Derek Hale Imagines - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Home or loft - Derek Hale

Derek Hale x Fem!reader

Warnings: making out, I guess mention of sex

Word count: 2174

Aurthors Note: Derek gets mad when he hears you got hurt in a fight

Summary: you go to help, it turns out bad (of course), reader gets hurt, derek asks reader something important



Derek’s p.o.v

“I’m gonna help them whether you want me to of not Der. Stiles and Scott are like my brothers and Isaac actually is, if they need my help I’m gonna help them.” y/n said as we walk down the spiral staircase. It’s not that I don’t want her to help them persay, I just don’t like that their plans aren’t very thought out.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” I say while letting out a sigh as she grabs her jacket from the table. I look down trying to think of a way to get her to stay, next thing I know I feel her cupping the sides of my face. “Hey, I’ll be fine. They said it was a in and  out thing we’re just going to talk to their leader and ask how long they’re gonna be staying in Beacon Hill’s. It should just be an hour at the max, ok?” she questioned as she finished. I looked down at her and nodded slightly giving her a small smile.

“I still don’t like it” i told her.

She laughed, smiled wide, and nodded. Then she looked up at me still smiling wide I love that smile; “I figured” she said the stood on her tiptoes and rap’s her arm’s around my neck and kissed me. I instantly kiss back and move my arms to wrap around her waist. As we’re kissing I slowly start backing her up near the bed. “if -” kiss “you-” kiss “keep-” kiss “this-” kiss “up-” kiss “I’m-” she grab’s the sides of my face and look into my eye’s “-never going to leave,”. I smirk and look at her “that’s the idea.” after I say that I lean down and start kissing and sucking her neck.

“Derek if you stop now and let me go, I’ll let you continue this tonight.” y/n whispered in a seductive voice in my ear.

“That’s tempting, really tempting.”

“Then let me go and I promise tonight we will make-out as long as you want” she said whispering in my ear.

“Fine” I said

She leaned up and kissed my cheek and then started walking to the loft door. She turned around “After this is over we should get dinner to night.”

I looked up at her and smiled “oh, and what should we get tonight?” I asked her.

“I’m in the mood for in’n out.” y/n said.

I shook my head and chuckled, “you're always in the mood for in’n out”.

“Hey!...” y/n broke into a smile and chuckled shaking her head laughing “ok that is true!, But blame Stiles he said it would be and i quote a “”IN’N OUT thing”” ever since he said that and know I have been craving it.”.

I walked up the steps to her and kissed her forehead “ok, in’n out it is”.

“Yay! Ok bye see you in a little bit and don’t  worry I’ll be fine” she half yelled going down the stairs.


   Derek p.o.v.

As I was starting to leave to go get in’n out, I got a call from Scott.

“Everything go fine-” I started to say but then Scott cut me off.

“Look I know you didn’t want her to help us in the first place.” Scott said.

“That’s right”

“Listen ok, turns out that they didn’t want peace. They wanted to fight. Y/n got hurt, badish and we are at mine. My mom is stitching us up-” As much as Scott sounded panicked I cut him off.

“I’ll be there in 5 minutes” I said then hung up. I grabbed my jacket and left.


y/n p.o.v.

After we left the meeting, well fight. Stiles drove me, Scott and Isaac to Scott’s house. Most of our wounds were healing, but we had some pretty deep one’s so Melissa can stitch us up. She already stitched up Scott and Isaac, now she is stitching me up. I could tell that Scott felt nervous about something I could tell by his body language.(because he called derek without telling me or asking).

“Ya know, I still say that stitching up is worse then when you actually gain the wound.” I said with a scoff. Melissa’s stitching me up on the couch.

She smiled at me and laughed “Yeah well good news, you're a werewolf so you’ll heal faster, bad news the cut went deep enough and cut into 3 of your ribs. That’s gonna be sore for awhile even after it’s healed.” she said, we both started to laughing a bit it did hurt to laugh.

Suddenly we all here 3 hard nock’s against the front door. Scott rushed to the door to open it, next thing I know I hear Derek yelling at Scott about something then he turns the corner and enters the living room.

“Ok, what the hell happened!” he said looking between me and the boy’s.

“We thought they wanted peace” stiles said trying to make a peace sign with his hands.

“Yeah we thought that cause that’s what they said.” Isaac wasn’t wrong about that.

“Well apparently they didn’t want peace. They just want to kill us. Or at least hurt us. You all went in there thinking that they had good intentions. And now look you all are hurt. I knew this was a bad idea.” Derek said loudly.

“Der! Stop, abously they didn’t want peace. We see that, but we’re ok now. Or at least we will be. It’s over now, please don’t be mad at them we thought it was a good idea we didn’t think it would turn out like that.” I said to him. As I tired to sit up a little, I winced.

“Hey, hey be careful I’m almost done with the stitches so sit still” Melissa said. “Okay done, but be careful which means makeouts can only be that makeouts, no sex either got it?” she said pointing to both of us.

Derek chuckled and so did I a little.

“You ready to head home?” he asked me, while helping me up.

“Yeah, but I still want in’n out” I said heading to the door. He laughed behind me.

“Ok, hurt but still want’s in’n out” he said behind me to everyone.

I heard Stiles, Scott, Isaac and Melissa chuckle.

“She always has wanted in’n out no matter the situation.” said Isaac. I walked over to my brother and wrapped my arms around his neck. Since he was sitting down I could actually reach. I kissed my brothers head.

“He’s not wrong.” I said “Come on I’m tired and want a shower and food. Oh and Isaac you coming now or are you gonna hang out for a bit before you come to the loft?”

“I’m gonna hang for a bit I’ll be back at the loft in a hour or two.” he said.

“K, love you. Thank you Melissa for stitching me up. Stiles thank’s for driving me back here. Scott even though that sucked thanks for having me come. And you-” I said pointing to Derek “food, loft, shower please”. He smiled at me and shaked his head.

“Ok let’s go.” he said and with that we left the McCall  residents.


y/n p.o.v.

After we left Scott’s and got in’n out we headed back to the loft. On the car ride back I noticed that Derek seemed distracted.

We got back at the loft, ate and I took a shower. As I’m getting dressed I see him sitting there on the bed looking through my latest sketchbook.

“Hey, what you looking at in there” I said to him as I got on the bed kneeling behind him wrapping my arms around his neck, resting my chin on his shoulder.

“Your new stuff” he said then closed the book and put it aside. He turned a little and patted his lap.

I moved carefully and sat down on his lap. He wrapped his left arm around my waist and used his right by running it through my hair.

“I’m sorry about today. Honestly we thought they wanted peace-” I started to say but Der cut me off.

“Don’t worry about that. Yes I’m pissedthat you got hurt. I was and am super mad, no I’m furious that you got hurt. But I’m just happy you're gonna be ok” he said in a loving tone which kinda shocked me a little.

