Intrusive Thoughts - Tumblr Posts
The anger was just boiling up. I didn't know what to do with the excess water. It was overflowing the styrofoam cup and I needed to put it somewhere. I needed to throw something. I had to punch someone so hard it hurt me more than it ever hurt them. I grabbed my scalding cup and poured. A whispering drizzle ran down the hill side drilling into the dirt digging at the rocks breaking the dam of soil to bring forth a rushing river. Hurt yourself. I pounded my fist into my thigh. Hurt yourself. I scratched at my arm as if it were a chalkboard. Hurt yourself. I didn't stop when I started bleeding. Hurt yourself. My skin was stuck under my nails. Hurt yourself. I was drowning head down in the deep waters so hot it was icy cold to the touch. Hurt yourself. I liked it. That hurt the most.
Its like something inside of me is trying to sabotage my life.
Why can't I sleep.
I just need to sleep.
Every time someone uses "intrusive thoughts" when they mean "impulsive thoughts," they owe all of us with actual intrusive thoughts & OCD $500 in compensation. 🫴🏼
I almost took a bite out of my lip gloss what am I doing with my life
I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but intrusive thoughts are basically your brain’s (sometimes very upsetting) way of saying “If there were two guys on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?”
I’ve personally found that adding the “would that be fucked or what?” part in myself really helps put the more disturbing thoughts we sometimes get into perspective. Helps me say “yeah thar sure would be fucked up” and move on with my day.
It’s not a secret desire, it’s not something that only occurs to you because you’re a bad person. It’s just your brain deciding to process the fact that it knows an uncomfortable thing exists in the world by feeding it to you in an absurd “what if” with you as the main character.
Me: Thinks a negative thing about someone else
Someone on the internet: "Thinking this negative thing about someone else is mean and prejudiced"
Me: "Oh okay, I'll correct my thought process whenever/if that idea appears in my head again"
It's that easy.
It's THAT easy.
Oh my gods why does my brain do this to me I just took a swig of the last of the water from my glass from last night that I had left in the living room and as I downed the big gulp my brain went "TOE JUICE"
How very dare you
It is 7am you bastard thought
The people who I have always considered my close friends don't even consider my existence worth remembering.
I remember how new years went before I saw I was never invited out for to have a celebration with my friends though they always invited others.
College has made me feel lonelier than the time i spent all alone in the pandemic in the safe walls of my room.
I am breathing, I am alive.
I have been searching for the reason I am alive, cliche.
And I know the reason. My parents wanted me to exist. Against my will.
It gets tiring knowing that there will always be people better than you, your parents know it too. But instead of encouraging you, they compare you to them, relentlessly making you feel like a small speck of dust that will never be able to move a mountain. They know they want their child to be better, to make them proud. So, they choose to dictate what the child does in life, manipulate them into doing what the parents wanted to do, making the child think that they want to do it.
I am breathing, I am born, I am alive.
But at what cost?
I love knife-throwing some dude just let their intrusive thoughts win and now throwing dangerous weapons is normal

I had a bad couple of days and drew these.
Intrusive thoughts can be a real bitch.
Does anyone ever just wants to stop caring and giving a fuck and just letting your personality disorder go free? I know I can't bc it will make me a bad person, but are you never just oh so tired of keeping this muzzle on? Sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating in order for others to be safe.
i cant handle it every time I see a post with a lemonade stand I fight the urge to comment "hey...... do you happen to have any grapes? asking for a friend. he's a duck." and its getting veeerrrrryy tempting.........
My intrusive thoughts range from jumping into a bag of empty water bottles at work to "Let's see what happens if I use someone's broken bones as a weapon". Let's fucking not do this please.
just saw a tiktok clip of a person saying "intrusive thoughts are just your intuition!" I need sane people to like. stop. y'all need to stop taking terms like delusions and intrusive thoughts & using them wrong AND saying shit that is going to make people with actual intrusive thoughts extremely distressed & misled. stop it!!!!!!
Man. Why do I have the urge to cuddle one of my male friends so often.
Is it intrusive thoughts, my bisexual awakening? No one knows, but I would love someone to know.
Okay, this has been in the back of my mind for a while, but hear me out:
So I had this idea of Otto Deurx and Frank Nebula having some sort of long-time connection, and I ended up letting my intrusive thoughts come up with shipping them together!
YES! I believe they may or may not be in some kind of relationship! I’m nuts like that, I know!
I don't often talk about it, but I absolutely hate having intrusive thoughts. They scare the shit out of me. I tend to avoid helpless/small creatures because of them because thier so bloody horrid to me. They aren't some cute "OH I'm gonna dye my hair now, uwu," and more, "if I act on this, something is getting seriously hurt." And it scares me so bad. No hate to people who mix up intrusive with impulsive. People mess up words all the time and don't always understand the meaning behind them.
Regardless, it's just something that bothers me. My thoughts scare me, and I dont understand why I get them. It's just... really scary man.