Also--if Theyd Gotten Married Their Sex Scenes Certainly Would Have Been Far More Appropriate For Their 'time'! - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
A Dream Of Spring: Wedding On Dragonstone

A Dream of Spring: Wedding on Dragonstone

I read a theory recently that Jon and Dany secretly got married on Dragonstone before leaving for Winterfell, and that Tyrion watched Jon enter Dany’ s cabin because the scene we saw was their bedding ceremony. I love this crackpot because of the parallels to Rhaegar and Lyanna and how it would set their wedding to precede the reveal of Jon’s parentage. So, naturally I had to draw it as I imagined – one last unseasonably warm day and one last moment of simple love and happiness before the long night. I am considering drawing more of this sequence because it’s so beautiful to me.

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