if it was delaying the inevitable. 

Vampire joined in, licking the part Herb didn't have in his mouth. Mint Choco let out a loud moan. This feeling was too good, he couldn't help it.

They sucked and licked it for the longest time and the warmth in his abdomen became overwhelming.

Mint Choco felt the orgasm coming soon, he moaned harder. He knew he didn't have much time left. "STOP IT!" He tried pushing them off his body but still, their hands gripped onto his arms and legs. 

"Please!" He begged.

Herb put his cock deep down his throat and took one last glance at him."STOP!" Mint Choco screamed, feeling his hot liquid burst into Herb's mouth. He seemed to try and hold it all in his mouth but failed. Cum dripped onto his leg. 

They looked at each other than at his penis, "So delicious." Vampire said with a smile, licking up the rest.

"No!!" Mint Choco screamed again, tears flowed freely down his face.

"Come on, this is your fault." Herd said, gulping the rest. He grabbed his member and the two started kissing and licking him all over. Mint Choco couldn't believe it. His whole body shook and trembled from both shock, pain, and pleasure.

But it wasn't long till Mint Choco couldn't take anymore and he lost control, shooting out all over their faces. He screamed, covering his mouth with his arm. But the others didn't notice anything. 

All of them kept licking up every last drop of cum on his member. Mint Choco cried as he came, throwing his head back. He fell so weak as they sucked every drop he had to offer.

Sparkling laughed, "Are you enjoying this?" He asked, letting go of his hands.

"NO!" Mint Choco yelled, covering himself. Sparkling grinned, taking a condom out of his back pocket. He threw off his pants as he opened the wrapper. But was stopped. "Don't, he doesn't deserve it." Vampire took it out of his hand and threw it somewhere. Sparkling shrugged, putting his tip over his hole.

"Let's finish what we started!" Herb threw off his own pants and put himself on top of Mint's dick. Mint Choco closed his eyes but it didn't stop the sounds of pleasure when Herb sat down. He could feel Herb squeeze around his dick. It felt so wrong that he was actively enjoying this. Sparkling moved in closer pushing himself into Mint's hole. He screamed from the pain and squeezed himself together.

Mint tried to pull away and turn over but was grabbed by the shoulders. Vampire sat on him forcing him to lay flat again. He had his pants off and his cock only inches away from his mouth. Mint Choco whimpered, trying to wiggle out of their grip.

 "Just relax." Vampire said, squeezing him again. Mint Choco shook his head, trying to pull free. "Relax baby," Vampire whispered, licking his lips. Mint Choco didn't even know how to react. He just kept trembling. He didn't think he would ever feel such pleasure and pain in his life.

Vampire smiled, moving close to him. He took Mint Choco's jaw in his hand and forced his head up, making him look at him. He stared at the Vampire's mouth. Mint Choco closed his eyes again. He didn't think this was going to end well.

The red head leaned closer and brushed his lips against his ear, blowing warm breath over his ear.

 "Open your mouth." Mint Choco did, closing his eyes. He could feel Vampire smirking. Vampire took him by surprise, thrusting inside his mouth. Mint Choco moaned, his head dropping backward in pain.

Vampire thrust in, watching how Mint's eyes would momentarily roll back before he would snap his eyes closed once again, sucking on Vampire's tip. The bartender watched him closely, pushing deeper inside the composer hole. "You are so adorable."

Mint Choco wanted nothing more than to kill him with his own two hands but couldn't find the strength. So instead he just whined softly in agony.

Mint rolled his eyes. He really didn't want any of them. They all seemed to enjoy teasing him more than having sex with him. Everyone looked at him with wide smiles.  Vampire held Mint Choco's chin gently as he thrust in and out.

"Shh, just keep moaning." The redhead told him. Mint Choco whimpered once again, pulling him in deeper. The bartender let out a soft gasp, feeling Mint tightening around his cock. Mint Choco could hear his heart beating fast, matching his own rapid breathing.

 The pain he was in was slowly turning into pleasurable pleasure. Every inch was burning, feeling so good he thought he might die. "That's it. Keep going." The redhead ordered.

Mint Choco groaned softly as Vampire moved faster, pushing in and out. "Fuck! Oh, fuck!" Herb moaned while bouncing on his cock. 

He bounced down until he released. His cum had stained Vampire's back and Mint's Choco stomach. The composer moaned loudly as he reached his peak, shooting inside the gardener. Herb let out an exhausted sigh. "Fuck that was good." He said panting.

