Alfonso Herrera - Tumblr Posts

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Alfonso Herrera in EL BAILE DE LOS 41 (2020) dir. David Pablos
If I was in that '70s show:
the part 2 nobody asked for ;)
part 1 here.

Her cat's name is Elis.

more songs

name: Alfonso Herrera Rodriguez
birthday: August 28th, 1960 (18 years old in '78 | virgo)
nicknames: Poncho, Herrera.
introduced: later on season 4
background: Poncho is a Mexican exchange student who came to finish high school at Point Place in 1977. As one of the few foreigners there, he soon befriended Fez. And that's how he fell in love with Amy.

Poncho: They're giving away free burritos for hispanic people. That's awesome!
Amy: Only for hispanic people?
Poncho: I'm sorry, princesa.
Poncho, talking to the lady selling burritos: Look, this blonde girl will come here, make a fool out of herself pretending to speak spanish to get a free burrito. If I pay you, can you pretend to believe her?
Amy: Señoras y señores, buenas tardes, buenas noches! ¡Buenas tardes, buenas noches, señoritas y señores!
Amy, giggling: See, I got a free burrito.
Poncho: That's great, princesa.

After his graduation, Poncho was notified he was due to leave the country in a week. Amy was devastated and feeling useless for not being able to help her boyfriend. Jackie and Hyde were also living a crisis in their relationship.
Amy: Hyde, are you sure you wanna bitch about Jackie to her best friend? You know I'm always gonna take her side.
Hyde: Whatever.
Amy: No, fuck your whatever bullshit. Why can't you tell her you love her when you so clearly do and she so obviously feels the same? Do you know how hurtful it is to say you love someone and not hear them saying they love you back? It stings, man. It makes you wonder if they do, it makes you doubt their actions. Sometimes words are needed.
Hyde: I don't love people.
Amy: And yet, here you are, practically begging for my help. Guess what? You love Jackie. [sighs] I can understand how you're feeling. I get that, because of whatever happened to you in the past, you have commitment and trust issues, and you have trouble opening up. But if you don't fight those demons, you'll always be afraid.
Hyde: I'm not afraid...
Amy: Yes, you are. And it's a shame. The man I love will leave the country in a few days, after that I won't be able to tell him I love him. And guess what? I can't change that! Jackie's not leaving and she loves you, but she needs reassurance. It's not like she's asking for marriage. [gasps] I'm a genius!
That was the last time anyone saw Amy before she (and Poncho) went missing for a whole day. Their friends and family were about to call the police, when they showed up, laughing and smiling.
Red: Look, the dumbasses decided to show up.
Kitty: You kids almost killed us with worry. Where were you? And Alfonso, don't you have to leave the country tomorrow?
Poncho, smiling at Amy: Not anymore.

more quotes
"so, the other day I saw a portuguese guy and asked him 'where's my gold, motherfucker?', but it turns out he was not portuguese."
"fahrenheit doesn't make sense."
"you think this is hot? this is my winter in brazil."
"donna, you should play more brazilian music."
"being attracted to men and actually liking them are very different concepts."
"imagine being dumb and ugly? can't relate."
"special brownies? allow me to introduce brisadeiro to you."
"when I don't know what to do I ask myself, 'what would cher do?', and then I still don't know what to do."
"that's dumb like kelso level of dumb."
"you're telling me that, if you don't respect curfew, red will put his foot up your ass? that's nothing, in brazil if you don't respect curfew you might get arrested, sometimes even tortured and killed."
"star wars again? it'd be better to go and watch pelé's movie."
"it was santos dummont the one who invented the airplane, and shut up!"
"in english, a decision is something you make. in brazilian portuguese, a decision is something you drink, like a shot of tequila."
"god forgives, I don't."
"self-care is not giving a shit what men think of you."
extra scene
Hyde: Jackie, I love you.
Jackie: Oh Steven, I love you too.
Poncho: Eu te amo.
Amy: Yo te amo.

“I adore Alfonso, and I adore working with him. It’s just the most fantastic working relationship. And we were both really choked up after shooting that last scene, because we thought this might be the last time that we have a scene together as these characters. And it also played into the scene. Both of us, we went into the room next door as we were shooting it, we were sobbing! Because it’s been a very intense working relationship.” — Ben Daniels

They’re really close, aren’t they :)

These men…so goddamn loveable with their goddamn beautiful love-ability. Ugh. 😡

Mustache Monday: Two priests (Ben and Alfonso) with the Pope (Bruce Davison)! 📸: Alfonso Herrera.

“I adore Alfonso, and I adore working with him. It’s just the most fantastic working relationship. And we were both really choked up after shooting that last scene, because we thought this might be the last time that we have a scene together as these characters. And it also played into the scene. Both of us, we went into the room next door as we were shooting it, we were sobbing! Because it’s been a very intense working relationship.” — Ben Daniels