“You have every right to be mad, pissed even. Can you please not take it out on them. Scott, Stiles, and Isaac just wanted peace.” I said trying to make the peace sign with  my hands like Stiles did earlier.

“I’m trying not to” he said while chuckling.

“Hey I was wondering … on the car ride back here … to the loft, you seemed distracted. I was wondering, what were you thinking about?” I asked looking down playing with my hands.

He moved his right hand to cupping my cheek and rubbing under my eye, trying to get me to look up. I finally looked up at him.

“Hey, what I was thinking about on the ride back here was … you call this place loft never home. I was wondering why?” Derek looked at me with a puzzled and questioning look.

To be honest I didn’t call this home because  me and Isaac never really felt like we had a home till Derek let us move in with him. We feel at home here. But we didn’t want to call it home yet cause for 2 reasons.  Reason 1 we didn’t know if Derek would be ok with that, reason 2 if it didn’t work out we didn’t want to lose another home or at least a place that felt like one. We did want to call this home but we were afraid.

“Honestly?” I looked at him questioning if he really wanted to know. When he nodded ‘yes’ so I continued. “I didn’t call this place, the loft, home because if living here didn’t work out I didn’t have to leave another home or if this-” I pointed between us “didn’t work out there wouldn’t be too much of a problem. Also I didn’t know if you’d be ok with it.” I said staring into his eyes to try and find his response to what I just said.

He smiled and cupped my face with both of his hands. Brushing my hair out of my face.

“You and me, we’re good and I hope we are together for a long time. I even hope forever ‘to death do us part’ “ we both laughed at how cliche that was. “ We are good, and I’m ok with you, you and even Isaac calling this home. This is your home as much as it is mine. At least that’s how I feel about it, it’s my place if I say you can call it home, you can call it home.” we both smiled and chuckled. He grabbed my face and we started kissing.

Which that turned into making out. As it started to get really heated I leaned into roughen the kiss. Der moved his hand coming down to my waist it went over my ribs.

I winced and he pulled back looking concerned and worried that he did something wrong. “Hey, you didn’t do anything. It’s just my ribs, they’re not completely healed yet and I think when Melissa said no sex and careful makeouts. She meant things also can’t get heated.” I said with a sigh.

“Hey, we can still make out it just can’t get heated. I’m fine with that means I still get to kiss you.” he said smiling.

He then lifted me up bridal style and got us into bed.

After a while of laying down with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me. With him kissing the top of my head every few minutes.

“Oh and, you can tell Isaac that … he can call this home as well.” Derek said stroking my side.

“It would mean a lot more coming from your mouth. I love you Der” I said kissing his chest, then snuggling into his side.

“Ok, I’ll tell him myself. I love you to y/n”

“I’m home. You and the loft that’s home for me. Mostly you” I said quietly but I know he could hear it. Werewolf hearing.

I felt him chuckle. He wrapped his arms tighter giving me a hug and lifted my head up and gave me a passionate kiss.

I finally felt at home I always felt at home with Derek. But now there’s also a place to call home. But it will always be Derek, loft or not. I’ll always feel at home with Derek Hale.

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6 years ago

Legal Guardian - Derek & Peter Hale

Derek X sister reader

Peter X niece reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 507

Summary: Reader is a Hale and the school wants her to have a legal guardian on record not just an emergency contact but Peter wants to be her legal guardian but she lives with Derek?

Authors Note: I just started writing dialog and then I thought you know what this could work with Derek and Peter




“You can’t tell me what to do” I said walking down the spiral staircase

“Yes I can” Peter said following me downstairs

“Your not my father! And I’m pretty sure your not my mother.” I said the last part sarcastically

“I am your Uncle” He stated. But he said it like it trumps everything and it doesn’t. Why would it?

“And how’s that working out for you so far? Hmm?” I asked smirking, knowing it was pissing him off by the way his muscles flexed

“Whats going on?” Derek asked walking into the loft and seeing what stance we are standing in knowing it couldn’t be good.

“The school wants me to have a legal guardian on file.” I told him after grabbing my bag from the couch

“Why now?” he asked looking confused since it has been years that its been empty like that

“Because I guess they were going through paperwork for seniors and they looked up all guardians and finally noticed that mine, ours” I motioned my hands between us “are dead so now they want you or Peter to go in and sign it.” I told him what Lydia told me

“So what's the problem? I’ll sign them tomorrow when I drop you off.” he asked

“Because Peter wants to sign them to. That's my problem.” I told him crossing my arms.

“Why? She lives with me. I own the building. I am on her medical records and I’m her emergency contact. Why do you think you should sign as he guardian?” Derek defended which shocked me to see but I tried not to show it

“I’m older, I’m not her brother and if it wasn’t for the burn on my body I would have been made her legal guardian back then.” He stated, lamely I might add. 

Although I did shiver knowing he was right about the last part.

“What's your endgame because those aren’t good enough reasons.” I questioned my Uncle with squinted eyes hoping he would leave it alone Peter didn’t answer he just huffed and walked off to who knows where. I knew he didn’t have a good enough reason. ‘But then I thought about what Derek had said. Did he mean it? That he would sign the papers or was it just to get Peter to not sign them.’

“Were you serious? Are you going to sign those papers? Make yourself my legal guardian till I turn 18, later on, this year.” I asked him curiously

“I am. I’m your big brother and I should have looked after you better when you were little and I’m gonna try and make up for it. And I’m starting with what I should have done when I came back and put myself as your legal guardian.” he said with a determined tone.

“Derek?” I said turning in the doorway to face him

“Hmm” He turned his head to look up from his hands.

“Thanks” I said with a smile before leaving to go to the lacrosse game at the school tonight

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6 years ago

Move In - Derek Hale

Derek Hale x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 492

Summary: Derek asks you to move in with him

Authors Note: obviously one of Derek's reason is more time in bed ;) 




“Derek I have to go” I giggled trying to escape his vice grip.

“No, stay” he pleaded

“I have to go to work. I need to got to work if I don’t I won’t be able to pay my rent.” I sat up searching around the room for my clothes

“Stay. You should just move in here. No rent to pay I own the building. Stay with me 24/7.” he said looking over at me.

“Ha ha very funny. Where's my shirt?” I spoke with sarcasm thinking he was joking

“I’m serious. Move in with me” he grabbed at my bicep turning me to look at him. He looked serious

“Seriously? You want to be around me all the time?” I asked in disbelief

“I love you, of course.” he answered looking at me like I was crazy thinking otherwise

“You sure? Around me 24/7.I don’t want to annoy you” I looked at him nervously hoping he was telling the truth

“You are never annoying to me”

“Ya sure?” I asked quirking an eyebrow

“Yes, I’m sure”

“I should pay you rent for staying here-” I stumbled out

“No. That’s the point. You move in less working, no paying rent.” he chuckled

“I should at least help with bills” I told him not wanting to be a freeloader

“If I say yes will you stop trying to pay rent?” he asked smiling

I nodded.I couldn’t in good conscience not pay anything.I could see this meant something to Derek.

