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1 year ago

AU where they get into a situation where the only way out is to pretend to be a band/performers. [A la that one Birds of Prey song]

Stephanie is on the keyboard (she knows how to play piano and adapted to the keyboard later)

Dick is the singer. Not because he's the best singer bit because his voice best fits the genre they are going to be singing in.

Tim is on the drums because he tried to learn guitar but that failed so he learned drums.

Damian learned violen and when Tim implied that he couldn't play the guitar if he tried, Damian took the challenge and now knows how to play the guitar.

They preform as Nightwing and the Sucessors. Singing some album Dick wrote during his angsty young adult era.

It goes well and they have fun.

When a recording of the performance makes rounds in the hero and connected community. Having ended up with Jason at one point or another from someone else or another. They next time he sees the other for he misnamed them Dick and the Replacements.

It sparks the idea for them to actually record an album. [They don't record any of the songs that they did that night, but a couple months later someone (Tim) references them and suddenly their community talk about the 'forgotten one' all the time.]

They switch who uses what instrument all the time. Always trying to one up the other in skill.

It means that no two songs sound similar.

They have a couple om the nose songs or album names.

Consider with me if you will, Jason referring to Dick, Tim, and Damian as "Dick and the Replacements".

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1 year ago

Yk how Mr. Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne misplaced his spleen.

What if on the hunt for the best presents (for Christmas or birthday you get the idea), Damian found it.

Like The batfamily know Damian is a crackhead with no real understanding of how normal people work.

But like the major the storyline you could make on this idea.


Timothy’s 21 first birthday, and he can’t even drink alcohol (it can be deadly without your spleen).

So everyone searched for a way to make it better by finding the best gift.

Damian just figured why not go get his spleen. His Grandfather (Ra’s) loved trophy’s and it being Timothy’s. He probably kept it perfectly preserved.

Damian also know doctors who can do this surgery with little no issue from the league who would do it as they owe him favors.

So on his birthday, they all gave him presents and so did Damian. Ironically, Damian went last.

Tim opens up the present and sees a jar with his spleen in it with a note -> “Surgery in 2 days no eating or drinking 12 hours before hand. Recovery time is 1 week bedrest. They suggest a month before drinking.”

And Tim would just start crying. Because that little boy who had hated him for years, went out of his way to get him a present although it was his in the first place, and not only a present but something that could fix so many problems and insecurities. He may have not even know the magnitude of that gift.

Tim cried with no explanation so of course Bruce would start yelling at Damian (not seeing what was in the box). And Tim would rock his shit. Scream what the present was. And boom cute fluff story.

Side note -> you could also add like a lot of angst when getting the spleen like have him have to kill someone or getting hurt or doing something like that would add a lot and I mean a lot of good plot.

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1 year ago

5 + 1 idea

The Fives Time's Tim Used the Mantel of an Older Sibling and the one Time a Younger Sibling Used His

1. Nightwing

2. Oracle

3. Huntress

4. Black Bat

5. Red Hood?


1. Damian

It goes like this

1. Nightwing

Angsty. Dick doesn't have a memory and is currently cut off from the rest of the bats and birds because he wants to be, but Nightwing can't just disappear. So Tim takes over as Nightwing. Very similar but new suit and all. Damian isn't exactly happy because well that costume is Dick's, but they come to an agreement based on facts. Damian is Robin, and there is no Nightwing.

Ric [Dick] sees the new Nightwing in action a couple times and it helps with his memory. He doesn't announce he's remembering things right away. He wants to watch his little brother bloom.

Tim struggles a bit because he is on his own (not really, not ever) but it gives him space to start thinking about himself away from the Robin indemnity and as a separate thing from The Batman.

It's Dick not taking the Mantel back right away because now that he is fully back he has some stuff to teach Tim, and Sue him is he just wants to be a very proud and prideful older brother.

So Tim learns more from Dick for awhile.

Ends in Tim handing the Mantel back over to a Dick who is very proud of him and a Tim who is starting to figure things out for himself. Not to mention that this was a chance to grow his skills in ways he hadn't done in awhile.

2. Oracle

Not angsty but still a lot of heavy topics because I can't just allow everything to be all happy.

Tim gets benched for a prolonged period [2-4 months] and he's starting to grow antsy sitting around doing what feels like nothing so Oracle brings him over to the clock tower where he's now being thrown purely into information central.

It's Tim learning the experience of being purely behind the scenes. It's Tim learning to have control over different aspects of being a vigilante/hero. It's Tim learning to let go of control of others. If being Nightwing was an exercise of independence and the skills needed to operate alone in a city with backup not in town, being Oracle is an exercise of the mind and intelligence.

It's Tim learning how to pin villians and criminals down in different ways. To follow trails left behind in different ways. It's Tim learning to delicate tasks to the right people and reintegration into shifting team dynamics and teamups from the background. [Not being at ground zero of it to separate people if needed.]

Tim comes out of the experience with a much greater appreciation for Babs job as a whole, and the ability to operate other positions of a team.

