Aomine Daiki - Tumblr Posts

NBA×青火ちゃん!!!!!!♥ ♥ ♥

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Thanks everyone who bought Animalia!! \o/

Evolution of Aomine Daiki (●´∀`●)

Aomine Daiki strip by LizzziebyLisaCosta
Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)

【黒子のバスケ】 ★ 「~somewhere with stairs~」

Dumb sketching idiots. Im sorry tht Aomine turn into blue.

AoKaga month - day 5, Loss (wait i dont even know what Loss exactly mean lol). ———— “Dont worry Aomine, i will always with you.” ———— Looooll wtf am i drawing. Kagami finally become a real angel!! /slaphard Ps. I hate hands Pss. Im sorry
Completely forgot to even request something 😅 got too excited 😂 May I please request some headcanons for the generation of miracles with a s/o who likes to do facial routines with/on them?
A/N : Here it is ! It was really fun to do.
GOM ( including Momoi) with a s/o who likes to do facial routines on them.

First time you proposed him he was really reticent as facial routine and skin care stuff are known to be for girls in our society. Not that he cares much but what’s the necessity for him to do this and wouldn’t he look ridiculous ?
« Y/n-chin are you finding an excuse to do a prank on me ? »
You have to convince a little of the utility of facial masks for him to gives you all freedom on his face but it surely didn’t took a lot of time : just mention sweet stuff like honey and he’s willing to try. It just have to be in the evening after he’s done with everything he may have to do in the day. It’s harder to persuade him if the products have no particular taste.
Yes he’s gonna eat it, he even uses it for his chips and chocolate bar but could you even lecture him about it ? It was a so tempting combination and at least he let on his face just enough to have a semblance of facial mask, isn’t it nice ?
The way that Murasakibara pathetically try to hide himself whenever he would lick the thankfully natural facial product on his face or that he would use his own face like a sauce for his chips always sent you off, making you ascend in the sky because how indiscret he is.
But you forgive him as he’s so cute with his hair tied in the front in two like a little girl with pink pretty scrunchies. It suits him so well that you’re almost tempted to ask him to wear it outside but hey it’s not your fault he looks so good for no reason.
Atsushi is at two strings from sleeping when you apply the facial routine on him as the sensation of your fingers on his skin relax him. His eyes closeted, he appreciate every inch your finger will pass by meanwhile you have fun watching him resisting so poorly against the sleep.
The most satisfying moment during facial for him is when you’re almost finishing and you apply some nourishing oil on his skin. It lowkey put him in the place of a dessert you know like the napping decorating some pastries.
Because it’s supposed to be him after you massaging your face and all, he keep himself awake by eating the snacks he usually bring for the skincare moment but he always watch his hands before touching your face.
His breath on your face smell like candies and he try to have a soft touch on your sweet face forcing his tall and calloused fingers to manipulate things with care.
But somehow it always end up with his big hand taking over all your face and him not being sure about if he did well. He want to press a kiss on your forehead but remember he can’t and do it on your hair.
And then come the time to let the products taking effect, he just watch some stupid videos on YouTube with you if the waiting time isn’t too much long if it is you can be sure he’s gonna sleep like this.
Every time you would be washing your face you would be shocked by how fast he is to remove everything and clean himself just to hug you and proposing you to go to bed together.

I’m sorry but you will have to beg for this one, he’s so entitled to his opinion and pride. It’s not even society perspective, it’s about him, Aomine Daiki, doing such superficial activities like taking care of his face : His beauty and charisma are natural he had no need for this.
But he also wanted to please you and after multiple attempts he finally gives in as he finds you having fun when watching you doing your thing.
That dude can’t stay still when you’re applying stuff on his face, he’s either giggling because of the weird sensations your touches would some time make him feel or because he’s getting impatient and want to watch sports on tv.
His favorite facial care is when he’s applying cream and anti-irritating products with aloe Vera in it after shaving. Other than that all are the facial treatment are same the same to him.
Like Murasakibara he is only willing to do facial routine at night because it’s so tiring in the morning and less fun because you two won’t chat as much or even behave like the crack that both of you usual are because who can’t be that excited just after waking up ?
Please he’s somehow so bad applying products and you don’t get how but it’s probably because Aomine is too lazy to apply it correctly and doesn’t do any effort to improve so it’s always you taking care of him. But sometimes when he feel generous he takes the time to do your mask and tie your hair if they’re long.
Splash water everywhere when you two are cleaning your face as he shake his head in every sense with his towel like a dog. You always stare at him when he does that but he’s always like « So, what’s next ? »
He learnt to appreciate you doing skincare routine on him and with you, just enough to looking forward to it, him being the one on occasion to remind you it was facial routine time. No way you will miss a chance to tease him about it and he’s shutting you up with his hands on your lips.
Not sure he washed his hand before tho… but a just little detail anyway 💀…
Aomine surely let you use his old basketball jersey as a pyjama so you find yourself doing facial routine with it and oh god you never find him boasting as much on these occasions.
Everytime he would be a tad too much bragging to the point it gives you headaches you threat him to send pictures of him with facial masks on the face to all his Teiko friends + Kagami. What does make him suddenly silent.

