Prey4keeps - Tumblr Posts
Oof! Finally got him! I'd been sweet talking my feeder boyfriend Jack for a few months and he finally couldn't take not being a part of my waistline. I wanted to eat him slowly, but I'd been looking forward to this for a while and I couldn't afford him changing his mind. I kissed him, then immediately began devouring my prey and swallowing him down my gullet until I had him fully stuffing my tank. I felt a huge relief of hunger disappear once I had him in me and then I quickly let out his oxygen in a room-shaking belch while I rubbed our belly and lulled him to sleep. I finally had him and now he'd never be away from me again!

Oof. I wish these Grommr feeders weren't such perverts and actually wanted to stuff me huge like I want. I had this college kid over to help me out and he said he was too broke to buy any food but wanted to stay anyway. I was ready to kick him out when I got a better idea for a good feeding session instead and let him stay. I told him to follow my rules if he wanted to stay and made him strip naked for me. Then I had him slick his body with butter and to jump on my dinner table. He seemed hesitant at first but I was being pretty forceful and told him that he'd be my meal since he didn't bring anything. He submissively followed my orders and I had him lean back so I could line his feet up with me mouth. I was too hungry and annoyed with this kid to ask his name or care if he wanted this, instead I regarded him like the food I wanted him to be and started eating him. I swallowed and shoveled him down like a hungry snake and pulled my prey down into my waiting stomach while he watched with glazed eyes as I devoured him. I kept going until I was up to his chest and before he could say anything to me, I pushed him in by the head and quickly sent him down into my now-distended gut. I rubbed the new occupant inside me and regarded him for being a delicious feeder and for doing a good job making me grow. I heard him reply through our body, but I don't listen to food and that's all he is now that he's never leaving my belly.

You ain't seeing things! That's right, you're looking at the biggest ballgut you've ever seen! It's a combined effort though! It took a big pig like me and a delicious three-course meal that used to be my nephews. This huge jug of fat is made of Trevor, Gary and Benji, the tastiest boys an Uncle could ask for.
It all started when I was coming over to visit my brother for once and the bastard wasn't even home. The boys had been left for the weekend to fend for themselves since they were all at least in college and they'd been taking over the house with their musk and odors. As soon as I knocked on the door and the youngest, Benji, let me in, I was sure that I was about to have one last family reunion.
Now, I've always wanted to eat my nephews and their was no chance of them not ending up on my waist, but I couldn't help myself any longer and my brother wasn't here to stop me. Benji was right next to me and his lithe, athletic body didn't have a shirt on and he smelled like he hadn't showered in a while. I couldn't control myself and I pinned him against the wall, licking him up and down the face as I got a taste for my next prey. Benji didn't fight back or freak out, instead he moaned in response and went slack as if he was letting me have him, which worked great for me.
I gave Benji a long kiss and shoved his head past my lips while held his elbows against his side. Benji was just an appetizer, so I didn't take much time with him and swallowed him down my gullet up to his navel. He hadn't struggled much as my prey and it was easy to take his pants off too, then it hit me that Benji wanted to be eaten and I patted my stomach that his head had just entered for the willing meal. Young boys have needs with their precious cocks and I needed to have that extra cum flavor, so when I had Benji's dick on my tongue, I savored and played with him until he blew his creamy load. After that, I gulped the last of my nephew down and he soon entered my gut fully and curled up inside me.
With Benji's addition, my shirt became to tight to keep on and I had to go shirtless now. I rubbed the new mound that was my family, then licked my lips in preparation for the main course and went in search of the middle nephew and ex-lifter, Gary. Gary had been packing on the pounds for a while and had been getting fat too lately, possibly because he learned how to eat people like his dad and me. Either way, he was on the menu today and I don't let my prey get away.
I waddled myself up to the game room, finding Gary laid out on the couch with a bunch of beer bottles and pizza boxes around him. Drool coming out of my lips, I quickly stripped him down naked and took a moment to admire his form, his year of muscle building still framed his body and the new fat layered it softly while pooling in a soft hanging tummy. The only thought in my head was how delicious it's going to be to eat my nephew and how fat I'd get from getting him in my gut. I rubbed young Benji and warned him to make room for his brother and not to fight and get along once he's with us.
