As In She's Always Assuming That If I Display Behaviour That She Never Taught Me - Tumblr Posts
Dammit XP
So my mum found out. About the new piercings, that is. XP It was fun while it lasted. In my defence, though, she wouldn’t have found it if she hadn’t insisted on sitting me down and blow drying my hair for me these last couple of days. To be honest, this was a pretty interesting social experiment, in a way. I mean, after the first day, I pretty much forgot about them and kept accidentally touching then (and then proceed to curse in pain) or absent-mindedly turning the earrings, and somehow, no one noticed. At one point I outright twisted them a little in front of my friend, while making eye contact, and she didn’t notice. Goes to show how much people miss when they’re not looking for it. Well. Gonna continue this thing and see which one of my friends is the first to notice, and when. This is fun. XD