Anime Writers - Tumblr Posts

if you really want some more writing requests that are really explicit, and longer how ever you wish, however no minor with adult requests I will not do that. please go here on Kofi, you can support me by $1, $5, $10 if you want more info please don’t hesitate to ask. ☺️
Introduction post

Hello I am Clement, welcome to my One Piece blog!
This is now my writing fan fiction and one shot blog!
My pronouns are he/they. I am 25, and I am a full time grad student.
My dms are ask box are open, so please feel free to send in your requests!
I have decided to open up writing requests! Please read below before requesting:
I will not write nsfw for underage characters or underage people. Please include your age in your blog! In certain cases I am okay with aged up characters, please ask first.
If you wish to request nsfw, I would prefer you to not be in anon so that I can check your age.
I am okay with x reader and x oc, please just send me as much detail as you'd like for me to cater it to your needs/wants. I am okay with LGBTQ+ of any kind (especially as a pansexual trans man), no homophobia!
I will mostly write fluff, since that's what I am most comfortable with.
I will not write for Kurozumi Orochi, Kurozumi Kanjuro, or Kaido due to personal reasons, pretty much anyone else is open. (Anyone else in the Beast Pirates is open!)
I will write self insert sometimes, please just scroll past if that's not what you like!
Please be patient and understanding, as I am trying to be more comfortable with my writing, if it's not what you want please inform me politely.

Nami x female reader
Summary: The reader is part of the pirate crew and is in love with Nami. So the crew helps her try to say her feelings to the woman she loves.
Warnings: cuss words.
Genre: Fluff.
Y/N's POV:
"She's right there. You could say something to her." I look up at Usopp and roll my eyes.
"You know, I can't just go up to her Usopp. And besides. She most likely prefers men."
"Ok, you know that is not true. She only cares for men to spend their money for her. Not their actual love."
I get quiet and close my book.
"What am I supposed to say to her? Hey Nami! I find you the most attractive woman in the world and would treat you like a queen. Want to go out with me?" I say sarcastically.
"Actually yeah, that was good," Usopp says.
"Is this about Y/n's love for Nami?" I look and see Zoro lying down pretending to sleep.
"How long have you been over there?" I ask him.
"Long enough to know you would treat Nami like a queen."
I blush and look away.
"You could just talk to her you know. She likes you more than any of us. And values your opinion more than any of us."
"That's bullshit." I say.
"Its not when it's true." Zoro says nonchalantly.
"What if we could help you?" Usopp asks.
I look at him and raise my eyebrow.
"You seriously think he would help?" I point to Luffy.
"Or him?" I point to Zoro.
"Or him?" I point to Sanji.
"I'll always help a pretty lady in need. Is there anything I can do to help you, mon chéri?" Sanji says.
"Well, I'm in love with Nami. But I'm afraid to say anything."
"Ah, it's always love. That is the most tricky thing in the universe. But winning a woman's heart is so important. That and her trust. She trusts you a lot from what I see. So how about you do something with her?" He says.
"He's not wrong. Right Zoro?"
"You're asking the wrong guy." Zoro says nonchalantly.
"I guess a woman never stole your heart." Sanji teases him.
"Nope. I prefer doing things on my own." Zoro gets up and goes out to the deck.
"Anyway, Sanji is right. Why don't you make something with her or help her work on maps?"
"I'm terrible at drawing things, so I'll make some tangerine tarts with her. Because those are her favorites. If that is ok, to the chef?" I ask Sanji.
"More than ok. To make a pretty lady like you and Nami happy."
I smile and get excited.
I go up to Nami as she picks some of the tangerines from the trees.
"Any of them looking good?" I ask.
"Oh definitely. Look at this one though. It's so tiny." She giggles and I laugh with her.
"So cute! was wondering....."
She looks at me.
"Yeah what's up?"
"Well.....would you like to make some tangerine tarts with me?"
"Sure! But you know we could trick Sanji to do it." She smiles.
I smile.
"I know, but I thought it could be fun. And I know how to bake desserts."
"Oh? Well, you have me intrigued." She finishes picking the tangerines and looks at me.
"Lead the way." She says softy.
I smile and walk with her to the kitchen.
"Ok so we need some flour and oh..." I look in the kitchen and see stuff already out.
"Oh was Sanji going to make some?" Nami asks.
"Um yes....he told me he was going too, but I asked if I could make some instead."
"Oh ok."
She puts the basket on the counter. We start making the tarts.
"I am curious about something, Y/N."
"What is it, Nami?"
"Why didn't you tell us you knew how to bake? You know Luffy would absolutely love that." Nami says.
"I guess because we kept dealing with things, then Sanji came into our lives, and I just didn't want to bring it up." I say softly.
"I understand. I'm glad to know something new about you."
She smiles at me. I blush and smile back. I feel her finger on my cheek. I look at her confused.
"There was some flour on your cheek." She pulls away and continues to make the tarts. I smile and continue as well.
We put them in the oven and we sit and wait.
"I can already smell them. They smell incredible."
"That's not a good sign. Because it might mean Luffy will run in here soon." I say jokingly.
Nami laughs and I laugh with her. Her laugh is so cute. I blush a lot and I smile at her. She looks at me and I look away.
"Y/N. I have a question."
"Zoro told me something yesterday. I was wondering if he was right."
My face gets red.
"What did he say?"
*Zoro at the deck of the ship. Now Nami's POV*
"Hey Zoro," I grumble as I look at the map.
He sits and closes his eyes. What feels like an hour passes.
"She likes you, but doesn't know how to tell you," Zoro says.
I look up at him with a confused look.
"What?" I blush.
"Y/N. She likes you. Though if you think about it, it's obvious."
I blush and look back at the map. Y/n.....likes me??
*Back to the kitchen and Y/N's POV*
I blush like crazy. Wait.....Zoro told her??? Why would he tell her? Was he trying to help me??
"Is he lying?"
I blush and gulp.
"No. He is not wrong. Nor lying."
She gets quiet. I get uncomfortable and I shift. I heard a beep and saw the tarts were done. I get up and get the pan out and put it on the oven.
"I like you too by the way." She says.
I blush and look at her.
She nods and I turn to her and I hug her. She hugs back. She kisses my cheek.
"I SMELL FOOD!" I hear Luffy yell.
"LUFFY NO!" Usopp, Zoro and Sanji yells and drags him away from the kitchen. I laugh and so does Luffy. I love being on this ship.
Hello my pookies!!!!! I am officially done with the first part of my stories and now onto the next ones. Halloween is coming up, so be prepared for some spooky ones after the Mingi ones. I'll add some supernatural concepts and get inspiration from scary movies. I love Halloween ☺️💗🩷💜
@kingofthepirates13 my brother wanted to be tagged in the story.
- Luna 💜🩷
One Piece:
