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I'm so fucking torn between wanting The Rock to play the ember island version of Toph or wanting him to play The Boulder.
Tbh creatures pt. 3

I refuse to believe Zuko is allistic.
Plus: he

Caption this
I grew up with Avatar and its getting so much more popular now and it makes me really happy but really sad too.
Because a ton of more people are seeing how Azula's own mental illness was her last chance at redemption by making see her mom and hearing that she loves her. Azula rejected even that, she was so broken mind and soul.
𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓯𝓯𝓼
Iroh: People work their entire lives to find spirits and access the spirit world. It has taken years of dedication and study for me to reach the small part of it that I’m able to find.
Sokka, who accidentally steered a canoe to where the Avatar had been frozen for a century and then fell in love with the moon and also spent 24 hours in the spirit world that one time and was the only one who the hallucinations flat-out spoke to in the magical swamp: what, like it’s hard?
It’s time to play: “Do I miss being eight years old or do I just miss all the TV shows I used to watch back then...”
Okay so I have...a craving. I have that song Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame stuck in my head and with the resurgence of atla fandom it has brought back a fic idea I had. Feel free to do what you want with it.
So basically Zhao is Frollo (the guy who sings Hellfire) and Zuko (because of course it's about Prince Zuko) is Esmarelda. It's still set in the atla universe but now Zhao is just a little bit more of a creep about our favorite Prince.

Since Haikyuu!! has done nothing but make me cry these few days, here's Hinata being possessed by Zuko's ghost, yearning for his lost honour which is restored shortly afterwards.
Avatar to this day is my fav journey.
BUT just imagine he would have forgotten all his powers and knowledge every time he went to another region. Then it would have been a much more fun and meaningful yourney.
*note sarcasm* I'm looking at you PoKeMon!

Iroh: so Toph, what are your goals in life?
Toph: I’ve been banned from every major city’s transportation system except Omashu
Toph: I don’t know what their limit is but I will fucking find it

XOXO, victoria.

addressed to, the reader —

victoria's navigation post.

— masterlist
— requests are closed but...

I have blue hair but this is the closest I could get

Starting a picrew chain cause I want to share this awesome picrew ! Make your bender self!!!
@thechaoscult @joyfultimetravelbanana @mushroom-dance-mushroom-dance @thehugwizard @the23bestfriends
melting ice | zuko

pairing: zuko x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 1k
summary: in which the gaang goes ice skating, and you lend the nervous fire bender a helping hand
a/n: this was the shortest thing i’ve ever written but i think it’s a cute start to this blog :)

“We’re here!” Katara’s excited voice boomed, gaining the attention of the group members aboard Appa’s back. The flying bison landed atop a hill, a soft roar escaping his mouth as his feet touched the cold snow. Sokka, Suki and Toph woke from their short naps, groaning about Katara’s loud voice, while Aang matched Katara’s excited pitch as he rambled on about all the times he had ice skated in the past. All eyes turned to the newest group member, who stared at the scenery around him with an unreadable look.
“So, Zuko, have you ever had any experience with ice?” Aang was the first to ask, causing the fire bender to turn his head to the Avatar.
“I doubt it. I bet the only times he’s ever seen ice was when he was trying to capture Aang,” Sokka muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. Zuko seemed to have heard his comment, his eyes falling to look at his lap.
“Actually,” Zuko began, deciding to not speak on Sokka’s comment, “someone made me fall through the ice and into the freezing water, once.”
“Yeah… sorry about that.” A voice sounded, everyone’s eyes moving to land on you. You had a slight smile on your lips, not entirely sincere with your words.
“Nice one, Y/N!” Toph cheered, her usual grin appearing on her face. The blind girl raised her hand, earning a high-five from you.

The seven friends all stood on the frozen lake’s edge, each dressed in water tribe attire and wearing ice skates. Many of them had needed clothes to keep themselves warm, and the only person selling heavy coats and boots in mid-summer was a water tribe peddler, who they had found in the outskirts of the Northern Water Tribe. Along with the warm clothes, he offered everyone ice skates, which gave Katara the idea of finding a lake to use their skates on.
“You cold?” You leaned over towards Zuko, eyes glimmering as the sun shone on you. Zuko looked at you, his teeth chattering and the tip of his nose red. Your playful smile made him feel warmer on the inside, his shivering dissipating slightly.
“Just a little,” he murmured, eyes moving from you and to the others, who had all started to get onto the ice. Aang was already doing tricks and spins on the ice, all in an attempt to impress a certain water bender. Sokka and Suki went onto the ice slowly, Sokka surprisingly (for a member of the Water Tribe) not being the best at keeping balance on the ice. Toph got onto the ice with the help of Katara, and the pair held hands as they circled around the lake.
“Here, take my hands.” You had appeared in front of the fire bender, your gloved hands held out in front of you. The boy looked between your eyes and your hands, eyes slightly widened.
“Ah, come on, Hottie! I’m going to help you ice skate!” you cheered, shaking your hands a little to encourage him. Zuko glared slightly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I told you to not call me that,” Zuko grumbled, causing you to pout slightly.
“Oh, fine...” you trailed off, your smile reappearing. “Now, come on, Sifu Hotman. Let’s get on the ice!”