You don’t even remember introducing Kise to anything, in fact it was probably him who made the first step for you two engaging religiously into skincares routine, since then you don’t miss an occasion with him to share the relaxing moment and you two keep evolving by learning new facial care techniques and discovering products. Making each evening and morning an amusing new experience.
Because Kise has access to a lot of skin products as a model, you two would probably never get out of it as you just need to ask and it’s delivered. Not only that but also the composition and quality of them were without viable comparaison in the local market and some would even be the latest edition from foreigners countries.
But now talking in more detail about how it is to take care of his face/ or both of you sharing a routine let’s say it’s pretty funny to have Kise as a partner : He talks a lot, chitchats and spills the tea about everyone he knows, only time he’s shutting his pretty mouth of his is when he’s applying products.
« Y/n-cchi did I told you about Midorima-cchi ? You won’t believe what I saw earlier on my way home..! »
He let breathes his forehead by putting aside his hair with some hairpins and with almost professional alike delicatness put on your face the mask, doing circulating movements and all, lovingly smiling in the process. He’s not afraid to kiss you on the lips and remove some of it but if it bothers you he’s going for your ears.
Kise pain tolerance is so low he’s whining and almost crying every time he’s doing that cursed black head mask. Even when he tries his best to look manly, strong or whatever just a little bit is retired and he’s on his knees.
Being that sensitive he’s also giggling everytime he can feel your breath on his skin and god you can’t make him stand still no more, you’re laughing with him. But he also know how to appreciate your kind and soft movements on his face with those finger of yours : It’s really funny to poke Kise’s nose.
He probably finds water evaporating methods the most relaxing facial care, apply him a hot towel in the face and he’s in heaven probably sleeping.
Facial care with him are global, taking care of everything in his face : eyes bags, lips, oily skin… If you ask him to he’s probably going to give you his secret for natural eye lined like eyes and long eye lashes.
You two are probably taking photos when doing skin cares and Kise always figures so handsomely in them. But when it comes to take you in photo Kise liking the spontaneity of the instant take you in rather hilarious moment so you look more like a meme than anything else.
Always reminds you that you’re the most beautiful person in existence walking on earth and venerate you.
He always somehow manages to make his hair wet even when backing his front hair with a bandana so the cushion of the bed is always a little wet on a side.
You two lowkey have Team rocket Jessie &James dynamic when doing all this.
Probably know how to do detox drinks and proposes you to share a little with him, also know a lot of teeth whitening recipe but aside from the whole facial care Kise probably sucks about taking well care of his hair and probably put everything he thinks is good. Thankfully it always worked fine till these day.
But you new pajamas on occasion to make the experience more comfortable, feeling stylish when sleeping and doing mask.
You did a lot of shared facial care evening on videos calls when he was too far from home and you would drink tea so neither of you feel alone but you probably would still miss a lot his presence. The unique and surprising sensation of his hands affected by playing the ball so much and rigorously on your skin and the way his fingers would run on your hair and even sometimes on your back just to tease you.
Best massaging skill of all the gom and believe me he’s bragging about it everytime.

You love taking care of yourself and especially your face ? Satsuki is totally vibing with you as she also like to give her some relaxation after all the managering job. She also find fun the put good smelling mask on her face as well discovering new sensation on her skin by using weird recipe or original texture products.
During your skincare routine she always like to bring with her few candies or red fruits that she would probably insist to feed you with accompanied by some very healthy of course tea. She’s also equipped of all useful tolls that you can use during the treatment, Momoi is a good partner for that kind of stuff. Being also of good advice and ready to spend some cash without regretting it on products.
She’s also able to prepare good mask mixtures, it probably counter balancing her lack of talent in cooking. She’s also quite good at making healthy drink and smoothies.
Momoi like to put in background music to add more to the ambiance so you two are often dancing more than anything else and by moments when she’s really putting the budget y’all even have the opportunity to have some perfumed candles.
She talks a looot, like Kise she can’t help herself and spill the hot tea. It’s unnecessary to say you’re aware of everything going on around because of her even of people you haven’t meet yet but oh gosh if only Aomine knew of how much you know about him because of his childhood friend, it was behind reasoning.
And you thought it was finish ? Let her speak just a little more and she’s now rambling about the match she assisted to last week. You watch as she’s deep into her storytelling and being very passionate even imitating the most intimidating basketball player on the court in her cute pajamas.
You have to remind her what you two are doing for her to recall it’s her turn to be all babied under your care. She doesn’t even hide the smile that take place on her lips or the red on her cheeks. You find yourself having fun tying her hair behind, freeing her face and drawing with your finger her lovely and charming features with kindness like she did to you few minutes ago.
Momoi like the most the jade roller on her face or just fruit masks as they smell good and you usually need to let them on your face longer than other things : what lead to more relaxing time and maybe even some cuddling while waiting for removal.
She’s always complimenting you to the point you can believe she’s doing serenades.
Momoi remembers the products that benefits you the most to optimize facial care and choose with intelligence new products. Data analyzing skill are pretty useful outside of the court.
You’ve never seen someone be so satisfied by just water on their face like Momoi. It’s like she had been through a cure and that all bad energy fell down with the mask.
« Y/n, look ! My skin is all soft like a baby now..! Ah I’ve never felt so cute, what about I prepare for both of us a relaxing bath tomorrow ? You know with bath bombs, candles and surely skin care products, I want all my body to be that soft !…What do you mean I am seeking opportunities to see you naked ?! »