“Ok then you can help with bills.” he laughed, with a big goofy smile on his face

“Ok” I replied

“Ok? Your gonna move in, ok?” he asked with a hint of excitement in his voice

“Yeah Derek I’ll move in. But are you sure? This isn’t just a spur of the moment thing right?” I wanted to know before I moved in that he wasn't going to regret this in a week.

“It’s not. I swear. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. And this was just a good time to ask.” he moved closer to me sitting up

“I love you”

“I love you too” he said back cupping the side of my face which I leaned into

“So can we go get your stuff now? And by the way, some of your stuff is already here.” he pulled you back down on top of him

“How-” I looked at him puzzled and shocked

“I’ve been sneaking things over here to make you feel at home for a while and not we just need to get the rest of it” he looked around and I did the same. That's when I noticed that a lot of my stuff from my apartment were around the loft. He pulled me in for a kiss.

“Ok, one last thing.” I said pulling away from him

“Hmm” he raised his eyebrows ready to answer another question

“Where's my shirt?”

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5 years ago

Bad Mood  -  Derek Hale

Derek Hale x Fem!Reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 536

Summary:  making Derek smile when he’s in a bad mood

Authors Note:




“Ok, I’m here what’s the big problem?” I asked walking from my car over to Stiles and Scott. For some reason they called me to meet them in front of Derek’s loft building.

“We need yours and Derek’s help.” Scott stated turning around at the sight of me.

“Ok?” I stretched out looking at them confused. When neither of them said anything else I guessed they thought I’m thinking what they are. “What?”

“We need you to, you know.” Stiles waved his hands around

“No, I don’t know. What should I know?” I spoke in a slightly bitchy tone. Raising my eyebrows.

“He means whenever Derek’s in a bad mood-”

‘Scott always the peacemaker’

“Being a sourwolf” Stiles interrupted

“Your the only one able to cheer him up.” Scott finished, moving his hands together in a pleading motion. Stiles moving his to his hips. “He completely forgets about whatever it was that put him into a bad mood to begin with.”

“And he can’t help us in a bad mood.” Stiles says obviously not remembering who he’s talking to me about.

“So you called me over to de-moodify my boyfriend?” I turned to face Scott. Asking him instead of Stiles.

“Basically.” he said sheepishly while giving me his puppy dog eyes

After nodding I headed over to the stairway entrance. Once going up and walking in through the big sliding door. I strut in and looking around seeing Derek pacing was enough for me to know that he is in a mood.

“So was it Peter or Stiles? Because Stiles was on the verge of putting me into a bad mood to if I was around him any longer.” walking to him pushing him to sit back onto the bed, rubbing his shoulders.

“Stiles is always able to put a person in a bad mood. But no it wasn’t him.” Derek spoke in a shocked tone being surprised to see me there since we didn’t plan to meet up today.

“Peter then.” I concluded, nodding

“Yeah” he grumbled

“What’d he say?” I asked curiously hoping that he would share. Hoping for at least a hint.

He looked deep in thought, Suddenly I was straddling his lap, with him rubbing circles into my lower back. He let out a deep breath kissing my shoulders.

“Just some stuff about our relationship that he has no business being in or giving his opinion about.”

“Can I help?” I ask quietly hoping it doesn’t upset him, and hoping that whatever Peter said it doesn’t make him second guess anything about our relationship.

“Just you being here in my arms” he squeezed me tight “helps, A lot.”

“Huh, they were right” I mumbled under my breath leaning into him thinking about earlier.

“What you talking about?” he asked me, raising his eyebrows in question. Apparently I didn’t say it quietly enough. Although I swear this man could have a whole conversation with his eyebrows.

“Well Scott and Stiles called me over to de-moodify you and it worked.” I told him, surprised myself that they were right. Never having realized it before.

“It does, your my mate.” he stated smiling pulling me into a kiss, ‘Scott and Stiles can wait till tomorrow’.

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5 years ago

You Won’t Lose Me - Derek Hale

Derek x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 265

Summary: the Alpha pack threatens Derek as we know but Y/n plans to do something about it




“Don’t do this” Derek pleaded chasing Y/n around the loft

“I have to” she replied looking for her jacket

“No you don’t” Derek stated grabbing her arm to stop her from moving

“I do” Y/n said turning to face him

“They’re my problem. Not your.” he shook his head

“They are making themselves my problem to.” Y/n stated to him

“I don’t want you to do it.” Y/n could tell in his voice and eyes, there is a slight change with worry.

Y/n smiled at him turning to grab her jacket “well then good thing your not the boss of me.”

“Please. You know I don’t beg but I’m begging you right now. Don’t do this.” he moved to hug her from behind with a tight grip

“Derek-” she tilt’s her head slightly

“I have lost everyone and everything. I cannot lose you to.” Derek stated in a soft voice to keep from getting too emotional, resting his chin on her shoulder.

“You won’t lose me.” Y/n sighed softly leaning her head back on his shoulder

His hold tightens “you don’t know that. And you can’t promise that either.”

“Come with me then? Derek you would never let anything hurt me. So come with if your so worried.” she asked him, turning in his hold.

“Me being there could make them violent.” Derek said, letting Y/n out of his hold.

“I don’t plan on facing them. I plan on making a statement.” Y/n just grabbed her jacket.

“You coming?” Y/n raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

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4 years ago

Pay Attention - Derek Hale

Derek Hale x Fem!reader (romantic)

Warnings: none

Word count: 681

Summary: Derek and y/n have been together for a long time. Just some of the people around them haven’t noticed




“So that’s the plan?” Lydia questioned, just to double-check.

“Ok then.” Allison nodded

“Well, I need to get home before my dad does.” Stiles pushed off the table and headed towards the door.

“Can you drop me off on your way?” Scott asked following him out

“Yeah, sure.” Stiles nodded at his best friend. Followed by Lydia and Allison, with that they all left.

“Thank God their gone.” Derek let out moving to the kitchen to get a drink.

“I wouldn’t have phrased it like that.” Y/n laughed at his antics.

“That’s because they’re your friends.” Peter cut in from the far end of the couch.

“True” Y/n nodded

“Are you staying the night?” Derek asked as he came back into the living room.

“Yes. I brought clothes for tomorrow and everything.” Y/n smiled up at Derek standing before her.

“Did you bring Pajamamas?” Derek asked grabbing at her waist, as she stood up in front of him from her spot on the table.

“No, of course not.” she smirked up at him with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Good” Derek returned the smirk before leaning down and pulling her into a passionate kiss.

“He likes me to sleep in his shirts, Peter. So you can stop with that look your giving us.” Y/n spoke after they pulled away for air from eachother.

