Amrev Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago


Follow my Wattpad @LiveLaughLams, if you're into that.


my professional opinion on every hamilton ship i have seen in this accursed media

starting with the ogs and working down to the quote unquote rarepairs.

hamliza: 7/10 obviously didn’t uh. go very well! they’re domestic and cute and i never have any opinions on canon ships because they’re explained in the og media yk 😭

lams: 6/10 what kind of a name is lams. anyways i could probably make an entire post about this pairing and how much i actually enjoy it but how mischaracterized and ruined theyve been… as a concept theyre great but the fanon interpretation sucks im sorry

mullete i think its called: 5/10 WOW these names are bad. its mid. i don’t mind it. idc. dont love it don’t have any problems with it either. 100 percent grey area.

jamilton: 4/10 i just don’t like enemies to lovers it’s just a preference i’m sure it’s actually fine. jamilton lovers always have the best art so its fine

jeffmads: 8/10 this. has problems. as all things do. however i love their dynamic and they act like an old married couple. james following thomas everywhere and being pathetic is frankly hilarious. took off points for the fact they might actually be funnier platonically

jamilmads: 4/10 this feels like jamilton fans realizing jeffmads actually kind of makes sense and adding james for no reason

hamburr: 2/10 get away from me. get away foul beasts 🤺 (i think its like a 4 in reality but the fans are off the rails)

literally anyone/peggy: 2/10 whether it be lafayette, laurens, whoever i don’t see it. she’s just besties with everyone leave her alone

angelica/hamilton: 4/10 angelica girl your standards should be so much higher. yeah i don’t like this one

revolutionary polyamory: 4/10 this is referring to hamilton laurens laf and herc i believe. its ok. i dont rly like it. its eh.

washington/anyone: 1/10 HES THEIR DAD LEAVE HIM BE

lafferson: 3/10 daveed diggs squared. it makes me giggle a little bit other than that no emotions but hate

mariliza: 2/10 i really hate the trope of shipping two canon love interests with each other it makes no sense

hamilmads: no rating bc this one is just confusing to me wtf.

philidosia: 9/10 i am so biased on this one. so very biased. this was my otp back in the day. everything was about them. save me dear theodosia szin animatic. theyre my everything. the angst possibilities are insane and i love it. docked off one point just because of fanon interpretation, i have a very specific dynamic in my head and it is NOT that

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10 months ago


Yep. Ik, 🫨!!!

Shocking. Go check out some crappy historical lams made by none other than livelaughlovelams.

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6 months ago

Hey amrev fandom!!! Here's a writing prompt for you!!!

"Steuponceau/Steubenceau. Tender Steuponceau. Affectionate Steuponceau."


Please..I'm actually desperate. I haven't found any fics of them since 2019. Just give me a oneshot. I just want oneshots. I just want one, single Steuponceau oneshot. I want the kind of oneshot that makes you actually kick your feet. I'm very desperate. Okay bye, that concludes my ted talk.

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