Midorima know the benefits of facial care and already have a very minimalist routine but it’s almost like he’s doing nothing that guy really need to be introduced to more but god… You still would have to beg for him to follow you in that as you probably do more elaborated skin care routine.
Society perspective about facial care for men is not what is taking back rather it’s his opinion on superficiality and things he judge time consuming what does represent longer face routine for him.
« What do you think I am ? A fashionista ? Y/n cease this comedy. I am not going to do this. »
I swear it takes even more convincing for him than Murasakibara and Aomine combines but he’s giving in because you have been persistent and his face has started been drier than his hands pls.
« This is ridiculous.. »
He prefers doing facial care in the morning as he have better things to do in the evening he says or rather he’s catching up with all the physical affection he could’ve not give you throughout the day because he’s only able to give it to you proper attention in the intimacy of your home.
Also you’re less energetic in the morning so it’s less draining for him : relaxing and calm as it should be.
He’s very picky about products both of you are using, verifying their composition and all, he even calculate the ratio between the price and quality, Shintarou prefers from far doing masks for both of you at home and you like watching him do them because it’s like being in Science class and watching your teacher creating some weird amazing stuff but Midorima creation definitely lacks originality and most of his treatment are green.
His favorite facial care are everything involving cold on his clothes eye lids or eyes bags. Its where all the cucumbers of the house goes. It’s almost like his vision is improving a lot every time he’s doing this. And you even catch him sometimes sigh in appreciation.
Midorima is efficient and quick so you best believe he doesn’t like long taking effect products and all the chitchat you may try to do during the activity.
« Did I ever said I was okay for a pyjama party ? »
But he’s shutting his ingrate mouth every time he would be graced by your care and ministrations, playing and drawing on his face with mixtures and kissing his beautiful eyes lashes. He’s a red mess if you start kissing him all over his face when you’re supposed to put facial care product on him.
Take quite some time in front of the mirror to verify he didn’t miss any spot, when washing : if you try to steal his glasses during the process you better believe you’re dead once he see you around.
Just because it’s you, he’s using his left refined and protected hand on your face, it’s like being touch by an angel as you’re all babied by him. But unfortunately he doesn’t take long to draw all your facial features making you hunger for more everyday. The only spot he’s taking his time is on your lips corners and when you propose him to kiss you because of his obvious staring he’s embarrassed as hell.
Midorima likes to braid you hair for you to not be disrupted and bothered, he know how to do braid thanks to all the playing time with his little sister.
Overall not that bad of an experience but the ambiance could be far better if he wasn’t so strict and mannered.