Before Gary could stir, I got to his feet and hungrily started feeding him to myself while I savored his taste. This nephew was an outdoorsy type and it showed through the sweat and stiff muscles in his legs, eliciting a voracious moan from me as I swallowed his knees into my mouth. I kept inching down his body, excited to reach his soft potbelly and have it stuffed inside my potbelly. I could feel Benji shifting on my waist when I plopped Gary's butt in my mouth, meaning my stomach had already started claiming my next meal.
While some find eating challenges daunting, I didn't and the prospect of shoving my nephews fat gut in my mouth was exhilarating. When I got to the soft sack, I suckled on Gary as I got all the sides of his pudgy in my maw before I took a deep swallow and gulped him down past his navel toward his moobs. Having all this soft meat in my mouth had me moaning in gluttony, both upsetting Benji and waking up Gary who was pretty groggy. Quickly I took a few more deep gulps and held up Gary's arms until I had him trapped in me up to his neck. I heard him start to question what was going on and I held back from chuckling, deciding that fulfilling my dream feast was more important and pushed his head down into my greedy gullet. I slurped down his muscular arms like thick sausage links until I had his fingers slipping down my throat and into my growing tank.
Gary settled in my belly with a heavy weight and I could tell he was pressing Benji to the sides of our belly, because his outline was perfectly visible. I rubbed the curves of my appetizer and tried to press him back in, forcing Gary to rearrange himself to give his brother space. Then I felt a weird bit of shuffling between them, then they started squirming like crazy like they were fighting over something before I felt a rhythmic movement. I gripped and felt over my gut, but it felt like there was only Gary inside now, unless Benji was somewhere I couldn't feel.
I hadn't lost any food, but it didn't feel the same not having Benji and Gary pressed together in me. I told my meat to play nicely while they digest, then I went back to the kitchen to look for my dessert, Trevor. Trevor was the oldest of my nephews and he was a bodybuilder that trained constantly to build up muscle on his 260+ lb. body, making him the perfect beefcake to have for a treat.
I waddled my way past the living room and found Trevor drinking a protein shake, dropping it upon seeing how good I looked with his brothers in me. He tried to stutter out some kind of question, but I closed the distance between us and pinned him against the wall with our family in my tank. Not caring to wait much longer to finish my feast, I ripped Trevor's clothes off and grabbed the back of his meaty head. He tried pleading with me, but anything stopping me from eating went on deaf ears as I opened my jaws wide to encompass his beefy shoulders.
Trevor was the only struggling prey tonight and unfortunately for him, I had more than enough energy to get my meat. Once he was in the back of my mouth and my esophagus dragged him into my throat, I worked on putting this hefty guy where he belonged. His broad back and meaty pec slabs were disappearing into me quickly while the jock tried to escape, but holding his wrist to his sides were keeping him still enough for me to work on. I pulled Trevor on top of my distended gut and kept gorging on my prey until I got down to his navel, feeling a weird sensation in my stomach that wasn't Trevor settling into his forever home.
I took another gulp and I felt something pull Trevor down after I swallowed, almost like someone else was helping me eat him. Or eating him himself! Fuck, did Gary eat Benji inside me and now he's eating Trevor too? Fattening up a pred by feeding him while he's already been eaten by a more Alpha Pred, how greedy could you be? Fuck it, I'm very fucking greedy! I gave an understanding slap to my gut, cheering on my nephew for turning us into Russian nesting dolls.
Not wanting to stop the greatest act of gluttony I've ever committed, I picked my Trevor and let gravity finish him off. I swallowed him down my throat in tandem with Gary, rubbing my growing belly full of another growing belly like a well-fed pig. Strong thighs, then sculpted calves disappeared slowly into my jaws until I wrapped my lips around his ankles and left only his feet outside of me. I wanted to savor the final swallow before I finished my three-course feast, but Gary had other ideas and he wanted the rest of his brothers enough to forcefully swallow Trevor using me as a conduit. I felt my prey's feet get sucked into my mouth then instinctively swallowed, sealing my nephew to his doom as his brother finished him off.
