Big dumb who refused to make their own blog so Violet had to step in Admins: Yellow (/ and technically Violet)
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Asteraes-aster - Shitposts And Other Shit UwU - Tumblr Blog

Sometimes I get sad thoughts like, "I'm not here to entertain you" and then I end up drawing stuff like this to get over it
This is for my au! A a teaser of sorts? 👀
It's a poem from Butters perspective, I made art to go with it because,,, I love visuals and I'm extra

I will not let there be silence.
How loud must we yell to be heard?
How deranged must my shouts be for someone to hear me?
How petulant? How annoying? How never ending must I be so that I can find a like minded person?
How long must I scream that- this is me! This is what I believe! This is what's right- and here's why!
Because I will do it.
Until my voice is hoarse and weak.
I will not give up.
I refuse to give into the silence.
I will fill it with noise and love.
I will drown out the anger the confusion others express. I will fill it with facts and experience. I will express every ounce of what has gone unvoiced, unknown for so long. For too long.
Until I hear the same words echoed back from the masses.
Until the stars hear my cries and answer them.
Not just until I am heard- but until I am understood.
Until we are understood.
I will not let there be silence.
Realized that ibis has "screen tones" and immediately had to test them out! Of course I practiced lighting and (more importantly) shading!
I love how it turned out, considering the fact it wasn't suppose to be a finished piece, just a drawing for me to mess around with the new stuff I'd learned!

Why go to therapy when you can rewatch Avatar bi-annually?
I had a dream.

But Sensei... you didn't want me like that. You didn't care for the weak little boy with nothing to offer.
Just thought that Genos probably dreams about being 'human', and he probably wonders about what his life would be like if he still was... Would Saitama still let him be his disciple? Or would he find Genos even more annoying?
Some dreams are nightmares in disguise :(

Wasn't very proud of these, but you dont get better without practice :'/

I am SLIGHTLY obsessed with Saitama.
Often I wonder if I ever will.
I crave for another who would listen to me. Who would explain the things I don't understand.
Someone patient. Someone kind.
I long for a person I can tell everything.
For someone who trusts me with their life.
I wish to be valued. Wish that they would consider me before they make plans. I wish to be seen.
I want someone like me.
I want someone to like me.
I want someone.
Because I can't do it myself.
I can't trust myself.
I can't consider myself.
I can't be patient. I can't be kind.
I can't value myself.
I can't like myself.
But maybe, someone could teach me how.
My home is a person that I've never met.
And that person is me.
I often wonder if I will ever meet them.
If I could ever like them.
If I could find someone to share my home with.
my home is a person but i haven’t met them yet

Au where my friend is a magical girl and I'm the villain (only because I don't wanna wear a dress)
I'd feel too guilty scheming something mean, so making plans to be nice is the only way ill ever have any thrill in my life 😤😤
does anyone else get mischievous joy out of being nice sometimes? like “Haha, I knew you were going to be hungry so I got you your favorite food so I can surprise you with it being ready when you get here GOT YOU”
I know this isn't what you wanted it to be, but it meant something to me.
I'm breathless and I don't know why. I can't understand what you mean in words, and yet I can feel what you're telling me. I can see what you're saying, but I have no picture in my mind.
This isn't what you wanted- but it's what I needed. (My point is, thank you for posting. Sometimes incomplete thoughts can complete someone else... thank you 💛)
i have been thinking about how to write this for days. maybe months. my hands are calloused from carrying the words. if god is an oyster are you the ocean or are you eating good tonight. i said i couldn’t harness a better song than when i’m singing with you and i meant that when my throat is raw and the sun is down every second in your orbit feels like a beehive.
ah but something in that sharpness. if you are a thornbush make me a baby rabbit. if you are an arrow make me achilles. from all that dirt and blood we will plant a bittersweet vine. i’ve been in love with knives since i understood the sunrise; take the sword out of your collar bone. if you are the first dawn, i am the horizon that broke under the sun. all futures are asteroids with you. one day i’ll write you a poem without teeth. only mistakes here, us entropy and heat.
my hands have been shaking since i saw you, glorious and unwavering, tilt your head back and laugh. all at once i just knew. you’re gonna break my heart. jonah saw the whale and i saw you.