Do you see the glow, the softness and tonic aspect of his skin, do you really think he’s not working on it ? If so know that you’re believing in a big miss. Akashi already have his own perfected and elaborated skincare routine. If he want it to be his mansion can be a whole spa.
So it’s quite quickly that you two become buddy partners in it, prestigious products and tools, comfortable space and Akashi knowledge for you. Yes it must appear surprising all of it coming from the perfect Akashi Seijurou but did you really except an Akashi to neglect their physical apparence ? It is a business tool and advantage to look physically appealing and even better when it is as much as the company offers and services.
But even if for him it’s rather an extension of his influential power to take care of his apparence, he still enjoy the relaxing and calming moments as it is. Except him to be in a whole bathrobe when enjoying the ministration he requested from you especially in exchange of his own rather than the one of a professional.
He saw that you enjoy a lot doing facial routines so he think maybe it’s better that if it stay a personal thing between you two, a refreshing moment of the day. But if you want to he’s not hesitant calling professional help.
Command a special bathrobe for the occasion if it wasn’t already done and he’s asking for the most comfortable fabric.
There is always a plate full of fruits if you want to eat while taking care of yourself, if you’re the one to talk a lot Akashi is listening to you and at the same time hold your hand close to him watching you or thinking about what you’re saying. I can see him laying on a sofa or just sitting humbly
You thought he would be ridiculous with a green mask uh ? Seijurou somehow manage to look as elegant and charismatic as always, malicious smirk on his face and cat eye like shaped eyes.
Nice smelling candles to make the experience farther more relaxing.
Akashi enjoy the most water vaporing treatments and plunging his face on a bucket of icy water but unlike Kise and the rest of the GOM he wouldn’t sleep during his favorite.
The sensation of Akashi pampering your face is a premium experience you wish to have everytime, he’s careful and take just the right time massaging and has a talent to focus on spot that gives you the most relaxation but hey pay attention or it’s turning in a shoulder massage without you seeing it.
Best tea at your disposition, you probably finish it quickly and don’t even notice because of how delicious it is.
When it’s your turn doing it for you he’s silent, times to times complimenting you on how you’re doing well but his face and smile say it all about how pleased he his.
He probably bought an hair band for you and eye mask meanwhile he doesn’t even bother to really put his hair backwards.
Never forget to always put chapstick after all of that.
« What about we play some classical music now, Y/n ? Would you like it better ? You must enjoy this relaxing instant and go easier on yourself darling. Taking time for yourself is part of the work cycle for more productivity.»

