Sunbreak - Tumblr Posts

Kaikreez Astalos! I remembered the sunbreak trailer and realized I had to do Astalos at some point and that was either friday or saturday? Astalos itself seemed pretty easy to draw and I got a good bone armor variation due to how astalos be built If you can’t tell I just woke up and I am delirious to high hell Kaikreez log: “An electric and aggressive rebel approached and did battle with the fiend upon seeing it, engaging in an electrifying battle that made the fiend require it’s abilities, so many more rebels to the crown were soon hunted down and suddenly a rebellious fiend emerged.”

I decided to draw Malzeno since i’ve been simping for the damn thing plus i’ve heard so much talk of it, and it turned out pretty good since I used it’s concept art as reference and it was indeed a nice reference Malzeno going feral and Kaikreez calling it an edgelord for that, hypocrisy
Well i’ve burned through a fair bit of sunbreak already, im at the urgent thats going into MR3 and the only thing stopping me is a crappy switch charger not charging my switch enough :( Also got the final boss spoiled by my youtube recommendations and I hate youtube enough to not use it until I get to the final boss for real

Did not know these two could sleep in the same area and my entire party was watching them

Kaikreez Lunagaron! Been a super long time since i’ve fused Kaikreez with something and I decided to fuse him with a lunagaron and it turned out great for me fusing him again

Kaikreez Malzeno! My personal favorite of the 3 lords of the citadel and the monster I can safely say I simped over before sunbreak came out lol, also added a bit of scenery this time around to make kaikreez look less like he was stuck in a white void

“Abyssal archfiends” Decided to make Zorgavasionis face off against the thing I based it’s body structure off of, Gaismagorm

Stuck with a sketchbook, fused reg mal and its long nose concept art one's head

Kaikreez Amatsu fusion (Redo)

Drew up my Astalos sona Veiha :>

I finally got around to drawing my sunbreak hunter digitally as well as her out of game lore gaismagorm arms :>
there’s just some fics... they never leave u bro. i’ll be sitting on the toilet four years later thinking about the 94k enemies to lovers fic that captured my soul