Alien Franchise - Tumblr Posts
Appearance: Voldemort

fuck yeah dude he sure was
And dont tell me these two arent dating

There are two things about alien ressurection that make it one of the best alien movie:
Swimming aliens and the tension between Ripley and Call

Like everyone i wanted to participate in inktober, but knowing myself, I wouldn’t make it past day one. One drawing per week is much more realistic for me
Starting with iconic alien scene for week 1

Now I’m trying to figure out how ink brushes work so I can finish it
Inktober week 1: Alien 1986

There are two things about alien ressurection that make it one of the best alien movies:
Swimming aliens and the tension between Ripley and Call

Goretober Day 15: Parasite
i never watched any of the movies but this fellow is cool
TickleTober 2024 🎃
♡ Aug’s TkTober2024
Day 10: Spidering
~ Alien AU ~
Word Count: 4.2K
Warning: This is a tickle fic, and a sillier more fluffier spinoff of the Alien universe. If that’s not your cup of tea, don’t read. But! If you want to read a more sillier ending of the Nostromo crew where nobody dies and Kane is fine, then by all means, enjoy! :3
Additional warning: some language & spoilers ⚠️
In Space, No One Can Hear You...Laugh?
Groaning, the previously comatose executive officer, Kane, fluttered his eyes open as he finally came to. His entire body felt stiff and heavy, like he had woken up from cryosleep again. His head ached as his eyes struggled to adjust to the bright overhead lights above him.
Once he finally did, he slowly looked around, observing his surroundings. The air smelled sterile; the room was decorated in all white; medical equipment and tools littered the counters, and a monitor sat nearby displaying his vitals. He was in the med bay.
Rubbing his eyes with another groan, Kane struggled to replay the recent events that just took place. His memory was foggy, but little bits of what happened were starting to come back to him. He remembered the Nostromo crew took a detour from their previous course in space to an unknown planet, investigating what seemed to be an SOS. Upon arrival, Kane went off to investigate on his own before encountering what looked to be giant eggs housing possible alien life.
The last thing he remembered was curiously getting close to one before…something jumped out, and made him black out.
Kane shuddered at the memory. Whatever jumped out of that alien egg and tried to latch onto his helmet and face couldn’t have been friendly. It was a miracle he came back in one piece and was still alive.
An unsettling realization suddenly dawned upon him. What if something did happen to him while he was comatose? Surely that alien life form wouldn’t try to latch onto him unless it was planning to do something to him, right?
Oh no. He panicked, sitting up and frantically looked around the room. What if…they brought the creature back on board with them? The whole crew could be in danger!
Or worse…what if the alien infected him with something that could spread to the rest of the crew?!
Kane’s hands frantically shot down to his torso, trying to feel around for any abnormalities that could already be showing. The monitor beeped rapidly as his breathing and heartbeat increased.
He jumped at the sound of the med bay doors sliding open. The rest of the crew rushed in, no doubt suddenly concerned as soon as they saw his vitals change drastically.
“Oh, you’re finally awake,” navigator Lambert spoke. “You were out for quite some time.”
“H-How…How long was I out?” Kane groggily asked.
“About sixteen hours, actually,” warrant officer Ripley answered as their science officer, Ash, handed Kane a cup of water to drink. “We were worried you wouldn’t wake up, but we rushed in here as soon as Ash alerted us of your breathing and heart rate increasing erratically. Are you okay?”
“I-I think so?” Kane said in between sips. “I can barely remember what happened but—wait.” He set his cup down nearby, looking around the room again. “Where’s the creature? What happened to it?”
The Nostromo crew exchanged weary glances, as if unsure how to answer that. Then, Captain Dallas spoke up. “When we found you unconscious back on the planet, the creature was still attached to your helmet. It…looked like it was trying to penetrate your suit. We carried you back here to the med bay—despite Ripley’s protests about quarantining over here,” he gestured to said officer, who merely rolled her eyes in response. “Hoping we could get it off you, but the moment we tried, it grew aggressive and scurried off. We’ve been trying to find it ever since.”
Kane’s eyes widened. “You mean it’s still somewhere on board?!”
Dallas sighed. “Yes. But we will find it. In the meantime, you still need to rest.”
“Are you kidding? How am I supposed to rest knowing that alien thing is somewhere loose on this ship?”
“Settle down. We still have a job to do here, so go ahead and rest up. Ash’s orders.” Dallas gestured to the monitor. “But don’t hesitate to beep for us if you need anything.” He got a firm nod in response. “Alright, everyone. Fan out and find this thing, pronto. Remember to keep tabs over the comm channel.” The crew nodded and headed off. Then the doors slid shut.
