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49 posts
Dead-little-birdie - Not Alive But Awake - Tumblr Blog
I like how, to turn into Master Wu, Mystake just has to mimic his super long beard and then poof! Instant transformation
You know how Wu always left the monastery doors open in hopes Morro would come back? Hc that, the second after Morro died in the Caves Of Dispair, the wind came and blew the doors shut, as if to tell Wu, “no, he’s never coming back”
Yes, “We Rise” is an amazing, action-packed song with great potential, but it will never have the same originality and nostalgia found within “The Weekend Whip” 🥲
I wonder, seen as Lloyd’s father is Garmadon, do any of the other kids in Darkley’s have really evil roots as well? Not just your average thief or something, like, Skylor could have gone there for all we know. (Before she turned good. Then again, another example of the school failing to educate someone into turning evil.) How many villains has that school actually created? Lol
I like to think that there were other much better schools Misako tried to apply for, but Lloyd never got in—simply because of the the fact that Garmadon was his father. With a surname like that, there’s only a few schools that would actually want him, and an evil boarding school is probably on the top of the list.
Or if you want the more dramatic option, perhaps Misako wanted to stop the final battle that much, she’d rather her son turn evil instead of the prophesized green ninja :0
man you know what’s wild to me. the fact that Darkley’s was just. Allowed to exist
It wasn’t like some secret mythical school in the middle of nowhere. People knew about it. Did the people in charge of the city approve of it? Why the hell was Wu perfectly fine with a school that created literal villains?? Why was MISAKO fine LEAVING HER SON THERE??????
The existance of Darkley’s truly baffles me
Hc that Morro went to the Cloud Kingdom when he was still alive to sneak a look at his destiny, but was unhappy about it, and ripped up the ending so he could create his own destiny when the time came.
What he didn’t realize, however, is that by doing so, he unintentionally killed his future self, as the last thing written on the scroll was when he was searching through the mines.
But even after his death, he was still able to create his own destiny, just not in the way he expected. To mess with Cloud Kingdom magic is very dangerous, and in this case, it cursed him after he died, sending him to the cursed realm to forever ponder his actions as a ghost.
This is a haiku written for the bot to catch. Did you find it first?
Friendly reminder that Lloyd is, mentally, a kid trapped inside an adults body (courtesy of the Tomorrow’s Tea), and Morro is an adult trapped inside a kid’s body (having died young but returning in ghost form, his mind maturing while his body was cursed to remain the same). And during possession, both spirit and soul were forced into the same physical body, mentally fighting for control.
I don’t understand how effortlessly Harumi was able to pull off such a risky and unreliable plan? Like, she had to hope she caught Lloyd’s eye, that he came after her when she was pretending to be kidnapped, and that he fell in love with her. Then she had to blow up the palace with her inside of it, hoping he came to her aid, then proceeded to crash the bounty with everyone inside, almost die pretending she doesn’t know how to fight, and fall off the bounty from a very high distance (which was not originally part of the plan, by the way). And the most dangerous task of them all? Take the green ninja on in a fight, defeat him with words rather than skill, and get away before the other ninja come after her.
Honestly the way she executed this so perfectly, despite having to make most of it up as she went along, is impressive. I’m not sure wether she was stupid or brave in going forth with such risks involved, but hey, it worked, so props to you, Harumi. Still wouldn’t have redeemed you later on though lol.
Yeah the weird water snake worshiping cult is sacrificing your boyfriend by tying him up and throwing him out to sea, in hopes the water snake will eat him and leave them alone. Yeah we tried to save him, but they had to send someone, and it’s not really our fault he was being the most annoying. No he’s really happy with the attention, gladly willing to go, apparently oblivious to the fact he’s being sent out to die. Oh look, he’s realized, oh well it’s too late now. Well…. there he goes…. sorry.
Please enjoy this goofy li’l screenshot of the sillies, featuring Cole and his best bud, Kai. Just look at them. Having fun, as they should.

