Allsion Argent - Tumblr Posts
Allison Argent (A-Z - NSFW ) (Requested) (girl x boy)

(ok so the request is for Allison, i don't know if you want her to be girl x girl or girl x boy, so I'm gonna do girl x boy,)
A = Aftercare
You both make sure the other is ok
B = Body part
Allison loves your bieceps, and she is proud of her legs
C = Cum
Allison likes cumming on your fingers
D = Dirty secret
She would like to try a threesome but is nervous to ask
E = Experience
Allison has experience with Scott and Isaac, so some
F = Favorite position
Allison loves to ride you
G = Goofy
You both have funny moments where you both laugh but try to stay serious
H = Hair
Allison trims down there sometimes
I = Intimacy
Like a 8 out of 10
J = Jackoff
(so this one doesn't really apply to a girl so let's go with masturbating) she will to turn you on
K = Kink
Allison likes a couple of kinks but not many
L = Location
Sometimes school, usually in your of her room
M = Motivation
When she sees you working out it turns her on and basically just your smile
N = No
If your not into the kink or whatever she wants to try out then its a no and she understands
O = Oral
Allison loves when you eat her out the feeling of your tongue licking her down there is amazing, she loves giving you head and keeping focused on things to make you go crazy
P = Pace
Usually in between fast and slow
Q = Quickie
You have quickies when you can
R = Risk
Doing it in school, teasing in front of pack
S = Stamina
Allison can go 2 almost 3
T = Toy
Vibrators, rope
U = Unfair
Teasing during pack meetings and having to stop because she was just teasing you
V = Volume
Allison is a loud and has trouble staying quite
W = Wildcard

X = X-ray
(i don't know how this would apply to a girl so let's go with-) her boobs aren't the biggest but you still have fun
Y = Yearning
Allison has somewhat high yearning for you
Z = Zzz
She falls asleep before you do
Can’t Lie To Me - Peter Hale
Peter Hale x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 634
Summary: Peter Hale for reasons unknown can’t lie to Reader
Authors Note: Something I’ve had written down for a long time. That being said you’re probably wondering why I’ve had things written down. Well, I remember someone told me (can’t remember who) when you have ideas write them down. So when I’ve thought of ideas and/or seen or read things that I want to do something with I write them down. I have 3 book fulls; and counting. When you see that they just say summary and not requested that means they most likely 99% came from one of those 3 books. (not copy or plagiarize it might be one paragraph of a story that give me an idea for some or one bullet point of a headcanon I want to use as a prompt for something.)

“What's going on here?” y/n asks entering the loft. Stopping at the door surveying the room.
“Nothing” Derek mumbled, not particularly wanting Y/n to know. Because he knows if Y/n knows she’ll want to help, and this could get dangerous.
“Oh really?” she raised an eyebrow at the older wolf.
“Hmmhmm” was the only answer he gave her. Not even sparing a glance her way.
Y/n smiles “Derek” she spoke in a singsong voice.
“Y/n” Derek turned to face her, from his seat on a chair buy his coffee table.
“What’s going on?” she asks again
“Nothing” he replied stone-faced.
“Oh come on Sourwolf, spill.” Stiles cut in, standing not far from her. Just entering the loft as well.
“Maybe we could help.” Scott suggested. Always the helper.
“The five of you are not getting involved” Peter interjected from beside Derek but on the couch.
“You could use us.” Lydia pointed out
“Peter rolled his eyes annoyed “What for?”
“Well, Scotts a true alpha. Lydia is super smart, Allison is a hunter, and Y/n’s a born werewolf like you two.” Stiles explained, pointing to each one of his friends as he talked.
Scott quirked his head to the side, turning to Stiles before asking “What about you?”
Stiles held up the bat that he brought up from the Jeep with him. “I got the bat.” Stiles spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“So? Are you going to tell us so we can help?” Allison asked the two Hale wolves.
“No” they stated in unison. Looking at the group of teens.
“Please.” Y/n started toward Peter. “I would love to be able to accompany you.” Once in front of him she lowered herself to sit on his lap. Putting one hand on his shoulder and the other against his neck.
“We’re going to the old Hale house to look for clues on who’s been sneaking around there.” Peter growls out reluctantly under his breath, trying to avoid looking at the girl on his lap. Derek dropped his head with a sigh.
“Why?” Y/n asked moving her hands to run her fingers threw his hair. Knowing it made him more compliant.
“Because we think it could be the same person that’s been stalking all of us lately.” Peter grumbled but spills anyway. His eyes shifted to hers.
“Thanks for telling me, Peter.” She thanked him sweetly.
“No problem.” he gulps
“And by the way.” Y/n gets up walking towards the loft kitchen to get a drink from Derek’s fridge. “We’re helping.” She states.
From his spot on the couch, everyone heard Peter growls. It was a low and deep growl.
“How’d she do that?” Stiles asked, amazed at the scene that just happened before him.
Derek smirked before answering “Peter can’t resist her.”
“What do you mean?” Scott asked just as confused as he is amazed. Who knew someone could control the all-mighty Peter Hale.
“It’s hard to explain, but there’s something about her that Peter can’t resist.No matter how hard he tries.” Derek explains. Looking between his uncle and Y/n. He smiled before adding “He can’t lie to her.”
“Or keep anything from her.” Lydia concluded.
“And it’s extremely annoying.” Peter groaned, still watching Y/n’s every move.
“Aw, but you can’t resist me.” Y/n stated coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water, sitting next to him but this time on the arm of the couch instead of his lap. Even though Peter was letting out a growl at her comment he moved his arm closest to her to rest on the armrest behind her. Hand resting against her lower back. While they explained their plan to the group that now, will be helping.
Pay Attention - Derek Hale
Derek Hale x Fem!reader (romantic)
Warnings: none
Word count: 681
Summary: Derek and y/n have been together for a long time. Just some of the people around them haven’t noticed