It was quiet in the med bay again. After just waking up from being comatose by an unknown alien creature, the thought of going back to sleep frightened Kane. It was unsettling. He kept checking all around the berth, afraid the creature was going to jump out of nowhere like it did when he curiously peeked inside the opened egg earlier. Which, now that he thought about it, was probably not the most smartest thing he should have done.
After he checked around the berth for the ninth time, he laid back down with a sigh. “Paranoia,” he muttered tiredly. “Captain was right; I really do need to rest.”
He shifted into a more comfortable position before shutting his eyes. A minute must’ve passed before his ears picked up the faint sound of shuffling nearby. Kane’s eyes shot open. Could that have been..? No, no, it couldn’t.
There it was again: sounds of scuttling, only faster. Kane shot up, eyes with wide panic. There, in the corner of the room, stood the dreaded alien creature. It looked like some kind of mutated spider; long human-like fingers shot out of its sides and front while a long feathery tail flicked around inquisitively.
The alien seemed to pose no threat at first, merely observing the visibly frightened human in front of it. But the second it spider-crawled towards the human, they scooted away with a startled yelp.
The alien halted in its tracks, chittering in confusion at the reaction. With one swift big leap, it landed right on the berth, making the poor already terrified officer shriek in fear. The creature paid no attention to this human’s frightened noises as it simply crawled towards them, ready to engage in the activity it was infamously known for.
Kane whimpered and froze in fear as the alien crawled up his chest towards his face. This is it. He shut his eyes, preparing for the worst when he suddenly relaxed as a wave of relief hit him. His fear instantly vanished as soon as the alien wrapped its finger-like talons around the side of his face and its long tail around his neck like a scarf.
Was this thing seriously trying to tranquilize him? Render him helpless so it could do something far more sinister?
Kane tried to fight against the feeling, but the more he struggled, the quicker the effect took over. He eventually succumbed to the feeling, laying back down, completely vulnerable and at this creature’s mercy.
The alien immediately detached itself and began crawling around the human’s torso, tittering curiously. Kane merely twitched at the weird feeling of this thing’s crawly legs all over him. But his frown suddenly turned wobbly as the alien’s skittering legs brushed over rather sensitive spots on his torso.
Kane struggled to muffle the bubbling laughter. No, he refused to give in. Tickling, seriously?! He thought fiercely. This is stupid! What kind of—oh NO!
The dam finally broke as the alien found a particularly bad spot on this human’s left side of ribs. It began spidering rapidly against the spot, adding the rest of its claws into the mix.
“N-No! Nohohoho!! S-StOHOhohohop!!” Kane giggled madly. “Thihihis ihihihisn’t funny!!” He began squirming on the berth, legs kicking as the surprise tickles didn’t stop.
The last thing he would have expected this terrifyingly looking creature to do was this. As grateful and relieved as the executive officer was for not being a victim of this alien’s unspeakable horrors, he wondered why of all things would this alien resort to tickling? What kind of alien race were these things?
He didn’t have time to ponder about it because the alien switched tactics; now it wrapped all eight of its long fingers against the human’s chest and rapidly dug into his ribcage.
The poor officer arched his back with an uncharacteristic squeal as his front and back ribs were now being assaulted with rapid tickles. ‘StAHAHAHAhap!! T-Thahahat’s WOHOHOHOHORSE!!” His squirming and kicking increased as he tried to dislodge the alien off his chest. He tried rolling onto his front, squirming side to side, even trying to pry the spider-like creature off with his own hands, but it was no use. This alien had an insane death grip!
Even with some of his strength already being sapped from the tickles, the creature would not budge even as he pulled with all his might. He couldn’t even loosen one of its long fingers. Kane kept trying; tugging and tugging at its claws with all his might.
But that proved to be a big mistake as the alien suddenly emitted a low hiss. It quickly shot its two front claws under the human’s arms, digging in ruthlessly.
Kane let out an even louder shriek, collapsing back onto the berth as loud laughter poured out of him. “NAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! OKAAAAHAHAHAY!! OKAHAHAHAY!! I WOHOHON’T TRY TO PR—HAHAHA—PRY YOU AHAHAHAHA—OFF!!” Clearly, this alien did not want to be pried off while it was tickling this human astronaut to pieces!
Instinctively, Kane slammed his arms down to his sides, but that did nothing except trap the still wiggling claws underneath.
