Also Sorry To The Witches Following Me For Dragon Work Stuff But Not Dragonkin Stuff - Tumblr Posts
YESSS no seriously I'm not usually outwardly protective often but I feel like the part of me that is protective comes from the draconic parts of me. The part of me that is angry at my friends parents because how DARE they be treated that way, the part of me that can and will get snippy of someone touches my things or invades my space, the part of me that fawns over even the smallest creatures and says "I would fight someone" for them only mostly as a joke. I was a protector of the ocean, and now I am a protector of what is mine.
I love being a dragon that protects people. The way I feel my dragonkin side the closer I am, my patients at the hospital, the child I shared my food with, the friends I hold dear to my heart. The serpent curls around its brood—and a dragon can hold its heart as the protector within the entire world.