Of All Things - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

stomping my foot screaming and crying we are out of orange juice so my dad put WATER in it because its the bottom stuff to thin it out and he put TOO MUCH so it tasted terrible and i didnt want to finish it but he said "drink it you need the liquid" id rather DIE FROM DEHYDRATION THEN DRINK THAT CONCOCTION 😾😾😾

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5 months ago

Last week, I spilled applesauce on myself. When I went to a restroom to clean it up, there was another human in there (blasphemy). Now, here's the thing: I've passed this kid (derogatory) around campus several times since then, and it turns out he's been referring to me as "the applesauce guy".

Of course he has.

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1 year ago

Donatello Apalone Spinifera Hamato, I love you, but if you start bad mouthing geology one more god damn time I will bash your head in with a rose quartz the side of a watermelon.

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1 year ago

guys help this video's thumbnail is fucking killing me—

Guys Help This Video's Thumbnail Is Fucking Killing Me

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7 years ago

Dammit XP

So my mum found out. About the new piercings, that is. XP It was fun while it lasted. In my defence, though, she wouldn’t have found it if she hadn’t insisted on sitting me down and blow drying my hair for me these last couple of days. To be honest, this was a pretty interesting social experiment, in a way. I mean, after the first day, I pretty much forgot about them and kept accidentally touching then (and then proceed to curse in pain) or absent-mindedly turning the earrings, and somehow, no one noticed. At one point I outright twisted them a little in front of my friend, while making eye contact, and she didn’t notice. Goes to show how much people miss when they’re not looking for it. Well. Gonna continue this thing and see which one of my friends is the first to notice, and when. This is fun. XD

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