“PLEAHEEHEEHEEHEEHEASE!! PLEASE!! I’M SOHOHOHORRY!!” As a last resort, he frantically batted at the alien’s…head? In hopes that it would have mercy on him.
Fortunately, the alien seeemed to understand as it slowed its fingers down to a stop. It tittered and chirped and it watched the human lay limply, panting and breathing heavily. As soon as his breathing returned to normal, he slowly lifted his head up.
The alien softly tittered, flicking its tail all innocently. Kane shot a glare at it. “What the hell?! What the hell was that? First, you give me such a fright and render me unconscious, and then you…attack me in a childish manner like if I am a child!”
Huffing, Kane sat up and brushed the alien off of him. “I wake up from a coma just to scold an alien like a dingbat,” he muttered. “This is what I get for smoking too many sticks.” He slid off from the berth and made a move for the doors when the alien immediately jumped in front of him, blocking his path.
“Move,” Kane barked. The alien immediately hissed like an angry snake in response. Startled by the reaction, Kane backed away until his back hit the wall. As soon as the alien rapidly crawled towards him, Kane yelped and made a run for it. But he couldn’t get more than a few steps before the alien would reappear in front of him again.
With nowhere else to go and unable to get close to the mad bay doors, Kane hopped on top of the berth again. Okay, maybe not the wisest decision, but what else was there to do? Now he was starting to regret agitating the creature.
But strangely enough, Kane noticed how he didn’t feel fear in the moment. He did feel something as the alien was chasing him, but it wasn’t fear. It was something else. He couldn’t quite understand, but it felt like…giddy anticipation. Now? Seriously? Well, the alien didn’t seem like it was going to actually hurt him, would it?
That one split second of being distracted by his own thoughts caused Kane to be unaware of the creeping alien right behind him, ready to pounce.
It leapt with arms wide and landed right on the human’s back, making him let out a shriek that could be mistaken for a female’s. It wasted no time wrapping its fingers around Kane’s torso; three on each side of his ribcage, and two on either side of his neck. It immediately dug and wriggled its claws with no mercy, making poor Kane burst into screechy laughter once more.
Kane thrashed like a fish out of water against the berth. The claws grazing his neck made him scrunch both shoulders and giggle like a maniac. The claws spidering ruthlessly against his ribs made him squeal helplessly like a little kid. And when one of those claws happened to claw against his back ribs, he arched his back with another high-pitched squeal that the alien found utterly adorable.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, the alien kept switching from spidering its second set of claws from Kane’s highest ribs to his underarms, back and forth, so he could never get used to the feeling.
It didn’t help that Kane only had his underclothes on. The thin white tank top he had on did absolutely nothing to protect him from this alien’s merciless tickles. In fact, all it seemed to do was make him even more vulnerable; a huge advantage for the alien.
Lucky him.
The alien paused its torturous assault one last time before it would go for the final kill. Kane exhaustedly flopped against his back, the creature still attached, as he tried to get the air back into his lungs. He was surprised the weight of his body didn’t deter the alien at all, or even crush it.
After several long minutes, his breathing returned to normal, but his cheeks were still dusted with a light pink hue. Kane slowly sat up, huffing in annoyance at the feeling of the alien’s limbs securely hugging his torso again. It chittered excitedly, like a puppy wanting to play.
“Alright, get off of me,” Kane firmly ordered as he tried to looses its fingers. “You’ve had your—weird and torturous fun, but I need you to release me now so I can alert Dallas that I’ve found our…guest.”
The alien stubbornly clung on tighter, refusing to budge. “C’mon…let…go!” Kane grunted through gritted teeth. It let out an angry hiss again. Kane sighed. “Dammit, you’re even worse than Jonesy!”
With one last attempt to pull it off, the alien decided enough was enough, and proceeded to tickle the human again. Kane shrieked as the claws started to spider and stroke up and down his ribs again.
“N-Nononono stop! StOHOhop! I dihihidn’t mean ihihihit!”
But the alien wasn’t convinced. It pulled its eight claws away, luring Kane into a false sense of security that made him sigh in relief before plunging back in, tickling mercilessly.
Kane screeched, flopping back onto his back as those evil claws wiggled against his neck, underarms, ribs, and even reach in front to spider against his stomach. No matter which way he squirmed or how much he flailed and kicked, he could not do a thing to protect his ticklish spots.
