Amarambles - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

sometimes I think that if I were in a life series type game I'd be chill and just try to be friends with everyone but then i remember that I literally go onto pvp minigames to destress so

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9 months ago

my siblings and I have this tumblr vs. tiktok culture war going where we make fun of each other for not knowing our social media references, and it's this whole thing. They call me old for using tumblr and I call them gen alpha for using tiktok. But. A few days ago I wrote "it's pride month! You know what that means!" on my sister's whiteboard, fully expecting them to get it because it's EVERYWHERE on this godforsaken website, but no. You know what my brother wrote in response? "PURGE."

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8 months ago

outsidersblr I am begging for any information whatsoever about anybody we didn't see from clearing 2, especially Percival because I CANT FIND ANY and I love this series but I cannot possibly watch all of Krow's vods, Ayngel's are gone to the void, and half of Magic's are as well. s'il vous plaît I will do writing reqs for info

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8 months ago

does anyone wanna hear my weird ass version of Irene and Aphmau and their family tree in my rewrite or is that a little too strange

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8 months ago

anybody else go through periods of not feeling like a human being and just floating through life on auto pilot, and then all the sudden you come to. and you have to reconnect friends and pick up the pieces of everything you neglected and it’s really overwhelming and you feel guilty because everyone else can seemingly manage it all just fine? shout out to the friends that don’t take it personally when you go through periods of isolation and meet you with compassion and understanding. i’ve got some really great ones in my corner. and don’t be afraid to ask for help in pulling you out of it, your friends want to see you thriving and they will not shame you ❤️

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8 months ago

OKAY aphblr has allowed me to explain my silly little revamped version of Irene + Aphmau so you're all gonna have to suffer for it

I was an autistic little child who hated unforeshadowed plot twists (but also I was like 10 and only had so many literary analysis skills) and I have carried this grudge with me toward adulthood but. I really hated the Aphmau being amnesiac Irene plotline. I've tried remedying it several times over the years but I think the idea I've finally landed on and am now obsessed with is Aphmau being Irene's daughter.

First of all, it fits the whole matron theme, and second, it goes with that early season 1 lore that Irene had a family. It would make Aphmau's guilt really interesting when she thinks she isn't living up to her mother's legacy. The lore idea is that 1,000 years ago, when Shadow Knights/Shad came to kill Irene, she used the last of her power to place Aphmau in the staff. Hyria comes to the burnt wreckage of their home (hello! Remember how Aphmaus greatest fear was her village on fire!) to mourn and recognizes the staff for what it is, storing it until a Shadow Knight would protect Irene's daughter, making it safe enough for her to return.

But what if Irene had a second daughter? A younger one, who escaped the assassination and went on to live a normal life? We know Aphmau likes to name her kids + pets after people, so, for no reason at all in particular, let's say this girl's name is Alina. Magicks is a very uncertain area in MCD lore but I'd imagine it's to some extent genetic, so maybe when Irene's other daughter has a son, that son develops powerful magicks when he is far too young to control it. Maybe the Alina 1,000 years ago doesn't know how to help him and she sends him off with a tutor who promises he can reign in this boy's untamed magicks. Maybe that boy drove his tutor insane because the power of Irene ran in his veins, and his tutor pushed him off the balcony of a stony castle. Maybe his aunt finds him 1,000 years later and takes him in as her own.

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8 months ago

watching archived vods with chat open was definitely not a mistake

twitch screenshot of Kyle and Acho talking in Magic's chat. Kyle: "AYO WHAT? RECKLESS? you might be right but." Acho: "@KyleEff are u disagreeing." Kyle: "bro eat my balls acho"
screenshot of Acho talking in Magic's chat. In three separate messages, they say: "my main goal is to blow up and act like I ain't know nobody."
Twitch screenshot of Acho in Magic's chat again. He says "gross like Kyle," and then tags him.
Kyle's reply to Acho in the previous image, tagging him and saying "dude."

(Screenshots taken from Magic's October 21, 2021 Outsiders vod)

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8 months ago

"friend groups are usually about 70% asexual" statistical error. My friend group, who I met in the comment sections of asexual books on Wattpad, is an outlier and should not be counted.

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8 months ago

this was the best call he could've made and we better be treating it as such. if I see another goddamn post about "I'm not voting because I hate fascists and both sides are evil 🥺" I'm gonna explode. Remember this is a fight for human rights, for basic quality of living, and abstaining from the vote for faux idealistic values makes you part of the problem.

