Elain - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

I realized then that the color of death, of sorrow, was white. The lack of color. Of vibrancy.

- A Court of Wings and Ruin, Sarah J Maas

I don't think Sarah J Maas paid attention in her physics class. "White, the lack of colour". Seriously? BLACK IS THE LACK OF COLOUR YOU DUMBASS.

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7 years ago

Inner Circle Headcanons

Spoiler warning! This is all based after Acowar, if you haven't read the a court of thrones and roses series go read it! Sarah Mass is a writing goddess! I love her books!

-Feyre told Rhys that he didn't know true pain until he wore heels

-Rhys isn't gonna back down from a challenge so he says

-"alright I'll try yours on."

-Feyre: "No! Your fat feet will stretch them out, I like these heels."

-*gasp of utter betrayal* "my feet are not fat, they're gorgeous!"

-"You have sweaty man feet."

-"Your being sexist!"

-Cassian walked in on the conversation and nearly pissed himself laughing

-Mor came out to the inner circle by making a joke about being as straight as pasta or something

-they all stared at her and Feyre was silently plotting threats if any of them dared to say something nasty

-then Cassian yells "I knew it! The only way you would've been able to resist me was if you were gay!"

-Nesta smacks Cassian upside the head

-Amren sips her drink and says it was "about time she owned up to it"

-Rhys makes a joke about her being the gay cousin and gets kicked in the shins by Feyre

-Rhys quickly said he was joking and "would except Mor no matter what"

-Mor is sooo happy but then looks at Azriel

-Azriel smiles, bittersweet, and simply nods

-but that simple nod means the world to Mor

-to celebrate they went and partied at Rita's

-they all had horrible hangovers the next morning

-Feyre and Rhys may or may not have had a quickie in the kitchen

-they also may or may not have been walked in on

-Elain quickly apologized and ran out to bleach her eyes

-Rhys laughed and Feyre glared at him

-Mor somehow convinced Nesta and Elain to go sledding with her because Feyre and Rhys were "busy" finishing up in the kitchen

-everything was fine except for a sudden intervention of a pine tree

-they wiped out big time and came back to the house of wind soaked in snow and covered in mud with pine needles in their hair and splinters in their fingers

-Azriel nearly had a heart attack when he saw them

-He patched them up, giving the girls his signature disappointed mother look

-Elain apologized and started crying for being irresponsible

-Azriel said that it was fine and next time she should try to avoid the pine tree

-Elain giggled and Az was down, like oh man

-Mor saw this and smiled like the Cheshire Cat

-Her and Feyre totally ship it

-Someone "cough cough" Cassian "cough" decided it was a good idea to spike Amren's drink

-she got drunk

-Amren and Mor were the life of the dance floor until Amren disappeared without a trace

-When she didn't show back up in the morning they got worried

-Cassian said to "let her find her way back home"

-Feyre smacked him upside the head

-Cassian gets smacked upside the head a lot

-Azriel found Amren in a fountain

-in the summer court

-with Varian

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2 years ago

A little fandom observation.

By now, if you’ve read CC or HOSAB, you are aware that Ruhn, perhaps the most popular character in the series, was told by an oracle that he would be the last of his line. As in, he cannot have children, by virtue of sterility or death.

So isn’t in interesting that NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, has ever proposed that he couldn’t end up with Hypaxia (previously) or Day (currently) due to his potential infertility.

No one said that he doesn’t ‘deserve’ love, that he doesn’t ‘deserve’ a family, no one proposed that he couldn’t potentially adopt, or be a great uncle. 


Let’s compare this to Elain–who has NOT been deemed infertile by anyone in the book, who may or may not have had her anatomy changed by Nesta, and who may only have a 50/50 chance (or even less) of having a winged child. Elain, you see, doesn’t ‘deserve’ love, she doesn’t ‘deserve’ to be with Azriel, whom she wants and who wants her, she doesn’t ‘deserve’ a happy end. Not because something she did, not even because she was turned, but because potentially, she may have a winged child and does not have the ‘pliant bones’ to push it out.

Of course, Azriel, on the hand, just like Ruhn, absolutely, 100% DESERVES happiness and love and a family and must be with a female that will accommodate his happiness.

You see how crazy it sounds?

Yet people have absolutely no problem accepting both theories, and see no problem with them.

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1 year ago

If this ain’t a scene….

modern!au where the band of exiles+elain go to a bar, get wasted, and the night ends with Lucien singing Don't You Want Me on karaoke while making intense eye contact with Elain

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7 years ago

Struggling between shipping Elucien or Elriel

Struggling Between Shipping Elucien Or Elriel

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7 years ago

The Inner Circle told by Michael Scott















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11 months ago

I don't even want to know what happens in this fandom when the next ACOTAR book comes out.

At this point Gwynriel and Elriel are just ruined for me, i don't dislike the ships, it's just that everyone fights over them. sorry but y'all's fighting is so exhausting. like just let people think what they want.

also don't attack elucien shippers either.

while we're at it, just don't attack any shippers who disagree with you

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6 years ago

I hate Tamlin as much as the next person, I swear, but can we just take a quick sec to remember he plays the fiddle? I'm not asking you to forgive his sins...just to think about this half beast half man playing the fiddle...


He had once mentioned that he would have liked to be a travelling minstrel if not a warrior or a High Lord—now, hearing him play, I knew he could have made a fortune from it.