Then, just to be extra mean, the alien extended its long feathery tail and slipped it under Kane’s shirt, rapidly brushing the sensitive skin underneath.
Kane let out an ear-piercing screech that he would deny for the rest of his life as he felt something soft and feathery brush back and forth against his bare belly. It tickled horribly!
“AAAAAAAEEEHEHEHAHAHAAAAA!! WHAHAHAT THE HEHEHEHELL IHIHIS THAHAHAT?!!” Kane dared to peek one tear blurred eye open, but immediately shut it as the alien’s evil tail slowly traced up and down one side before swishing circles across his belly, and then tracing the other side.
Could this get any worse?!
A sharp tase to the sides, another squeal. Rapid digging under the arms, more shrieky cackles and protests. More quick pinches to the ribs, another funny sounding squeal. Sneaky feathery brushes over the navel, another screech followed by a snort.
This was maddening; this was torture! This was…surprisingly fun?! Wait, what?
Despite all the protests, and flailing, and laughing, there was something oddly enjoyable about this that made it feel fun. Perhaps it was the playfulness of all this. This alien spider thing clearly did not intend to hurt him from the beginning. Was that its whole purpose form the start? To lure somebody close enough just to engage in this silly play?
As secretly fun as Kane was having, he was also reaching his limit. He could feel his entire face was on fire from how much he was blushing. His limbs had given up trying to protect himself. And his sides and stomach were already aching from how much he was laughing. Even his chest hurt; it felt like it was going to burst any moment.
Hearing the desperate plea, the alien finally showed mercy and ceased its tickly torture. Kane laid like a limp starfish on the berth. He was too tired to even lift a finger. His chest heaved as he struggled to get the air back into his lungs.
The alien noticed how visibly exhausted this human looked after its little attack. So it decided to help the way its’ kind helped all their victims after they laughed themselves silly.
Chittering softly, it crawled towards Kane’s face again, making him yelp. “W-Wait, wait! Not again, please!” He didn’t want to be the victim of another tickle attack. Well…maybe not right this second.
Instead, the alien wrapped its legs around Kane’s face in a loose hug, while its tail wrapped around his neck again.
Okaaay, this was awkward. He wanted to ask what this creature was doing, but his words were muffled by its furry underside. His question was immediately answered as he felt the air return back to his lungs; he was no longer panting or out of breath. His sides and stomach were no longer sore, and he even felt his body temperature return to normal.
When that was done, the alien released its hold and perched right on top of his chest. It chittered and nudged him as of to ask, “are you okay now?”
Kane slowly nodded. “Um…yes. Terrific.”
The creature let out a satisfied chirp before making itself comfy on Kane’s chest, tucking its legs in just like a cat would when loafing. It wrapped its tail around itself, softly purring in content.
Kane rolled his eyes in disbelief. “Are you shitting me? You’re the one tired after I laughed myself to tears and near death?” The alien just chirped in response.
Kane sighed and let himself relax against the berth once more. The med bay doors suddenly slid open, getting his attention. The Nostromo crew walked in, wither with wide eyes or relieved smiles. And were they…stifling laughs? Well, everyone except Ash.
Kane frowned as he sat up, making the alien slide down into his lap. “Where the hell have you guys been this whole time?”
“Trying to find the damn alien, duh,” Parker, one of their engineers, replied while biting back a smile. “But uh, heh, it seems like you already found it.”
“Hang on a minute.” Kane scanned the crew with a suspicious glare. “Were you all aware of what I was painfully enduring…this whole time?!”
“Well, I wouldn’t call it ‘painful,’” Lambert timidly pointed out, a knowing smile visible on her lips.
“So you guys did know!”
“Now, now, hold on, let us explain,” said Ripley, biting back a smile of her own. “We were trying to find the creature. We searched everywhere, but we couldn’t find it. That’s when we heard you screaming, and we rushed back, afraid that you were in danger. But when we saw what was going on…”
“We saw you weren’t actually in any real danger,” Lambert concluded.
Kane was in disbelief. “So you guys just stood there and watched?! And didn’t think to fucking help me?!”
The Nostromo crew couldn’t hold back their chuckles. “Oh c’mon, you whiner,” Parker teased. “It’s not like you needed our help anyway.”
“And besides,” Dallas couldn’t help but point out. “It’s not like you did much to try and make it stop, either.”
Kane could feel his cheeks grow warm as he knew exactly what he meant by that, but pretended not to know. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb, Kane,” Ripley smirked. “You didn’t really put up much of a fight against that alien. But if it makes you feel any better,” she gave a comforting squeeze to her embarrassed crew mate’s shoulder. “I think you have a really nice laugh. I don’t think we’ve ever heard you laugh before, Kane, but it was really sweet to hear.”
