Anarchy!hermitcraft Au - Tumblr Posts
Anarchy!HermitCraft au? Anarchy!HermitCraft au!
So I got this idea while watching FitMC videos about 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. For those who don’t know, an anarchy server is a server where griefing and pvp is allowed. Basically there are no rules, hence the anarchy. Some anarchy servers like 2b2t allow using hacked clients and have unrestricted chats, some don’t. 2b2t itself is really old and has a really rich history because groups of players form and break really quickly, all pursuing their own goals.
The idea of a world where you can explore chaos and anarchy without anyone truly getting hurt is really interesting to me. If it is to you too, you should check out some videos by FitMC on YouTube. That being said, you should be aware that the community of 2b2t is extremely toxic, which I want to make clear that I don’t support in any capacity.
Anyways, I’ve written a few ideas for what the hermits might be like in a server like this, where the players all run amuck with insatiable thirsts for destruction. I’m thinking I’ll write a little intro to what the world I’m imagining looks like first, then post some headcannons I have for individual hermits.
Would anyone in the HermitCraft community be interested in this? Either hearing about it or even adding to it? I’d really like to explore this idea!
Brief Anarchy Hermitcraft introduction:
Before I start introducing some headcannons I have for the hermits I’d like to give a brief introduction to the server they play on in this au.
First of all, and I’ll state this in my posts of headcannons for the hermits as well, but this is going to be 100% fiction. Everything in this au is based off of characterizations of the hermits, meaning this in no way reflects how the hermits actually are irl or even in hermitcraft itself. In fact, I’ve specifically taken each hermit and the general personality they display in game and twisted it into something a bit darker and chaotic, as to fit with the whole spirit of an anarchy server.
Now, the server itself I see as resembling 2b2t quite a bit, save for certain details. The rules for a server like this and most anarchy servers is that there are little to no rules. Griefing is allowed. Hacking is allowed to certain extents. (So long as it doesn’t slow the server too much or provide game breaking advantages. This usually includes duping, entity speed, etc.) and no one can be banned. Sounds interesting, right? So what does it create?
Anarchy. Chaos. The area surrounding spawn is a waste land, blown to bits all the way to bedrock. Look up “2b2t spawn” in google images to see examples. Escaping it without dying is nearly impossible, as food and resources are extremely hard to get. The older players hunt newbies for sport, and each other as well. Groups form when players with common goals get together, often building giant mega bases together in the name of their cause. Groups also break just as easily, and war is always raging. Precious resources, materials, and commodities must be hidden carefully as other players are always on the hunt looking to steal and destroy. This means people settle hundreds of thousands of blocks away from spawn in all directions in an attempt to hide their base. Still, no structure lasts long before they’re discovered by griefers...
2b2t also has an unmodded chat, making the community extremely toxic, but on the anarchy hermitcraft server, I imagine the chat being much tamer. Kept clean as a sort of unspoken rule of respect for other players. Also, the server has tons of other players besides the hermits on it, but the hermits are veterans so to speak and hold varying levels of notoriety. This is just a short blurb of how I imagine the server. If you want a better idea of what I’m invisioning, I reccomend watching some videos on YouTube about 2b2t by FitMC. He’s a veteran on 2b2t and he talks a lot about history on the server and the general culture of it. Really interesting stuff, highly reccomend checking it out.
Anyways, I’ll start posting headcannons I have for the hermits soon. Think I’ll do them one at a time, but I already have a bunch written down. Please, if you have anything to add to this au or you have any questions about it, feel free to ask or add on! I’d love to see more!