“So that’s the plan?” Lydia questioned, just to double-check.
“Ok then.” Allison nodded
“Well, I need to get home before my dad does.” Stiles pushed off the table and headed towards the door.
“Can you drop me off on your way?” Scott asked following him out
“Yeah, sure.” Stiles nodded at his best friend. Followed by Lydia and Allison, with that they all left.
“Thank God their gone.” Derek let out moving to the kitchen to get a drink.
“I wouldn’t have phrased it like that.” Y/n laughed at his antics.
“That’s because they’re your friends.” Peter cut in from the far end of the couch.
“True” Y/n nodded
“Are you staying the night?” Derek asked as he came back into the living room.
“Yes. I brought clothes for tomorrow and everything.” Y/n smiled up at Derek standing before her.
“Did you bring Pajamamas?” Derek asked grabbing at her waist, as she stood up in front of him from her spot on the table.
“No, of course not.” she smirked up at him with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Good” Derek returned the smirk before leaning down and pulling her into a passionate kiss.
“He likes me to sleep in his shirts, Peter. So you can stop with that look your giving us.” Y/n spoke after they pulled away for air from eachother.
“Oh come on y/n! We both know that’s not the only reason!” Peter teased as he got up and put on his jacket before leaving the couple alone for the night.
“He’s a pest!” Y/n exclaimed
Derek smiled shaking his head in amusement. “He always has been. I’m glad you’re staying the night.”
“Me to.” she smiled biting her lip
“We should head to bed.” Derek raised his eyebrows suggestively
“Doesn’t mean we have to sleep.” Y/n suggested right back at him, before intertwining their hands and heading over to the bed.
^ ^ ^
“So are you ready to head out after everyone- Woah!” Stiles jumped and stopped right in his track as he entered the loft.
“Ummm” Scott stopped to in the doorway.
“What’s going on here?!” Stiles yelled waving his hands around in the air.
“Maybe we should go?” Scott stammered out not wanting to intrude.
“No, no, no we want to know what’s this.” Stiles corrected entering the loft more.
“Why are you guys standing in the middle of the door-” Allison stopped once she got her answer in the view she was faced with.
“Stiles, she’s obviously in his shirt and on his lap. So out it together.” Peter told the teen boy as he entered the loft and passed them. Annoyed by the Stilinski boy’s lack of observing and outing together skills.
“It’s not that hard.” Y/n added to Peter’s statement.
“Yeah.” Lydia greeted walking past her friends.
“Hey, Lydia.” Y/n smiled as her friend walked over to her and gave her a hug, despite the fact she is on Derek’s lap and in not much clothing.
“Wait!” Stiles stared at Lydia shocked. “You’re not surprised?”
“Suprised at what Stiles?” Lydia asked
“Oh, I don’t know that she’s only wearing Derek’s shirt!” Stiles yelled out squinting from frustration.
“And sitting on his lap.” Scott add quite embarrassed by the scene in front of him.
“And that!” Stiles exclaimed
“Lydia?” Allison spoke in a questioning tone.
“She already knew guys.” Y/n stated the obvious
“Knows what?” Allison asked although she was getting a pretty good idea.
“That Y/n and Derek are in item.” Peter sighed really getting tired at this conversation.
“Is that true?” Scott asked turning his gaze to Y/n from Peter.
“Yes. We’ve been together for months. Hell, almost a year.” Y/n admitted.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Stiles asked confused
“We weren’t keeping it a secret. You guys just didn’t notice.” Y/n stated adjusting herself on Derek’s lap.
“Or ask.” Derek added keeping his hands around Y/n’s lower back.
“Next time, try to be more observant of your surroundings.” Peter smirked at the teenagers standing in the doorway.
Forgotten Anniversary - Derek Hale (1/2)
Derek Hale x Fem!reader
Peter Hale x friend-ish reader
Lydia Martin x friend reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 599
Summary: Derek forgets a very important date.
Authors Note: This will have a part two.

