Preyappreciation - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Tommy was fucking good! That boy came twice down my throat before I finished swallowing and he filled me up so good too!!

safehaven2 - Male vore

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8 years ago

The apartment might be empty now, but at least my gut isn't!

safehaven2 - Male vore
safehaven2 - Male vore
safehaven2 - Male vore
safehaven2 - Male vore

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2 years ago

Don't mind if I do! Open up big fella for your cheat day meal. I'm sure you'll get back on your diet after you're done churning me into fat on your waistline!

It's getting time to start bulking up for the winter. Why don't you get over here so I can protein load on your tasty body? You'd look great going down my throat and becoming my temporary gut-guest until I churn you into fat, then burn you down into muscle!

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2 years ago

Being a content creator is tough work! I had a bunch of request flooding in for my Onlyfans to have me do a video with a "vore belly". Luckily, I had several offers and one of them was close by, Hopin2Get88 or Tommy was more than happy to help out. Now, I'm not looking to gain weight so we had to work out an agreement to how long he'd be inside me before I spit him back out. Tommy said he could hold his breath for two minutes since he was a swimmer and I read that antacids could keep my stomach from digesting him, so I didn't have anything else to do but eat my prey.

I swallowed down a bunch of Zantac and had Tommy strip down naked, then rub the wider parts like his shoulders with butter. Tommy was barely 120 lbs with a skinny frame and a little muscle from swimming, but he looked cute, sexy and downright delicious. Once he was done, I had him lay down on my kitchen table (to get in the right mood) and I put his feet up to my mouth, then smiled at him for consent. He returned with an excited head shake while panting, then I started swallowing him down as I quickly had his feet in my mouth and getting grabbed by my throat. The fullness in my esophagus was hot in a gluttonous way and I felt myself quickly consumed by the thought of how good it'd be to have the rest of Tommy in me.

My prey's legs began to disappear with every gulp I made as I crept closer and closer to his hips and he had already began to enter my stomach. I made sure it was empty for his comfort, but it just made it all the better when he started filling me up. I arrived at his waist and took a deep gulp as his butt rested on my tongue and I could feel his cock on the roof of my mouth. I lifted him up, then guided his hands to his waist and tilted my head back until gravity began to help.

Tommy was moaning the entire time he was getting eaten and once I had his torso in my maw, it made my drool at his vibrations. I instinctively started to gulp him down in big swallows due to his movements and had him up his shoulders in my mouth with his head still outside of me. I could hear him saying "Do It" softly and I was all to willing to give him what he wants as I placed a hand on the top of his head and swallowed deeply while pushing him in. I felt the bulge of his head passing down my throat and had the incredible sensation of him passing into my stomach and fully sealing him inside me.

Damn! That was an intense thing to do and it wasn't even close to over! I felt my squirming stomach full of my Tommy trying to get comfortable inside of me, but the intensity of him shifting had me getting incredibly horny. I put a hand on the distended walls of my tank and rubbed him while he got into a better position. Tommy was bring out the Dom instincts in me as he kept reminding me that I had fully devoured him and he was in the same place as a burger would be.

I knew I had to hurry before Tommy was going to need to be let out, but I had already set up for my video. I thanked Tommy a couple times before we began shooting and I could tell he was trying to talk back, but I couldn't make it out. I gave him a loving pat while I turned the camera on and gave my fans the Vore Belly they had asked for.

It was hard to show off my body while Tommy was filling me up to such a size, but rubbing my belly after eating was my favorite thing to do and he seemed to enjoy it too. In fact, I started to feel him jostle around after I started recording and felt him rocking around a bit as well. Trying to ignore the stimulating squirms, I drank a glass of beer (we discussed this beforehand) and suddenly Tommy started making powerful moans from inside my body and I could feel the vibrations of him orgasming. I should've known he'd want to get off while he's in my gut and it must've drove him wild to get treated like food, especially when I washed him down with that beer.