“Oh come on y/n! We both know that’s not the only reason!” Peter teased as he got up and put on his jacket before leaving the couple alone for the night.

“He’s a pest!” Y/n exclaimed

Derek smiled shaking his head in amusement. “He always has been. I’m glad you’re staying the night.”

“Me to.” she smiled biting her lip

“We should head to bed.” Derek raised his eyebrows suggestively

“Doesn’t mean we have to sleep.” Y/n suggested right back at him, before intertwining their hands and heading over to the bed.

^           ^           ^

“So are you ready to head out after everyone- Woah!” Stiles jumped and stopped right in his track as he entered the loft.

“Ummm” Scott stopped to in the doorway.

“What’s going on here?!” Stiles yelled waving his hands around in the air.

“Maybe we should go?” Scott stammered out not wanting to intrude.

“No, no, no we want to know what’s this.” Stiles corrected entering the loft more.

“Why are you guys standing in the middle of the door-” Allison stopped once she got her answer in the view she was faced with.

“Stiles, she’s obviously in his shirt and on his lap. So out it together.” Peter told the teen boy as he entered the loft and passed them. Annoyed by the Stilinski boy’s lack of observing and outing together skills.

“It’s not that hard.” Y/n added to Peter’s statement.

“Yeah.” Lydia greeted walking past her friends.

“Hey, Lydia.” Y/n smiled as her friend walked over to her and gave her a hug, despite the fact she is on Derek’s lap and in not much clothing.

“Wait!” Stiles stared at Lydia shocked. “You’re not surprised?”

“Suprised at what Stiles?” Lydia asked

“Oh, I don’t know that she’s only wearing Derek’s shirt!” Stiles yelled out squinting from frustration.

“And sitting on his lap.” Scott add quite embarrassed by the scene in front of him.

“And that!” Stiles exclaimed

“Lydia?” Allison spoke in a questioning tone.

“She already knew guys.” Y/n stated the obvious

“Knows what?” Allison asked although she was getting a pretty good idea.

“That Y/n and Derek are in item.” Peter sighed really getting tired at this conversation.

“Is that true?” Scott asked turning his gaze to Y/n from Peter.

“Yes. We’ve been together for months. Hell, almost a year.” Y/n admitted.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Stiles asked confused

“We weren’t keeping it a secret. You guys just didn’t notice.” Y/n stated adjusting herself on Derek’s lap.

“Or ask.” Derek added keeping his hands around Y/n’s lower back.

“Next time, try to be more observant of your surroundings.” Peter smirked at the teenagers standing in the doorway.

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4 years ago

Forgotten Anniversary - Derek Hale (1/2)

Derek Hale x Fem!reader

Peter Hale x friend-ish reader

Lydia Martin x friend reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 599

Summary: Derek forgets a very important date.

Authors Note: This will have a part two. 




“Hey Y/n, do you wanna come?” Lydia asked Y/n having noticed how long her friend has been staring at Derek, zoning out really.

“Sorry. Come where?” Y/n questioned turning her focus back towards her long time friend.

“We’re going to pick out some snacks and a few movies.” Allison answered giving Y/n a small smile.

“Then have a sleepover at my place.” Lydia finished giving Y/n a look that she knew all to well.

“Oh, that sounds like fun but me and Derek had something planned for tonight-” She started glancing over at Derek who was standing a few feet away.

Derek cut in “I don’t have anything planned for tonight besides sitting in. Go ahead and have fun with the girls.”

“O-ok.” Y/n stuttered out staring at him in confusion. “Yeah. I’ll come. Sounds like a lot more fun than staying here.”

“Cool.” Allison smiled, but she could tell something wasn’t right.

“Great. Come on, we’ll stop by your house and you can pick up some clothes on the way.” Lydia stood up grabbing Y/n’s hand and giving it a light squeeze of reassurance. The three girls grabbed their stuff and left the loft and the boys.

“What was that about?” Derek asked the others confused why Lydia sent a glare his way before heading out the door.

“You’re in the dog house.” Stiles stated trying not to let out his laughter.

“Do you know why? It seemed like you two were fine earlier.” Scott asked the older wolf. Trying to help him and not to make fin of him.

“I don’t think I did anything.” Derek tryed to recall if he had done anything to Lydia or to Y/n the whole day.

“Didn’t you plan a fancy dinner and to go down to the pier.” Peter pointed out sitting on the couch across from where the three stood talking.

Derek shook his head. “No. That was the plan for our anniversary.”

Peter sighed before asking “Stiles do you know the month?”

“Its May.” Stiles answered, confused on why Peter wanted him to tell him what month it is of all things.

Peter then turned his head towards Scott and asked another question “Scott do you know what day it is?”

Scott answered just as confused as Stiles “Its the 8th.”

“Hmmmmhmmm.” Peter hummed

“What the hell does May 8th have to do with anything? Let alone why the girls left the way they did.” Stiles asked frustrated at the older Hale

“Oh” Scott said under his breath

“McCalls got it.” Peter stared down his nephew, waiting for him to put it together.

Scott turned to Derek with a face of concern. “Derek-”

“WHats going on?” Stiles asked not understanding what was going on.

“May 8th is Y/n and Derek’s anniversary. He had big plans.” Peter explained so Stiles would stop asking questions, and so Derek would piece it together.

“And when he told Y/n he had nothing planned and to go with the girls…” Scott sighed. He knew already that this was bad.

“He basically made it seem like he didn’t care. Yu’p’” Peter popped the ‘p’ giving his nephew a disappointed look. Not that Peter would admit it but he likes Y/n, thinks she’s good for his nephew.

“Shit.” Derek let out moving to rest his head in his hands. He was in deep trouble, and he knew it. This was not gonna be easy to get passed. Especially after all the talk he made to her about the plans he had for their anniversary.

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4 years ago

Forgotten Anniversary - Derek Hale (2/2)

Derek Hale x Fem!reader

Allison Argent x friend reader

Lydia Martin x friend reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1054

Summary: Derek feels bad for forgetting and decides to try and make it up to the reader.

Authors Note: This is the last part of this little two parter. 




“He seriously forgot?” Allison asked shocked looking over to Y/n who sat on the end of the bed.

“Yeah.” Y/n nodded sadly

“I thought it seemed weird that he let the pack over on your anniversary. I’m sorry Y/n.” Lydia shook her head in disappointment.

“Me too.” Allison shook her head the same as Lydia.

“Eh, thanks, guys. I think he just has so much to deal with, it’s easy to forget things like this.” Y/n sighed waving them off and the situation as nothing.

“Still.” Allison spoke softly

Lydia sighed getting Y/n’s attention. “Y/n, I get he has a lot on his mind but that is still no excuse for him to forget something so important.”

“I know.” Y/n spoke quietly as her voice cracked

“Come on, its Saturday lets make breakfast and go to the mall and do something.” Allison suggested hoping to get Y/n’s mind off of yesterday’s events.