Okay no this is the final thought on this

Every single person you here who was flirting with not voting bc you hate Biden:

You got what you wanted. You WILL vote. If I see a single motherfucker repeating nihilistic talking points about not showing up, how both sides are the same, or whatever other uninformed bullshit you've got

Then I am going to assume you are an actual Russian psyop and I'm reporting your ass.

You will vote, and you will talk to the people in your life and remind them to vote. You will shut down all anti-voting rhetoric you see. We are up against a senile cult leader who wants to pack the court with people who have literally threatened to dismantle more of our rights.

Rights that people protested for and fought for and fucking died for are back on a negotiating table, and you know what? We now have to defend what we've won when we should be pushing for more. We are on the defensive.

We have three and a half fucking months to do this.

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8 months ago

I unironically love small talk, customer service was my favorite part of working food service. I hated making the food, but talking to people at the front counter and complimenting their band merch? Freaking awesome! Talking to people is GREAT and I say this as someone who has struggled with intense social anxiety since 9 years old. I'm an introvert but I love small talk. And it makes me sad how unwilling people are to talk to me and how I have to start every conversation because everyone's too scared to. No!! It's okay!! Talking makes friends and it's GREAT

the allergy i am seeing grow up around small talk in any form is troubling to me. do you know how to make friends with people in your physical environment? it typically starts with small talk. do you want to live in community? small talk. do you want to have the type of relationship with your neighbors where you can run over and borrow a battery for your smoke detector when it starts beeping at 10pm? small talk!! do you want leeway from your coworkers when you fuck up something small? you gotta be able to build a relationship and that's small talk, baybeee.

"but i don't need friends and i don't care about community!" okay, lone ranger, what about the people in your community who need you? "but i have social anxiety!" me too, bud! we simply must soldier on. making up lists of questions to ask people helps. and people are predisposed to be generous, i've found. even if you make some kind of mistake, what is this but the natural give and take of human interaction? nobody is perfect.

you were not put on this earth to live by yourself and then die. you need people and people need you. treat those around you with curiosity and generousness of spirit and you will gain so much goodwill in return.

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7 months ago
A Couple Months Ago I Was Lamenting The Fact I'd Never Get To Play Sands Of Time And Thankfully Somebody
A Couple Months Ago I Was Lamenting The Fact I'd Never Get To Play Sands Of Time And Thankfully Somebody
A Couple Months Ago I Was Lamenting The Fact I'd Never Get To Play Sands Of Time And Thankfully Somebody
A Couple Months Ago I Was Lamenting The Fact I'd Never Get To Play Sands Of Time And Thankfully Somebody

A couple months ago I was lamenting the fact I'd never get to play Sands of Time and thankfully somebody read my mind magically and I've been playing it obsessively since the event started. um. I've very nearly maxed out my run and I think Hbomb would be proud

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7 months ago

hii !! I'll have you know i have this lil coca duo oneshot WIP thingy

Where Magic is angry and experiences rage externally instead of internally for once. So Krow offers to go into the maze w/o telling anyone to kill zombies n whatnot to get her anger out

And from there there's this quote of Krow reassuring Magic when she panics abt the dangers of the maze

" ... and I swear on all I have left, I'm not gonna let you die, Magic."

Now compare that to the canon quote Krow says during the melt down/finale part 1

"I just need their information... after that she's useless."

Yeah thats all I just think abt that a lot

OOOOH let me know when it's done I'd love to read it :DD I'm really invested in this duo now

Fellow Outsiders fluff(?) writer I love you,,, Krow & Magic are besties in my au and it calms her down when she has panic attacks. I love them. I just love all of Clearing B man

But yeah their friendship was something I made sure to include in my fic even tho it's from Owen's POV, they still get their moments <3 I'd like to think that in canon Krow feels extremely guilty for what it's done and it makes up with Magic sometime after the show and they get to be happy traumatized split dye friends together. Or maybe I'm just an optimist

SERIOUSLY THO TAG ME OR SEND ME YOUR WIP WHEN YOURE READY!!! it sounds soooo good I love the concept sm

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7 months ago

ohhhh me and the minecraft duos that exist only in my head

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7 months ago

What are we going to do if we get Life!False. If hc!False and e!False are named True and False, would the third one be like. Sometimes. Or Schrodinger. Because I believe in empires & hermitcraft & life series triplet Falses trust okay

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7 months ago


An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

we're both v proud of this :D

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7 months ago

pros to being bilingual is when your intrusive thoughts get a lil too much you can just go "woah... je ne parle pas l'anglais"

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7 months ago

sometimes you are overcome with an idea for a fanfic in public and you need to write it down but your family would think you're cringe so sometimes you write out a whole outline in the car in a different language so your sister can't peek at it. you get it

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