Andy Bvb - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Dating Ashley Purdy would include:

Being a model for his clothing line

Stealing all his shirts to sleep in

Amazing make-up sex

Him being horny after a show

Going on tour with him

Trying to Fuck really quietly in his bunk

Him always touching you

Him giving you hickeys

Blowjob week when you're on your period

Skype sex when you're not on tour with him

Lazy days together

Him being cuddly and clingy when he is hungover, sick or tired

Going on vacation with him

Working out together

Minding his dogs when he's on tour

Braiding his hair

Him helping you dye your hair

Taking care of eachother when one of you is sick

Matching Halloween outfits

Getting matching tattoos

Making his favourite dinner when he gets home from the studio after having a stressful day

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6 years ago

Text imagines

I'll be doing text imagines

Message me for a request with the person to want, your name and convo topic

I will do text imagines for the following

Black veils brides (all members)

5sos (all members)

The vamps (all members)

Colby Brock

Twenty one pilots (all members)

Brennan Taylor

Kian lawley

Jc caylen

Evan Peters

General bf/gf ones (no names)

If you have one you want that isn't on my list message me plz xx

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5 months ago

guys you should think about donating blood if you can bc most places will give you a gift card and you get free food and drinks after and since they take 1/8 of your blood you can get really drunk really fast with a lot less alcohol (or do the same with sugar if you want) and also as gerard way once said “give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff, give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough”

and the entire bleeders tour with black veil brides was focused on getting people to donate blood to the american Red Cross because of the lack of donors and the high need for blood transfusions in hospitals around the United States

with hurricane helene and milton, lots of people in the southeast United States were injured and many died. during both storms, hospitals and blood banks were urging people to donate blood if they were in unaffected areas. most people are hesitant to donate blood because they fear the pain, or they simply don’t want to go out of their way for it, or any other reasons. finger pricks that are typically done at the doctor to measure hemoglobin levels are also done before you can donate blood to make sure you have the proper levels for it, and the needle used to donate blood actually hurts less. i know this is a lot of rambling, but as someone who has a heart for helping people, it’s something i really care about. i still can’t donate because i have anemia, but i have a feeling that this community will be more willing to donate a lot of things, not just blood. i know a lot of people that are fans of my chemical romance, black veil brides, and other similar bands that are more than willing to donate to charities, they volunteer their time whenever they can, they make efforts to protect the environment, and they’re very generous people in whatever ways they can be. this probably isn’t the *best* place to post this, but I know this is where the most people will see it.

so, if you can, please think about donating blood at your local blood bank! (you also usually get a gift card of some sort and they give you plenty of sugar before they send you on your way)

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8 months ago

Reblogging in response to Andy's most recent post on ig

Juliet Simms!

If you follow my twitter you know I already spoke about her. For newer fans and fans who are unaware, we have proof Juliet is abusive towards Andy. About 2-3 years ago about there was a incident on a plane were Juliet was hitting Andy and saying he was hurting her. He obviously didn’t lay a hand on her and she was lying. If that isn’t enough she is saying she was drunk. If she was or wasn’t that doesn’t matter. You are responsible for your actions when you are drunk. You choose to drink. Obviously she should know how much it takes for her to get drunk if she is going to drink. We live in a world where men go to jail for abusing women drunk or not. When you first think of abuse you think of a man hitting a women not the other way around. Women cab hurt men. Surprising I know nobody remembers that… Juliet Simms doesn’t deserve Andy! She is an abusive bitch! ANDY NEEDS TO LEAVE HER!!

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