I played around with him a little more for the camera, squeezing him and bouncing him around for fun. Treating Tommy like a part of my body was hot in its own way and it felt more like he was mine now, almost like a sub that couldn't get away. I had become his entire world and everything he could see and feel was my body. Devouring Tommy was the ultimate domination technique and it was working for me. Every rub of my gut felt like power. Every moan he gave me was worship. The weight he added was his Devotion. But I'm not keeping him forever.

After playing around with my belly to my content, I turned off the camera and finally pulled out my aching cock. I slapped my gut full of Tommy a few times sadistically and felt him start squirming vigorously in response while I started jerking off. I didn't have a lot of time before I needed to let my prey go, so I wanted to get off on a little predplay first. I grabbed the sides of my giant belly and shook up my meat so I could feel his weight inside me shift, then I tried sucking in my gut to squeeze him and got the joy of seeing his perfect outline in my stomach. I rubbed that parts of him that look like his face and crotch, eliciting a masochistic moan from my prey and sending me over the edge as I let go and felt him fully distended one last time.

Afterwards I managed to puke him back out and he spent less than ten minutes in me, but we were both wiped out and happy. Eating prey was a lot hotter than I could know and my fans were right to get me to do Vore, luckily I think Tommy wants to shoot more content and I'm sure there's more prey out there that'd like to spend a few minutes in my tank too!

Last PT 4

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2 years ago

Like my belly? I had to spend an hour convincing him, but this is actually my feeder Jack in here. I knew he'd make me incredible so I wore him down and got him to agree to letting me eat him for the day. I promised I wouldn't digest him, but damn imagine if all this Grade A gut stayed forever. I'm gonna let him out and keep my promise, but one of these days he won't want to leave my belly and I'll have him for good. Willing prey make the best gains cause they just melt into my waist like all my food should.

safehaven2 - Male vore

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2 years ago

Oh yeah! I hooked up with this prey on Hungr and boy did he hit the spot! The moment he came over, he was on me wanting to get in my belly and I was all to happy to get him there! Stuffing him down my throat and adding his horny mass to my gut was exciting, then the final gulp and feeling him fill out my waist had me cumming instantly! I'll let him get off a couple more times while I rub his squirming shape while he's still in me. I couldn't ask for a better prey than him and as soon as he washes up, I'm gonna fuck him and eat him again with my cream inside to make him dessert.

safehaven2 - Male vore
safehaven2 - Male vore

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2 years ago

Oh, you looking for your boyfriend? I caught the little pervert sneaking behind me in the parking garage and decided to put him in the body he was lusting after. Yeah, you heard me. I ate your boyfriend and I'm gonna keep him in there until he learns his lesson. I won't digest him, I don't want pervert trash in my system, but he'll get covered in all my meals everyday. Whenever I chug a protein shake, I'm gonna drown him in my nutrients and keep getting bigger with him as a prisoner in my body. Hot, right? He'll get jostled around everytime I workout, get cramped whenever I'm doing cardio and he'll feel it when all my gym buddies rub my belly. Yeah, this'll be good for him. But I'm willing to let him out if you take his place! Unless you'd like to just join him instead and I'll use both of you as gut slaves!!

safehaven2 - Male vore

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2 years ago

I really like the way you describe getting swallowed and digested. Almost makes me want to slide down your gullet and become your bellyfat.

Good, willing prey are the best bulking food! Get over here and let's get this body huge! I can't wait to have you falling down my throat and stuffing you into me until I have you on my waist forever. You'll feel my hands rub you all night long while I digest you into the fat you wanted to become!

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2 years ago

Can you use me like a human dildo and slurp me up all the way? I want to be digested by a manly pred like you.

Alright, but you better lube up a bit or it'll get uncomfortable for you. Good, now start licking my hole and get me loose. Oh yeah, sorry I didn't warn ya before I pushed your head in my anus. What's that? I can't understand you while I'm working your elbows in. Oh yeah! You're a real good dildo, especially when I use your thighs to pull you in and out of me. I'm not letting you out though. You might make a good sex toy, but I'm gonna take you for everything I can get. Oh, I wasn't paying attention and your feet just slipped in my hole. Well, I guess you're where you belong now, squirming away in my lower intestines whole you bulge out my lower abdomen. Go ahead and enjoy yourself, I'll rub you until either you're asleep or you're all mine!

