Also Does That Count As Shameless Self-publicity? - Tumblr Posts
Going off-topic there but..
You see, I’m a French student who is trying to get a degree in English Language and History. I’m doing fine, except for translation. So I’m gonna take the opportunity to translate my VK fanfiction while I’m on vacation. And I’d like to ask you to read it and if you want to, to leave a comment. Please try to point out the good and bad points in my text if you do, it will only help me to understand how English grammar and syntax work! But then, if you just want to comment on the story in itself, that’s good too. What I’m saying is that any review will help me, really. Here is a link for the fanfiction: A Bloody Tale There is only a chapter out for now, but in the upcoming days I’ll surely be able to post another chapter! Thank you for listening and thank you in advance if you take a look at this story! :)