“Hey Y/n, do you wanna come?” Lydia asked Y/n having noticed how long her friend has been staring at Derek, zoning out really.
“Sorry. Come where?” Y/n questioned turning her focus back towards her long time friend.
“We’re going to pick out some snacks and a few movies.” Allison answered giving Y/n a small smile.
“Then have a sleepover at my place.” Lydia finished giving Y/n a look that she knew all to well.
“Oh, that sounds like fun but me and Derek had something planned for tonight-” She started glancing over at Derek who was standing a few feet away.
Derek cut in “I don’t have anything planned for tonight besides sitting in. Go ahead and have fun with the girls.”
“O-ok.” Y/n stuttered out staring at him in confusion. “Yeah. I’ll come. Sounds like a lot more fun than staying here.”
“Cool.” Allison smiled, but she could tell something wasn’t right.
“Great. Come on, we’ll stop by your house and you can pick up some clothes on the way.” Lydia stood up grabbing Y/n’s hand and giving it a light squeeze of reassurance. The three girls grabbed their stuff and left the loft and the boys.
“What was that about?” Derek asked the others confused why Lydia sent a glare his way before heading out the door.
“You’re in the dog house.” Stiles stated trying not to let out his laughter.
“Do you know why? It seemed like you two were fine earlier.” Scott asked the older wolf. Trying to help him and not to make fin of him.
“I don’t think I did anything.” Derek tryed to recall if he had done anything to Lydia or to Y/n the whole day.
“Didn’t you plan a fancy dinner and to go down to the pier.” Peter pointed out sitting on the couch across from where the three stood talking.
Derek shook his head. “No. That was the plan for our anniversary.”
Peter sighed before asking “Stiles do you know the month?”
“Its May.” Stiles answered, confused on why Peter wanted him to tell him what month it is of all things.
Peter then turned his head towards Scott and asked another question “Scott do you know what day it is?”
Scott answered just as confused as Stiles “Its the 8th.”
“Hmmmmhmmm.” Peter hummed
“What the hell does May 8th have to do with anything? Let alone why the girls left the way they did.” Stiles asked frustrated at the older Hale
“Oh” Scott said under his breath
“McCalls got it.” Peter stared down his nephew, waiting for him to put it together.
Scott turned to Derek with a face of concern. “Derek-”
“WHats going on?” Stiles asked not understanding what was going on.
“May 8th is Y/n and Derek’s anniversary. He had big plans.” Peter explained so Stiles would stop asking questions, and so Derek would piece it together.
“And when he told Y/n he had nothing planned and to go with the girls…” Scott sighed. He knew already that this was bad.
“He basically made it seem like he didn’t care. Yu’p’” Peter popped the ‘p’ giving his nephew a disappointed look. Not that Peter would admit it but he likes Y/n, thinks she’s good for his nephew.
“Shit.” Derek let out moving to rest his head in his hands. He was in deep trouble, and he knew it. This was not gonna be easy to get passed. Especially after all the talk he made to her about the plans he had for their anniversary.