It only took a few laps around the lake for Zuko to get the hang of it, but part of him didn’t want you to leave him on his own, so he pretended to lose balance a few times, just to feel you grasp his hands tighter. He hid his smiles in the tall neck of his coat, earning him a Pay Attention! from you every time he did so.
You were skating backwards as you helped Zuko, being a good ice skater yourself. You were from the Northern Water Tribe, a water bender like Katara, and you had met the gang long before Toph, Suki and Zuko had joined the group. After the battle between Admiral Zhao and the Northern Water Tribe, you left with Aang, Katara, and Sokka to help the Avatar end the war.
You hadn’t skated since then, but it was like second-nature to you, so you didn’t need the time to practice before getting the hang of it like the others did. You could’ve left Zuko on his own, a bad need screaming within you to skate as intensely as Aang, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You were too busy staring at the fire bender while holding his two hands, noticing how cute he looked while trying to learn how to skate. He looked vulnerable for once, his cold and unreadable expression gone as he concentrated on his feet.
“You know, you’re pretty cute in Water Tribe clothes,” you stated, causing the fire bender to raise his eyes to you. He lost balance for a second, but you squeezed his hands and kept him from falling. With a sudden smirk, you continued, “But I have to admit, you look way hotter in red.”
The normally grumpy-looking teenager had his eyes wide and lips parted slightly. Your words caused his cheeks to burn and his feet to trip over one another, causing him to fall backwards onto the ice. Due to your hands still being connected, you came tumbling down as well, your body falling onto his. Thankfully, your coats were both stuffed, so the fall didn’t hurt as much as it could’ve.
“Aw, so you do like getting compliments,” you teased, poking the fire bender’s cheeks.
“Don’t tease me-”
“But it seems like you enjoy being teased, Hottie. I mean, the redness of your cheeks is saying a lot,” you smiled, causing Zuko to sigh and rest his head against the ice. You took this moment to stare at him properly, noticing his bangs getting near his eyes. With a concentrated look, you brushed his hair aside with your gloved-hands resting on his cheeks, causing his eyes to peer into yours. You froze, your eyes meeting his as your hands remained on his face. Both of your cheeks were red now as you stared at one another, unsure of what to do. Before either of you could do or say anything, though, Sokka skated over, causing ice to fly into your faces.
“Alright, lovebirds. Let’s break it up. We can’t have two power couples in this group,” the boy stated, holding his hand out for Suki, who hid her embarrassed face behind her hand.
His brow furrows. “I have made many mistakes that I’m not proud of—”
Katara laughs bitterly. “Mistakes? A mistake is forgetting to respond to a letter. Or using salt instead of sugar. Or trusting someone when you should know better.”
She narrows her gaze intentionally at him and his nose crumples slightly as he looks down between his feet. Ashamed. Good.
“You didn’t make a mistake. You made a choice. You chose violence and fear, each and every time.”
His mouth draws into a thin, bloodless line, and the anger that has been slowly bubbling up inside her turns to acid in her stomach, as he looks up and regards her. His eyes pierce hers with an intensity that makes her feel utterly bare. As if he can see straight through her supercilious words – see her for the hypocrite she is. Because she would choose violence if she could. If she wasn’t such a coward. She had chosen violence by agreeing to come here with him. Had been ready to kill whoever they came across in the ships bridge – all to avenge her mother.
—These Tides Do Turn by FireLily_z
Katara brushes the tear away with the inside of her wrist and huffs a laugh.
Why is she crying?
She’s crying because yesterday morning Zuko was her best friend, and things were simple.
And now? Zuko is still her best friend.
But he’s also the boy who sang songs to her when she was dying. He’s the boy who saved her from a fate worse than death when he was barely alive himself, then literally carried her out of the depths of hell in his arms. He’s the boy who tended her wounds and refused to leave her side even for a second. He’s the boy who taught her how to smile again, how to laugh. He’s the boy that continues to stand steady at her back, and offer her the tools she needs to be able to rely on nothing and no one but herself. He’s the boy that gives her hope that one day, everything might be okay again. He’s the boy that she wakes up every morning desperate and impatient to see.
But he’s always been that boy, hasn’t he.
Except something has shifted between them now, after what happened on the beach yesterday.
And it thrills and terrifies her in equal measure.
“I’m crying, because the song reminds me of something from my past.” Zuko’s face is inscrutable, but she knows him better than that, can tell by the way the fire in his eyes flickers that he knows exactly what she is talking about. “And because it reminds me of the future that we’re fighting for.”
—These Tides Do Turn by FireLily_z
He knows he’s staring. But she doesn’t seem to mind. It makes him reckless. His arm tightens around her waist, and he pulls her closer still, until their bodies are moulded completely together. And Zuko cannot help but think that they fit together so wonderfully, like puzzle pieces, like they were crafted specifically for one another.
Katara leans her cheek against his collar bone, slipping her hand a little further around his shoulder.
And it is the most natural thing in the world to rest his own cheek against her hair, smelling of the hibiscus bloom she still has tucked within her curls.
And for a little while, Zuko isn’t a banished prince without a home. He isn’t a murderer with a conscience. He isn’t a troubled teenager with a heart full of guilt and a face full of scar tissue. He isn’t the Blue Spirit, or Lee, or anyone else he’s pretended to be over the years in order to survive.
He’s just a boy, holding a girl, swaying slowly under the stars.
—These Tides Do Turn by FireLily_z
Characters who should be canonically bi or would have been better if they were bi
Dean Winchester (and I mean like a solid confirmation)
Sam Winchester (I mean him and Brady definently had something [but no incest please])
Percy Jackson
Piper Maclaine
Melchior Gabor (or honestly most of the sa characters)
Barry Allen
Harry Potter (or honestly anybody there)
Katniss Everdeen (hear me out you guys)
Jake Paralta
Chandler Bing
Phoebe Buffay
Leslie Knope
Anyone from the office tbh
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