Pirates Smp - Tumblr Posts

Breaking: Giant Ocean Queen wants you (dead at the bottom of the ocean)!!
Snippet Saga 3:
Ocean Saga: Ruthlessness

Don't you want to eat a totally normal flower from the unhinged man you ran into in the woods?
Snippet Saga 4:
Circe Saga: Wouldn't You Like
Base Lining & Sketch:

Close Ups:

The sensory overload of having you're entire past, present, and future dissected in front of your eyes
Snippet Saga 5:
Underworld Saga: No Longer You
Close Ups:

Sketch & Base Lining:

Kuervo experiencing the genuine fear of death from another human for the first time ever ๐
Snippet Saga 6:
Thunder Saga: Mutiny
Full Picture:

Sketch & Base Lining:

Grunge Krowfang? Grunge Krowfang.
This piece actually has some of my top favorite things to draw so it was kindve great ngl
Inktober 2024 Day 16: Grungy
Base Lining & Sketch:

just watched Scott's pirates SMP episode and then went to a beach so I couldn't draw, anyways kestrels and herons are my fav faction

I decided to make a pirates SMP Sona, it's my first time actually using multiple colours for my Sona, anyways
My Sona is a heron! I took the pirates SMP faction quiz and I got a heron, I like learning new things so it fits me Sona, I guess my Sona likes wearing jewelry, has a book to write anything interesting, and loves cute animals

transparent version, if anyone wants to use it

just watched the recent vod, I watch Scotts pov and it took a while to catch up but now it seems like the corruption just got worse, but hey, at least no one died! maybe, but the concerning part is the fact that the corruption might just start corrupting other islands, people, who knows? and then there's cruppy, I'm not going to suspect them of anything yet but I'm going to take note of them. I am also torn on who to trust, the cloaked people or the corrupted purple glowy thing.

oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh secret kingdom under the whirlpool!

pirate Scott and pirate apokuna have a Tom and Jerry like interaction, I cannot count how many times apo died because of him trying to instigate chaos at Scott and Scott killing him
anyways I drew this because of that, making some art for the meantime

i drew some art of that one time Owen and Kyle fought because of the bounty Kyle had on Owen! this took a while and I didn't have enough time to do this, but at least it was finished!
Some Pirates SMP fanart I made of something happening in a Scott smajor Pirates SMP stream that I watched!
Owen blew up Acho and it was very funny

Hi! Been busy due to school, so I haven't finished my art yet! also just watched the recent even of pirates smp! i hope we get to know more about the church of iris, what mysteries lie upon it and its leader...

P!Smajor now be like:

A redraw of an artwork I had made during when the pirates SMP was still ongoing!
Original Drawing