Alphabellyvore - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Like my belly? I had to spend an hour convincing him, but this is actually my feeder Jack in here. I knew he'd make me incredible so I wore him down and got him to agree to letting me eat him for the day. I promised I wouldn't digest him, but damn imagine if all this Grade A gut stayed forever. I'm gonna let him out and keep my promise, but one of these days he won't want to leave my belly and I'll have him for good. Willing prey make the best gains cause they just melt into my waist like all my food should.

safehaven2 - Male vore

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2 years ago

Oof! Finally got him! I'd been sweet talking my feeder boyfriend Jack for a few months and he finally couldn't take not being a part of my waistline. I wanted to eat him slowly, but I'd been looking forward to this for a while and I couldn't afford him changing his mind. I kissed him, then immediately began devouring my prey and swallowing him down my gullet until I had him fully stuffing my tank. I felt a huge relief of hunger disappear once I had him in me and then I quickly let out his oxygen in a room-shaking belch while I rubbed our belly and lulled him to sleep. I finally had him and now he'd never be away from me again!

safehaven2 - Male vore

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2 years ago

Oof. I wish these Grommr feeders weren't such perverts and actually wanted to stuff me huge like I want. I had this college kid over to help me out and he said he was too broke to buy any food but wanted to stay anyway. I was ready to kick him out when I got a better idea for a good feeding session instead and let him stay. I told him to follow my rules if he wanted to stay and made him strip naked for me. Then I had him slick his body with butter and to jump on my dinner table. He seemed hesitant at first but I was being pretty forceful and told him that he'd be my meal since he didn't bring anything. He submissively followed my orders and I had him lean back so I could line his feet up with me mouth. I was too hungry and annoyed with this kid to ask his name or care if he wanted this, instead I regarded him like the food I wanted him to be and started eating him. I swallowed and shoveled him down like a hungry snake and pulled my prey down into my waiting stomach while he watched with glazed eyes as I devoured him. I kept going until I was up to his chest and before he could say anything to me, I pushed him in by the head and quickly sent him down into my now-distended gut. I rubbed the new occupant inside me and regarded him for being a delicious feeder and for doing a good job making me grow. I heard him reply through our body, but I don't listen to food and that's all he is now that he's never leaving my belly.

safehaven2 - Male vore

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2 years ago

So glad you're back! Can't wait to read new stories about the hungry dads, uncles, and brothers who just can't hold back from swallowing down friends and family. Hopefully some of that is on the horizon?

We all know the best meals are home-cooked ones like nephews and sons! But every once in a while, a son gets to have a belly full of dad while his brother is digesting their uncle! No matter what, Preds eating their family is never going out of style baby. Now, how about I be your dad and you be in my stomach.

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2 years ago

I can't do it Tyler! I can't let you out yet! I know you don't want to be in my stomach forever, but you look to good! It's only been a few weeks since I ate you and you're doing fine inside of me. I've been eating enough for two, if not three, and I make sure to rub you when you get upset. I'm treating you like a real guest and you're being ungrateful! What do you mean you didn't ask for this? You're my feeder! We agreed to do anything that would make be bigger and this is making me huge! Look! You're not getting out and that's the end of it! I'm the bigger one here and you're literally in my stomach, so I'm calling the shots and I say you're my belly-bulge! Now, stop being a whiner and let's enjoy the huge gut we grew together. Or I could hit the buffet and see if I can get even bigger. Oh! Look who perked up at the mention of me eating more and filling up his "prison". You should be more honest about how much you love being treated like food and accept your place in my belly!

Here ya go 🍆💦💦

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2 years ago

I knew I was right! Hey, Frank and Eddie! You two are the exact thing I needed! I hope you're ready to buckle up, cause I'm not letting you out for at least a week! Now hush up. I know it sounds long but I control this body and I won't digest ya. I just like this size and I'm not ready to give it or you up yet. Go ahead and get comfortable boys, we'll be spending a lot of time together and I hope you two get along in there. Oh yeah, as long as you're in my stomach, you might as well be my food and since you're basically living in me, you both fully belong to me as my prey. So start massaging me from inside while I rub my belly after eating such a big meal.



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2 years ago
Take A Look! This Is What Happens To Gainers That Don't Want To Listen To Their Feeders! My Pig Derek

Take a look! This is what happens to gainers that don't want to listen to their feeders! My pig Derek decided that he wasn't going to finish his second dozen of donuts and when I told him he needed it to break the 400 plateau finally, he started talking crazy about being "big enough" out of nowhere! He said that we should focus on "us" more and not just how big he's growing! I wasn't gonna listen to Derek throw all our progress away and I knew what needed to be done. I quickly stripped my feedee naked and sized up my fat masterpiece, stomach growling in anticipation to finally become what I've always wanted. Derek must've thought we were gonna have sex, but as soon as I popped my jaw and shoved his head inside, he started reacting to being my next meal. His big body was always a little slick with sweat and it worked wonders in getting his shoulders between my lips, but my quick-ticket to fattown stood up while panicking and I was dragged along with him entering my esophagus. I used his panic to my advantage and did a handstand over him, using gravity to gulp down my meat like a snake all the way down to his waist. After having half of Derek in my mouth, I bent over and stood up to switch out positions as I threw his legs over my head while the heft of my prey slid further down into my already distended gut. My meal tried to kick and struggle, but the first rule of gaining is to never spit out your food and I wasn't going to let all this delicious fat go to waste. Ignoring his protests, I fed Derek's thick legs down my gullet as I felt the glorious addition he was adding to me and how incredibly full he was making me. After a few more gulps, I had nothing but his toes left and I slurped them down with my final swallow. I did it. Derek is nothing but my food now and I'm gonna digest him into the perfect belly full of fat like he should have wanted! I don't need him anyway, I just need his fat and I helped make it so it's just reclaiming my property. Hear that Derek?! I'm gonna be the hog you could've been and you're gonna be there with me the whole time as my belly!