Artrade for @hazure-cyan 💙
aomine daiki // his pride + joy
part of my “the generation of miracles as dads” series
this is dedicated to @leillee because this is her boi + she helped me out quite a bit w this one <3
under the cut for length :)
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Can I request a Aomine x reader scenario where the reader is super confident but accidentally flirts with everyone so Aomine has no idea that she likes him? But he still gets the balls to ask her out? Thank you! (I love your blog)
hehe i feel like this would happen to aho. the girl he likes I BET will be almost exactly like him and he’d have to go through this. nice request!!
- Admin Pocky
under the cut for length :)
Keep reading
Scenario of: Single dad! aomine who has a daughter from his ex wife met his high school crush at Candy shop as her part-time job beside being a teacher. She likes his kid and could get along with her easily. His love for her (reader) get stronger everytime he sees his daughter laughs and really enjoy his crush company, maybe he tries to ask her out? Thanks babe
No probs babe
“I want that one!”, the little girl giggled as she pointed at the colourful lollipop in the display.
You smiled and took it out for her, handing it to her while pinching her chubby little cheeks.
“Here you go sweetheart.”, you said.
“Thank you, onee-san!”, she exclaimed before devouring the sweet treat.
“Where are your parents, sweetie?”, you asked slightly worried as you crouched down to her level.
“Oh, daddy told me to wait over there at the park but I saw onee-san’s pretty shop so I ran over!”, she said.
This was bad. This girl’s father must be searching for her everywhere. You looked around and tried to identify the little girl’s dad and that was when you saw a tall, muscular figure walk into the shop. He was well built, tanned, his hair was a dark shade of blue and he had these piercing blue eyes. Man, he was hot.
“There you are. Ayaka, didn’t I tell you to wait at the bench?”, he said crouching down to pick the girl up.
You stood there patiently and watched them.
“But daddy, sweets”, the girl whined.
“Where did you get this from?”, he asked examining the lollipop. “Didn’t I say enough sweets for the day?”, he sighed.
“I’m sorry daddy”, the girl pouted and looked down.
The man smiled softly and tickled her sides. “Hey, you better finish that lollipop before daddy takes a big bite out of it”, he said smirking.
“No!”, the little girl squealed.
You laughed softly and the man’s eyes turned to you. You flushed a little and bowed.
“Sorry, I found your daughter in here all alone. I offered her a lollipop and I was going to search for her parents but you already showed up.”, you said.
His gaze sweeped you up and down. “Thank you for taking care of her. Here let me pay for that-”, he said moving to take out his wallet.
You shook your head, “Oh please, it’s on the house”, you smiled.
He sent you a brief smile back and nodded. Ayaka managed to wriggle out of her father’s arms and over to you.
“Onee-san, onee-san. What’s your name?”, she asked holding your hand.
You smiled down at her. “It’s [F/N]. What’s yours?”, you asked.
“I’m Aomine Ayaka! Thank you for the lollipop [F/N]-onee san.”, she grinned.
“You’re welcome. Next time, onee-san will have a huge bag of sweets prepared for you. But you have to promise me one thing”, you whispered the last part, but loud enough for her father, who’s name seemed to be Aomine, to hear.
“You’ll eat only 5 a day and you’ll brush your teeth after you do and eat something healthy. I know candy tastes good, but you need to eat your veggies and fruits to make you a strong little girl. Will you do that?”, you asked while playfully holding her arms up to replicate how strong you thought she was.
She giggled and hugged you, “I promise!”
You stroked her hair and smiled at her. In the meanwhile, Aomine watched in awe. He had never seen his daughter so attached to someone, especially a stranger she had just met. He found you interesting. At the same time, you felt familiar….
“Ayaka go sit there for a while please, I’ll be right back. And don’t go anywhere okay?”, Aomine said.
“Okay, daddy. [F/N]-onee san, can I have another candy, pleaseee?”, she pouted.
You giggled and handed her another lollipop. “Last one, okay?”
She nodded and took her treat and happily left to follow her father’s instructions. Aomine looked over at you and you fidgeted nervously.
“Do I…know you?”, he asked.
You frowned slightly, “Um, I can’t really recall anything”, you said chuckling nervously.
“Wait. Are you [F/N] [L/N]? The one that went to Touou Highschool?”
Your eyed widened briefly. “Well, yes. H-How did you…”
And then it hit you. It was Aomine. Aomine Daiki.
“Wow”, you said breathlessly.
He smirked, “My, my, you have really changed haven’t you? You’ve grown.”
You blushed slightly, “So have you, Aomine-kun”
He chuckled, “Never knew your smart brains would bring you to work at a candy store.”
You shrugged, “It’s just another job apart from teaching.”
“You teach too? That makes more sense”, he said.
“So, you’re married, and you have a kid. That’s…really fast”, you said.
He sighed, “Well, not really”
“What do you mean?”, you asked confused.
“Singe parent”, he whistled. “That bitch left us for some other dude. But that was a long time ago”
You were surprised. What woman would leave someone like him?
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know-”
“It’s alright. It happens”, he huffed.
Aomine couldn’t deny, but the feelings that he felt for you long ago were starting to return. But he wasn’t so sure he wanted you in his life yet. He didn’t want to burden you with a child. But still, the selfish part of him really wanted you.
“Ayaka seems to really like you. It’s not very much like her to get attached so fast.”, he said.
“People always told me I have a way with kids”, you said smiling.
“So, no boyfriend? Fiance? Husband?”, he asked.
You giggled, “No. Not at the moment”
He hummed and nodded.
“Well I think I better get going. I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing each other a lot. Ayaka’s definitely going to drag me back here.”, he sighed.
You laughed softly, “I’ll look forward to it, Aomine-kun.”
“Daiki is fine”, he said before sending you a smile and then walking over to his daughter.
“Alright time to go home”, he said picking her up.
Obviously Ayaka made a little fuss but you managed to calm her down. Aomine, surprised once again, said goodbye to you before leaving. And that was how it all started. He came everyday, bringing his daughter along, and they both adored you. Ayaka would tell you everything, things she didn’t even tell her dad. Occasionally she’d tell you about the silly things that her father did, making you both burst out in laughter while Aomine scowled at the both of you. Then the two of you started meeting outside your workplace. Aomine would take you to a tiny cafe, and tell you about everything that’s been going on, and ask you for your advice on things. The relationship between the two of you grew really fast. Aomine knew that he was in love with you. He just didn’t know how to tell you. Just a little longer. Then I’ll tell her. That little longer went on forever. Until one day you visited Aomine and Ayaka at their house for dinner.
You rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open. You could hear voices coming from inside the apartment.
“Ow!”, Aomine hissed.
“Daddy I told you that plate was hot!”, Ayaka scolded.
“No you didn’t! You just left it there how was I supposed to know?”
“Yes I did! If you listened to me then you would”
“Tch just go put that on the dinner table”
“Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh”, Ayaka mocked.
“Don’t mock me you little girl!”
You giggled at the two of them and rung the doorbell again.
“Shit, she’s here”, Aomine cursed.
“Daddy I thought we agreed on no foul language!”, Ayaka huffed.
“Just go and get the door”, he groaned.
Soon the door opened and you met with a cute little girl in a really pretty purple dress.
“[F/N]-onee san! I missed you!”, she said hugging you.
You hugged her and gasped, “Omo~Ayaka you look so pretty!”
She giggled and tugged lightly on your made up hair.
“Onee-san’s hair is really nice!”
You smiled and thanked her before closing the door, holding her hand and walking inside. You saw Aomine finishing the last touches on setting the table. From the looks of the food, you could tell that he put in a lot of effort. He noticed you standing there and walked over.
“You look….nice”, he mumbled, his shyness getting the best of him.
You giggled, “Thank you. Did you really cook all this?”
He cracked his knuckles proudly, “Mhm. Single dad that can cook, what else could you ask for?”
You rolled your eyes and let out a small smile.
Dinner went smoothly. Ayaka told you about her day, so did Aomine. But for some reason you noticed that Aomine was slightly off. You decided to ignore it and ask him about it later, when the two of you had your privacy. You helped him do the dishes, and then you put Ayaka to bed even though she refused. But you had your ways, so Aomine was relieved. And then, it was just the two of you.
“Daiki are you okay? You seem disturbed”, you asked.
He turned to face you and took your hand in his.
“Yeah. I am. I need to get something off my mind. But I can’t.”
“What is it?”, you asked worriedly.
His eyes met yours and you flushed under his intent gaze.
“[F/N], I’ve had a crush on you since like….high school”, he chuckled. “I don’t know why I never asked you sooner. I hope it isn’t too late now. I’m in love with you, I swear my ass has never been this whipped”, he sighed. “A part of me feels bad, because I don’t want to tie you down, you know with a kid and all. But the other part of me really wants you [F/N]. You’re….perfect for me. You’re perfect for Ayaka. We both love you, very much and we would love, I would love, if you agree to be my girlfriend. Take things slow, and I really hope that you’ll officially be mine one day. So, what do you say?”, he asked rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
You were touched by the words that came out of his mouth. You fell for Aomine since the day you met him at the candy store. And him asking you out was a dream come true.
“Daiki….I-”, you smiled and laughed softly.
“I would love to”, you said squeezing his hand that you were holding. “I love you too and I would be glad to be a part of this. I really would.”
Aomine let out a sigh of relief. “Oh Jesus that was fucking nerve wrecking”
You laughed, you loved this silly side of Aomine. He then leaned closer and bumped noses together with you.
“Be prepared for the best kiss that you’re ever going to experience in your entire life, [F/N]”, he said smirking slightly.
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I hope so, Daiki.”
Whew that was long. I’m really passionate about Daiki >///
Can I request a Aomine x reader scenario where the reader is super confident but accidentally flirts with everyone so Aomine has no idea that she likes him? But he still gets the balls to ask her out? Thank you! (I love your blog)
hehe i feel like this would happen to aho. the girl he likes I BET will be almost exactly like him and he’d have to go through this. nice request!!
- Admin Pocky
under the cut for length :)
Keep reading
Scenario of: Single dad! aomine who has a daughter from his ex wife met his high school crush at Candy shop as her part-time job beside being a teacher. She likes his kid and could get along with her easily. His love for her (reader) get stronger everytime he sees his daughter laughs and really enjoy his crush company, maybe he tries to ask her out? Thanks babe
No probs babe
“I want that one!”, the little girl giggled as she pointed at the colourful lollipop in the display.
You smiled and took it out for her, handing it to her while pinching her chubby little cheeks.
“Here you go sweetheart.”, you said.
“Thank you, onee-san!”, she exclaimed before devouring the sweet treat.
“Where are your parents, sweetie?”, you asked slightly worried as you crouched down to her level.
“Oh, daddy told me to wait over there at the park but I saw onee-san’s pretty shop so I ran over!”, she said.
This was bad. This girl’s father must be searching for her everywhere. You looked around and tried to identify the little girl’s dad and that was when you saw a tall, muscular figure walk into the shop. He was well built, tanned, his hair was a dark shade of blue and he had these piercing blue eyes. Man, he was hot.
“There you are. Ayaka, didn’t I tell you to wait at the bench?”, he said crouching down to pick the girl up.
You stood there patiently and watched them.
“But daddy, sweets”, the girl whined.
“Where did you get this from?”, he asked examining the lollipop. “Didn’t I say enough sweets for the day?”, he sighed.
“I’m sorry daddy”, the girl pouted and looked down.
The man smiled softly and tickled her sides. “Hey, you better finish that lollipop before daddy takes a big bite out of it”, he said smirking.
“No!”, the little girl squealed.
You laughed softly and the man’s eyes turned to you. You flushed a little and bowed.
“Sorry, I found your daughter in here all alone. I offered her a lollipop and I was going to search for her parents but you already showed up.”, you said.
His gaze sweeped you up and down. “Thank you for taking care of her. Here let me pay for that-”, he said moving to take out his wallet.
You shook your head, “Oh please, it’s on the house”, you smiled.
He sent you a brief smile back and nodded. Ayaka managed to wriggle out of her father’s arms and over to you.
“Onee-san, onee-san. What’s your name?”, she asked holding your hand.
You smiled down at her. “It’s [F/N]. What’s yours?”, you asked.
“I’m Aomine Ayaka! Thank you for the lollipop [F/N]-onee san.”, she grinned.
“You’re welcome. Next time, onee-san will have a huge bag of sweets prepared for you. But you have to promise me one thing”, you whispered the last part, but loud enough for her father, who’s name seemed to be Aomine, to hear.
“You’ll eat only 5 a day and you’ll brush your teeth after you do and eat something healthy. I know candy tastes good, but you need to eat your veggies and fruits to make you a strong little girl. Will you do that?”, you asked while playfully holding her arms up to replicate how strong you thought she was.
