Antihuman - Tumblr Posts Abortion is the execution of an unborn child and is therefore not only the harassment and abuse of a minor, it is also murder. The medicine used to perform an abortion literally burns a fetus to death, and if we did that to kids that were already born we would be looked at as satanists and would be like people who sacrifice their children. The argument that the child isn’t alive before birth is as foolish as saying that a child that has been born isn’t alive. Life starts at conception. This not only the slaughter of children, it is anti-human. I don’t think that a respectable website with morals or values would ever want to have something like this found on their pages.
A recent NIH study noted: “The threshold for tactile stimuli is lower at earlier stages of gestation. The pain inhibition mechanisms are not sufficiently developed during intrauterine development, which is another factor leading to increased intensity of pain in the fetus. All this points to the fact that the fetus is extremely sensitive to painful stimuli, and that this fact should be taken into account when performing invasive medical procedures on the fetus.”
i love abortion. i love my friends who have gotten abortions. i love my friends who will have abortions in the future. i love the nurses and doctors who help my friends access safe and legal abortions. i love everyone whose lives are better and brighter as the direct result of safe and legal abortion.