Everyone murmured in agreement, which just made Kane blush even more. He covered his face with his hands and groaned. “Ughhhh…you guys are all assholes. The absolute fucking worst.”
The crew laughed again. “And we love you too, Kane,” Dallas patted his shoulder. Then his face grew serious as he eyed the still sleeping alien in Kane’s lap. “Now, about our guest…what do you all suppose we should do about it?”
“Well, we’ve already seen that it poses no threat to any of us, as Kane demonstrated earlier,” Parker pointed out, making said executive officer bristle at his comment. “But I still think we should contain it until we can know more about it.”
Kane seemed hesitant about that decision. “Is that really necessary, Parker? Like you said, this creature posed no threat to me as soon as I woke, and still isn’t threatening any of us right now.” He gestured to said creature curled up in his lap, faintly purring. “As silly as it sounds, I think this creature is harmless, and we have nothing to worry about. Its only purpose seems to be luring people close just to give them a thorough tickling. Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I think I’d rather have that than some kind of dangerous alien eating my face off, or implanting eggs in my chest or something. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“But wait,” Lambert broke the silence. “What about the SOS we received earlier when we found this creature? Couldn’t that still be a red flag that this thing is dangerous?”
“Actually, I looked into that a while ago,” Ripley answered. “Despite Ash’s protests for me not to, I got MU-TH-UR to decipher the transmission. Yes, it was a warning, but not the kind you would think or should panic about. The transmission explained how these creatures originated from a distant planet, and were supposedly engineered to be deadly organisms that would bring the extinction of other planets. However, something didn’t go right like they wanted, and the SOS was warning any travelers to be on the lookout for these aliens because they escaped from the crashed spaceship we encountered earlier.”
“Sooo there’s no real danger?” Brett, their other engineer, piped up.
“None,” said Ripley. “While I do agree with Parker and we should find out more about this creature, we really don’t have to worry about our safety with this thing on board. It’s actually harmless, from what I read on the transmission.”
“All right then, I guess that settles it.” Dallas turned back to look at Kane. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a roommate when we go back into stasis.”
Kane stuttered. “I—what?! Dallas, you can’t be serious..!”
Dallas gave him an apologetic smile that Kane could see right through that it wasn’t sympathetic. “Actually, I am. We’re going to need to go back into stasis again soon, and I think we’d all feel more at ease if this creature wasn’t running around loose on our ship while we’re asleep.”
“I-I get that, but—”
“And you heard Ripley, this thing’s not dangerous. And, it already seems to have grown attached to you in such a short time.” The captain suddenly smirked. “What, are you afraid that it might go after you again while you sleep?”
“That’s exactly why I don’t want this thing in my cryopod!”
The crew laughed again, but Kane wasn’t so amused. A devious idea suddenly crossed his mind. Time for a little revenge. “Oh, sure, you guys can laugh about it. But wait until you’re all suddenly on the receiving end, and we’ll see who’ll be laughing now!”
Kane gently nudged the alien awake, then gestured to the rest of his crew mates. “Hey, look, little chap…more targets!”
The alien chirped and squeaked with delight, seeing a whole buffet’s worth of new victims. It positioned itself to pounce, tail whipping around playfully as it was ready to claim its next ticklish victim.
As soon as the Nostromo crew noticed the crouching alien, they immediately stopped laughing. Everyone except Ash and Kane started backing away awkwardly. It wasn’t until the alien leapt forward that the crew shrieked in unison, and dashed out of the med bay.
Now it was Kane’s turn to laugh. “Let’s see how you astro-jerks like it!”
The alien suddenly ran back inside, making a crawl towards Kane again. He stuttered and held his hands out in defense. “H-Hey, hey, wait. Why are you going after me again? Go after the others! No…no! N-No! NonononoNO! Not again! No!” Kane dashed out of the med bay, the alien skittering after him once more while chirping mischievously.
Now alone in the med bay, Ash scowled as he heard the rest of the Nostromo crew running back and forth between floors, their distant laughter echoing. He gets sent to go undercover to retrieve a supposed deadly alien to be the perfect weapon, only to find this? An alien tickle monster?
“Tch, the fucking Weyland Yutani corporation needs to get their facts right next time. ‘Perfect organism’ my ass.”

