And That Chat May Involve Screaming And True Crime Analysis - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

went to my gender therapist. walked out thinking that i made it clear im transgender (its not really in questioning, im sure i am and this blog is evidence enough, I've been sure for years now), just not ready to come out of the closet before I do any kind of HRT because im afraid i'll be harassed or targeted for "faking It" or "being a man pretending to be a woman" (really popular arguments in my area) or all that bullshit and I prefer to go under the radar.

the gal said to my parents, who I told her need a "profesional opinion" to accept me as transgender (as again, I myself already have that clear that im a woman) decided to tell them "I'm not sure your kid is transgender, so take it in smalls steps because they could regret it later."

the fucking audacity makes my blood boil and what makes It worse is the fact that she didn't tell me any of this before telling my parents

what a way to ruin all the trust she had gained in the prior session

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