She giggled and hugged you, “I promise!”
You stroked her hair and smiled at her. In the meanwhile, Aomine watched in awe. He had never seen his daughter so attached to someone, especially a stranger she had just met. He found you interesting. At the same time, you felt familiar….
“Ayaka go sit there for a while please, I’ll be right back. And don’t go anywhere okay?”, Aomine said.
“Okay, daddy. [F/N]-onee san, can I have another candy, pleaseee?”, she pouted.
You giggled and handed her another lollipop. “Last one, okay?”
She nodded and took her treat and happily left to follow her father’s instructions. Aomine looked over at you and you fidgeted nervously.
“Do I…know you?”, he asked.
You frowned slightly, “Um, I can’t really recall anything”, you said chuckling nervously.
“Wait. Are you [F/N] [L/N]? The one that went to Touou Highschool?”
Your eyed widened briefly. “Well, yes. H-How did you…”
And then it hit you. It was Aomine. Aomine Daiki.
“Wow”, you said breathlessly.
He smirked, “My, my, you have really changed haven’t you? You’ve grown.”
You blushed slightly, “So have you, Aomine-kun”
He chuckled, “Never knew your smart brains would bring you to work at a candy store.”
You shrugged, “It’s just another job apart from teaching.”
“You teach too? That makes more sense”, he said.
“So, you’re married, and you have a kid. That’s…really fast”, you said.
He sighed, “Well, not really”
“What do you mean?”, you asked confused.
“Singe parent”, he whistled. “That bitch left us for some other dude. But that was a long time ago”
You were surprised. What woman would leave someone like him?
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know-”
“It’s alright. It happens”, he huffed.
Aomine couldn’t deny, but the feelings that he felt for you long ago were starting to return. But he wasn’t so sure he wanted you in his life yet. He didn’t want to burden you with a child. But still, the selfish part of him really wanted you.
“Ayaka seems to really like you. It’s not very much like her to get attached so fast.”, he said.
“People always told me I have a way with kids”, you said smiling.
“So, no boyfriend? Fiance? Husband?”, he asked.
You giggled, “No. Not at the moment”
He hummed and nodded.
“Well I think I better get going. I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing each other a lot. Ayaka’s definitely going to drag me back here.”, he sighed.
You laughed softly, “I’ll look forward to it, Aomine-kun.”
“Daiki is fine”, he said before sending you a smile and then walking over to his daughter.
“Alright time to go home”, he said picking her up.
Obviously Ayaka made a little fuss but you managed to calm her down. Aomine, surprised once again, said goodbye to you before leaving. And that was how it all started. He came everyday, bringing his daughter along, and they both adored you. Ayaka would tell you everything, things she didn’t even tell her dad. Occasionally she’d tell you about the silly things that her father did, making you both burst out in laughter while Aomine scowled at the both of you. Then the two of you started meeting outside your workplace. Aomine would take you to a tiny cafe, and tell you about everything that’s been going on, and ask you for your advice on things. The relationship between the two of you grew really fast. Aomine knew that he was in love with you. He just didn’t know how to tell you. Just a little longer. Then I’ll tell her. That little longer went on forever. Until one day you visited Aomine and Ayaka at their house for dinner.
You rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open. You could hear voices coming from inside the apartment.
“Ow!”, Aomine hissed.
“Daddy I told you that plate was hot!”, Ayaka scolded.
“No you didn’t! You just left it there how was I supposed to know?”
“Yes I did! If you listened to me then you would”
“Tch just go put that on the dinner table”
“Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh”, Ayaka mocked.
“Don’t mock me you little girl!”
You giggled at the two of them and rung the doorbell again.
“Shit, she’s here”, Aomine cursed.
“Daddy I thought we agreed on no foul language!”, Ayaka huffed.
“Just go and get the door”, he groaned.
Soon the door opened and you met with a cute little girl in a really pretty purple dress.
“[F/N]-onee san! I missed you!”, she said hugging you.
You hugged her and gasped, “Omo~Ayaka you look so pretty!”
She giggled and tugged lightly on your made up hair.
“Onee-san’s hair is really nice!”
You smiled and thanked her before closing the door, holding her hand and walking inside. You saw Aomine finishing the last touches on setting the table. From the looks of the food, you could tell that he put in a lot of effort. He noticed you standing there and walked over.
“You look….nice”, he mumbled, his shyness getting the best of him.
You giggled, “Thank you. Did you really cook all this?”
He cracked his knuckles proudly, “Mhm. Single dad that can cook, what else could you ask for?”
You rolled your eyes and let out a small smile.
Dinner went smoothly. Ayaka told you about her day, so did Aomine. But for some reason you noticed that Aomine was slightly off. You decided to ignore it and ask him about it later, when the two of you had your privacy. You helped him do the dishes, and then you put Ayaka to bed even though she refused. But you had your ways, so Aomine was relieved. And then, it was just the two of you.
“Daiki are you okay? You seem disturbed”, you asked.
He turned to face you and took your hand in his.
“Yeah. I am. I need to get something off my mind. But I can’t.”
“What is it?”, you asked worriedly.
His eyes met yours and you flushed under his intent gaze.
“[F/N], I’ve had a crush on you since like….high school”, he chuckled. “I don’t know why I never asked you sooner. I hope it isn’t too late now. I’m in love with you, I swear my ass has never been this whipped”, he sighed. “A part of me feels bad, because I don’t want to tie you down, you know with a kid and all. But the other part of me really wants you [F/N]. You’re….perfect for me. You’re perfect for Ayaka. We both love you, very much and we would love, I would love, if you agree to be my girlfriend. Take things slow, and I really hope that you’ll officially be mine one day. So, what do you say?”, he asked rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
You were touched by the words that came out of his mouth. You fell for Aomine since the day you met him at the candy store. And him asking you out was a dream come true.
“Daiki….I-”, you smiled and laughed softly.
“I would love to”, you said squeezing his hand that you were holding. “I love you too and I would be glad to be a part of this. I really would.”
Aomine let out a sigh of relief. “Oh Jesus that was fucking nerve wrecking”
You laughed, you loved this silly side of Aomine. He then leaned closer and bumped noses together with you.
“Be prepared for the best kiss that you’re ever going to experience in your entire life, [F/N]”, he said smirking slightly.
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I hope so, Daiki.”
Whew that was long. I’m really passionate about Daiki >///

