And How Do You Get In Contact With A Biker Gang Full Of Dangerous Villains - Tumblr Posts
I don’t understand how effortlessly Harumi was able to pull off such a risky and unreliable plan? Like, she had to hope she caught Lloyd’s eye, that he came after her when she was pretending to be kidnapped, and that he fell in love with her. Then she had to blow up the palace with her inside of it, hoping he came to her aid, then proceeded to crash the bounty with everyone inside, almost die pretending she doesn’t know how to fight, and fall off the bounty from a very high distance (which was not originally part of the plan, by the way). And the most dangerous task of them all? Take the green ninja on in a fight, defeat him with words rather than skill, and get away before the other ninja come after her.
Honestly the way she executed this so perfectly, despite having to make most of it up as she went along, is impressive. I’m not sure wether she was stupid or brave in going forth with such risks involved, but hey, it worked, so props to you, Harumi. Still wouldn’t have redeemed you later on though lol.