Lydia smiled in agreement. “Yeah, I’m in. I need new shoes anyway.”

“Yeah, that sounds like fun.” Y/n nodded with a genuine smile.

^        ^        ^

“Woah that looks amazing on you Y/n/n.” Allison gasped looking over at her friend.

“Really? You think so?” Y/n asked turning to the side looking at herself in the mirror.

“Most defiantly.” Lydia smiled at Y/n to nodding in agreement with Allison.

Y/n smiled “I think I’m going to get it.”

Allison added in “You should get those two tops you tryed on to.”

“Which two?” Y/ asked turning to face her friends.

“The purple one that hangs off the one shoulder.” Lydia spoke looking over her own dress she’s trying on in the mirror.

“And the red one with the v-neck neckline.” Allison added looking over some earrings on the nearby counter.

“I loved those two to.” Y/n smiled thinking back on those two tops she tryed on earlier.

Lydia smiled “of course you did.”

“They looked fantastic on you.” Allison added to Lydias words

Once they got changed back into their regular clothes they headed back to the checkout. “How much?” Y/n asked the lady behind the counter.

“Oh, nothing sweetie.” the lady smiled fondly at y/n.

“What do you mean?” Y/n asked completely confused on what the lady meant.

“A gentleman came up and paid for your stuff already. Before you even go in line.” She explained giving Y/n a knowing look. But that just confused Y/n more.

Y/n tilted her head to the side “huh?”

“He said it’s part of his apologie. He was very handsome you are one lucky girl.” The lady smiled at Y/n before Y/n walked away so she could help the next person.

“What’s up? You don’t look so good.” Allison asked when Y/n walked over joining them by the exit.

“Its nothing just the lady at the checkout.” Y/n told as they started walking back into the main part of the mall.

“What?” Lydia pressed, serious now as well.

“Someone had already paid for my stuff.” she told the two of them.

“Weird” Lydia mumbled

“Did she say who?” Allison asked

“She said he was handsome and that he said it was part of his apologise.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders

“Apologize?” Allison repeated, quirking an eyebrow before Lydia suddenly stopped the two girls.

“What?” Y/n asked Lydia since she seemed to have an idea of who the mystery payer is.

“Who else needs to do some serious apologizing to you?” Lydia smirked

“Derek.” Y/n let out a breath in realization.

“Yup” Lydia nodded in confirmation

“Well, he does need to apologize BIG. And that stuff was expensive.” Allison reminded

“I guess” Y/n looked down at her shoes. Of course, she wanted an apology but like Allison said the clothes were expensive.

“No, no, no.” Lydia tutted at Y/n.

“No?” Allison asked

“No, feeling guilty. He did it because he wanted to. He didn’t have to and he did. Ok?” Lydia explained grabbing Y/n’s hand in hers.

Y/n nodded “Yeah.”

“Now let’s go get lunch.” Lydia pulled the two along towards the food court.

“Yes, Please.” Allison commented with a light laugh.

“I’m starving!” Y/n said agreeing. Deciding to let it go for now, and just have fun.

^         ^          ^

“Are you sure you want to go to the loft?” Lydia asked driving to drop Y/n off after having a full fun day at the mall.

Y/n nodded “Yes. Just drop me off at the loft. I need to talk to Derek.”

Lydia sighed “ok.”

“Text us how it goes.” Allison said as Y/n grabbed all her stuff and exited the car with her stuff.

“I will.” Y/n assured laughing a little at how protective they could be.

“Derek?” you home?” Y/n yelled out softly as she entered the empty-looking loft.

“Yeah.” Derek spoke softly coming down the stairs.

“Hey.” Y/n smiled a small smile at the sight of him. “Thanks for the clothes.” She lifted the bag up a bit to show it in her hand.

“Its the least I could do.” Derek put his hands in his pockets looking down in shame.

“Der, I get it. Your busy, it’s fine.” Y/n sat down her stuff and headed over to him.

“No, it’s not Y/n/n. I should have remembered. I’m so sorry I didn’t” Derek apologized moving his hands from his pockets to her waist.

“How’d you realize it?” she asked

Derek sighed “Peter of all people.”

Y/n laughed “That had to piss you off.”

“It did. But at least he knew. I can’t believe I forgot. And that he remembered out of all people. But I’m gonna make it up to you. I promise.” Derek assured pulling Y/n closer to him by her belt loops.

“You don’t have-” Y/n started, shaking her head.

“I want to. I had something planned for our anniversary. I still want to do it. If you’ll let me.” Derek interrupted

“Of course Der.” Y/n smiled up at him, leaning into his chest more.

“I love you, Y/n.” He stated in a serious tone

“I love you too.” She stated back at him, before leaning up to kiss his cheek.

Tags :
4 years ago

Chances Not Taken - Derek Hale (Part 1)

Derek Hale x Fem!reader

Jordan Parrish x Fem!reader

Warnings: maybe alittle angsty not much, reader feeling like crap about her self

Word count: 1,089

Requested: Sleeping around with Derek Hale for a while but never actually dating because Derek’s to scared to be committed sense he thinks everyone he loves dies and leaves him. So a frustrated reader calls things off and starts dating Jordan Parrish. But shortly after the reader finds out she’s pregnant. Derek finds out from his super wolf hearing the heartbeat in her stomach when they run into each other and he instantly knows it his. Please and thank you. - @keepcalm-and-beyou (hope I tagged the right person 3 blogs came up)

Authors Note: I am so so so! Sorry it has taken so long. I wrote it over and over not liking it fully. Then I lost the notebook. Then I had to write it and then google deleted it when I typed it. Then I forgot about it. I’m So Sorry. Please forgive. Better late than never.

Part 2


Teen Wolf Masterlist



“That was- wow.” Y/n stated out of breath

“Agreed” Derek smiled taking deep breaths

“Derek, can I ask you something?” she asked softly

“Hmmmhmmm.” Derek hummed as a sign for her to continue and that he would be listening.

“We’ve been doing this for 8 months now.”

“A great 8 months.” he smirked running his hand softly across her hip.

“Yeah.” Y/n nodded

“But” Derek asked moving to sit up, leaning all his weight on his elbows so he could face her.

“But how much longer are we going to keep doing what we’re doing?” she asked looking down at her hands to avoid eye contact.

Derek tilted his head confused at her question. “What do you mean?”

Y/n sighed, changing her sight to look him in the eyes. “Are you ever going to put a name to what we do? Are we ever gonna put a label on this besides friends who pleasure eachother?”

Derek sighed “Y/n-”

“Derek I can’t keep doing this like this.” She shook her head, interrupting him. Y/n moved herself up into a sitting position.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” he squinted

“I feel cheap, Derek. I feel like I’m being used and I’m letting it happen to myself! I’m doing it to myself!” Y/n exclaimed, raising her arms up. She could not keep doing this to herself. Everything after they had sex it was as if it never happened. That caused a deep-rooted pain in her chest. Or something is wrong with her for him to not want more. She can’t take the pain and paranoia anymore.

