And So They All Accidentally Stress Hkm Out Because On Top Of Zuko Wanting To Feel NORMAL - Tumblr Posts
Please consider:
Lots of Zuko's friends treat them (him? Or is this trans Zuko-) differently after the transition. Katara tries to do "girls night" (kind of like when she took Toph to a spa!) and Toph asks weird questions about how it feels (terrible, obviously, but Toph wants to know what the physical difference is like and answering honestly feels invasive). Aang is polite and mostly the same, though he does ask if Zuko prefers she/her pronouns now, too (and what his opinion is on starting a family,,, like this. Which is just ANOTHER thing to worry about, having an heir for the throne. Yay.)
Everyone acts differently. Not negatively, but differently. And all of it makes Zuko feel wrong, question who he is, and what he's suppose to do now.
Except Sokka.
Sokka doesn't ask invasive questions (I mean c'mon,,,, he had a little sister, trust me he knows a decent amount about what Zuko is going through). Sokka doesn't push Zuko into ruts where he worries about his body, or his future, or being good enough. By now Sokka has chugged tons of Respecting Women Juice, he knows that Zuko's body doesn't define him or what he can do.
Zuko is more than his body.
Sokka knows this. He isn't shy about asking Zuko if he's alright, he doesn't get weirded out when Zuko gets stressed or rants about all the things weighing on his mind. (If anything he encourages Zuko talking about it!) Zuko is only human and this is such a weird situation and even if he doesn't get it, he gets it.
And Zuko always knew Sokka was smart, that he was strong in his own ways.
But now Sokka is someone Zuko leans on, someone he confides in. Now Zuko asks Sokka for advice, now Sokka is strong for Zuko. It not only reminds Zuko of all of Sokka's good qualities, it reinforces them.
Sokka is kind behind closed doors, when there's no one but him and Zuko. Sokka is kind for no reason other than he wants to be.
Sokka notices things about Zuko that Zuko didn't even realize, and he talks to Zuko about it. He's attentive and doesn't avoid things just because it won't benefit him.
And Zuko doesn't like Sokka because "he's a girl now". He likes Sokka because when Zuko was vulnerable, Sokka was the only person that made him feel like him again. (And,,, well, Sokka liked Zuko regardless of gender, not that he'd admit that to anyone else.)
(Sorry it's OOC, I just like the idea of angst and someone appreciating how reliable Sokka is!!! :'3)
dumb fanfic idea: post atla zuko pisses off a spirit and gets turned into a girl for a while. the crew never thought he could have a worse temper
There's no shortage of noblemen and noblewomen vying for Zuko's attention—be it in search of power, prestige, or otherwise.
After hearing about his nephew's (niece's?) predicament, Iroh comes back to the Fire Nation.
Because, now, he has to protect Zuko's honor.