I had three college boys inside my stomach right now but you could only tell there was one, since he was full of the other two. I gave Gary a jostle as I bounced him around, playing with my soon-to-be ball belly and celebrating another good dinner. I had a gut full of one nephew that was stuffed with two more like a double stuffed burrito.
This level of gluttony was making my cock harder than its ever been and I could in no way reach my crotch, but feeling Gary move around was getting me there. After a few more slaps and squeezing my nephew-prey, I felt my cock bust its load and I finally let out monstrous burp that shook me a bit. Before I could admire my soon-to-be belly fat, I felt a huge rush of air in me and guessed that was Gary belching up his meat's oxygen. I nearly came a second time as I belched up my nephew's belch, giving me a new fetish that would be impossible to replicate.
Now that I'd gotten my food settled in, I went and got a camera to take a picture of my victory dinner. My dream to eat my nephews had finally happened and it went even greater than I could imagine! Now all that's left to do is wait for my brother to come home and give him a warm Family Reunion! I can't wait to eat my bro too and add him to this hungry hog's massive gut!
Can you use me like a human dildo and slurp me up all the way? I want to be digested by a manly pred like you.
Alright, but you better lube up a bit or it'll get uncomfortable for you. Good, now start licking my hole and get me loose. Oh yeah, sorry I didn't warn ya before I pushed your head in my anus. What's that? I can't understand you while I'm working your elbows in. Oh yeah! You're a real good dildo, especially when I use your thighs to pull you in and out of me. I'm not letting you out though. You might make a good sex toy, but I'm gonna take you for everything I can get. Oh, I wasn't paying attention and your feet just slipped in my hole. Well, I guess you're where you belong now, squirming away in my lower intestines whole you bulge out my lower abdomen. Go ahead and enjoy yourself, I'll rub you until either you're asleep or you're all mine!
You were doing sit ups when you suddenly saw this ass appear above you. Before you could say something, he sat down hard on your face and you could hear him moan a little. One of his friends goaded him to take you in the middle of the gym and you could suddenly feel flesh instead of cloth. His hole started lowering onto your nose and pretty soon, you were neck-deep into his anus and he had no intentions of stopping. You tried to pull your head out, but he grabbed your arms to hold you in place and took a position above you. He took a powerful squat and you felt your shoulders slip in his ass as his body was pulling you deeper into it. You couldn't fight back while your body was being forced up some jock's butt and you could hear people outside cheering the guy on as he takes you. It only took a few more moments before your toes slip inside and he tightens his hole, fully capturing you in his body and leaving you as nothing more than a bulge on his torso. You could feel multiple hands rubbing you and congratulating the sated jock, who was set on making you his cheat meal. Accepting your place as future assfat, you melt away deep in the intestines of a not-so hungry ass pred as he absent-mindedly rubs you to sleep.

Let's take a victory picture! I finally beat the wall and got passed 350 lbs! I'd like to thank my feeder Gio, he was an inspiration and he was delicious! I gotta be honest, I thought the idea of eating a guy whole and digesting him like a burger was insane, but here we are! Boy, Gio tasted real good too and he basically crawled down my esophagus when I ate him! I'm drooling just remembering how thick and meaty he felt when he was bulging out my throat with his body. How savory his crotch was and the feeling of his cock pressing up against my Adam apple while he shot his load. My favorite part was when I had his feet in my mouth and sealed him fully in me before the last swallow, then taking that last gulp and the power that comes with fully claiming a man as mine. I came right there as I felt him fully bulge out my gut and we made him my biggest meal ever. I'll never forget Gio, because a lot of him ended up as my belly fat and it feels like I carry him with me wherever I go. But that was yesterday's meal and I'm looking for a new feeder and hopefully one that's a little on the chubby side.

Just feeling beefy.
