Alice In Borderland Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Characters that will appear in my Crossover AU fanfic…

One of the Chapters of my Fanfic Crossover AU will have Alice in borderland characters appearing…These are the characters in it…

Characters That Will Appear In My Crossover AU Fanfic

Characters That Will Appear In My Crossover AU Fanfic


Characters That Will Appear In My Crossover AU Fanfic


Characters That Will Appear In My Crossover AU Fanfic


(And this is only post one…Part 2 will come soon…)

‘And if you have Questions about the story, Please Ask! I’m willing to answer all your questions!!!

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9 months ago

A New Cycle begins soon…♥️♠️♣️♦️

A New Cycle Begins Soon

“Everyone sometimes loses their way In life…”

“…The Games will be your compass to your new sense of freedom…”


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6 months ago

Danganronpa X Alice in borderlands AU.

Idk. I wanted to make this Concept for the sake of it.

Plot: Yuka M. Aka the ultimate Artist is trapped in Borderlands with TAD the ultimate gamer/Her friend from School and her boyfriend Jason A. The ultimate Paranormal investigator.

They are forced to play games in order to survive and stay in the borderlands until they can leave. ———————————————— Notes: 1 - Nobody remember that they were classmates or were in killing games together but their friendships feel familiar even if they don't remember them.

2 - There will be Original games that will appear this AU and stuff like that. (Not everything is like the original Source material)

3 - The Casts: 1 - Class 78 2 - Class 77

3 - Class V3 4 - Future foundation members

5 - DR Another 1 6 - DR Another 2 7 - Blowback 8 - Re:Birth 9 - Danganronpa Theaders Light (My Oc cast)

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1 year ago

Niragi’s Favorite Toy

Part 6

Niragis Favorite Toy

Niragi X female reader

Warnings in this chapter: non-con and dubious consent, knife play, smut, public sex

A/N: I was worried this one might be a bit too over the top, but why not put half my favorite Niragi fantasies in one chapter

Part 1 [x]

Part 2 [x] 🌶️

Part 3 [x]

Part 4 [x]

Part 5 [x] 🌶️

Masterlist [x]

Today had been the the first chance you really had to explore the Beach on your own. You realized it was the also the first time since arriving in the Borderlands that you were able to think about your life outside of your immediate survival.

Only now could you realize just how much of your old life you had been grieving the loss of. The old you may as well have been a different person, your loved ones, and hobbies were completely gone. The places in the city that you loved were crumbling. But you felt alive again when you realized that you could get one thing from your old life back here. You could still loose yourself on the dance floor.

You started off your day with a glass of wine from the bar. Although you could technically drink as much as you want here, you didn’t want to risk a hangover when you were likely to be thrown back in the games tomorrow. It was becoming apparent that the Militant Corps didn’t wait for visas to expire to play again.

The party was already in full swing when you got on the floor. At first it felt a little awkward just because of how long it had been since you had the chance to dance, but before you knew it you were moving your hips to the best of the music and enjoying yourself.

After a few songs you noticed that Niragi was watching you as he passed by with his crowd of lackeys in tow. You looked over your shoulder and winked at him coyly.

No one really danced with you weren’t sure if the drugs and alcohol had everyone in their own world, or if they were avoiding you because they had seen you with him.

After a while you decided to go check out the pool. Swimming with your arm injury was out of the question. But you could soak away all the aches in the aches from the previous games in the hot tub.

“Are you new here, I haven’t seen you around before.”

You turned, pleasantly surprised that someone was actually talking to you. “Hi, I’m Y/N. I actually got here a couple days ago, what about you ?”

“A little over a week for me. It’s a little crazy here but you’ll never be bored.”

Just then you saw Niragi headed your way. His rifle no longer on his shoulder. “You got a death wish or something,” he said while aiming at the man you had just met. The man was now looking around frantically to try and find out what he had done to upset the Militant.

“Sitting that close to my property, what were you trying to do with her.”

“Niragi, he didn’t do anything, he was just being polite,” you protested.

“Come with me,” he ordered you to get out of the water.

Niragi pulled you into a supply closet. You tried to collect your thoughts. Were you supposed to swear you’d never want anyone else? How could you be expected to feel that way after only a few days, and you had the feeling if you /were/ acting like you wanted to be with him forever after just meeting him he’d find that kind of pathetic.

