And It's All Home-made! - Tumblr Posts
9 months ago
i cant handle it every time I see a post with a lemonade stand I fight the urge to comment "hey...... do you happen to have any grapes? asking for a friend. he's a duck." and its getting veeerrrrryy tempting.........
Tags :
intrusive thoughts
so a duck walked up to a lemonade stand...
and he said to the man runnin the stand
bam bam bam
got any grapes?
the man said:
“no we just sell lemonade!
but its cold and its fresh
and it's all home-made!
can I get you a glass?"
the duck said
i'll pass
then he waddled away;
waddle waddle
till the very next day
bom bom bom bom bom babom