“Y/n, I don’t want to be in a relationship.” Derek sighed, turning his voice the best he could to sound agitated. He would love nothing more than to be in a true relationship with her, but he wasn’t going to risk losing her.

“Not even after everything we’ve been through? Done or said to the other?” Y/n raised her eyebrows in slight shock. They had done a lot of things in the bedroom that she thought they had connected on a different level on. An intimate level.

Derek sighed, not looking her in the eyes. But his voice was hard as stone. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I really am.” Derek sighed, not looking her in the eyes. But his voice was hard as stone. Even though those words should have made her feel just the slightest bit better, but the lack of any emotion in his voice didn’t do anything to help.

“Ok” Y/n nodded. Once he set his mind he never changed it. So she got off the bed and started looking for her clothes.

“Where are you going?” he asked confused as to why she had gotten up. Normally they layed in bed for a couple of hours before one of them left.

“I’m leaving.” she huffed as she pulled on her clothes

“Y/n/n, come back to the bed.” Derek groaned

Y/n stopped and turned to look at him. Derek could see tears in her eyes forming. “I can’t. I can’t get back in that bed, because if I do I’ll stay. An I can’t keep doing this to myself. Especially if it’s going nowhere.”

Derek scoffed “Come one Y/n/n. Just stay.”

“Please don’t call me that.” Y/n whimpered turning her head away and into her shoulder.

“Your being ridiculous-” Derek rolled his eyes.

“Screw you, Derek!” she cut him off

With that said and things stated Y/n grabbed her bag and left. She knew she never wanted to see Derek Hale again after this night.

Over the last 8 months, there had been words shared between them that were intimate. Actions that were extremely intimate. They had shared so much that was personal, private, and extremely intimate.

But it seems all of it meant absolutely nothing to him. As far as Y/n could tell Derek Hale was an insensitive prick.

^    ^   ^

“You feeling any better?” Parrish asked, walking over to Y/n. She was looking in the still fogged-up mirror from their shower.

“Not really.” Y/n shook her head. She had been feeling sick for a week an half. Jordan and her were starting to get concerned.

“Maybe you should go to the doctor. I’m getting worried about you.” he spoke wrapping his arms around her waist. Y/n could clearly see the concern in his eyes and hear it in his voice.

“I think I might.” she nodded in agreement.

“Do you want me to go with you? I can get off early.” Parrish offered. All he wanted was for her to be ok and healthy. Plus if she needed him he wants to be there for her. ALways.

“Jordan you don’t have to-” Y/n started shaking her head, she didn’t want to be an inconvenience to him. But before she could protest his offer any further Parrish cut her off.

“I want to and if you want me to I’ll get off early to go with you.” Jordan stated softly, kissing her temple. But his voice was stern enough for her to know he is serious.

“Yeah.” she smiled lightly at the thought of him joining her that he wants to. “That would be nice.”

“Then it’s settled.” he smiled leaning down to kiss where her neck and shoulder meet. “I love you.”

Y/n smiled biting her lip, before returning the sentiment. “I love you too.”

Meeting Jordan Parrish had been one of the best things to happened to her as of recently. She truly believes that. He was there for her when she was hurting because of Derek. Parrish had become what Y/n really wanted. He is a great boyfriend, he truly cares about her and loves her. Ans he feels that to be a big contrast to what she had.

^     ^     ^

Y/n was very anxious waiting for the test results to come back. Jordan had a hard rubbing her lower back. Trying to ease her nerves. They both turned their heads at the sound of the door opening they both straightened up on instinct. The doctor sat down on the stool, wheeling over in front of the couple with a smile on her face. “Well, I looked at the results of all the tests we took. It looks like your pregnant, Miss Y/L/N.”

“What?” Y/n asked blinking multiple times and mouth agape. She did not just say she is pregnant. She couldn’t be. Not after everything.

Tags :
4 years ago

Chances Not Taken - Derek Hale/ Jordan Parrish (Part 2)

Derek Hale x fem!reader

Jordan Parrish x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,495

Requested: Sleeping around with Derek Hale for a while but never actually dating because Derek’s to scared to be committed sense he thinks everyone he loves dies and leaves him. So a frustrated reader calls things off and starts dating Jordan Parrish. But shortly after the reader finds out she’s pregnant. Derek finds out from his super wolf hearing the heartbeat in her stomach when they run into each other and he instantly knows it his. Please and thank you. - @keepcalm-and-beyou

Authors Note: I made a part 2 to this because it was 18 pages all together on paper lol

Part 1


Teen Wolf Masterlist



“Your expecting. I would say you're about 3, 3 and a half months along.” The doctor smiled at her, but could tell now by the look on the young woman's face that this came as a shock. “This seems like a shock to you, to the both of you. So I'll get you the vitamins you’ll need to start taking.” And with that she left the couple alone for a few minutes to gather their thoughts.

Y/n sat there in shock. 3 Months that means its not Jordans. An that broke her heart. “I’m pregnant. Oh my god, I'm Pregnant.” She let out a whimper.

Parrish wrapped both arms around her moving to stand in front of her. “Hey, hey, hey. Shhhhh. It’s all gonna be ok.” he spoke trying to calm her nerves and anxiety.

“What am I gonna do?” she cried into his chest. Y/n pulled back to look at him before staying. “If this changes your mind about being together, I completely understand.”

There is no way she wanted Jordan to feel pressured to stay or deal with her mess. Besides it’s not his baby, if he wants to leave she would understand.

“Hey now, why would this change anything?” Parrish asked, pulling back to look her in the eyes. He moved his hands up to cup her face to make sure she’s looking at him.

“Jordan, I’m pregnant with another man's baby. Why would you stay with me?” she looked at him as if he was ridiculous to even have to ask.

Parrish smiled, moving his arms down to rub her arms. He understood where her thoughts were coming from. There logical thoughts but not what he is thinking. “Y/n, I don’t care about that. Would I prefer that the little one growing inside you was mine? Of course. But that doesn’t change how deeply I feel about you. An if you still want to be with me I’m ready to do this with you. I’ll help you raise him or her, and I’ll treat them as if they were my own.”

Y/n hung her head with a small smile, shaking it lightly. “Your to good, Parrish.” she smiled up at him.

Jordan just smiled, shaking his head. “Nah, I just love you.”

Maybe everything would be ok. Sure there's a lot of uncertainty right now. But life is uncertain everyday.

^      ^      ^

“Do you think I’m getting fat?” Y/n sighed, turning and looking in the mirror. Her clothes were getting tighter. She could tell she was gaining weight in her thighs, butt, boobs, and most of all her hips and stomach.