rating: t
type: fluff + kise runs wild with social media + aomine’s fans are mourning
word count: 1.1k
summary: This post had Kise’s name written all over it, but much to their surprise Kuroko’s in on it too. —Aomine/Reader

Aren’t they adorable?
View IMG.39, IMG.40, IMG.41, & IMG.42
Timestamp: 10:29am
Date: 3.4.21
3934 retweets, 35 replies and 2.4k favorites.
Aomine stares at the post with a blank face for at least five seconds. Then a thin blue brow begins to twitch, and a scowl manifests on his lips after thirty seconds, “That stupid little model!”
“What are you pissed off about now?” she asks from the sofa, nose in a book and her hood over her head.
Keep reading

rating: t
type: fluff + kise runs wild with social media + aomine’s fans are mourning
word count: 1.1k
summary: This post had Kise’s name written all over it, but much to their surprise Kuroko’s in on it too. —Aomine/Reader

Aren’t they adorable?
View IMG.39, IMG.40, IMG.41, & IMG.42
Timestamp: 10:29am
Date: 3.4.21
3934 retweets, 35 replies and 2.4k favorites.
Aomine stares at the post with a blank face for at least five seconds. Then a thin blue brow begins to twitch, and a scowl manifests on his lips after thirty seconds, “That stupid little model!”
“What are you pissed off about now?” she asks from the sofa, nose in a book and her hood over her head.
Keep reading

rating: t
type: fluff + kise runs wild with social media + aomine’s fans are mourning
word count: 1.1k
summary: This post had Kise’s name written all over it, but much to their surprise Kuroko’s in on it too. —Aomine/Reader

Aren’t they adorable?
View IMG.39, IMG.40, IMG.41, & IMG.42
Timestamp: 10:29am
Date: 3.4.21
3934 retweets, 35 replies and 2.4k favorites.
Aomine stares at the post with a blank face for at least five seconds. Then a thin blue brow begins to twitch, and a scowl manifests on his lips after thirty seconds, “That stupid little model!”
“What are you pissed off about now?” she asks from the sofa, nose in a book and her hood over her head.
Keep reading

rating: t
type: fluff + kise runs wild with social media + aomine’s fans are mourning
word count: 1.1k
summary: This post had Kise’s name written all over it, but much to their surprise Kuroko’s in on it too. —Aomine/Reader

Aren’t they adorable?
View IMG.39, IMG.40, IMG.41, & IMG.42
Timestamp: 10:29am
Date: 3.4.21
3934 retweets, 35 replies and 2.4k favorites.
Aomine stares at the post with a blank face for at least five seconds. Then a thin blue brow begins to twitch, and a scowl manifests on his lips after thirty seconds, “That stupid little model!”
“What are you pissed off about now?” she asks from the sofa, nose in a book and her hood over her head.
Keep reading