Alien Stage Ivan - Tumblr Posts

Alien stage next video prediction

I like the title Twitter ppl gave him :33

So I got into alien stage...


like the casket to the dead // in you, i found rest
For their profiles, I like to imagine them as information the aliens give out to the public to get to know them for marketing and such. So that means they were interviewed before hand about themselves, and some alien had to write it all down, which given their answers I can only imagine how that went.
Alien: "So what do you dislike - "
Till: "A l i e n s."
Alien: "Um."
Till: "I hate them all."
Alien: "Uh, okay, so this is supposed to endear yourself to the audience so maybe you shouldn't - "
Till: "Especially Urak; ugh, I can't stand him! I fantasize about killing him everyday; I wish he'd just choke on the air he doesn't even deserve to breathe!"
Alien: *tries not to look at Urak, who brought Till here and is literally standing right there*
Alien: "Sorry, you said you like...toothbrushes?"
Mizi: "Yup! 🥰"
Alien: "...why?"
Mizi: "What do you mean? Because they clean my teeth?"
Alien: "Well, it's just that's not very personal."
Mizi, completely sincere: "Brushing teeth is a personal activity though? Does someone else brush your teeth?"
Alien: *just moves on*
Alien: "Oh! You dislike rudeness?"
Ivan: "Yes?"
Alien: "Sorry, it's just that your file says you follow around that other boy, Till?"
Ivan: "Uh huh?"
Alien: "Well, his file doesn't exactly make him seem all that polite."
Alien: "Uh, well anyway - "
Alien: "So what do you dislike?"
Hyuna: "Hmm, nothing really. I'm pretty chill with most anything!"
Alien: "Alright. Well, Luka is coming in after you so - "
Hyuna, gags a little in disgust: "UGH. 😡"
Alien: "????"
Alien: "So, what do you like?"
Alien: "Uh, what do you dislike?"
Alien: "...Any talents?
Luka, immediately: "The splits."
Alien, happy to finally have someone with normal answers: "Oh, you didn't really mention much about what you dislike; what would that be?"
Sua: "Oh, I'd have to say strangers."
Alien: *a stranger, and is now trying to figure out if that was a dis or not*
Sua: "😇" (it was)
yo king yaoi iii look at this

a actor au hope everyone there's see's this.
I quite like this. If only things could be this way 😔
rip ivan king yaoi III, you would have loved reader self insert fanfics on wattpad (he exclusively reads till x reader fics)
In another life…

Ivan redraws 🤲

Starlight. Who do you see? Who do you smile for?

I hope it's me.

I was introduced to Alien Stage by my sister during my exams, so I had to hold this fanart in my head for a bit.

How we feeling after yesterday