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2 years ago

There we go! Starting the new year out strong and already getting in my macros! Whoops, I meant Marcos!! I decided this year, I'd start bulking up and my buddy Marcos was perfect for my new meal plan. He was just a bit bigger than me and I knew that having him in my gut would lead to me getting the gains I needed.

I invited my protein out for a run together through the woods and we did it often se he suspected nothing. Three miles in, I tackled him and before he knew what was happening, I had his head down my throat and his arms pinned at his sides. He tried to struggle out of my grasp, but my body needed its nutrients and I overpowered Marcos down my gullet. His body was forcefully pulled into mine and I felt incredibly plwerful taking another man, turning him into food and building my dream body using him. Voracious for my meat to get inside so I can start digesting him, I pushed Marcos' legs down and pushed his toes down my throat, sending him to curl up in my tank.

Marcos was good protein and that weakling couldn't get out of my stomach, all his struggling did was tire him out and made it easier to own him. I gotta say, as long as things are this easy, I'll be hitting my goals this year and Marcos is a good friend for starting me out strong! Now, let's get a good workout in before I start digesting him so I can get a good protein boost at the gym!

safehaven2 - Male vore

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1 year ago

Fuck. I can't believe I did it. I finally did it! It has been a fantasy of mine to be able to eat another person whole, and my feeder Winston had been dreaming of being eaten one day. It was fate for us to meet, but we knew it wouldn't be a long relationship, at least until Winston was fat on my waist. It was only a few months of testing out how much I could fit in me before I was ready to try eating Winston, and we were both too excited at the hope of our dreams coming true. I held my prey close and stretched my mouth over his head, savoring the taste of his face on my tongue and feeling the hunger to eat a man alive, beginning to awaken. Winston helped me as a feeder should and would push himself down my throat as I swallowed until we had a rhythm, helping me get to his navel in minutes while I gluttonously devoured him. My belly roared as I felt my prey begin to enter and I decided that Winston was food now, which meant I needed the rest of him inside me so I can grow fatter and being nice wasn't going to help. I gripped his sides like a burger and started gulping him down like a snake, forcing him further into my gullet as he began to curl up in my gut forever. His feet sat in my mouth for a few minutes as I felt the weight of an entire person inside me, fully reduced to food for a bigger man, and then I took the final swallow, feeling him slip the rest of the way down into my stomach and finally becoming the meal he was always going to be. Winston could barely talk loud enough for me to hear, but it sounded like he was happy and I could feel bulges that were him masturbating inside of me. I told him how big he made me and how delicious he tasted, teasing that I'd have done it whether he wanted to or not, then we relaxed while I rubbed him until he stopped moving and I began digesting him. I kept touching my stomach as he digested, feeling the parts of my prey break a part and the sudden softness of new fat replacing his hard form. After a few more hours, Winston was nothing more than an extra 40 pounds on my waist and a delicious memory. At least now that I've stretched my stomach out with him, I can start adding men to the menu and devour my way to being the biggest gainer!

Welp… it speaks for itself! 😅😈

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1 year ago

Oh fuck, some guy was really being an asshole back in there. Unfortunately for him, he got to close to my face, and I was running on empty. In the dark of a nightclub, it's hard to hear or see someone getting swallowed alive, and no one saw me shoving this loser down my throat. He's really thrashing around down there, but he'll be fine once I start digesting him and maybe I'll even up my bench press using his nutritients in the gym tomorrow!

safehaven2 - Male vore

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1 year ago
Oh Yeah. This Is Gonna Work! This Is How You Get A Nice Firm Gut To Last Forever! Jaden, You Look Perfect

Oh yeah. This is gonna work! This is how you get a nice firm gut to last forever! Jaden, you look perfect in my stomach, and together, we look sexy as hell! Yeah, now that I've got the look down, all we need to do is keep you in there. What, you don't like the idea of staying in my belly forever? Don't worry, I'd lose this perfect ball if I digested you into fat, and I'll be sure to eat enough for both of us. What's that? No, I'm not letting you out right now or for the next couple of weeks, because I'm in charge, and if you keep acting up, my belly might need a new filler and I might mistake you for meat. Oh, you agree that staying inside of me is good for both of us? Great! Except while you're in my stomach, you're just food, so I'm gonna make every decision, and you're gonna learn to enjoy being a part of me. That's a good belly, now how about I rub you to sleep while I admire how full you make me Jaden.

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