Juliet Simms Is Abusive - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Reblogging in response to Andy's most recent post on ig

Juliet Simms!

If you follow my twitter you know I already spoke about her. For newer fans and fans who are unaware, we have proof Juliet is abusive towards Andy. About 2-3 years ago about there was a incident on a plane were Juliet was hitting Andy and saying he was hurting her. He obviously didn’t lay a hand on her and she was lying. If that isn’t enough she is saying she was drunk. If she was or wasn’t that doesn’t matter. You are responsible for your actions when you are drunk. You choose to drink. Obviously she should know how much it takes for her to get drunk if she is going to drink. We live in a world where men go to jail for abusing women drunk or not. When you first think of abuse you think of a man hitting a women not the other way around. Women cab hurt men. Surprising I know nobody remembers that… Juliet Simms doesn’t deserve Andy! She is an abusive bitch! ANDY NEEDS TO LEAVE HER!!

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