“What were you thinking?” He grabbed both of your arms and pressed you against the wall.

“That I was talking to the people I’d just met, like a normal person would.”

“Like you were just talking to me when we first met.”

“No, not like that. I wasn’t flirting with him.” The venomous look in his eyes made you flinch. Something had shifted. Last night he was just having fun, but now he was angry.

He chuckled, amused by your discomfort, “you’re scared.”

You turned you head to the side to avoid that stare he was giving you. Immediately you felt your face sting from Niragi slapping you. “Don’t look away when I’m talking to you.”

“You’re not being fair. How can you be mad when you never even told me not to talk to certain people.”

“What isn’t clear about it. As soon as you agreed to come here you belonged to me.”

“Just talking to other people doesn’t change that.” You were afraid of how he would react if you spoke up, but you were afraid of having every bit of freedom taken away from you if you didn’t.

He released your arms and went to sit down on a supply box in the corner, “come over here.” As you approached he gestured for you to lay on his lap.

“So you want to be able to go to the parties? You’ll have to earn that.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Stay still.” He brushed your hair aside and ran his fingers along the skin on your back, “I’m going to mark you so that everyone will know who you belong to.” You tried not to flinch as you felt a cold metal blade being pressed to your back. “If you want to go out and socialize you’ll have to wear your hair so this is visible.”

You felt the first cut on your back. The stinging feeling wore off quickly followed by the feeling of skin pulling apart. You tried not to show any reaction, knowing that it would just push him further. You bit your lip, but couldn’t stop a whimper from escaping as he continued to make tiny cuts. He stopped for a moment and caressed the

back of your head, “Good girl. You’re almost done.”

The lack of anger in his voice almost made you relax. The worry that he might try to end you right here and now faded, but the pain returned for a short while. You breathed heavily to get through it. Finally he stopped and admired his handiwork. The stinging pain soon became replaced with a warm wet feeling. Now that the fear was gone you remembered that you were supposed to be using this day to recover to prepare to return to the games. So much for that.

Niragi placed the tip of a finger at your lips, and pressed his way into your mouth. Sucked on it to try and keep in a good mood despite it having the metallic taste of your own blood.

He pulled you up and placed you on his lap so that he could kiss you and lick the blood from your lips. The pain he had inflicted seemed to satiate him for now. He squeezed at your shoulder though indicating the moment was over. As you both left the closet he said to meet you at the annex at the end of his patrol shift, and walked away.

And there you were, alone and trying to process everything. The way he had left so abruptly hurt worse than your wounds did. People were moving about the hotel around you, but the halls may as well have been empty.

You thought of the sweaty dance floor and how your back couldn’t have been clean while you made those cuts. You didn’t want to go to the infirmary to see An. There would be no way to explain away what had happened, and snitching to one of his coworkers seemed like an easy way to make things worse. Especially when Hatter seemingly had no issue with Niragi’s reign of terror so long as it remained aimed at the people he had deemed traitors.

You decided to just take a shower and dress your wounds yourself. As soon as the pressure was removed from the scratches on your upper arm the pain returned. You looked at your back in the mirror as the water heated up to see what he had carved into your skin, it was 韮木. He had made sure that no matter what happened or where you went, you would always carry his name with you.

You tried to rationalize while the hot water ran over you. You had encouraged him to be rough last night and enjoyed it, maybe things just got taken a little too far. At least that was easier to think about than your body being permanently altered without your consent.

And if you were starting to have second thoughts now, this had confirmed what you already suspected; If things got to be too much and you wanted out there would be no way to leave.


Niragi looked back on the events of the day as he patrolled near the annex. He hadn’t exactly intended to get mad at you. It was just that seeing another man talking to you, having the audacity to get that close to his property, made him know that if he hadn’t ended that right there he would have blown the man’s brains out right then and there. While he was used to getting away with just about any of violent acts at the Beach, Hatter probably would be upset if there were brains floating in the hot tub that he wanted his guests to enjoy.

And once he had you pinned up against the wall your fear was just so delicious that he couldn’t help himself. Seeing you confident and deadly in the games, but trembling and broken beneath him was turning him on so much he had to stop thinking about it to avoid becoming aroused in public.

You had been willing to do so many things to please him. Now that he had found that boundary that inspired genuine fear, he wasn’t sure if he could keep himself from crossing it again.