Well, I guess we finally came to a conclusion. Right, Mark? Or should I say, Dinner! My ex-roommate Mark had been nagging me for being a bit of a slob. So what if I leave a few donut boxes on the floor or if I keep passing out drinking melted ice cream tubs, that's no reason to call someone a pig. That's why I decided to give him a much better reason to call me a pig and I put him on the menu. I waited until he was done complaining while he cleaned our apartment and once he was tired from finishing, I took off my shirt in preparation for my hunt. Not giving him a chance, I tackled him from behind and threw him to the ground. In his confusion, I yanked off his pants and greedily stuck his feet in my drooling maw. I excitedly slurped and swallowed my soon-to-be prey, living the fantasy I've always had of having a living Mark inside my stomach. I got past his knees and started forcefully swallowing him while I pulled him in, knowing it was only a matter of time before my dinner regained his senses. I wish I could savor my meat, but securing my prey took priority and I grabbed the flailing wrists of the man hanging out of my mouth, pinning them to his waist as I kept taking powerful gulps until I had his butt on my tongue and his hands pinned in my jaws. At this point, Marl was able to understand the impossible feat of gluttony I was doing to him and tried to fight out of me, but he was too late and I proved it by ripping off his shirt, then pushing in his shoulders until I had his chest surrounded by my lips. I was so lost in the ecstasy of finally devouring Mark that I could barely hear his pleas as I took a few more swallows and had his head sitting in my mouth. I put a hand on my neck and took the final gulp, blowing a load in my pants as I felt his face form a bulge in my throat and feeling it sink down into my body, then finally fully deposit my meal inside my belly. Yeah! I was right to dream of eating Mark, he was delicious and it felt so good to pig out on my rude roommate! Wait, now that you're in my stomach, you're kinda like a forever roommate since you'll be fat on my stomach! Guess we were both kind of right, I am a huge pig and you're better off as my food!

Piggy drinking directly from the gallon. Oink.
Now that I'm graduating and going off to College, I decided it's time to start bulking up! I'm pretty skinny so I need the best protein I can find and my buddy Dave was just as skinny as me and a perfect size for me to start my new diet. On our way to this party, I picked him up and got him alone in my car, then right before we pulled up, I ate him alive and whole. That's right. Dave is my protein meal tonight and he'll be the foundation for my dream body! You better get used to seeing a bulge in my gut cause I'll be bulking for a while!

Oh, I look good! Hey! Ralph was right, I got nice and fat after gobbling up his tasty ass! When he suggested that this was a perfect way to fill me out, I thought he was crazy, but as soon as he put both of his feet in my mouth, I had to have him! Together. We worked him down my gullet as I moaned and drooled over how gluttonously erotic it was to eat a person alive. The feel of his legs entering my stomach sent me into a frenzy and after Ralph's hands had gotten past my lips, I lifted him up vertically and reached up to his shoulders, forcefully pulling him down into my throat with voracious intent. The more of him I ate, the more I wanted him inside my gut and I wasn't going to be done until he was fully devoured as my prey. In his last moments, Ralph tried to tell me something, but I wasn't going to waste anymore time that I needed to and I put a hand on his head, ignoring him and stuffing his head in my mouth. I felt the lump he made in my throat right before I did my last swallow and felt him slip down, completely entering my stomach and becoming nothing more than my food. From time to time, I'd here Ralph make some noise, but I couldn't understand him clearly and just rubbed our belly to soothe him until I fell asleep while digesting him. All in all, these perfect love handles and soft moobs are the perfect way to remember my prey. This way, he'll always be with me as fat on my sexy Ralph Belly!