3. Huntress

There are some fields that Tim doesn't understand because he doesn't know. One of those is the day to day small workings of various crime families, gangs, and underground. He knows how they work on a technical level, but there are some things you can only learn by being immersed.

Tim approaches her about learning more. She doesn't like it at first, but this kid has become her kid brother over the years and what the hell he's been through much worse at this point. There is no stopping him once he puts his mind to it.

Tim working as/with Huntress is him investigating from other point of views. Looking at the crime families and gangs and Gotham (and surrounding cities) in a different angle. It's Tim broadening his framework of understanding.

It's Tim learning from someone who toes that line and tests Batman's patience in a way that Batman won't shrug off. [Dick and Babs test Batman all the time but Helena is the black sheep, that is the key difference] She tests some of Tim's morals and his loyalty to Batman. Asks him the hard questions. Not wanting him to hate Batman or turn on him, but just understand another outside perspective a bit more.

Tim's toed lines before and been rewarded or seen as a worthy risk to take [most of the time] but Helena shows him the outside perspective of it.

It's Tim asking personal questions for himself. For his morals and ethics and world views and bias. It's him continuing in forming his own identity separate from Batman but still true to himself. It's him maturing a bit but not falling from his own standards.

It's also him learning the crime families from a different angle. Not the legal or the illegal but the intricate bonds that make up the existence and sometimes coexistence. It's peeling back a layer of Gotham without Batman directly there.

4. Black Bat

This whole thing has been a test in perception. Perception of Independence, of the background, of crime, and now is a test in people.

Tim knows people, he likes studying them. He likes to try and understand them.

Cass shows Tim as much of her world as she can (she won't show all, she is not and will not be cruel)

But Cass tests his senses and his perception using those senses. She tests his perception of people in a way that he may not ever master but in a way that he can understand and learn a bit more of.

It's Tim furthering the independence, and background, and crime understanding. This time abroad.

Cass doesn't always work abroad but she finds that there are many places outside of Gotham that could use her help so she does, and she helps.

This is Tim testing the perception abroad. Applying what he has already learned to new places where things can be very much the same but very much different. There are some things that stay the same and that is people. People will always be people. That is consistent.

This is Tim learning when he does enough or when he needs to do more. It is finding the right balance between being there but not overbearing everything.

5. Red Hood?

Tim had done this with Nightwing, with Oracle, with Huntress, and Black Bat. Maybe Jason deep down felt some sort of duty to do this, maybe he was jealous, maybe he felt like he had something to prove. But well here he is.

A test in independence, background, crime, and people. What did Jason offer? A perspective on Life (or redemption) depends on who you ask.

Jason crossed the lines in ways Helena would never. He mocks the moral code in ways that no one has before, and yet he slowly walked back to that line.

If Helena offered the perspective into how crime works and how it hurts people, than Jason showed the long term effects. The things that wouldn't be fixed quick and easy. Something even Jason admitted.

Jason peeled back the third layer of Gotham.

Tim doesn't suddenly change moral codes or jump to quick solutions, no it reinforces his ideas of long term solutions and while testing his moral code a bit it makes him more steady in this new similar but different enough code he has found himself forming. He doesn't believe in killing bit he understands that this is a privilege he has, for some people that may be the only option.

This is Tim seeing life continue despite the crime, despite ruin and disasters. This is Tim seeing all layers of Gotham, all perspectives of Gotham and the world. Of the city and far beyond. This is the final click in this Tim being separate from Batman. Finally fully moving on from Robin, beyond the bat's shadow and to his own thing.

+ 1 Damian

This is Tim a little while later. Being established away from Robin and Red Robin. This is him settling into his life a bit more and This is now Tim who is being a mentor to Damian.

This is Tim gaining the perspective of being a brother. Not a younger brother or a middle child, but on being an older brother.

This is Tim teaching Damian hoping that Damian won't make the same mistakes he did. This is Tim doing simple vigilante brother things. Doing team ups and slightly wacky training. But it is also them stopping for late night snacks or Tim encouraging Damian to keep his hobbies and his friends and be someone outside of the mask. [Not to forget those things like Tim did.] It is Tim encouraging Damian to be a kid sometimes and find that balance between Robin and Damian.

It's watching some of Damian's firsts as a hero/vigilante [not all the firsts Dick, Babs, and Steph saw a lot of those in the early days] but it's him having that pride of being the elder sibling that taught him that move that is now seen regularly in use by Robin. It's being someone else that Damian can go to when Bruce is being Bruce (he was the one that could lie to Batman.)

If Tim had learned the perspective on Independence, Background, Crime, People, and Life. Damian had taught him Healing.

Instead of adopting one mantle, Tim should adopt ALL the mantles of all of his parental and sibling figures (ex: Huntress, Nightwing, Black Bat). He can spin a wheel to pick which one to use each day.


Instead Of Adopting One Mantle, Tim Should Adopt ALL The Mantles Of All Of His Parental And Sibling Figures

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