HorrorTober 2024 - (Art Challenge Month) Anyone participating, post/text me your work when done! Cartoons, Dinosaurs, Dragons, Video-Games, and Kaiju Content are aloud too! Put #horrortober2024 to enter contest when finishing your artwork.
![[SFM Art]: HorrorTober2024: Day 11: Aliens](
![[SFM Art]: HorrorTober2024: Day 11: Aliens](
[SFM Art]: HorrorTober2024: Day 11: Aliens
Based on the series 'Aliens' created and owned by:
20th Century Studio's
Cube, anyone?
Tbh I love so many horror movies
No bond stronger then between a trans guy and the horror movie they’re obsessed with

Silly alien 4 sketches hihi
Can someone explain to me why can't I find any sources doesn't matter picture or videos of Johner kissing Dom?? Like I watched Alien resurrection like a idk a week ago and was baffled in a positive sense that in the end something like 1:41:00 Johner kissed Dom and Dom was just tired and confused, lmao. Again, for some reasons when I search/type Alien 4 Johner kissing Dom or Johner x Dom nothing appears. Not even YouTube has this scene, why?? I can watch this on Disney+ but no one came to the idea to make a gif or screenshot out of this scene?? Well, anyway. I made a sketch so idk so remind people of this scene xD

Some sketches of Ripley8 & Call as furries <3

Bruh forget to share the "first" sketches of the cuties 👽🤖

Oh dear lord give me the ability to create some artworks instead just sketching 😭
(also reposting some art cuz I don't get enough attention 😤) oh yeah don't be surprised if this post will be shown again cuz the first one was flagged for nsfw 💀