My dad is such a dick! So what if I get in a car accident for the third time this month, you don't try to eat your kid! He kept talking about how I was leeching off him and I'd be better off as his lunch than as a son. This bastard doesn't know shit about me thought, that why when he grabbed me and tried to hold me still, kneed him the gut and when he bent over, I engulfed his head in my jaws. I'd been a Pred for a few months, but only with catch and release, but there was no way I was going to end up in this asshole's stomach and I was honestly a little excited to not let him out of mine. I pushed my dad over and used the momentum to swallow his shoulders, working my way down his torso until his arms were pinned and he had no way out. I steadied my balance and lifted up my prey, tilting him up into the air and gulping him down with his weight pulling him to his doom. He cursed and trashed as he curled up in my stomach, but it was easy to ignore since eating my dad was my only goal in mind. I slurped the last of my prey's toes into my mouth and swallowed the last of my meal, proud that I had a tank full of my dickhead dad and he was not happy about it. I teased him about not arguing with me since he now lived under my roof and he started getting worked up again, but I smacked my distended gut and kept doing it everytime he acted up. It felt good to torture my dad-turned-lunch and I was having such a great time telling him how delicious he tasted and how good he'd look on me after I digest him into fat, and he never failed to get upset and it was even better to get to beat him up until he gave up arguing. But that's all in the past now and we got to a really good place together. Look, you can see all the wonderful parts of our loving relationship and how much he stretched out my stomach before I digested my dad!
Fuck. I can't believe I did it. I finally did it! It has been a fantasy of mine to be able to eat another person whole, and my feeder Winston had been dreaming of being eaten one day. It was fate for us to meet, but we knew it wouldn't be a long relationship, at least until Winston was fat on my waist. It was only a few months of testing out how much I could fit in me before I was ready to try eating Winston, and we were both too excited at the hope of our dreams coming true. I held my prey close and stretched my mouth over his head, savoring the taste of his face on my tongue and feeling the hunger to eat a man alive, beginning to awaken. Winston helped me as a feeder should and would push himself down my throat as I swallowed until we had a rhythm, helping me get to his navel in minutes while I gluttonously devoured him. My belly roared as I felt my prey begin to enter and I decided that Winston was food now, which meant I needed the rest of him inside me so I can grow fatter and being nice wasn't going to help. I gripped his sides like a burger and started gulping him down like a snake, forcing him further into my gullet as he began to curl up in my gut forever. His feet sat in my mouth for a few minutes as I felt the weight of an entire person inside me, fully reduced to food for a bigger man, and then I took the final swallow, feeling him slip the rest of the way down into my stomach and finally becoming the meal he was always going to be. Winston could barely talk loud enough for me to hear, but it sounded like he was happy and I could feel bulges that were him masturbating inside of me. I told him how big he made me and how delicious he tasted, teasing that I'd have done it whether he wanted to or not, then we relaxed while I rubbed him until he stopped moving and I began digesting him. I kept touching my stomach as he digested, feeling the parts of my prey break a part and the sudden softness of new fat replacing his hard form. After a few more hours, Winston was nothing more than an extra 40 pounds on my waist and a delicious memory. At least now that I've stretched my stomach out with him, I can start adding men to the menu and devour my way to being the biggest gainer!
Welpโฆ it speaks for itself! ๐ ๐
Oh fuck, some guy was really being an asshole back in there. Unfortunately for him, he got to close to my face, and I was running on empty. In the dark of a nightclub, it's hard to hear or see someone getting swallowed alive, and no one saw me shoving this loser down my throat. He's really thrashing around down there, but he'll be fine once I start digesting him and maybe I'll even up my bench press using his nutritients in the gym tomorrow!

Oh yeah. This is gonna work! This is how you get a nice firm gut to last forever! Jaden, you look perfect in my stomach, and together, we look sexy as hell! Yeah, now that I've got the look down, all we need to do is keep you in there. What, you don't like the idea of staying in my belly forever? Don't worry, I'd lose this perfect ball if I digested you into fat, and I'll be sure to eat enough for both of us. What's that? No, I'm not letting you out right now or for the next couple of weeks, because I'm in charge, and if you keep acting up, my belly might need a new filler and I might mistake you for meat. Oh, you agree that staying inside of me is good for both of us? Great! Except while you're in my stomach, you're just food, so I'm gonna make every decision, and you're gonna learn to enjoy being a part of me. That's a good belly, now how about I rub you to sleep while I admire how full you make me Jaden.