I shouted over the music, “I don’t need a keeper!” I wanted to spin and spin and spin. “No, you don’t,” Tamlin said, never once stumbling over his playing. How his bow did dance upon the strings, his fingers sturdy and strong, no signs of those claws that I had come to stop fearing … “Dance, Feyre,” he whispered. So I did. 

Through it all, Tamlin and his musicians played such joyous music that I didn’t think the world could contain it all. I sashayed over to him, my faerie lord, my protector and warrior, my friend, and danced before him. He grinned at me, and I didn’t break my dancing as he rose from his seat and knelt before me in the grass, offering up a solo on his fiddle to me. 

Yes, I see the toxicity in the words woven in. I do, but do we remember? When all was good a pure? Even for just a moment? Because Tamiln played the damn fiddle?

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3 years ago

u imagine the HUGE clown face we'll get if SJM makes Elain and Gwyn endgame? Iknow it's impossible because u know I know but OMFG that would be hilarious

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3 years ago

am I the only one who doesn't want Azriel to have a mate?

first LISTEN the whole problem with Azriel's love life is the non-existence of a mating bond, first with Mor and then with Elain

I think what Azriel needs is a love without the mating bond, or at least that he fell in love without the bond snapping in place

He needs to find that love is the fucking same with or without the mating bond

He needs to fall in love, to learn that the perfect person for him should or shouldn't be the person the Cauldron chose for him. Idk if what I wanted to say it's clear, but that's how I think.

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3 years ago

yeah people are always: "do you want Azriel with Gwyn or with Elain?"

Bitch, I want him with me duh

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3 years ago

u know, the least I demand from SJM for ACOTAR 5 sex scenes is that Azriel cut Elain's or Gwyn's bra strings with Truth-teller because that would be so hot 🔥

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3 years ago


If you would want to be tagged, please let me know! All my posts are already published in my AO3.

If you want a specific one-shot, my asks are open!


A Court of Light and Shadows

Chapter 1: Voices

Chapter 2: Reason

Chapter 3: Nerves

One-shot series:


Friendship bracelets


Twister Part 2

Babe, you're only drunk


You can stay, even if it's just tonight

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3 years ago

I'm boreeeed so please tell me unpopular opinions and I'll tell you if I agree or disagree with them

if this flops, I'll delete this account

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3 years ago

I have a very serious question

the days of the week exist in acotar?

because, really, I don't remember reading nothing about: "in Friday we..." whatever

I mean, do they exist in it?

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3 years ago

hi besties!

if you want to read a specifical scene of nessian, gwynriel or any other ACOTAR ship, please tell me in my asks! University starts in October so I've time to write a lot of prompts!

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Unpopular ACOFAS Opinion

Rhysand has every right to be pissed at Nesta. Don’t pull the bull shit “he’s sexist” or “it’s because she isn’t perfect in his eyes” Nesta hurt his mate. And don’t say it has nothing to do with them letting her go hunting because he’s nice to Elain. Elain made an effort to talk to Feyre, to make up for what she did. Nesta on the other hand did not. And she was also the main one who burnt through Feyre’s hard earned money. Nesta cast then them out, used their money with barely even a thank you. And yes I know it was a coping mechanism and that she is hurting. I do not blame her for that. I’m saying that her coping mechanism is clearly hurting Feyre. Hence, it’s only natural for Rhysand to be mad at Nesta. Also do not forget that she treated the rest of the inner circle like shit. Of course Rhysand is going to be mad at her, she is treating his family like shit. Don’t start with the bull shit, “oh it’s because she’s a woman” don’t start labeling Rhysand as sexist because this has zero to do with the fact that Nesta is a woman. Nesta is hurting, yes. I don’t blame her for that. All I’m saying is that it’s perfectly understandable for Rhysand to be pissed at her because she hurt Feyre and is hurting Feyre and has been hurting the inner circle. RYHSAND IS NOT SEXIST. Nesta being a woman has zero to do with it. She is hurting his family, he is going to be mad.

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1 year ago

I'm watching an anime (from 2003) called "Uninhabited Planet Survival" and the main character, Luna, is so Gwyn coded ITS DRIVING ME NUTS.

But then, we also have whom I like to believe is the male MC, Kaoru, and he is LITERALLY AZRIEL

BUT THEN, we also have the secondary characters that are pretty much HALF THE CHARACTERS OF ACOTAR.

Honestly, you want to see how they would survive on an uninhabited planet? Go watch Uninhabited Planet Survival.

I saw it for the first time when I was 12, and now rewatching it on my 20s AND I ALWAYS SHIPPED LUNA AND KAORU.

I was destined to be a Gwynriel, it was written on the stars,

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10 months ago




Heck is wrong with this person?

I love the IC and to each their opinion but this is just messed up. What the heck? This makes me sick.

They deserved worse? Are you kidding me? You're sick to the head writer! Get help

Sweet God, this is disgusting. Block this person and report. What the hell.


I never thought I would actually be making a post like this but what the absolute fuck. So I’ve been reading “A Court of 'It's giving beauty & the beast' and 'Except you can't tell which one is which’” by ALadyOfGoodTaste on tumblr and it’s absolutely disgusting. At first I enjoyed it because Juno was chaotic and funny but not anymore because of the latest chapters I read.


This is absolutely disgusting, no matter how much I dislike the inner circle this is just not okay and the author shows no remorse.


Please do not support this author and spread awareness.

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