As he walked he noticed Last Boss on patrol. “Hey.”

The tattooed man stopped and looked back at him.

“I had something I just wanted to run by you. Y/K is really pushing for me to give her a weapon, and I’m just not sure I’m ready for her to have that much control yet.”

Last Boss raised an eyebrow at Niragi.

“I like that she’s strong, I like that she can handle herself in the games, but I also like having her under my control.” He glanced over at his friend. “What if she gets a weapon and everything changes.”

Last Boss glanced at him, but Niragi continued rambling.

“But if I could make her powerful at the Beach, and still have her submitting to me, that would be worth it.”

He turned to his friend, “what do you think”

“I don’t want anyone on Aguni’s team who needs to be defended. I already did that favor for you once.”

“Maybe I’ll let her have it just for the game. I think that’s fair”

Last Boss gave him a sideways glance.

“Anyways, thanks for helping me out with this. You’re the best.”

“If I didn’t like you, I’d cut your head off for being annoying” Last Boss said as he walked away.


You wandered the Beach looking for something to pass the time, and eventually found an entrance to a little courtyard with a garden growing. There were red rose bushes lining the wall, and some fruit and vegetable plants. As you walked through the rows you nearly ran into Mira who was watering the plants.

“Oh, I’m sorry. “ you jumped back “is this your garden”

Mira giggled. “It’s one of the ones I’ve started in this world.”

“I’m sorry if this sounds rude, but why start a garden here if you might die before it grows?”

“By that logic why do anything? We’re all going to die someday whether it happens in a game or not. That isn’t going to stop me from enjoying what I’m doing right now.”

“I wish I could do that. On game days I can’t focus on anything else.”

“Yet you performed well enough in them to get into the militants?”

“I mean, if I had gone into that game looking like I was scared to be there I probably would have been the first one sacrificed.”

Mira’s face lit up with the mention of the game, and something about her smile unnerved you. “Ah yes, I was hoping we’d get a chance to discuss the hearts game. What I love about the hearts games is their psychological nature. It’s not just how the game manipulates you, but how you can understand your fellow players reactions and manipulate them to survive.” She tilted her head as if to show she was thinking. “How interesting. If your fake bravado was what got convinced them to team up with you in the game, then you must be feeling like you can never let the act up.”

As Mira’s gaze seemed to pierce your soul, you recounted the events of the game, trying to downplay any mention of Niragi as you still weren’t really comfortable talking about whatever it was the two of you had going on to the other executives.


When you met up with Niragi later he acted as if nothing had happened earlier. You had hoped he would apologize for snapping on you, and you had worried he would still be angry. The complete nonchalance caught you off guard and made you wonder if you had overreacted.

But as he grinned slyly down at you, you wanted everything to be alright. And when he told you that he was taking you to see Aguni you threw your arms around him. At first he tensed up under your touch, but eventually relaxed into it. “Does this mean I’m getting a gun?”

He lifted your chin up to look into his eye, “Aguni decides who gets a weapon, but… as his right hand man I may have worked something out for you.”

You followed him eagerly past the other Militants guarding this section of the resort.

“So, you want to join the Militant Corps.” Aguni said as you entered the weapons storehouse.” He didn’t wait for you to respond before continuing on, “there will be high expectations for you here. You’ll be expected to protect our interests at the Beach, to collect cards, and be loyal to me above anyone else.”

“I understand,” you said despite knowing that if there was one thing you could count on in this world, it was having no idea what would happen next.

Niragi approached you holding a gun that you had seen some of the other militants carrying. “We’ll be able to get in some good target practice today.”

You followed him, and waited for him to hand you the gun, but he kept it on him as he led you behind the resort and to the Militant’s target practice area.

When he did finally hand it to you, you gave him a kiss and said, “Thank you.” Hoping to show your appreciation. He flinched a little, once again his aversion to you showing him affection caught you off guard after the times he had ferociously fucked you in the past couple of days. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No” He shook his head. “I guess I’m just not used to having anyone being that gentle, anyways…” He gestured at the targets “time to show me what you’ve got.”

You took the safety off and got the target in your sites, you hit it on one of the outer rings.

“Not terrible.”

You focused and took a moment before your next shot, wanting to impress him.

Niragi laughed, “Aim faster, I feel like I’m watching old people fuck.”

