Always Hard - Tumblr Posts

For @pandemonius-fae-ri

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“Damn it!” Callum hissed as he quickly pulled up into his driveway, running a shaking hand through his hair, still annoyed that he was trapped under the hypnotic orders from that little shit, Elliot. Sighing, he glanced down at his crotch in utter frustration, his rock hard eight inches still tenting his workout shorts.
The jock had known Elliot since high school, and would always fuck with the smaller man due to his size and the fact that he was only gay guy he knew in their small town. That continued onward to community college where Callum would torment the gay man even more. However, that changed this morning when Callum had run into the little guy in the locker room, and Elliot had been wearing some oddly colored sunglasses, the light glimmering off of them alluring.
“Since you’re such a dick,” he’d told Callum, “enjoy showing yours off all the time.”
That was all it’d taken for Callum to walk around twenty-four/seven with his large, erect cock perpetually bobbing in front of him. No matter how much he’d tried to jerk off or think of something unappealing, he wouldn’t go flaccid. What was worse for the stud was that he couldn’t bring his muscled arms to cover it up. He would grit his teeth as he tried with all of his might to shield his boner from his classmates, but it was helpless as his body refused to cooperate, allowing his cock to be on display.
The red-faced jock quickly rushed out of his truck and hurried inside the house before any of his neighbors could see him. He was planning on dashing upstairs to his room to try and do some research on how to fix this problem he was having. He was halfway up the staircase when he heard his dad call out.
“Hey Hon! How was your day at school?” his dad asked, or more appropriately chirped in a higher-pitched and flamboyant register.
Callum cocked his eyebrow and cautiously looked over his broad shoulder, trying to shield his permanently hard cock from the older man.
Callum’s father was a total man’s man, who had been an athlete back in his prime. He was a construction worker who still had muscles for days which had always had plenty of women lusting over him and he was always up for the offer, which was part of the reason why Callum’s mother had moved out. The studly older man was masculine to the extreme, always seeing gay men and anything feminine as beneath him, which was why Callum grew up to have the bullying attitude he had. However, that older jock was nowhere to be seen.
Callum’s eyes bugged out of his skull as he stared at the warped version of his father who stood at the foot of the stairs. The man standing in his place was some ditzy, himbo looking gay man. He was shaved from the eyebrows down, allowing his smooth body to be completely on display. The only article of clothing the older man wore was a skimpy thong that did almost nothing to contain his massive cock and balls that created a large bulge that was thrusted out in front of him. His pecs were large and shaven, his nipples looking hard as they protruded off his chest like some pornstar’s. His hair was now a bleach blond and it was styled in a coif that looked completely out of place on the older man’s body. All of his muscles in fact seemed to be slightly pumped, as if he’d just finished a workout, but they were dusted with what appeared to be glitter, causing the older muscled man to shimmer under the lights in the house. He seemed to be staring at his son with a permanent duck face, his lips pursed and covered in shiny gloss.
“D-Dad? Is that you?” Callum gawked, his voice drying up in his throat. To make matters worse, Callum winced internally at his own hypnotic curse which caused his rock hard cock to throb as he stared at the changed man.
The altered man rolled his eyes exaggeratedly and put his hands on his trimmed hips. “Duh!” he giggled. “Like, who would it even be? Silly!” His father was usually a man of little words, and would often just grunt or bark out a few words here and there. The ditzy, valley girl diction with which he spoke was completely out of place, completing his new himbo visage.
“Do you like his new look?” Elliot’s teasing voice rang out, the scrawny nerd coming out from around the corner to wrap his thin arms around the older man’s waist.
On cue, Callum’s dad cooed and leaned into the hug, grinding his booty up against the younger man hungrily as he kept his puffed up lips pursed.
“You son of a bitch!” Callum growled and tried to stalk forward threateningly, but his hard cock bobbing in front of him ruined the effect. “What the fuck did you do to him?!”
Elliot mock-frowned. “Don’t worry about a thing, Callum,” he chided. “Your dad here has had a little change of heart. He was too boring and stuck up as some boring straight guy, which is why I decided to do him a favor and give him a brand new outlook on life. Just look at him: he loves his new himbo life.”
“New?” Callum’s dad jerked back with a loud gasp. “Like, what do you even mean, Babe? I’ve always been a himbo. Just check it out!” He turned around and leaned forward, twerking his massive glutes which swallowed the back of his thong with ease.
“See?” Elliot smirked at the shocked jock who couldn’t help but watch his father twerk. “Your dim-witted, slutty himbo daddy now thinks that he’s always been this way. Which is really perfect, considering that he also thinks that he and I are an item, which makes fucking him all the more fun.”
Callum paled and he struggled to find the words to describe his disgust at the thought of the scrawny gay nerd fucking his formerly straight father.
His dad finally noticed the white, horrified look on his son’s face and he stuck out his lower lip in a large frown. “Aww, what’s wrong Sweetie?” he cooed and walked over, his gait altered so that he minced his steps to wag his bubblebutt, and his shoulders were drawn back to thrust his pecs out. “Like, c’mere and give your daddy a hug!”
Callum tensed up as his himbo dad wrapped his buff arms around him and yanked him into a hug, shoving his face into his plump pecs. Callum wished that he could be free of his own hypnotic nightmare so that he wouldn’t be hard hugging his father right now, and then he could possibly save his dad from a himbo fate where he would get fucked by a tiny gay guy all the time.
Elliot relished in the sight before him, seeing the formerly masculine patriarch clad in nothing but a slutty thong hugging the blushing jock who used to torment him nonstop. Deciding to up the ante, he reached over and playfully smacked the dad’s exposed ass, causing him to shudder and let out a moan.
“Babe, why don’t we leave Callum alone for a bit?” he laughed. “He’s had a rough day. Besides, let me work out that slutty butt of yours some more.”
Callum’s dad let go of him and quickly rushed, his jiggling butt happily hopping up the stairs, eager to get stuffed. “Like, hurry up!” he called out over his bare shoulder as he hurried to the bedroom.
Callum’s broad shoulders slumped and he hung his head, feeling even lower when he caught sight of his still hard cock.
“Don’t worry,” Elliot teased him, clapping him on the shoulder. “I’ll take good care of your old man. And besides…” there was an evil grin audible in his voice. “…I think we can be one big happy family. I mean, I never noticed how much you took after your father.”
“Family? What are you talking about?” Callum bristled before flinching when he saw that Elliot was wearing the hypnotic glasses again.
“‘What am I talking about?’” Elliot repeated, his voice low and drawn out as the light reflecting off the glasses shimmered. “Well, we’ve all the heard the new expression: ‘Like himbo father, like himbo son.’”
A tingling sensation formed in Callum’s head, starting to make his thoughts feel all slow and foggy. “W-wait! I don’t want to, like, even be a himbo!” he begged, images of rock hard cocks and huge pecs starting to filter into his mind…