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Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 15½
Summary: I wanted to make someone suffer, ok?
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Tw: injuries, hallucinations and more not-children being creepy
"What's the pl—" Meredith started
"—What are you doing here, then?" Jesse cut her off, earning a death glare and dismissing it "Like, do you just go to work?"
Claire Avery chuckled. "No, not really." they swung their feet off the chair and swiftly got up "I mean, it depends what you consider a job"
They approached a small, wooden bookshelf and grabbed something from one of the shelves.
It was a scroll, similar to the one Jesse stole from her father.
They returned to their chair and after unrolling the 'scroll' studied it with an expression of interest.
"What's this?" Jesse asked them, pulling the corner in her direction in order to see it. She noticed a few lines, some of them dotted, some not. There were some X's and circles, but other than that the piece of paper looked like a child's scribble.
"It's a map" Claire Avery said, still focused on the thing "It's usually used to mark down a location, y'know"
Jesse shot a glance at Meredith, who was slumped on the half-eaten sofa, eyes closed and breathing evenly. Asleep.
"Okay, and?" she asked, toning it down in order not to wake up her friend. "What do you need it for?"
This time, Claire Avery looked at her "I'm assuming you don't wanna stay here, in this godforsaken world" a slight smile formed on their face "I'm looking for the closest Gate"
Jesse decided not to continue this weird interrogation and just got up, wandering off into the corridor.
She entered the bathroom and washed her hands. It was more of an unconscious movement, and she paid it no attention. What really concerned her, was a child staring at her in the mirror with two, black as coal, empty eyes.
She stumbled back, surprised. The child stared at her with an unreadable expression.
"What the hell…" she whispered
"Zostawiłaś mnie," the child whispered. It was quiet, barely audible, yet filled with anger "Jak mogłaś?" their voice was getting unbearable "Jak mogłaś?!"
Jesse closed her eyes and slowly slid down the wall. The voice was getting louder and louder "Przepraszam…" she whispered, tears dripping down her face. She was shaking.
"To wszystko twoja wina!" they screamed, making Jesse cover her ears
"I'm sorry, okay?!" she raised her voice a bit, looking up at the child in the mirror "I'm sorry"
They were staring at her with such intensity she felt as if she was suffocating. She couldn't breathe.
"Stop it" she wheezed
The child glared
"Stop it!" she repeated, louder. Black spots were slowly creeping from the sides, clouding her vision
"Jayka?" she heard Meredith's voice "You okay in there?"
The pressure lifted and upon glancing at the mirror, she found it empty.
She coughed, ignoring the nickname.
"Yeah, just give me…" she took a deep breath "…a second"
She shakily got up, heavily leaning on the dirty wall behind her.
She splashed some cold water on her face and glanced at the mirror one more time.
The previously random red-ish patches wrr now arranged to form words.
See you soon
Jesse sank to her knees again.
"You left me"
"How could you" ×2
"I'm sorry"
"It's all your fault"
Okay so this was supposed to still be chapter 15 but I'm an idiot and posted it too soon. Oh well, whatever.
Also there's been some tech difficulties since as you might or might not know my phone took a ≈1.8m dive screen down onto some tiles and the replacement is trash. But hey at least it's not gonna spontaneously combust if I use it for 1h like the replecement #1
Taglist: @heathenwhump @laves-here