Parrish laughed from sitting behind her on their bed. “Sweetheart, you are pregnant. You are carrying a baby. You are gonna gain weight. Just remember its not you its for the baby.”

“I know. I know. Its just not a confidence builder.” she grumbled, turning around to face him.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” he gave her a sad smile, pulling her by her waist in between his legs. 

“Its ok.” Y/n leaned down to kiss him, placing her hands on his shoulders.

“You know what I think is the coolest part?” Jordan hummed into her mouth into her mouth not wanting to pull away.


“The fact that with my super hearing I can hear the little ones heartbeat.” he smiled at her with more adoration in his eyes than she thought was possible.

“Yeah, you and everyone else in the pack.” she laughed

Parrish gave her a tight smile “you know as long as you remind them they won’t tell him.”

“I know, I just feel bad.” Y/n sighed, looking down.

“You said you didn’t want to tell him. Did you change your mind?” he asked, caressing her hair. Perish had made himself clear on it being her choice and he’d back her on whatever she chooses.

“After everything I don’t want to be around him at all.” Y/n groaned


Y/n sighed out in frustration. “But I feel bad. It is his baby, but I also don’t want to tell him and have him reject the baby like he did me.”

“I’m with you 100% on whatever you choose.” Jordan stated with serious eyes. He knew that this design was weighing on her in a very hard way.

“I know you are. Thank you.” she smiled. Y/n couldn’t ask for a better person to have her back during all this than Parrish.

“Just think about it.” he leaned up to kiss her forehead. Before grabbing her and pulling her up on the bed. Both of them laughing, with all their worries off their mind. If the least he could do is get her mind off of her worries then that's what he’d do.

^       ^       ^

Doing some grocery shopping felt good. Especially since you were already getting cravings so you could pick up the stuff now.

What was not feeling good was when a certain someone called out to her as she turned down another aisle.

“y/n?” Derek called out

“Derek.” she looked over to who had called her name and sighed.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, walking over to her.

“Its a grocery store, Derek. What do you think I’m doing here?” Y/n rolled her eyes but felt her heartbeat pick up as he got closer to her. 

“Right.” Derek nodded. It was a stupid question. But he did have another one to ask. “Can I ask you something else?”

“What is it?” Y/n shrugged, just wanting to get this over with.

“Are you pregnant?” he asked, flicking his gaze down to her stomach. She wasn’t all that noticeable yet, but he could hear the heartbeat. Clear as day, two heartbeats. “I can hear an extra heartbeat coming from you. Are you pregnant?”

Y/n sighed, she hadn’t if she was gonna tell him or not yet. Guess now she doesn’t have a choice. “Yes.”

Derek gulped at the revelation. “How far along are you?”

“Derek….” Y/n spoke almost in warning. Does he really want an answer? 

“How far along, Y/n?” he cut her off asking again. Now standing straighter and looking her directly in the eyes.

“4 an half months.” Y/n stated gently. Watching closely for his reaction.

“That means”

She nodded ‘yes’ “Yes. Its yours.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked after a moment of letting this news sink in.

“After the rejection I got for asking if we could be more than bed buddies? Yeah, no.” Y/n laughed sarcastically. Turning her eyesight to him with a look that screamed ‘are you serious?’ She let out a sigh before continuing. “Look Derek. I thought about telling you and honestly I wanted to tell you. But I also didn’t want to be rejected again, and I certainly didn’t want the baby to be rejected as well.”

Derek nodded, as much as it pissed him off that she didn’t tell him sooner and how angry he is at himself for letting it come to where she felt like she couldn’t tell him. Or that he wouldn’t want the baby. “Y/n, I can explain.”

“There's nothing left to say, Derek. You said what you needed to say months ago.” Y/n scoffed. What else could he have to say after everything? He said enough that night.

Derek shook his head. “I didn’t say all of it.”

“Well I don’t want to hear it. Not now at least. Not here.” she shook her head. If they were to ever have this conversation its not gonna happen in public.

“When and where then? Cause I want to explain myself.” he rushed out. Hoping to change her mind.

“Why now? Just because I’m pregnant with your baby?” Y/n raised her eyebrows asking him what she already knew.

“Y/n-” with sad eyes Derek spoke her name but she cut him off.

“No, no….. I’ll think about it, OK?” That's all she could offer right now.

“Yeah, yeah ok.” Derek nodded. If she was willing enough to even consider it he would take it.

“Ok. Bye.” Y/n nodded, giving him a last farewell.

“Bye.” Derek returned the sentiment.

Once the two parted ways Y/n went to find Parrish in the giant grocery store.

When she found him he could tell right away something happened. So he rushed over to her, pulling her into his embrace. “You ok?”

“Yes” she nodded with a none conceiving smile. “No.” Y/n whispered, shaking her head ‘no’. “I don’t know.” she shrugged in his embrace.

Parrish hugged her tighter, whispering calming words as he rubbed up and down her back. “Let's go home sweetheart.”

With that they went to the checkout and left the store. It had been a very emotionally draining day. Y/n didn’t know what she was gonna do now. But she needed to think long and hard about it. Before she makes a decision.


@confuscita​ @sunwardsss @nadiaislas​ @supernatural-crazed-girl

Tags :
2 years ago

Heartache No More - Derek Hale

Derek x Fem!reader Stilinski

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,175

Requested: Hiii I was wondering if I could request a Derek Hale x Stilinski!reader where she is in love with Derek but he is always rejecting her and breaking her heart but with a happy ending. - @espacioytiempo

Authors Note: I love happy endings cause in life they are rare.


Teen Wolf Masterlist


Heartache No More - Derek Hale

“Hey.” Stiles greeted as he walked into the kitchen seeing his sister already in there. “You coming to the pack meeting tonight?”

Y/n didn’t look up as she shrugged when she answered, trying to focus on the pizza in front of her. “I don’t know.”

“Oh come on. It’s at Derek’s loft if that changes your mind.” Stiles nudged her with a teasing smile. He knew about her crush and it took him a while to be on board but he supported it now.

Y/n let out a sigh putting her slice down on her plate. “Actually it just really makes me want to stay home this time.”

“Oh, come on. You are in love with the Sourwolf. Don’t you want to see him?” Stiles questioned, he couldn’t believe that his sister would pass up seeing her crush. Not possible. “Hey. Concerned brother here. What's going on?” he asked now very concerned about his twin sister.

“I gave up Stiles.” She told him dropping her shoulders and she hung her head. Defeated.

NOw Stiles was confused and concerned. “Gave up on what?”

Y/n turned her head, lifting it up to look at him. “Derek’s never gonna love me back.”

“You don’t know that-” Stiles shook his head but Y/n stopped him from continuing.

“Yes. I do, Stiles. He’s even said it. To my face. I need to quit before I cause myself anymore heartache.” Y/n told him looking him right in the eyes.