I just love pens and also happen to love these two

(I changed my mind, I want her to be tiny and Saitama adopts her)
Thank :'c
Manako should get a human form somehow and become Saitama’s gf
There. I said it.

I refuse. If this is gonna be a thing Manako is gonna be flat chested.
If we can say monster fucker rights, then we can ALSO say flat-chested rights >:(
Manako should get a human form somehow and become Saitama’s gf
There. I said it.


(Gimmie a minute to reblog this with the rest of the pictures)

(Gimmie a minute to reblog this with the rest of the pictures)
No, but that one would have been better, hecc
Guess which song from my Saigenos playlist I drew (and will post after work) >:)
Right answer gets a treat 💛
Also, here's a fem!Saigenos wip that I don't think I'll finish,,, so I might as well add it here?

Guess which song from my Saigenos playlist I drew (and will post after work) >:)
Right answer gets a treat 💛
Also, here's a fem!Saigenos wip that I don't think I'll finish,,, so I might as well add it here?

You know how really good artists will sometimes draw reflections in characters eyes? And it's basically an indirect way to show they're looking at something symbolic, that they're with a loved one, or etc! Okay, well, gensai, but it's just Saitama and we see Genos's reflection on his head.
Bless you XD

I use to want kids, when I was little. Then I realized I just wanted to be a better parent then my own, to prove I wasn't like them.
And I'm not. Which is why I know I don't want kids, and shouldn't have them.
I decided I wanted to get married.
But I only wanted that because it's what was expected of me.
I wanted to go to art school, I wanted to draw for a living. Because everyone said I should.
Then I realized I could never be drawing what I was told to draw, only what I wanted. I realized drawing was a hobby, and that I found other work more fulfilling as a job
When I was little I wanted to be pretty, I wanted to be different. I wanted to become someone else entirely, so that I could be lovable. So that I could be perfect.
Now I know I don't want to change. I want to love myself for how I am. For who I am.
Losing a dream isn't bad. It just means you've made room for a new dream. It means you've learned more about the world, and about yourself, and that now you know what you really want.
I ruined all the dreams I had as a kid
And that’s a good thing.
When I was a kid, I wanted to marry a man like my father.
Now I see how manipulative and toxic he really is.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be like my mom.
Now I know I’m actually a guy, not a girl at all.
When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet.
Now I know that was me just doing what my parents wanted.
When I was a kid I thought true happiness would come from others, and I should never be selfish.
Now I know that my happiness is important too, so I should be selfish sometimes.
Of course, dashing dreams is usually a bad thing,
But when those dreams come between your joy and those around you,
Please follow the dreams you really want.
Genos is nineteen.
The legal drinking age in Japan is twenty.
Dr. Kuseno wants Genos to live a normal life.
Conclusion? Once Genos hits twenty, Kuseno probably goads him into celebrating (and gives him an update so he can "enjoy the full experience," thank you Kuseno). Of course Saitama would get dragged in.
And everyone believes Genos's ID because Genos! is! famous! They could just GOOGLE his birthday, they won't spoil his night! But then they see Saitama's ID.....
"Oh, c'mon! I'm older than him!"
"It's not that you don't look old, sir-"
"-it's that your ID looks fake. I can't sell you this product, I'm sorry for the inconvenience,"
Anyways, Saitama makes Genos buy any alcohol they need after that, because he finally doesn't have to deal with people at the check out.
(For a short period after this there are rumors that Genos is an alcoholic because Saitama takes Full Advantage of the situation, but he also has a way higher alcohol tolerance now.)
I just realized that Saitama is still in his twenties so he'd probably get IDed every now and again.
And his ID would still be a picture of him with hair. (For a while at least.)
And.... so many cashiers or bartenders probably said shit like, "Someone got a haircut!"
Anyways, my point is: Saitama probably hates having to buy alcohol. (And he's also had his baldness rubbed in his face so much I can't blame him for being sensitive.)

This idea sounded really cute!!!! Not super good at drawing hands though, sorry! :'D
Au where everything is the same except Kuseno gave Genos synthetic nails so he could paint them and express himself.