Archfiend - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Zorgavasionis The Archfiend Of Terror And Misery Joins The World Of Kaikreez And The Vine Gang As An
Zorgavasionis The Archfiend Of Terror And Misery Joins The World Of Kaikreez And The Vine Gang As An
Zorgavasionis The Archfiend Of Terror And Misery Joins The World Of Kaikreez And The Vine Gang As An

Zorgavasionis the archfiend of terror and misery joins the world of Kaikreez and the vine gang as an old rival to Zultau tuloreez, the fiend half of Kaikreez, and has returned for revenge against Kaikreez for Zultau’s sin against it thousands of years ago In the last photo, we cut to a standoff with Zorgavasionis, Kaikreez, and Olundar after the two guys have found Meredith beaten the heck up after attempting to drive off Zorgavasionis by herself since Giganavonis and Torvon were awol at that moment, they barely survive the battle Little misc on zorga there, I based it’s body structure off of beeg boi final boss from MHrise Sunbreak and the mouth off of the demogorgon/eldritch plants i’ve drawn

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2 years ago
Zulkarionis, The Archfiend Of Psychotic Mania, And The Current Youngest Archfiend In The Canon Of Kaikreez

Zulkarionis, the archfiend of psychotic mania, and the current youngest archfiend in the canon of Kaikreez and the vine gang’s story Zulkarionis took over the territory Zultau Tuloreez left when zultau was slain and was almost killed by Zorgavasionis when Zorgavasionis came to reclaim the territory it had lost to Zultau, but now rests in a piece he had kept secured in an upper part of netherlain

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2 years ago
Zaiku Tuloreez, The Brother Of Zultau Tuloreez And The More Powerful Of The Two, Fighting Off Zorgavasionis

Zaiku tuloreez, the brother of Zultau Tuloreez and the more powerful of the two, fighting off Zorgavasionis in the first age and rivaling Erenias savallion until he unfortunately died at the hands of Erenias in a year long battle

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2 years ago
Zorgavasionis Head StudyFelt Like Drawing Zorgas Head For A Reference And It Came Out Pretty Good

Zorgavasionis head study Felt like drawing Zorga’s head for a reference and it came out pretty good

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2 years ago
Abyssal ArchfiendsDecided To Make Zorgavasionis Face Off Against The Thing I Based Its Body Structure

“Abyssal archfiends” Decided to make Zorgavasionis face off against the thing I based it’s body structure off of, Gaismagorm

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2 years ago
Zorgavasionis Headstudy Part Two- Mouth Study

Zorgavasionis headstudy part two- Mouth study

Decided to draw what Zorga opening it’s mouth from the front would look like and did a bit of it’s anatomy in the process Zorgas external teeth are for holding prey in place or ripping off looser bits, the internal teeth usually are reserved for harder bits and the 2 extra purple boney jaws are for genuine ripping into or pulling parts into the internal mouth when the first two teeth types have a hold on them, with the throat mouth reserved for the chewing of what happens to not be shredded going in or to shoot out flame to burn it to ash Zorga doesn’t actually need to eat that often as most archfiends have no need to eat normally, so it’s unknown why it developed the need for so much teeth, but anything spawned from an eldritch being and an archfiend originator is an odd thing in general

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2 years ago
Alone In HellA Piece Depicting Zultau In The Upper Depths Of Sufferalst Known As Netherlain Back When

“Alone in hell” A piece depicting Zultau in the upper depths of Sufferalst known as netherlain back when he still had control over the territory known as the “Grave of Liaminis”, which looks like a red boneyard on a good day (Zultau is not shrunk the landscape is just huge) If you happen to recognize the odd eyed pillar, it is the effects of the archfiend Zorgavasionis’s eldritch originator (parent) from the depths far below even the deepest level of sufferalst, but this was mistaken for Zorgavasionis’s effects, leading to Zultau tracking it down and fighting it for territory

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2 years ago
Dear UncleA Picture I Decided To Draw Of The Eldritch One Gratherathoth, Which Zorgavasionis Is The Spawn/child

“Dear uncle” A picture I decided to draw of the eldritch one “Gratherathoth”, which Zorgavasionis is the spawn/child of being repelled by its technical niece Erenias (Smol dot with the glowing aura) during her mission of forcing neutrality upon the depths of sufferalst, resulting in her not only repelling Zorgavasionis to netherlain, but killing Zaiku Tuloreez and making sure Gratherathoth stayed far below what was considered Sufferalst

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2 years ago
Kaikreez Vs The Spawn Of DualityDecided To Have Kaikreez Do A Plot Relevant Fight So He Gets To Fight

Kaikreez vs the spawn of duality Decided to have Kaikreez do a plot relevant fight so he gets to fight another adolescent fiend that despite both of the fiend’s parents being neutral towards each other, they don’t like each other The spawn of duality emerged from the netherlain after hearing of Zorgavasionis’s emergence, following the terrible archfiend only to find Kaikreez and Olundar had repelled it. The spawn of duality declared themselves the only thing that would beat Zorgavasionis and attacked Kaikreez, leading up to this moment

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2 years ago
Emergence From The AbyssA Story Related Piece Of Very Drained Zorgavasionis Finally Emerging From The

“Emergence from the abyss” A story related piece of  very drained Zorgavasionis finally emerging from the abyss Zultau had knocked it into after climbing for years, it finally emerged...

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2 years ago
"Archfiend Of Atrocities, Baulgorong"

"Archfiend of atrocities, Baulgorong"

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1 year ago
One Of My Archfiends - Leniathan, For My Sketchbook
One Of My Archfiends - Leniathan, For My Sketchbook
One Of My Archfiends - Leniathan, For My Sketchbook

One of my Archfiends - Leniathan, for my sketchbook

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1 year ago
Learning Some More Shading And Brush Techniques So I Experimented On Sargerodine With Them

Learning some more shading and brush techniques so I experimented on Sargerodine with them

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1 year ago
Gave Duality A New Ref/touch Up Since I Havent Touched Them Since I First Drew Them

Gave duality a new ref/touch up since I haven’t touched them since I first drew them

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1 year ago
Baulgorong Was Lacking In Art So I Drew A Headshot For It

Baulgorong was lacking in art so I drew a headshot for it

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