“Y/n-” Stiles hated seeing the hope leave her eyes but he felt helpless to change it. But he had to try.

“No Stiles. I can’t keep putting my heart through this.” She shook her head, eyes watering and voice cracking. She couldn’t go. No matter how much she wanted to go to the meeting and no matter how much she felt for Derek. She couldn’t go this time. Y/n wiped her eyes and gave a cough to straighten out her voice before she grabbed her plate and went to head upstairs. “I’ll see you in the morning. I’m gonna head to bed early.”

After seeing the tears run down her cheeks and hearing her voice crack Stiles didn’t push any further. “Night.”

After that Stiles ate a couple slices of the pizza before leaving to head to the loft for the pack meeting. But he was pissed about the crap Sourwolf was putting his sister through, and he wished he could’ve stayed home with her. But he needed to go and maybe he could give Derek a piece of his mind.

It wasn’t long after everyone arrived and were just chilling and hanging out, but Derek noticed the whole time who was missing. And it bothered him.

“Where’s your sister?” Derek asked Stiles as they both entered the kitchen.

“She’s not coming.” Stiles stated roughly not sparing him a glance.

“How come?” Derek asked again this time turning to fully put all his attention on Stiles’ next words with a furrowed brow.

“She’s tired of getting rejected by you. She is tired of putting her heart out on the line and it getting crushed every single time. By you.” Stiles told him turning to face the taller man who had been hurting his sister's heart as of late.


“No. I don’t want to hear it. You keep breaking my sister's heart. Toying with it, leading her on. So lay off, okay? She’s trying to move on so let her.” Stiles stepped up to Derek, he didn’t care if he knew he’d lose. This was his sister they were talking about.

Stiles stared Derek down for a bit before he shook his head deciding to head back to the others in the main room of the loft. But Derek spoke up before he could fully leave the kitchen. “An what if I do feel the same?”

Stiles let out a sigh turning halfway to look over at the Sourwolf. He knew Y/n loved Derek more than she let on, maybe he could help. God, he hopes this doesn’t backfire. “Then do something about it.”

“I don’t want her to get hurt because of me.” he admitted not proud of himself for how he’d been treating Y/n as of late. But people around him get hurt and he didn’t want Y/n to be one of them.

“You’re already hurting her. What's the difference?” Stiles shrugged. Physical hurt could be fixed. Emotional? Not so easy to fix.

^ ^ ^

“Stiles, you forget your key?” Y/n yelled as she got off the couch and headed to the front door. Upon opening it though she was shocked to see Derek Hale. That and a couple of other emotions came to the surface. “Oh. It’s you.”

“Can I come in?” Derek asked with his hands in his pockets looking sheepish.

“Why?” Y/n crossed her arms around her body, acting almost as a shield.

Which Derek noticed right away and it made him feel even more guilty. “I’d like to explain myself.”

“Derek, I’m done with whatever this is, or was.” Y/n stated as she went to shut the door, Derek rushed up the steps placing a hand on the door to stop it.

“Please. Just one last chance, and I’ll explain everything.” he pleaded with her, giving her a desperate look. One not many saw on him.

“Fine. One last chance.” Y/n gave in opening the door so he could enter.

It didn’t take long for them to sit down and get to the point. Derek told her everything about why he pushed her away but couldn’t keep with it. Now he was waiting for her reaction and response.

“So, it’s all because you were afraid to hurt me?” Y/n asked for clarification squinting his way.

“Yes.” he nodded giving her an answer.

“Do you realize that things done and said by you hurt me more than anything else could?” Y/n told him more than asked. There was hurt in her voice that Derek could hear without his enhanced hearing.

“I do, and I’m sorry.” Derek nodded apologetically, he did think he was doing the right thing in the beginning.

Y/n scoffed shaking her head. “Derek, it's not as easy as just saying you're sorry.”

“I realize that and I will work for your forgiveness if you allow me to.” he had the softest look on his face hoping and praying she’d give him another chance.

Y/n sat there for a minute thinking over his offer. All the pros and cons and what her heart and brain were telling her. Y/n let out a sigh, looking him in the eyes. “One last chance, Derek. Only one Because I can’t keep letting my heartbreak like this.”

Derek nodded relieved letting out a breath of relief smiling. “One last chance is all I need.”

“I hope so.” Y/n gave him a small smile. Hoping she wasn’t setting herself up for more heartache. Heartache no more is what she was hoping for.

Tags :
9 years ago
Derek Hale | Teen Wolf | Not My Gif
Derek Hale | Teen Wolf | Not My Gif

Derek Hale | Teen Wolf | Not my gif

Requests are OPEN

Tags :
9 years ago
Derek Hale And Allison Argent | Teen Wolf | Not My Gif | Requested
Derek Hale And Allison Argent | Teen Wolf | Not My Gif | Requested
Derek Hale And Allison Argent | Teen Wolf | Not My Gif | Requested

Derek Hale and Allison Argent | Teen Wolf | Not my gif | Requested

Derek: So when were you planning on telling me?

Y/N: *sheepishly* When you found out.

Derek: *looks at Allison* Does you father know about this?

Allison: I don’t need his approval, I love her. *grabs your hand*

Derek: *Slowly shakes his head* I don’t- I don’t approve of this, but this is the first time I’ve seen you happy in a long time. I will tolerate this , but I have some conditions...

Requests are OPEN!

Tags :
9 years ago
Derek Hale And Stiles Stilinski | Teen Wolf | Not My Gifs | Requested
Derek Hale And Stiles Stilinski | Teen Wolf | Not My Gifs | Requested
Derek Hale And Stiles Stilinski | Teen Wolf | Not My Gifs | Requested

Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski | Teen Wolf | Not my gifs | Requested

Stiles: *walks in to see you and Derek kissing* Well, Well, Well. What do we have here?

Y/N: *jumps away from Derek* Omg, Stiles! What the hell are you doing here?! Shouldn’t you be in school?!

Stiles: That is not important right now. *looks at you both* What is important though, is you two. Though I am slightly disgusted, I am also very interested in what our dad, the Sheriff, would do when he finds out.

Y/N: *panicked* Stiles, you can NOT tell dad. Not now at least.

Stiles: *smirks* Oh, I won’t tell dad. *pauses* On one condition.

Derek: *annoyed* Are you trying to blackmail us?

Stiles: Yes and no. My condition is very simple and it only involves *points at Derek* you, Derek.

Derek: *sighs* What is it?

Y/N: No! *looks at Derek* Derek, you do not have to do anything he tells you to.

Stiles: *scoffs* Oh, calm down. It’s nothing bad. *turns at Derek* All you have to do is tell me something nice. You have to make me believe that there is more than a sour wolf underneath. I need to know that you’ll treat her right.

Derek: Seriously? That’s what you want. *Stiles nods* Fine *sighs* You come up with good plans. And you’re not as annoying as you used to be.

Requests are OPEN!

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