Even though Mint had released, the two alcoholic drinks still went hard. Herb turned to Sparkling and started kissing him. The bartender gripped Mint's waist as they kissed passionately. 

A few more hard thrusts and Sparkling screamed in pleasure. He came into Mint, filling him with seed. Sparkling laid on Herb, tired. The only one who was still going was Vampire, pumping into Mint's mouth with full force.

Mint Choco couldn't move any longer. He gave up, feeling utterly defeated. Vampire put himself down his throat. Mint Choco couldn't help but moan at the intense sensation. Vampire held on to his hair before releasing. They pulled out and collapsed on top of him.

"Oh god." Sparkling gasped, resting his head on his shoulder. "That feels so, fucking amazing~."

Herb nodded, "Yeah. That was a great ride." He smiled happily." Vampire groaned after all his seed went into Mint Choco's mouth. It tasted like expensive wine. 

He instinctively swallowed it in a matter of seconds. His throat was burning. Everything hurts.  He didn't think anything could be more painful. Mint Choco looked at them, still in pain. Their expressions showed disappointment yet joy too.

"You should've been more gentle," Sparkling said. He pulled out, cum dripping. Vampire got off him. And sat on the nearby barstool. And soon the other two followed.

Mint Choco hugged himself, everything hurt and he felt so disgusting. He still couldn't believe he got off to it. The composer cried in his shirt. What would Cocoa think when she finds out?

He couldn't help but feel nasty as hell but he hoped she wouldn't find out. Maybe he could just forget about this whole thing. 

Everything was so dead silent, the only sounds he heard were Sparkling pouring Vampire another drink. And it's as if Cocoa had heard him because his phone started to ring. It rang out with classical music. They ignore it, letting it continue. It stopped but a few seconds later she called again.

Vampire got up and stumbled over there. Before anyone could say anything. He took the phone out of Mint's back pocket and answer it.

"VAMPIRE!" The bartender yelled running to stop him.

"What do you...  what Cocoa?"  He snarled.

"Where is Mint?! Where's my boyfriend?! Why do you have his phone?!" She shouted hysterically through the phone.

"Chill the.... fuck out." Sparkling took the phone and hung up in a panic.

"Fucking great." He groaned. His phone rang again, this time Sparkling answered it? "Yes, Cocoa?"

"Where's Mint, what happened to him?"

Vampire was going to say something but Herb stopped him.

"Sorry for the worry. Mint got wasted and we didn't want him to drive back."

"May I talk to him?" The bartender looked at Herb and he shrugged. "He's knocked out." He looked at the composer cry.

"I'll tell him you call." He said hanging up.

The bartender looked at Mint sobbing in pain. He sighed, pouring himself a drink. He felt a little bad but if he truly did he would have never done this. He just couldn't help it. He drank some champagne and sighed. "Just how long are you going to lay there?" Vampire asks before stealing the drink from the bartender.

Mint didn't respond, he just turned to face the other way and kept crying. He was afraid that if he talked he would cry some more. The bartender put a bottle of vodka in front of him.

He didn't trust it.

"What's wrong?" Was he being serious, they just raped him. How could he possibly feel anything but dread? "Are you going to answer?"

"I hate you," Mint whispered weakly. "I wish I never met you cookies. I hate you so much." Tears streamed down his face uncontrollably.

"Why are you upset?" Herb asked, smoking another joint.

Mint shook his head. "I'm going to get sick." He said, wiping away his tears. 

"Don't go throwing up on me. Just drink this." He held out the bottle of vodka to him. Mint Choco stared at the bottle in disgust. He knew that it was probably drugged alcohol but right now he needed something stronger than water to get him over this. 

"It's not drugged," The bartender insisted. "Drink it." He commanded. Mint shook his head. But he rather fight against them than give them what they want. He hated their presence.

He hated being around his ex-friends. He hated being with his ex-friends. He hated himself for falling for this crazy-ass group. "We're not going to leave you alone, no matter how you scream and shout at us. Drink the damn vodka and deal with it." The alcoholic added coldly.

Mint Choco looked down at his shaking hands and then back at them. He slowly grabbed hold of the neck of the bottle with his left hand and brought the drink to his lips. He forced his lips closed and took a sip. Immediately, he felt it take over his body, making him relax a bit,  allowing its warmth to flood into him. 

He slowly drank more of it as the other three continued watching him. Vampire's eyes lit up and immediately he snatched the bottle from Mint's hands. He gulped most of it before handing it back to him. "I told you it wasn't drugged." He grinned.