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2 years ago

Let's take a victory picture! I finally beat the wall and got passed 350 lbs! I'd like to thank my feeder Gio, he was an inspiration and he was delicious! I gotta be honest, I thought the idea of eating a guy whole and digesting him like a burger was insane, but here we are! Boy, Gio tasted real good too and he basically crawled down my esophagus when I ate him! I'm drooling just remembering how thick and meaty he felt when he was bulging out my throat with his body. How savory his crotch was and the feeling of his cock pressing up against my Adam apple while he shot his load. My favorite part was when I had his feet in my mouth and sealed him fully in me before the last swallow, then taking that last gulp and the power that comes with fully claiming a man as mine. I came right there as I felt him fully bulge out my gut and we made him my biggest meal ever. I'll never forget Gio, because a lot of him ended up as my belly fat and it feels like I carry him with me wherever I go. But that was yesterday's meal and I'm looking for a new feeder and hopefully one that's a little on the chubby side.

Just Feeling Beefy.

Just feeling beefy.

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2 years ago

Holy shit! I can feel you in me man! This is so awesome! I really ate you and you're in my stomach Vince! What's that? Yeah, you tasted really good like a salty steak or tangy beef Jerry! You were delicious and you basically crawled down my throat, you must've really wanted to be my food! What's that? Oh, I can't keep you! It'd ruin my plans to avoid the Freshman 15! Plus, I wouldn't get to enjoy how good you taste again. How about I let you spend a couple more hours in my stomach and then I'll let you out. Good, you agree. Now, let's get back to the belly rubs for how stuffed you made me buddy!

safehaven2 - Male vore

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2 years ago

My clothes haven't been fitting a lot lately since I started dating a prey. I'm not planning on ever digesting him, but Eli really likes it when I eat him and he'll sometimes spend days in my gut without coming out. It was hot and sexy at first to have a full person inside of me and getting to roleplay having him as a prisoner of my body, but I need new clothes to accommodate my delicious passenger. I can't stay at home just cause Eli's feeling horny, so I decided to eat my boyfriend and bring us to get new clothes that fit our body. Walking around with him in my stomach is unexpectedly arousing, the feeling of him swaying on my waist as I waddle, the heft of his form forcing me to recenter my gravity and the movements he's making inside me while I shake his entire world. I really hope these clothes fit for a while, cause I really want to explore the world with my Eli belly!

safehaven2 - Male vore

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1 year ago

Oh yeah, after a night of digesting, it looks like we finally did it Grant. You thought it was to soon, but I knew that you'd look better on my waist than next to me. I'm gonna remember you everything I look into the mirror and then I'm gonna fondle all the fat you left for me to have. I'll never forget you and this body we created together Grant! Especially how delicious you tasted while I ate you alive and stuffed you deep into my guts to grind into nutrients for me to use. The sensations of you struggling to get out and rubbing my hands over the imprints you made was incredible and when I eat my next feeder, I bet it'll be even more incredible!

Gut gefüllt

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1 year ago

Hey! Hey Devon!! You still in there or are you meat yet? Oh well, you were a delicious guy to eat and I'm happy that we get to stay together forever with you own my waist. I should feel bad about eating my best friend, but I've been dreaming of doing this for years and I couldn't help myself to how good it felt to have you as my prey, swallowing you down my ravenous gullet and getting to digest you into fat!! I love both you Devon and all the fat you're gonna end up as!

safehaven2 - Male vore

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1 year ago

My little brother has always been a pain to have around, but I could always count on him when it mattered. He's not the coolest guy to be with, but when I need something hes always quick to get it for me. Like when I told him I was hungry and he didn't have anything to feed me, so instead he suggested I eat him in a joking manner. I decided to take it seriously and I had him stuffed halfway down my throat in minutes, loving the taste of a loyal little bro. By the time I finished him off and had him sealed away in my stomach, he was saying that he'd been kidding, but I know my brother better than that. He'd do anything for me, like be my prey and feed me.

safehaven2 - Male vore

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