“I’m so touched by your kind words of encouragement.”

“You should know by now I’m not going to sugarcoat anything for you.”

“Niragi, I promise that if you’re ever acting super nice to me I’ll take you to Ann to make sure you’re not having a stroke.” You turned back and fired at the target hitting it dead center. “See I’m getting better.”

“When we’re in a game, No one is going to stand there waiting for you to shoot them. You need this to become second nature.”

“Maybe once you get the hang of this one I’ll get out the sniper rifle for you to try.” He placed a hand on your shoulder. It made you involuntarily flinch as you remembered everything that had happened earlier.

Niragi noticed your reaction and wrapped his arms around you. It felt strange. He was the one who made you flinch, but he also was the one comforting you. You leaned back into him and rested your head against his shoulder as he caressed you.

“Everything is alright now, I’m here.”


The next evening you were on your way back to the games. There were a lot of players that day so several Beach members were in your group. A carnival with brightly colored rides came into view.

You looked up at Niragi and could tell he was excited for the game. Somehow it felt like his mood was contagious, and you could go into a game for the first time without feeling dread.

“What’s your favorite ride?” He asked.

“I usually like roller coasters or swinging rides.”

“Then I promise we’ll ride one before the electricity goes off. Deal.”

“Deal, we might never get a chance like this again,” You agreed although a little unsure if the logistics of the game would allow it.

“And just so you know, if you had said carousel I might have dumped you on the spot.”

You picked up your phones and waited for the game to start. The difficulty announced: Six of Spades - Jungle Beast Hunter. You would need to hunt each animal in the carnival to clear the game.

“We’ll set up shop up high to cover you.” Niragi told Aguni and Last Boss as he strode over to the pirate ship ride. You could hear people in the distance begin to panic as the beasts came out.

As you climbed up into the ship Niragi yelled down at Last Boss, “start up the ride.”

Last Boss glanced up at him, “really?”

“I’ll bet I can still kill more of them than you. Loser has to be Hatter’s bodyguard tomorrow.”

The ride started and you sat back to back with Niragi to each see half of the carnival. With how high up you were the eagles were the first to come after you. Niragi immediately took one down and started to holler. “Woo-hoo! That was too easy.” He yelled down at last Boss “try to keep up.”

You felt your competitive side kicking in, but it really wasn’t as easy as Niragi made it seem to aim on the swinging ship. You fired one shot and missed. Determined to get the next one you relaxed and tried to stop overthinking it. You fired the gun and immediate heard the point counter go up.

“Did you see that I got one!”

“Good job, but I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten three by now.”

Last Boss yelled back “The lion was mine.”

“Hey I wounded it first.”

While they were arguing you saw some people running from a boar. You took aim again, but the stakes felt higher this time. If you missed you might hit someone. Niragi noticed you tense up and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Relax baby girl. Just pull the trigger.” He spoke into your ear. You let out your breath and fired.

The boar went down.

You looked back at Niragi feeling proud of yourself, and you saw his eyes tracing down your body before coming back up to meet yours. You felt your skin tingling as he leaned in to kiss you. Was your stomach dropping from the falling of the pirate ship or the kiss? You couldn’t tell.

Then you snapped back to reality as hears one of the other Militants gun fire. “We can’t be doing this right now.”

“Relax sweetheart. We’ll still clear the game.” He leaned into you and spoke into your ear, “I want to see how well I can aim with you going down on me.”

“Right now? During a game?”

“No one will be able to see what you’re doing up here.” He reassured you, as if your main concern wasn’t getting a laser to your head when the timer ran out. “You belong to me, remember that sweetheart.”

You nodded, the implication was clear: Niragi got what he wanted, when he wanted it. You carefully held onto the railing as you lowered yourself down, trying not to be thrown off your balance by the rocking of the ship. Once you were between his legs you unzipped his pants and took his cock in your mouth, feeling it grow as you licked around the tip.

He gave you a pat on the head before returning his focus to the game. You heard him fire before laughing.

“Fifth one.” You heard Last Boss yell.

Niragi yelled back. “Do you think this game really is a six? The guns make it too easy.”

By now you were bobbing up and down on Niragi’s cock, feeling it hit the back of your throat, sucking and licking it as you went along.