Mint Choco glared. No one ever told you something wasn't drugged unless it was meant to drug you. So he knew better than everyone what he was saying about it being safe to drink it. He drank half of it anyway. He was thirsty after all. But he knew it was a lot. A little more and it probably would've been more than he could handle.

"I can tell you're enjoying the taste." The bartender grinned, taking the rest of the bottle and finishing it up as well. Mint Choco wanted to throw his drink at them. These cookies are ruining his life. The composer didn't like them one bit.

If they weren't drunk... If they didn't act like they loved him… Then maybe he would feel differently about them. But the truth is, he loved Cocoa.  All he cared about was getting back with Cocoa as soon as possible.

Nothing else mattered.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice that they were done drinking and Sparkling were making them clean up the place. After they finished cleaning up the bar, he sat the two down. "Do you remember how you guys met?"

"Not really." Vampire yawned."I was wasted that day."

"Well, I do." Herb started, Sparkling was trying a new herb blend and I came to try it."

"Oh, I remember now! I was using you to stand." He laughed. "You were so awkward."

Sparkling nodded his head, "Yep, then Mint Choco came into the bar." They all looked at him with a smile. "He was a cute boy." They all agreed. The redhead giggled.

Mint Choco felt like vomiting "I hate you all."

"Nah you love us." Sparkling grinned, winking.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say boo." Vampire smirked.

"I hate you all!" Mint repeated, yelling.

They both chuckled. "We love you too." Herb said.

They laughed. It was such an ugly, horrible laugh. A laugh so vile you'd be disgusted by it. You don't need to hear it to be able to imagine the feeling they were having.

Sparkling handed him more drinks. He gulped it down without even thinking twice about it. He was already drunk enough so he wouldn't care anymore. Sooner or later everyone was drunk. Even the bartender started to get tipsy, he leaned against the counter and closed his eyes. 

Everyone laughed and sang along to whatever was playing on the radio while drinking. Everyone except Mint Choco, he just lay there silently. Thinking about everything that just happened. What he should do. He tried to look away from them but they were looking straight ahead. 

Every once in a while someone would look at him, wink at him, and make fun of him.

He looked up at the ceiling. He hated this place. Hated every single cookie here. He hated them. He hated himself. He hated that he befriended them. Why would he do that to himself? 

And then suddenly he was crying again as the song changed to something much more joyful. Tears were streaming from his eyes. He covered them with his arms so that none of them could see. He started bawling his guts out, sobbing quietly to himself.

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8 months ago

Autistic fetus baby

Autistic Fetus Baby

She's so silly I can't

Autistic Fetus Baby

Fetus cookie

Autistic Fetus Baby
Autistic Fetus Baby

Press this link to become friends with MommyButter!

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Sure Has Been A While Hasn't It

Sure has been a while hasn't it


A girl who refuses to lose anyone she cares about

Saving someone who desperately needed it


This wasn't supposed to happen

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Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays From The Cookie Reapers AU!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Cookie Reapers AU!

I thought it would be fun to show you how the holidays have been going in general for the cookies this time around. I'm aware that not everybody is here, but I might have something up soon enough.

Also, if you have anything to ask or say about the holidays in the AU, I'd love to hear it in the inbox or suggestions! These questions, comments, and theories that I've read genuinely surprised me and made me laugh at times. I hope I can see a few more of these gems in the future, though you don't have to feel forced to say something.

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3 years ago

I really like smoll cookie run interactions

She followed her around for a whole 2 minutes 💀

I Really Like Smoll Cookie Run Interactions

This was so adorable

I Really Like Smoll Cookie Run Interactions

It's like mother and son tbh. Why is wizard cookie so small 🦐

I Really Like Smoll Cookie Run Interactions

Two gremlins , what will they do. Where will they go

I Really Like Smoll Cookie Run Interactions

Why does he look like a dad who took his two kids to the theatres. (Probably either forced or dragged his kids their himself... Probably was like , kids I'm sick of you staying in your room all day. Time to take y'all to the movies)

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2 years ago

Vamps and Alchemist cookie's family picture

Vamps And Alchemist Cookie's Family Picture

Cookies from left to right:

Graceful Grape cookie by @fear-the-scarlet-crest

Vampire Cookie

Red Cheerleader cookie

Alchemist cookie

Cranberry Mousse cookie by @fear-the-scarlet-crest

I had fun making this^^

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