Lloyd with his three main moods + his least favorite cousins
Had a dream last night where the whole fandom got together to write a collective Ninjago fanfic and it was terrible. Like, one person would write 500 words, and pass it off to the next person, and the next, until it was an incomprehensible, disgusting, masterpiece of different ideas and headcanons and bad jokes. People were fighting to introduce their blorbos to the plot in 500 words. Writing styles suddenly changed in the middle of conversations. People would use their 500 words to kill off major characters only for someone else to bring them back in the most contrived way possible.
Hc Morro likes to read.
Anything and everything, except maybe comics, much to Lloyd’s dismay.
Either way, you should never disturb Morro when he’s lost in a book (and I mean seriously. Never. Unless you have a death wish and/or want to die from a hurricane.)
But why does the grumpy greeny enjoy this hobby so much? There’s a lot of reasons, actually. Some of my personal favorites include:
1. He’s able to escape the real world through literature
2. He learns many new things, since he never got a proper education
3. It gives off the impression that he doesn’t want to be bothered
4. It keeps him entertained when he doesn’t want to be social
5. It provides an easy excuse to avoid social interaction and/or interacting with Lloyd and the ninja
And there are many more, of course. I’m not sure why I think this hobby fits him so well, but I like to think that it was Wu’s fault. He got Morro hooked on reading, after teaching it to him of course, and once he showed interest they went to the library of Domu often. Morro would read the Prophecy of the Green Ninja over and over again, as well as read about Ninjago’s history, different fighting techniques, the predicted heroic tales of the green ninja, etc.
This is also how he appears to be quite knowledgeable, despite never really going to school, and was able to use it to his advantage many times (think, navigating to the Cloud Kingdom and knowing about the realm crystal and it’s capabilities).
Even after he failed at becoming the green ninja, (twice, now,) the habit still stuck, and it’s something he enjoys doing to this day. It surprises everyone, but actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Hmm, I wonder what his favorite book is….
Introducing the reigning champions:

Kai and Lloyd! Congrats y'all!
That's the end of the primary red and green bracket! Stay tuned for the secondary one!
Round 4: Kai & Lloyd VS. Phineas & Ferb

Round 3: Mario & Luigi VS. Kai & Lloyd

I find it funny how Kai just went from completely hating technology (we begin to see this in s3), to having the biggest addiction to social media out of anyone in the group (greatly supported by s6). It’s not something you’d expect, since Kai’s usually pretty firm about his opinions. Did the ninjas get him a cellphone in hopes of proving technology can be beneficial, and it somehow backfired? Did Kai realize all his fans were very hyped he was on there and used that to his advantage? No one will ever know….
Ooh this seems fun, how did I not see this earlier aaaah
showverse or movieverse || fluff or angst || rebooted or skybound || happy ending or open ending || gen or ship || no powers or new powers || tournament of elements or possession || hurt/comfort or no comfort || secret identity or secrets revealed || morro or harumi || canon divergence or canon re-write || legacy of the green ninja or sons of garmadon || modern or historical || character death or character resurrection || villain redemption or evil ninja || prime empire or master of the mountain || books or games || canon or crossovers || one-shot or chaptered || hands of time or fire and ice chapter
I’ve been reading through other reblogs and it’s so cool to see everyone’s preferences :o
Thank you for this game now I can see what to write if I want to gift a fic to someone ahaha
This or that, ninjago fic edition! which of these do you like reading and/or writing the best?
showverse or movieverse || fluff or angst || rebooted or skybound || happy ending or open ending || gen or ship || no powers or new powers || tournament of elements or possession || hurt/comfort or no comfort || secret identity or secrets revealed || morro or harumi || canon divergence or canon re-write || legacy of the green ninja or sons of garmadon || modern or historical || character death or character resurrection || villain redemption or evil ninja || prime empire or master of the mountain || books or games || canon or crossovers || one-shot or chaptered || hands of time or fire and ice chapter
Some of the characters’ names in Ninjago are so weird (in a good way). It only occurred to me when me and my friend were talking the other day, trying to find the silliest name in the show, and we mentioned Pythor P. Chumsworth, Hounddog McBrag, Dogshank, Bolobo, Blazey H. Speed, and a few others.
I turn and another friend who doesn’t watch Ninjago is staring at us with an expression that goes “what?? These are characters???” And I still laugh thinking about it because if I was in their position I’d have the same expression on my face, not believing such names could exist and be talked about so seriously lol
The reason I love Dareth so much is because he’s just a normal citizen who is unintentionally funny. He doesn’t have any powers or skill or ability or anything, he’s just an everyday citizen who, with a small stroke of luck, just happened to meet his favorite celebrities and then put in the effort to get to know them, trying to act all serious but is portrayed in such a humorous way that it’s hard not to smile when he comes into the frame.
Like, you’ve got to have a dose of the funny li’l guy every once in a while. He’s just that wannabe ninja whose dreams he’s had ever since he was a kid finally came true, and I’m happy for him. Like yes, you go Dareth!!