Despite him mostly keeping his composure, you felt him thrust upwards a little bit when what you were doing was really driving him crazy. You took him all the way in, feeling the pressure as your throat squeezed around him, determined to make him finish before the game ended. Finally you moved up and down more and more quickly as you felt him twitch and spill into you.

Looking up you saw him close his eyes for a moment and let out a silent gasp. You smiled as you swallowed and began to zip up his pants.

Back on the seat of the ride the ship slowly swung to a halt. You saw Aguni and Last Boss take down a tiger together, and then the “Game Clear” notification rang out.

While Aguni claimed the card, and picked up the newly printed visas, Niragi was harassing the players not from the Beach.

“You all would be dead right now if we hadn’t shown up to this game.” He raised his rifle. “I think you owe us something for that.”

Slowly the other players began to raise their hands.

“You’re going to hand over every card you’ve gotten from these games.”


Back at the Beach you were celebrating the victory with your fellow Militants. After a few drinks Niragi pulled you over to seat that was off to the side of the ballroom, having you sit in his lap facing him.

“I think I owe you something,” He said into your ear. Although over the sound of blasting music and people on the dance floor you could barely hear.

He started off nibbling at your neck, gripping your hair roughly to hold you in place. Then his other hand, which had been caressing your breasts moved lower. He paused just as his fingertips reached under the fabric of your bikini, teasing you.

You looked around. The crowd was so thick that you knew most people wouldn’t see what you were up to. Your lover looked into your eyes, waiting for you.

“Please Niragi”

And with that his hand slid all the way under your bikini, and began to thumb little circles on your clit. You felt the heat rising between your legs. As the feeling grew you began to grind against his thigh.

He grabbed your hips tightly and pulled you in closer to him, while he started to move his fingers faster. You bit your lip, trying not to whimper and draw attention to yourself.

Then you felt two fingers slide through your folds. “You get wet so quickly for me.” You realized that it fed his ego, knowing how much of an effect he had on your body. He returned his fingers to your clit, applying more pressure now that they were slick with your juices.

You clung to him, trying not to let your body tremble. He applied the pressure so steadily. It kept you hovering just above the edge. He would make you beg. “Please Niragi.”

“You’re gonna have to be a little more specific Princess?”

“Please make me cum.” You tried to turn your head as you wondered if anyone around heard you.

Niragi grabbed your jaw as you did, “eyes down here.” He said as he began to rub harder against your clit. You looked into his eyes as you lost control, and could see him grin when he noticed the cascades of pleasure washing over you.


You followed Niragi later that night, tipsy enough to not really question why you weren’t heading straight back to your room. it wasn’t until you reached the armory that you paused and began to back up.

“No, we’re not doing this again.” With every step backwards you took he moved forwards, not giving you an inch of space.

“And what exactly am I doing?”

“You took my gun after the last game too. You can’t keep doing that.”

He lifted your chin up as he leaned over you, “I can do anything that I want to sweetheart. I’m second in command in the Militants, and you’re nothing.”

A click sounded as you took the safety off your gun and raised it. “I won’t let you leave me defenseless again.” You spoke quietly, aware that the other Militants you had just passed were around the corner. You weren’t sure which situation would play out worse, the Militants seeing you had a gun pointed at one of their leaders, or Niragi feeling that you had embarrassed him in front of his men. Your heart pounded as you watched the hand that held his rifle against his shoulder, waiting for him to aim at you.

“Are you trying to leave me?”

“I’m not leaving you Niragi, but if you try to take my gun away again I will.” You saw him begin to move his rifle. “Go ahead, shoot me, and then you’ll have me trapped with you.”

He huffed angrily and walked past you, then turned and grabbed your wrist, dragging you along after him. You tried to maintain your composure as you passed the Militants on the late night patrols in the annex, even though your joints felt strained, and it seemed like your might snap at any moment.

You whimpered as he pulled you forward suddenly once you were alone in the resort halls. Niragi responded by getting in your face, “What do you have to complain about. Didn’t I just give you exactly what you asked for.”

You nodded, “Thank you Niragi. I appreciate it, you’re just hurting me.”

“Then think before you make demands next time.”

He didn’t lessen his grip until you were back in the room. When you followed him into bed you tried to place a hand on his chest. To reassure that you were staying, to show you appreciated him listening to you. But he only rolled over wordlessly to face away from you.

The stinging pain on your back, and the throbbing in your wrist only intensified as you attempted to sleep.

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